GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19:336 le Townsend debate will be held HAROLD BELL WRIGHT’S Jake Ator while his parents were Jectlo is to said final account will be Subscribe to the Journal, $1.50 a i ebruary 21st. “Calling of Dan Matthew»" moving. heard and the said final account, year. Mr. und Mrs. Virgil Johnson, Mr. Gwen Smith and Junior De Orofft and report of the Administrators will Chav Lannlng, Erwin Brewer of were absent from school several days be haard and said account settled VOLUME 1. NO. 20. FEBRUARY 20, 1936. ,-vrock and Dave Kent of Ontario, on account of illness. and the Administrator be discharged were all night guests at the Haylett Gilbert Holmes hurt his foot play­ from his trust and his bond exon- STAFF And there In the snow were the rancr while the roads were blocked. ing barket ball Wednesday and wus erateo whole gang: the pilot. Bob Leuck; not able to go to high school Thurs­ W. J. WILLIAM*, HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL day. and the passengers, Colby Poage, Administrator of the Estate of NEW MEMBERS TAKEN Ei.itor .... Raymond Holly Frank Pierson, Harold Anderson and Jake Ator Is working for Lem Wil­ of Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased. INTO AMERICAN LEGION Class News .................. Helen Pond Raymond Graham. How about It, son during lambing. First publication, February 13. 1936 AUXILIARY FEBRUARY 6th V icks C o u g h D r o p Lettermen News Robert Wilson boys, couldn’t you stick? Mrs. John Bowen entertained Sat­ Last publication, March 12, 1936. GAA News ................ Dorothy Lowe Arthur Cook says the scratch urday evening with a Valentine pin­ The American Legion Auxiliary Boys Athletics Colby Poage under his eyes came from a cat held their regular meeting Thursday ochle party having three tables in Harold Anderson scratch, but cats don't have claws a evening, February 6 at the Parish play. First prizes were won by Mr. Girls Athletics ...... Mable Hearron I quarter of an Inch wide and Mrs. Albert Hopkins and con­ hall. Two new members were lnttiat- solation by Mrs. F. S. Byers. Society ............................ Agnes Ray Where did Arnold Slippy get that j ed. Mrs. Merle Johnson and Mrs. Personals .................... Lloyd Wilson nice big shiner? You might ask Edith Bailey. After the business Jack Marshall, Vance Smith and At the Roxy Thearte this Friday- —NHS— "Red” Rust. | meetings the members of the Legion Saturday. Plus Saturday night—Mel- Junior Holmes Joined the 4-H calf WILLPOWER Last Friday the members of the Post Joined the Auxiliary for a social | Vln Douglas In The Lone Wolf Re club last week. Freshman Class received a very ! hour. Hostesses for the evening were 1 turns." Students, D ont say "I cant" a ROCKVILLE NEWS person who says “I can’t" Is usually pleasant surprise. In celebrating ! Mrs. Sid Burbldge, Mrs. Edith Bailey J------------------- The lubricants and the way they are applied; the one who doesn’t care. Instead Valentines Day, Joe Robertson treat- and Mrs. Archie Howell. OREGON TRAIL P. T. A. The meeting for February 20th has say ’’I’ll try” and I’m sure you will ed everyone to a candy bar. Now the the gasoline; the motor oil; the battery, brake, Freshman are advocating a weekly been postponed as members of Nys- prosper. WILL OBSERVE Fahy Tague Is visiting his uncle ignition, tire and other points of service that sa Post and Auxiliary together with Really a person who wishes to do ! Valentines Day. Guy Wise. FOUNDERS’ DAY your car gets— mean the difference between Further Investigation of a report the Vale Post and Auxiliary are to a thing badly enough, no m a tte r! Don Bentley and family have economical, carefree transportation and costly, how hard the task may be, will suc­ Bob Leuck gave In English class will be guests of the Ontario Post, who moved to Andrew Cunninghams have planned a very Interesting Oregon Trail—At the next meet­ lower place. ceed. Of course he will have many be carried out by Bob's classmates. troublesome experience. Four of the Senior's attended evening. ing of the Oregon Trail P. T. A., on hardships to battle with. He may not Mrs. Ouy Wise has returned home "Mid-Winter Institute” at Payette Friday evening. February 21st. from the Ontario hospital where she be able to see his way clear at times, BE SURE—DEPEND ON Founders Day will be be celebrated recently recovered from an attack of perhaps In financial means, or In last week end. KINGMAN KOLONY Seniors will soon know their rank The most popular form of obser­ pneumonia. some other way, but he does not vance of the national birthday Is The Otis Nichols family made a give up. A determined person never In knowledge as the "I-Q" and “Achievement" tests will be given gives up! having a ’arge birthday cake with a trip to Nyssa and Adrian Saturday, next week. Mr. Martin, Miss Jeanette Martin, -ani le representing each year. This returning the same day. Where you are guaranteed the best pro­ You hear the teacher ask a student Who’s the Sporty Guy coming Mrs. Nichols, Miss Agnes Nichols and vear the candle lighting certmony Rockville was visited by a driving a question. The reply is "I don’t ducts and the closest personal attention. They Miss May Beaumont were Caldwell1 will be used. Afterward the blrth lay blizzard last week, blocking the road know.” Why did he give such an an­ down the sidewalk? Inquires Alice. visitors Saturday. never fail to give utmost satisfaction. cake will be sliced and sold to those for about three days. swer? In nine cases out of ten, the As he comes nearer, we discover, its Mrs. Newblll and Mrs. Cotton at­ present. The proceeds are sent to Mrs. Maude Greeley called on teason was beacuse he didn’t care, Bruce Fahrncy. There are a few girls In High tended a bunco party ln Nyssa on help pay state and national ex­ Mrs. Otis Nichols Saturday morning. he wasn't Interested in the subject The children of this community penses. A special Invitation Is ex­ enough to find out before class. The School to whom the term ”1 can take Friday afternoon. Jack and Bill Elliott were Ontario tended to the newcomers of the enjoyed a pleasant evening Val­ student may say. ' Well how was I to It" applies. For instance Bonny wearing anklets visitors Saturday. “Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa’’ district to come and get an Idea of entines day at the school house. know the teacher was going to a sk ... Mabtlock . .. continues , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer and Miss Ruth Miller prepared a Valen­ me such a question?” The teachers 1 Lh,rou?Jh the wintry weather; Ruth he work the P. T. A. Is doing. Mrs. Open Day and Night usually stick to the assignment In Edwards can keep late hours, come Mcs. W. L. Schafer called at the T. < . Holmes will have charge of tine box for the school. Several of the school children the text book. When a parson reads to school and make high marks: T. Elliott home Saturday. Standard Products Plymouth Cars the special program following the Miss Agnes Nichols of Vale spent business meeting. Musical numbers have been absent from school on ac­ hts or her assignment, if there are Vivian Patterson can survive a spill I the week end at home. some thnngs he does not understand on the Ice. will be furnished by the Nyssa Civic count of bad colds the past week. There are three dLstinot platin­ Earl Patterson and George Huff­ Chorus and will Include solos by Mr. —perhaps Just a minor detail or the meaning of some word—look in the um blonds in High School—guess man are chopping hay ln the Kolony Reberger, Malcolm Crawford and I t » » U la C u o h o s lo v a k ia this week. dictionary and see what Mr. Web­ who? Mrs. Roy Kendler and a trio by Mrs. Within tbs famous Old Town Six weeks exams are coming in Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mr. George J. W. Poage, Mrs. Laura Fisher and Square of Pragus is packed tome ster says about it. There are many Light; Mr. 8mlth, Jim Simmons Mrs. Kendler. other books you may refer to. Sb full force! of the moat glorious, and at the and Donald Elliott have been on the students learn to do our school work Last Wednesday evening Mrs. R. same time most tragic, events ln the sick list for a few days. well; and after your school days arc W. Holmes was hostess at a pinochle history of Czechoslovakia. SHEAVILLE Reverend Hovda of Ontario is party. Two tables of cards were ln over, you will naturally succeed holding church services at the Kol­ play. Mrs. F. G. Holmes held high i n other things. And also re­ LEGAL ADVERTISING ony school house on Sunday even­ score for ladies; John Bowen high member the ambitious and deter­ The stages are again running on ings. mined person is the one who wins for men and Mrs. Bowen and F. G. regular schedule after several days NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING his way to fam e!. Marbles are all the rage at the Holmes had consolation scores. of delay by snow. Kolony school at present. During Johnnie Hearron stayed a few - 5 — IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mrs. Alford Ditton went to Cald­ recesses and noon hours the school GIRLS ATHLETIC NEWS STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE well Monday on the stage, returning grounds are full of little groups of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. The date for the G.A.A. tumbling Wednesday with the car. Mrs. Kate boys and girls too, playing marbles. In the Matter of the Estate of and dancing program has been set Ditton and Janet accompanied her. Even heavy snowfalls do no daunt LOUIS E. RUDDY, Deceased. They have been quarantined with them as a broom is always handy for March 6. Notice Is hereby given that the The. G. A. A. members are plan­ chlckenpox at Caldwell. with which to sweep away the snow. Miss Janet Ditton, who has been Mr. Hewitt, teacher of the upper undersigned, W. J. Williams, the ning a program to present before attending high school in Caldwell, grades Is offering prizes ln a marble Breakfast, lunch or dinner, Swan’s bread adds administrator of said estate, has the Student Body Friday. filed hts final account and report la s t Thursday after Tumbling ’has ***" /»reed to quit school on tournament to be held about March delightfully to any meal. Peps up the party and herein, which said final account and 1st. tournaments will be held to practice the new O.A.A. members account oi her health’ the midnight snack, too! Chas. Falen, Jr., who is attending establish the “marble king” of the report, has been by order of the said seemed to dislike the thought of sit- Court, duly made and entered on the school, also champions of the "bull ting down. No. they didn’t get hurt sc* 0} ln spent the weck end 10th day of February, 1836, set for ring,” "small pots” and "purgatory.’ tumbling, just the effects of wooden w * hor” e ^olk hearing, and the hearing, of said Daddies Mr. and Mrs' Prank Halns, Jr., are A prize will also be given for the , ! spending the week in Caldwell where accounts will be had at Vale, ln said The following girls, Alyce Hashitani Mr Hnlns ^ havln dental work best sportsmanship. County and State on the 14th day of Evelyn Haworth, Virginia Miller, done OREGON NYSSA March, 1936, at 2 o'clock P. M. at Isabelel Sarazin and Ruth Ewards Ben Hunt of Nampa spent the past which time and place any and all ob- received their G.A.A. sweaters Tues­ few days at the ranch and attended In time of stress only knowl­ day. There Is no need to say that the stockmens meeting. edge gained beforehand may these girls are the happiest girls prove truly dependable. The Oliver Young of Danner was a around school. added security resulting from j business visitor at the Haylett and - 8 - . adequate information regard­ j Fenwick ranches Saturday. ing necessary arrangements Messrs. Skinner and Sinclair of AROUND SCHOOL can prove a source of com­ ! Danner are shipping about 100 head fort during a time of need. You can tell the one who loses by j of fat cows this week. They stayed at The "Roaring” The Nyssa Funeral Home wel­ the company he chooses, and the bob the Purcer and Fenwick ranches on comes requests for Informa­ sled turned and quickly glided away. ! the way out to Homedale. tion at all times, from any­ Camp I Clarence Mulllnix and Henry Mas* one. enholder were business visitors at VALE i Sheaville Thursday and got their car THE NYSSA which has been there for repairs. MARCH 13-14 FUNERAL HOME ! Mrs. D. H. Haylett and son Fred | visited at the Falen home Sunday. Miss Doris Bryant and pupils cn- t tertalned a few of their friends with Valentine party Friday. Mothers read this: | a Henry Masonholder spent the week HOW TO " K E E P E D U C A T E D ” end with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. R. Strode and child­ Read Dally the World-wide Conatruelive Newi in ren were Sunday guests at the Mc­ The Christian Science Monitor A h International Daily IS ewt paper Connell home. It gives all th« conatruelive world newt but doea not exploit crime and Jack Payne who has been staying acandal. Men like the column, "The World’« Day”—newa at a glance for with Don Stults the past week re­ tha buay reader. It hae intereitlng feature page« for all the family. A Weekly Magaaine Section, written by diatioguiahed authoritiea on eco­ turned to town Monday. nomic, »octal and political problem«, give« a survey of world affaire. (Too late for last week) Tha Christian Science Publishing Society The ION road between Sheaville One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts and Jordan Valley was closed last Please enter my subscription to T h i C hsistian S cisnc * M osrtoa for a period of week from Thursday afternoon until □ 1 year $9.00 □ • months $4.50 □ 3 months $2.23 □ 1 month 75c Sunday by the storm Thursday. The Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60; 6 issues 2Sc snow plow broke down and they had Name . _ . .. . to send to Baker for repairs. The Address_________ ___________________ ____ ____ . A liquid laxative is the answer, mall was taken in with teams and SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST mothers. The answer to all your all travel was held up until Sunday If you are not among the winners of The Journal dot counting worries over constipation. A liquid contest because you neglected to turn in your answer don’t blame can be measured. The dose can be afternoon, when a crew of stalled exactly suited to any age or need. motorists from each way went out us. There’s $30.00 in cash and other valuable prizes for the win­ Just reduce the dose each time, until with shovels and opened the road. ners, but no entries will be received after 6 P. M., Saturday, Feb- the bowels are moving of their own The road crew was back on the Job urary 22,1936. accord and need no help. Monday, and have been running a This treatment will succeed with day and night crew to clear the any child and with any adult. | —' Doctors use liquid laxatives. Hospi- roads tals use the liquid form. If it is best J Don Stults hauled the mail and for their use, it is best for home use. pasengers to town during the time And today, there are fully a million | the stages could not get through, families that will have no other kind p^ed Haylett and Don Stults have The liquid laxative generally used been helping on the snow Plm*'. No matter if your home has been built for is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It is while they were working double several years, it can be made as modem and con­ a doctor’s prescription, now so widely j shift. venient inside as a new one. known that you can get it all ready >rhe jo n grange was unable to for use at any drugstore. hold their meeting on Friday. Feb­ You can do it at moderate cost— and do it ruary 7th on account of the storm. right. Talk it over with us. HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL The Right Service Means Everything To Your Car Standard Service POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Fresh Bread Peps Up Any M eal The Swan Bakery El Campo Rugiente THE DEADLINE I FEEL FINE On the Journal Dot Counting Contest is Saturday at 6 p. m. Your Last Opportunity To Enter The “Dot Contest” Let Us Build Convenience Into Your Home ACT NOW! Before It Is Too Late GOOD INSURANCE Is Not Cheap CHEAP INSURANCE IS NOT GOOD Insure with a Reliable Agency Frank T. Morgan — PHONE 31— REPRESENTING Insurance Go. of North America Aetna. Liverpool. London and Globe WE SUGGEST Hardwood Floor« Finiah Attic More Cloaeta Social Room in Base- Built-in Work Kitchen ment Install Fireplace Insulate Against Cold and Heat The winning number may be your count—The sealed envelope will tell the story. Now is a good time to pay up your subscription and get a chance for one of the prizes. There is only a short time left— turn in your answer before the deadline. Winners Will Be Announced Next Week “WE SELL COAL, TOO’’ Boise-Payette Lumber Co. PHONE 13 Dwight Smith, Manager Nyisa, Oregon THE GATE CITY JOURNAL