Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1936)
GATE CITY JCTTT NAL, THURSDAY, FERP.U VRY 27, 1936 DREAMLAND THUR-FRI-SAT. Jeon Harlow, and Spencer Tracey in “RIFF RAFF” Sun., Mon., Tue*., Wed. K IN G M A N .COLONY I’It3 lr. the state. Blue ag terrified seed. Jake Fischer emed; kalsomlning and plastering. Located In Wilson apartments; leave | Car. Ccad Is one of the youngest 2-13- ip. . anil datée ever to seek the office of FOR SALE—Baby chicks and baby work at Ncrcott Service Andrew ! rtate representative. He D a Repub turkeys, all popular breeds Cus McGinnis 2-6-tfo. lican and this is his first venture in- tom hatching. Cain's Hatchery, I to politics. Opposite Post Offloe, Ontario. Ore MRS. ORA HOPE gon. P6 tf. Mrx Ora Hope, present county FOR SALE—Juniper and llr fence NYSSA treasurer decided this week to run posts; four blocks south of depot FLOUR MILL for réélection and her announcement on east side. Louis C. DsBord. 2 - 6 - will be found elsewhere In this issue. ttp Under Mrs. Hope will ask for the Republ- can nomination. FOR SALE— Weiner pigs, $5.00 each. Mrs. Hope Is a resident of Vale O. J. Pinkston, >4 mile north of and has lived there for many years. Kingman Kolony school, ltc. Before entering upon the duties of SALE—10-18 Case Tractor county treasurer she taught school. FOR $300, new magneto, motor com The death of her husband several pletely overhauled, ready for work. years ago left her with three child O. K. Dairy, Ontario. F28tf ren to support. Let us grind your FOR SALE—Recleaned alfalfa seed, flour and feed .. . also DAVID F. GRAHAM two section John Deere Harrow, re-cleaning and treat Judge David F. Graham __ has Indi John Deere riding cullvator and cated his intention of running for All existing records for milk and butter production have been ___ re-election on the Republican ticket dolln Hay rake. John Relk, 6 ing seed grain . . . at smashed by this Holstein cow. Carnation Ormsby Butter King, the new and was one of the first candidates 1111163 Southwest of Nysaa. F27 3tp. reasonable p r i c e s . all time world champion! Her new record, exceeding 38.600 pounds of to declare himself. Judge Graham MISCELLANEOUS milk and 1,400 pounds of butterfat In one year, makes her the only cow has served as Judge for the past six 1 Service at all times. in official history ever to hold both milk and butterfat records at one years. HAULING—All kinds. Oregon and time. In making her sensational record, she bettered the former world's Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow WARREN & SONS mark, unequalled since 1920, by more than one thousand pounds of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison were Phone 38-F3. Jan 16tf. milk She produced more than nine times the amount of milk and but business visitors in Nampa Monday. Ed and Earl Warren SHARPENING —< Scissors machine ter the average cow produces In a year. Managers sharpened; saws shaspened and gummed; tools of all kinds sharp- I Mrs. Conrad Martin left Tuesday to sp?nd a week at Genesee, Idaho, visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs Norton ol John Day are visiting their cousin, Mrs Duvall Mr. Smith, lather of Mrs. Duvall, Is much improved after a serious Ill ness. Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. C. E. Elliott and Mrs. Denny were hostess . at the Kurtz home Tuesday after- j noon for a shower given In honor of Mrs. Anderson. The Friendly Neighbors met with Mrs. Walter Pinkston last Wednes day Mrs. M. M. Creeling was hostess for a benefit bunco party on Wed nesday. The 4-H club boys who have taken up the Baby Beef project have been getting their calves. On Saturday Mr. Hauser went with some of the boys and their fathers to Midvale where they purchased their calves. Mr. M. L. Kurtz will lead these boys In their project. There will be two members from Wade, two from Owyhee and six from the Kolony. Those from the Kolony that have joined are Alvin Duvall, Leonard Nichols. Ivan Zeslger, Anthony Green, Merle Kurtz and Bill Kurtz. The Tastie Cooks held their reg ular meeting last week. Doris Loit ers and Pauline Gowey demonstrat ed the making of a custard. Raisers association at Portland as ROBERT R. OVERSTREET The Kolony students gave a Robert market director. He also served as R. Overstreet announced Washington Day program at the hlslntenUon ^ " w e e k offlTlngTor commodity chairman for wool, live FOR SALE school house Friday afternoon. The the office of County Assessor, vacat stock and packing house products of program consisted of the following: ed by Murray Morton who declares the American Railroad Association. FOR SALE---- 4-wheel trailer made [ song by third, and fifth , by . fourth ..... Overstreet he "does not choose one to of rim.” several Mr. He came to Malheur county ten from Wlllys-Knight car, good | grades; play fourth and fifth ls only years of reclamation work, entered shape $50. See Geo. McMurdle at grades; recitation by Lovena Olas- candldates who wlll llkel enter the the clerk's office as deputy. Fox Service Station. 2-2?-2tp cock; song by first and second , race. JEAN BCRRELLE grades; recitation by Ellen Judd; Mr. Overstreet has been a taxpay- SALE—100 tons of good alfalfa Jean Burrelle, deputy assessor for FOR short history of Life of Lincoln by hay John Reece place on the All Farmers interested in growing Sugar Beets | the past seven years announced this Owyhee. on Chas. Anthony Allen; history of Life ofi , , Schweizer. 2-20-2tp. Washington, Margaret Winters; 1 and beel) a , Prominent com- week that she Intends to run for the GET IN CONTACT WITH Lincolns Gettysburg Address, Claude ")unlty w°rkel' in the Kingman Republican nomination as assessor. FOR SALE—Riverside yellow Sweet Patterson; Longfellows "Ship of ! Rolo"y sectl°n for many ypars Hp She first came to Malheur county Spanish onion seed. H. K. Hashi- State”, Harold Kurtz; recitation, I thoroughly famlllar wlth thp 18 years ago and has had a varied tanl, on old Garrison place, Phone Warren Allen; recitation. La Verne pounty a?d feels that hP pan S6r' p experience in business and public 75F4. 2-27-5tp. H. life. Glascock; play, first and second the >*°Ple 45 aspssor FOR SALE—Federation seed wheat He has been on the school board grades; song, "America” entire She received her education at the $1.25 cash at the granary, you at WEISER, IDAHO school. The program was announc at Kingman Kolony since the dis Idaho Technical Institute, now the furnish sacks. One mile west Owy trict. was organized In 1912 and is Southern Branch at Pocatello, Idaho hee bridge, ed by Elmer Derrick. By Phone or Mail Grover Douglas. 2-20-3tp also one of the supervisors of the and later taught school near Soda Kingman Drainage District. Springs, Idaho. She was also assist FOR SALE—One registered Hol PHONE No. 339—BOX No. 448 Before coming to Malheur county, ant cashier of the Bank at Bancroft, stein Bull calf; 270 egg Charters APPLE VALLEY Mr. Overstreet was a contractor In Idaho and later worked In Portland I lnoubfttor> Kerosene Automatic Residence 533 — 4th W. Street Chicago. In fact when the famous for several years. brooder, chlld'6 bed and dresser. Nell was built In the Windy City. She has owned a ranch In Mal Febl3-27 , i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Slmerman enter "Loop” Overstreet had the contract to heur county for the past ten years Dimmlck. Owyhee. tained at a card party Saturday 1 Mr. haul the steel and had over 100 FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed | and is the sole support of four child 'venlng. Laurel Vertrees and Roy drivers and teams working for him. ren. potatoes, grown from Nebraska , Boston won high prizes. Mr and Mrs. Conley Wilson and HARRY LOONEY J. D. FAIRMAN daughter returned to Nampa Sun Another candidate who has an Another candidate entered the day after spending the past two nounced his intention of making the lists this week for the Republican weeks here. Mrs. John Wilson also race Harry Looney of the Big nomination as county Judge when j Auction Sale came down with them and is stay Bend is section. Mr. Looney, too. ls a J. D. Fairman Indicated his inten ing at her home. long-time resident of Malheur tion of filing. Mr. Fairman is one of The Apple Valley Packing house county, having attended high school the pioneers of Malheur county and Big livestock sale at A m an said to his friend, “GREY finished Wednesday noon. in Ontario with the class of 1909 and for many years played a prominent HOUND” the heck do you 30 much Mr. and Mrs. Tuning and family was the first captain of the Ontario part in the development of Harper. Fayette Auction of Roswell spent Sunday with Mr. football team. He was in business there and made service from your tires. “I buy FIRE and Mrs. Clarence Frltls. After attending business college in many lasting friendships through Exchange Mr. Adams returned from Marsh Portland he returned to Malheur the county. He is well known for his Payette, Idaho STONE TIRES at Norcott’s,” said Grey. field, Oregon, where he has been county and went to work for the Interest in good roads, good gov visiting with his daughter for two Jordan Valley Mercantile company. ernment and the advancement of EVERY Later he was assistant and then Malh.ur county. weeks. Mr. KawRhara and daughters cashier of the Bank of Jordan Val At the present time Mr. Fairman SATURDAY Mary and Geneva were visitors at ley, going to Tillamook In 1922 to lives on a ranch between Ontario work for a bank there. For the past “Where Buyer the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nyssa. During his public career four years he has been operating a and Otanl. he served two terms as county com and Seller Meet” The Townsend club had a program dairy ranch in Big Bend. missioner. An Independent Station and supper at the church Friday A. O. FEN SEE, Mgr. ROY DALEY CARL COAD evening. It appears now that there will be E. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer Nysaa, Oregon Mary Hall was an overnight guest at least two in the race for the Re- The only candidate up to date to toss his hat into the ring for the of Mr. Paula and Barker Sunday evening. . Mrs. Barker and family pub lca" nomination for county the state representative job is Carl were business visitors in Ontario pIplk, Roy Da'6y. present clprk apd H. Coad, young attorney of Nyssa Saturday. .cllarles E Howell, deputy for the Mr coad has been practicing law In Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson and paft plgl’t years, will both run for the former Blr.dgett office for the Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson I county clerk on the GOP ticket , past year and ls a brother of F. E. and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. | Mr Daley llas ,Jcen a resldent o f! Coad of the firm of Lytle and Coad Cedric Caldwell and family were Malh6Ur “ y f°r °yer “ yparf of Vale. dinner guests at the home of Mr. Iand bas servpdas clerk for the past He graduated from the University and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell Sunday. Ipight *rpars' Bf forp that he had ,ex- of Oregon with the class of 1933 with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Shultz and 1 pprlpncp deputy assessor and as a B.B.A. degree and from the Oregon clerk for eight years. During school In 1934 with a Doctor of family attended social meeting dpputy his terms of office he has built up law degree. Later In the of the Y. L. L. Sunday evening a solid circle of friends and ls well Jurispudence same year he was admitted to prac- known all over the county. IDAHO CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS John Wall of Creston Is visiting CHARLES E. HOWELL the Lowes at Mitchell Butte Mr Howell ls also well known, ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS having served under Mr. Daley as Mrs. Tom Lowe Is better now after deputy for the past eight years. He ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED GEMS ls a native of Missouri and served a rather severe sick spell. as clerk of the district court In Mil The Hot Springs at Mitchell Butte ler county; later holding similar —is still the Best seems to hold quite an attraction for postion in Baca county, Colorado. Policy the CCC boys during the cold weath When he came to Oregon he was er. with the Oregon Cattle & Horse DO YOU GET what New Management Several Seek Nomination At Primary Election May 15 ATTENTION 1 1 FARMERS ■■ McLAGLEN j ------------------------------ ^ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL s DIRECTORY V. MUSSER Y ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON J. S. COOPER Business Analysis Accounting Auditing Income & Social Security Tax Specialist. Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON : PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail u» your films. HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon OPTOMETRIST “See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON \ t | J Greyhound Norcott Service Seed Spuds Honesty! MEAT for Health You’ll especially appreciate the healthful, energy-producing effect of meat on these cold days. Can you think of anything better than a sizzling steak, roast or your own favorite cut of meat, served piping hot? Eat more meat, it will help to keep you warm. NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON you pay for when you have vour auto repair ed? —Or do you get Used or Inferior parts, with shims a n d make shifts? CAN YOU AFFORD to have anyone but a qualified, experienc ed mechanic work on your car? Remember, you take no chances here; WE USE ONLY T H E BEST. Bring your mechanical troubles to us . . . E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON O n ion - Lettuce - Carrot - Pea All Types of Commercial Fertilizers WRITE or PHONE Denney R. Hogue, Nyssa, Oregoni, or Tom Eldridge, Parma, Idaho, and They Will Call On You F. H. HCGUE Ny