THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUM E XXX. NO. 8. w _____ GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS LUST RITES HELO NYSSA, O REGON, THU RSD AY , FEBRU A RY 27, 1936 SPORTSMENS MEETING T TO BE HELD FRIDAY I Fastest Growing Town in Oregon $1.50 PER YEAH 1 . L SCHAFER IS EMMETT THURSDAY NIGHT Winning Dot The Snake River Valley School Contest Pleases I Masters met at Emmett, Idaho a t! Sportsmen of the Nyssa section I their regular meeting Thursday, I W. L. Schafer have been cordially invited to at | February 20. About 30 men were j tend a banquet and meeting of the | seated at the banquet table. Malheur County Fish and Oame After the general meeting, super-! Club to be held this Friday evening, Editor Oate City Journal erlntendents, principals, coaches and j February 28 In the banquet room of Dear Sir: grade men met In various depart-! the Moore Hotel In Ontario. The ------- ments. I have experienced many banquet will start at 7:00 and those surprises through life, but you -i . I. c. Those who attended from Malheur sponsoring the affair are anxious to | K e s id e n t H e re S in c e 1 9 1 0 county were Albert B. Hopkins of Carl Baldridge Transferr have the co-operation of as many Four Fail To Escape When handed me the first and only Other Prize Winners Are pleasant surprise eminatlng Price of Nyssa, ed To Work In Power Nyssa sportsmen nas possible. Die« °regon Eidred T™11 Owen from a contest that I have r- . . At _ Hi» Home Early y I Eber Gravel Comes Tumbling Picked By Judges At and Alvin Boark of After the banquet, George Aiken rriday Evening ever received when you sent Harper. Office At Boise will tell about recent developments Down At Pit Monday Close of Contest Sat. me a $16 00 check for first The next meeting will be at Nyssa, as discovered In the Wild Life Con prize in your recent dot count Thursday, March 28. ference he attended In Washington, Funeral services were held Mon K. M. Robinson, President and D. C. in the early part of this Being buried alive was the exper ing contest. W. L. Schafer won first prize of day afternon for P. M. Binkley, 78, General Manager announced today month. Plans will also be made for ience of Ray Mull Monday morning Thanking you very much, $15.00 In the dot counting contest who passed away at his home Fri the following changes in Idaho Pow- the activities of the club for the when a bank at the gravel pit west of I remain most sincerely, which closed Saturday night, turn day evening. His passing removed a . |er Company personnel, effective coming year, stocking of the Owy-j Nyssa caved away and literally bur- ing In the correct answer of 2137. W. L. SCHAFER man who had built many friendships hee dam. the Dunaway bass pond,! ted him alive. Only his hand was U C V Wecincsrtay' February 26 , 1936. After the contest closed, the Judges during Iris 26 years residence here ____111111 other toplcs °f Interest to sticking out and others at the pit J. C. Baldridge, Division Manager started on their task of selecting the end although his health failed him of the Payette Division, will be sP°rt "-men of the county. Everyone came to his rescue and dug him out winners. They opened the sealed In the past year or two, he lived an transferred to the General Office of!;0 ln’ited to come and a good time t Re received a broken foot ln the envelope containing the correct an active life almost up to the end. Dale Garrison Company at Boise where he will jis promlse<1' I experience, swer and then went through the During his active life he followed Wednesday afternoon that nearly ! the special duties. and records to determine Three others narrowly escaped the cost him a middle finger; and be L. assigned the carpenter trade and more . coupons W. Brainard, Commercial Man- I who was entitled to prizes. Judges same fate, and Indeed were covered centiy he had the task of transport- j lndeed If Infection sets In, still has ager of the Company, will succeed | were Louis Wiltshire, Don Graham up to the waist ln th cave-in. They ing mail from the trains to the post- a chance of losing a finger. The ac- Mr. Baldridge were Dave Duggr, Howard Greenup Members of the Community and Dr. C. A. Abbott. office. j cident happened on the hay chopper at Payette, as Division Manager j and Herb Lythgoe. Harold Long, church are planning a genuine old Second prize of $7.50 went to Allen Rev. Boynton of the Adventist: working at the Jim Farmer place R. E Gale, Division Superinten White, third prize of $5.00 to J. N. who was also shoveling with the church •of Caldwell had charge of ¡when Dale got his hand caught In a dent "feed” for Sunday, honor Thomason of Big Bend and fourth of the Boise Division, will be gang, was the only one who escaped fashioned the services at the Community; chain. He was wearing a glove and transferred ing the 80th birthday of O. F. Bacon. to the General Office when the bank caved ln without Mr. Bacon has taught the Bible class prize of $2 50 to Horace Chaney of church, assisted by Rev. Floyd before he could get his hand out of and will succeed Bend. Years subscriptions wore White. Pall bearers were Claude the glove his finger was cut thruogh ________ _____ _ Mr. Brainard as Another good fight card is ln pros- warning. the church for the past 13 years Big won by Chas. Toombs, N. H. Pinker Tire men were getting out gravel in Wilson, A. H. Wilson, Bobby Bums, to the bone between the first and * Commercial Manager and although he lives in Boise, ton and Mrs. C. H. Hoffman. Six J. C. Baldridge became associated J*ct. {or faps °° Tuesday March 3rd for the county and had only seven drives Frank Edwards, John Reece and second joint. over every Sunday and is one months subscription prizes went to h,aU "'llh Clyde more Hox‘ loads to ...— finish the ~ Job when „ a of the most regular ln attendance. Malcolmn Win. Nye. Interment was In the He was rushed to Dr. Sarazin’s of with the General Sales Department I 1 tbe fE“B,es Crawford, Louis DeBord meet Kenny bank, only about nine feet high, slid During the 13 years, Mr. Bacon and June Wilson. Ny sa cemetery with the Nyssa Fun fice, who treated the finger, set the of the Idaho Power Company ln 1925 00 0 eral Home in charge of arrange bone together and wrapped it up in and was transferred to Payette as! uoet’1 _°4. ome“ale ln the main down Mull, who was closest to the has made scores of friends and is Winners were selected according ~?th are boys apparently have g°°d reputa* was competely covered while much beloved by the many mem to the rule which stated, 'In any ments. Due to the almost Impassable splints. He expects to save the in Division Manager in 1929 and has tlons “ and evenly bank, the others were able to extricate bers condition of the roads to the ceme jured member unless infection sets served in that capacity since that matched. Keech has appeared ln the of his Bible class. A special in case of tie counts, preference will be time. themselves with a little aid from vitation tery the last part of the Journey of jln- local ring several times, knocking the is extended to members of given to the entry first received at others at the pit. A. Chadwick Mr. Binkley to his final resting L. W. Brainard is the son of E. C. out Rafferty last summer and and one of the Swarm boys were at his class and friends to be present th Journal office.” place was by hayrack. S. Brainard of Payette and spent his more Pat recently six rounds to a the pit getting out a load of gravel at the class period and later at the The Journal wishes to congratu Mr. Binkley was born in Coke early years there, completing his draw with Guy going Nelson Twin Fails. and helped in getting the men out birthday dinner. The dinner will late all the prize winners and thank County, Missouri on March 1, 1858 grade and high school work at that Hoxwood has built up of quite rep of the pile of gravel; as did Archie start at one o'clock and will be held each and everyone for entering the and had he lived a few days longer place, later attending Whitman Col- utation as a fighter around a Boise contest. We would like to give prizes Howell and Jack Keizer. All of the ln the church dining room. would have been 79 years of age. He | lege. Brainard started work with the j but will be his first appearance tools to all, but Uhls was one contest ln used by the men were lost be moved to Oklahoma during the early Idaho Power Company at Pocatelloln a this NyssaTing which the entrants could not lose as days there and later came to the in 1919 filling various duties with Don Bentley, a favorite with the neath the pile of dirt and gravel. their payment of a years sub Nyssa country in 1910 where he has j the Company until lie was transfer local fistic fans is matched with AUCTION SALE scription entitled them to receive since made his home. red to the Sales Department in the Billy Mathews in the semi-finals. the Journal for 62 weeks at the reg He is survived by his wife, Mrs. One of the nicest banquets ever I Company's General Office. Since These NEXT WEDNESDAY boys have fought before and ular rate. P. 1927 he has been Commercial Man each time the fans saw a real clcse _ M. Binkley; . , two daughters, Mrs. held ln Nyssa was the third annual ager There were dozens of answers very of the Company. B. F. Smith of Satsop, Washington, Masonic-Star Washington Birthday Both are ln good shape and An auction sale of farm equipment close to the correct count. The low and Mrs. W, A Beck of Ahsahka. banquet held Monday night in the In his work as Commercial Man fight. est number turned ln was 2014 and Idaho and a son, Allen Binkley of basement of the Eagles hall. Over ager, Brainard has made numerous can go the six round route at top and oth ir personal property will be the highest, 2289 The contestant Grove. Oklahoma Mrs. Binkley ex- 100 Uckets were sold for the affair. trip to all the towns of the Payette speed. held ne: t Wednesday by A. D. Moses grudge fight will be dished at the farm a half mile east of the The Nyssa basketball team staged turning ln the highest count used a pects to go with Mrs. Beck to visit Guests were present from several Division and has many friends in up A as real magnifying glass to count the a special event. Dean Starr of a come back this week end that re strong for a time at the home of her I neighboring towns as well as mem- these communities. Kolony school. The date sulted dots and must have seen more than Caldwell and Hugh Trellerton of Kingman ln a victory Friday night daughter. is March 4 and Mr. Moses plans for j bevs of the local lodge. seemingly had some difficul Col. Miller of Caldwell to cry the over Emmett and another win Sat the manufacturers of the plate in Mrs. C. A. Moore, who lives near Wider ties rt dance not long ago and sale. ! Leo Hollenberg presided at the Nyssa, urday night with Baker the victim. tended. has been quite sick with friends a seperated The contest proved a popular fea them before they j banquet in the role of toastmaster pneuomlnla, The last game of the season before ture but is rapidly recover- could see who really was the best and we wish to express grate and Introduced the various numbers the tournament at La Orande will ful appreciation who en man. Thy expect to decide that ln rp | j tj i on the program. “An Old Fashioned | lng be played here Friday night against tered the contest. to everyone The comptltlon the ring Tuesday night before the X O H e a l * t v e p o r LI Garden" sang by Claudena Crawford Nampa. was close and the winners deserve Nyssa fight crowd. was acted out upstairs before the Nyssa 27, Emmett 17 commendation for their skill ln ac Rocky Vincent of Meridian, who banquet, by a group of girls includ Nyssa started out strong ln their curate counting. has fought here several times and The next meeting of the Town ing Isabelle Sarazin. Evelyn Ha game against Emmett and took an each time put up a whirl-wind of a send club will be held Thursday, worth. Ellen McConnell, Mary Lee battle will take on Eddie Kane of Captain H. Lee Noe, head of the early lead that was never threaten March 5th ln the Community church Emmott, Louise Tensen, Helen Boy- in one of the preliminaries. Oregon state police ln eastern Ore ed. At tire end of the halt the score at which time Eph Frost will give dell and Marzene Hollenberg. The One of the most successful social Caldwell 18 to 8 for Nyssa. Holly was Nelson and Red Baird a report on the Townsend conven girls also served at the various nights held in many months was “Battling” for the last four and one-half stodd high point scorer with 8, and Bigler both of Nyssa, will fight the curtain gon tion he attended last week end in tables. years, died at his home ln Baker of Emmett scored 4 for his team to Wednesday night ln the raiser. The Dalles, Oregon. For the meeting Treasure Island," a song by Helen j staged Sunday night at 6:20 following an oop scoring honors. The Emmett hall, with the Eagles and March 19th, a box supper is plan Boydell and accompanied by Mrs. Eagle Illness extending over the past five second had little trouble ln co-operating ln putting on GLENN IS NOT A Boydell on the piano and Edward Auxiliary ned. months. He was operated on in St subduing team Firemen were called out Friday the local the affair. Claude Willson was the CANDIDATE FOR Boydell on the trumpet was the next An unusual offer has been made Vincent’s hospital ln Portland ln reading 37 to 8. seconds, the score when a fire broke out in the Fred chairman ln charge of arrange JUDGE OFFICE number on the program and was by the president, D. R. DeGross. ln September and one month later re Woods house back of the Journal Nyssa 22, Baker 20 which he says any time the club has followed by a toast given by Mrs. ments. turned to his home ln Baker. and occupied by the Beers family. A communication from C. W. The evening started with an in a three-fourths turnout of member Dick Tensen. Dickie Schlreman gave teresting program, including Mar Glenn, sheriff of Malheur county Mr. Noe was prominent ln Mal A thrilling game Saturday night The started back of the stove ship at any meeting except "feed a violin solo which was followed by garet Sarazin ln a soft shoe tap was received today ln which he heur county for many years. He was kept a large crowd of fans on edge from fire a defective flue and neighbors night” he will give the club treasury a toast given by Worthy Matron number entitled "Swanee River" stated he was not a candidate for marshall ln Ontario for six years, that aaw Nyssa eke out a two point had the fire pretty much under con $10.00. The membership is expected Miss Hettie Medesker. victory over Baker. Both teams put before the fire truck arrived. sheriff of Malheur county for up a good brand of basketball and trol little Gladeen Fisher ln a tap the office of county Judge. He said deputy to reach the 300 mark by next Mrs. Harry Peterson, Associate and While there was considerable smoke, eight years, sheriff for eight years The Park ln Paree.” j several people had talked to him on dance called meeting and 296 are actually en Grand Matron of the Grand Chap Hinemoa Cloninger entertained with the subject but ln every Instance he and county Judge for six years. Mr. the score stood 7 to 11 at the end of the fire was a small one and very rolled at the present time. Mr. De- ter, Order of Eastern Star of Oregon a ballet-acrobatic dance. A recita- had Immediately advised them that Noe was appointed captain ln the half with Nyssa leading. Nyssa's little actual damage was done. Gross says his offer expires after the gave a talk, followed by a piano solo tion, “Lettle Oawge Washington” he was not Interested and would charge of the Baker district when big quarter was the third frame ln which they boosted their total to 20 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY by Mrs. W. C. Jackson. Wm. W. first April meeting. not consider being a candidate for the Oregon state police force was while holding Baker to four points. As soon as the weather improves, Walker, of Ontario, district Deputy was given by Lester Keizer. CHILD WELFARE CONFERENCE organized. Baker staged a last quarter rally C E. Hansen of Portland and state Grand Master, A. F. and A. M. of Two dance orchestras were present.lhe olllce of County Judge, Captain Noe was a son of Marg *** threatened to grasp victory at The American Legion Auxiliary manager of the Townsend clubs ex Oregon gave a talk, followed by a and played during the program and aret E. and M. H. Noe, who was a that the last moment. Point by point will hold a Arle Child Welfare pects to visit the local unit. A big toast proposed by Chas. E. McCon- i later for the dance. One orchestra OFFICERS MAKE ARRESTS FOR UIQUOR VIOLATIONS Baptist minister ln Iowa and a first they came up while Nyssa checked Conference at Boise, Idaho on meeting will be planned for Mr. nell, Worshipful Master of the Gold- was composed of Archie Howell, Ed ! Warren, A. E. Wimp and Roy Shoe- ------- | cousin of Abraham Lincoln. Follow-_______________________ fiercely and waited for the _____ gun to March 8 and 7th. There will be seven Hansen's visit, according to Mrs. A. en Rule lodge. V. Pruyn, secretary. Mrs. Pruyn also A talk on Washington and the maker with the other was made up Officers swept down on the R ax lng the death of his first wife by end ^ gamej which came ln time departments represented. The State Memorial was given by of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow and Rooms and Raymond Hotel early three:ye^s. Captain N<* was nurx- to the Rame for the loCals says she would like to remind the Washington from Oregon and the other _ . K. . . Aiken, .. _ . . . . . Master . . of . TV iTrc M<»rhprt this mom m and arrested the own- rled rted to Daisy Howell of Canyon City The combination of Pierson and officers Mrs Herbert F*i<ihpr Fisher morning members that prompt payment of Geo. states represented will be ln attend- Worshipful violation of the liquor laws.|eight years ago. The captain was at a forward. Holly at Cen dance. Several of the dues helps the club to pay its bills Acacia lodge, followed by Heart During the program, Mrs. H erbert'^ for unit members Johnston promptly, keep the Townsend move Songs of Washington’s Day by Fisher played a violin solo, accom- They appeared ln court Thursday| member of Acacia lodge of Masons ter and Graham and Cook at guard are expected to go from Nyssa to by Mrs. W. C. Jackson and ¡morning before Judge Williams who at Ontario. ment going strong, and she would worked well and the boys seemingly take advantage of this fine oppor Katherine Young and Mrs. panled Claud Wilson gave a clog dance assessed them a fine of $50 and j The deceased is survived by his have come out of the* lump that hit tunity to learn the National Child appreciate having some of the mem Miss John Young. The banquet closed by Following the program, refresh-i costs each. i widow; his mother Mrs. Margaret E. bers with back dues owing to put the the group singing Auld Lang Syne about the time of the Snake Welfare program. served ln the basement! Cliff Parrish was arrested Wed- Noe of Dee Moines. Iowa; a brother, them money on the line. River Valley Jackson and “Good Night Ladies.” After the ments were nesday night and lodged overnight, Len Noe of Belvedier. Nebraska and played part Tournament. of each game banquet, dancing was enjoyed in the *”dn T u n r e or the e v e n T ™ 111 the city lockup for drunkeness a sister, Mr, Nellie Hays of Hamlin, Poague also got Into the game for and a DIES SUDDENLY EDUCATION COMMITTEE hall above until a late hour. WEDNESDAY EVE HOLDS MEETING SATURDAY Mrs. Frank Hall was in charge of - «■*»*,. * « • at » . Vale. ■ * •— ■- » — = * morning on his * own *• recognition. The Baker second team defeated table decorations, which were ln attend a social night. The education committee of the George Washington motif, using red, Funeral services were held this the Nyssa second team ln a listless Mrs. Anna Sophia Johnson. 80, afternon at 2 p. m. ln the West and game, LOSES SHEEP FROM 40 to 12 to start the evenings passed meeting "sM m day^aT ontario^th white and blue streamers and cand-1 ANOTHER DANCE away suddenly about nine RABBIT POISON and Company chapel ln Baker. The entertainment. Between halves the Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, chairman. Favors were cUwerly eanftrueted SCHEDULED FOR Masonic lodge of Baker was ln girls gym class did some acrobatic o'clock Wednesday night at the C. J. Dresidine Plans were prepared to be chopping block, hatchet and cherry. SATURDAY NIGHT I John Stringer moved a band of charge of the services and Interment stunts that made quite a hit with Ashcraft home In Nyssa. Mra. John S S S d T ^ annuaTmeeting of --y in g o u t the well known George ---------- son Is the mother of Mrs Ashcraft. sheep from the Rex Marquis ranch was ln the Masonic section of Mt. the crowd. She went to sleep last night while March^2l'th AsS°Clatl°n l° ** Eva ltovdell was in charge of the The dance crowd at the Eagles hall to the lambing shed Sunday and lost Hope cemetery. Leave Tuesday eating, the family laid her down on Mr. Kathrvn programs, which had a cleverly pro- has been Increasing and another 45 head from rabbit poisoning that NEW TEACHER FOR The squad will leave Tuesday tor the bed to sleep; and a short time nose pres ‘ w 9haver duced picture of Washington on the dance will be held Saturday night had been put out ln the hills to kill she had passed away. Claypool ay**,l. eh irmam B W Shaver. red ^ white colors, with music by the Cactus Kids rabbits. LOCAL 2nd GRADE La Orande where they will play later Baker ln the second game of the 8he was bom July 17, 1875 at F Elsie i^ w Wa .l^ ter L d and 'M Mrs. r s ^ ^ May ^ R o Roberts b f r is ^ Mrs. ^ Ernest ^ Wilson. Mrs Dick Ten-1 dance orchestra. The orchestra also evening Tuesday. Other games for Vtndlng, Denmark and Is survived and Mrs cxpects to play for a dance Friday Due to the unusually large enroll Tuesday night are Vale vs Wallowa by five children; four of whom live J. J. Sarazin were in charge of night at the Roswell hall. This same ment in the second grade at the In the first gome; Ontario vs Enter at Rexburg. Idaho. Funeral arrange 'ROUND TOWN table arrangements with Mrs. Ray! musical aggregation expects to play local school this year, the school prise In the third and La Orande vs ments are being held up pending ADLER LOW BIDDER ___ after the fights Tuesday night for Emmott, Mrs. Ethel Crawford, Mrs. authorities found it necessary to Union ln the last game of the even- the arrival of the children. ON CONTRACT LET THURSDAY * FEB. 20th Hollenberg and Mrs. Arthur Boydell a dance. divide the class, giving half to Miss- lng Tlie tournament Is being con Dirt starting to fly on new service ln chage of the food. The program EXAMINER TO BE , . . Four Nyssa young men Hettie Medesker and a new teacher. doc ted on a double elimination basis. AUTO HERE H. J. Adler of Nyssa was the low was ln charge of Mrs^ John Young All drivers who are Interested lr. station TOURS., MARCH 9th Miss Margaret Oalley has been hired dashing down the street in undies bidder on the contract let at the rec- and Miss Hettie Medesker. TWIN BOYS BORN to take the other division. Miss Oal . . . Art and Ed Norcott looking for the examination for drivers Mr and Mrs. Merritt Greeling. Jr. lamation office ln Ontario last, ,. . taking is f-om Hubbard. Oregon and is or chauffeurs license, or who wish excuse to go to fight ln Boise (and ley Thursday. February 20. with the bid John Burma» had t r t t o to a graduate of the Bellingham Nor Twin boys were born Saturday left Thursday morning for their finding it) . . . Mrs. Edwards mis renew their licenses are reminded of $6.712. The contract was for th e. Monday night with motocy that the examiner will be at the city laying her pocketbook . . . Edna Burt mal. Before coming to Nyssa she evening to Mrs. Chan Warner; both home ln Yakima after spending their placing of some small siphon pipe on near Payette and «MddM on the hall had five years of experience teach little fellows being healthy speci two weeks vacation here visiting at next Thursday. March 6th from diving Into a mud puddle . . . the Kingman sub-laterals Oeo ' slick highway He received a badly 1 p. m. ing She Is staying at ths Eva Boy- mens. Mr. Warner died last fall the parental M M Oreeling and C. to 5 p. m. for the purpose of H°nly of Nyssa put ln the next low skinned face and numerous bruises examining applicants. C. Hunt homes. from pneumonia. dell home. _ | in the mishap. INARD DISTRICT FOR P. I BINKLEY ALIVE WHEN BANK CAVES IN MONDAY POWER COMPANY Almost Loses Middle llld Birthday Party Planned Sun FIGHTS TO BE HELD TUESDAY Masonic - Star^ Banquet Held_ Monday Night Nyssa Wins Two Ball Games Over Week End Townsend Club Social Night Held At E agles Hall / WINNER OF DOT Capt. H. Lee Noe Funeral Today Firemen Called To Blaze Friday