Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAI, P ublished A t Nyssa, O regon VOLUM E XXX. G A T E W A Y T O T H E O W Y H E E AND BLACK CANYON IR R IG A T IO N P R O JE C T S N O . 7. F astest G row ing Tow n in O regon N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 20, 1936 RELIEF LABOR *Agricultural Outlook Conference Started ASSESSORS SET TO BE USED FOR A t 10 O'clock This Morning In Ontario VALUATION FOR CITY PURPOSES TAX PURPOSES $ 1 .5 0 PER Y E A R VALE CELEBRATION TO BE POSTPONED UNTIL MIDDLE OF MARCH INTEREST PICKS UP IN COUNTY POLITICAL RACE The El Campo celebration sched uled to be held In Vale on February 28th and 28th has been postponed The Malheur county Agricultural I various groups are: Agricultural Ec- i various committees will be iieard in until March 13 and 14th, on account Outlook Conference started this ! onomlcs, P. Tensen; Farm Crops, J. the afternoon followed by a round of spinal meningitis at the Vale CCC morning in the Moore Hotel in On H. Russell; Small Seeds, Hans Oft; table discussion. camp. It was decided that it would tario and will continue Friday, Vegetable Crops, Ray Garrison; Tlie purpose of the conference is be better not to hold any large Wen E xpected T o Go To starting again at 10 o'clock in the Weeds, D. M. Taggart; Dairy, Jake to consider facts relating to Mal \sse3sors H old C onvention gatherings until all possible danger P rim ary D ate Is M ay 15th morning and lasting until 3;30 Fri Fisher; Poultry, M. L. Judd; Live heur County agriculture and after W o rk M onday O n Tasks day afternoon. Addresses were given stock, Fred Trenkle; and Horticul the consideration of these facts, to W ith F in al Day F o r F il In O n tario L ast W eek of spreading the disease was past. This show, sponored annually by plan a program which will bring the P rovided By T he City this morning on "The Outlook Con ture, P. M. Boals. ing Being M arch 30th — T a k e T rip T o Dam ference Idea, Its Origin and Ob ths Vale firemen, has always proven Tire conference will open again greatest return to the farmer. In jectives," by Frank L. Ballard, vice- popular with folks in this section Malheur county there is almost a director of extension, O. S.C. and Friday morning with separate group and all will look forward to cele The Malheur County Relief Com "Malheur County Agriculture and meetings to be followed by an ad- 100 per cent increase in farm lands Interest In politics has picked up The Eastern Oregon Assessors brating with the Firemen on March due to the completion of the Owy mittee b taking care of 71 cases In Some Problems Which It is Facing" at an astonishing rate the past week met in convention at Ontario last 13th and 14th. j dress at 11 o'clock by Paul Carpen- hee and Vale projects, and it 1s Nyssa at a cost In January of $608.33, by R. O. Larson, county agent. with rumors, announcements, denials I ter. Extension Specialist in Market- thought that unless the devel >p- Tuesday and the valuations set at it was brought out Wednesday by and political maneuvers taking place that time have Just been announced. | ing. O.S.C. on "The General Outlook Oroup meetings were held start ment of this increased acreage is Chas. P. Fisgel, committee chairman over the county. Several candidates Merchandise was set at from 50 to who appeared at the Commercial ing at 11:15 and will continue all for Agriculture, Land Utilization carefully planned, it will upset mar 75 per cent; combines, threshers and have made definite announcement j and Farm Credit.” Reports from the this afternoon. Chairmen of the keting of other agricultural features. Club luncheon to explain the relief of their intention of entering the machinery at 50 per cent. Lumber situation. All able bodied persons re race and others are reported to be was set at 50 per cent of 85 per cent ceiving relief are required to work on the verge of throwing their hat of the total Inventory at the rate of out their allotment, If there is work in the ring. The primary election $4.50 for rough lumber and $6.50 for available. Mr. Flegel pointed out that date is May 15th this year and can the finished product. D O T C O N TEST Ontario and Vale were using their didates must be filed by March 30. For cattle, the rate was set at $30 Passage by congress of an appro ENDS SA TU R D A Y relief labor to advantage and he for beef cattle, $20 for registered priation bill providing close to The race for county Judge Is apt •migrated that Nyssa take steps to cows and $15 for common. Range $300,000.000 for use by the AAA in to be quite a contest Judging from Much Interest has been put this labor to work. cattle at from $20 to $25; yearlings winding up Its crop control pro the reported candidates. Judge David shown in the Journal’s dot, at $10 and bulls at $ 20 . In a conversation Thursday morn grams invalidated by the supreme Graham announces elsewhere in this counting contest and you are Nyssa fight fans had a fleeting Funeral services were held this Work horses were set from $20 court, removes all doubt that Oregon Issue that he will be a candidate for ing with George Aiken, mayor of reminded that Saturday at 6 j giimpse of Boise's “brown bomber” to $60; saddle and pack horses from contract holders will be fully com re-election. Others who ore reported Ontario, he said they were using all j afternoon from the L. D. 8 . church o’clock is the deadline for fil in the person of Sammy Brown $15 to $20; range horses, $12 and available men and had been using in Nyssa for Mrs. E. C. White, who pensated for compliance already to be seriously considering entering ing your entry. If you need a j Tuesday night at the fights in the stallions at from $50 and up. Work performed th m all winter. One of their major | passed away Monday afternoon at prior to the rendering of the race are J. D. Fairman, Rex copy of the paper containing I Eagles hall, who flitted around the mule valuations were set at $20; $15 projects has been keeping the ice one o’clock from a complication of Marquis, E. M. Grieg and Virgil the court decision January 6 . the dots you can get an extra ring like a dark shadow and whit for pack and range mules and $50 out of the sewer drains and another heart disease. Luther Fife of the L. Staples, present state representative. copy at the Journal office. Estimates vary as to the amount tled Don Shields down to his size in and up for Jacks. Frank Morgan lias been mentioned was cleaning a drainage ditch in the D. S. church was in charge of the Judges for the contest will be due Oregon farmers under these two rounds. From the opening gong, eastern part of Ontario. A crew of services and burial was in the Nys Valuations placed on sheep were contracts, but officials of the Ore for the office but denies that he in Dr. C. A. Abbott, Lewis Wilt and even before that, the outcome were $7.50 for bucks; $2.50 for com 15 men have been working all winter sa cemetery. The Nyssa Funeral shire and Don M. Graham. gon State college extension service tends to run. C. C. Hunt has also was never in doubt. Sammy, with a mon sheep and $1 for gummers. cn the Ontario airport and whenever Home was in charge of arrange Checks will be sent the win believe the figure for old ocntracts been mentioned as a possible candi perfectly expressionless face, ham Goats will be assessed at the rate of it tnows, a crew is set to work clean ments. ners as soon as the Judges de alone will be around $1,340,000. Some date and Sheriff C. W. Glenn has ing the snow off the streets. Another mered away at Shields, opening a $3.00 each. been urged to make the race. Mr. and Mrs. White and children cide the winners and an estimates have been even higher. cut under Shields eye Just as the Job completed this winter was cut came to the Nyssa country last The only candidate who has defin Brood sows were valued at from nouncement will be made next To this total may also be added first round ended. In the second $5.00 to $10; feeders and stock hogs ting weeds and cleaning up the On March 20th from Mill Bill, Utah, and week of those to receive the payments for compliance by wheat itely decided to enter the race for Sammy sparred around a bit, then tario cemetary. Numerous small Jobs have been living on the old A1 at 4c a pound. Bee valuations were growers on the new program con state representative Is Carl Coad of cash prizes and subscription drove home a blow that felled the set at from $2.00 to $2.50 per stand. have been done for the city and Mr. Thompson place. Sarah Luslna credits. DON’T FORGET TO tracts, applications for which had Nyssa who will run on the Republi white boy for a count of nine and Chicken valuations will be $20 a been signed and compliance made can ticket. Other candidates are ex Aiken stated that they felt they White was born at Mill Bill, Utah BRING YOUR ENTRY IN were getting value received for the on January 12, 1898 and was Just 38 a moment later, he went down again hundred on commercial flocks only; by winter wheat growers. Nothing pected to declare themselves later. BEFORE 6 O’CLOCK SAT city's share of the expense, which Ls years, one month and five days of from one of the negro’s vicious turkeys over two dozen at $10 a definite has been announced as to URDAY. A circuit Judge is to be elected this furnishing the tools, transportation, age at the time death overtook her. Hows. The bell rang before the dozen and foxes at $ 20 . this group, however, and further year and Chas. W. Ellis, who was i ¿. materials if they are used, and the , referee finished counting but he was appointed to the position when Judge After the business of setting the word is awaited. She is survived by her parents in workmens compensation insurance. "ua.Me to come out for the third valuations, the assessors were taken BUY NEW CARS Utah; four brothers Floyd, Max ! In preparation for cleaning up the Wood died over 14 months ago, has One of the three regular city em • u r 1 and Referee MllHkln raised to the Owyhee Dam and later in the past obligations of the government declared his Intention of running Samuel and Thelbuln, all of M ill! ployees is given the Job of supervisor. Four new cars have b e n sold re- -e egro’s hand in victory. day enjoyed a banquet at the under the crop control program for re-election. Robert Lytle of Vale Bill; two sisters, Mrs. Camporria of j Tn e preliminary survey of the re tly in this end of the < unty. Tn- 7” i semi-final between Buddy Moore Hotel. Harry Oreene of The Oregon officials have been notified has been mentioned In connection California and a sister Mrs. Fern lief ro'ls Wednesday afternoon, it 1 rds and Jake Green, both of Dalles was named president of the \ from Washington to return records with this office and Edwin Hicks of Jensen of Mill Bill. She also leaves • ded in the purchasers is a Chev- wo 5 found that Nyssa had approxi t 4 door sedan to Bill Hipp; a y— , attracted the most Interest association for the coming year and i and materials to county control as- Canyon City has also been mention her husband and seven children, i mately 30 able-bodied men on the id turned out to be a, real attrac- Chas. Mack of Klamath as secre -1 sociatlons and have these proceed ed. Mr. Hicks is now in Portland as Alma, Winna, Rex, Vaughn, Kath ’h vrolet town sedan to Paul Hatch relief rolls, many of whom were will | of AdriRn, a Chevrolet town sedan dp The two boys fought cautiously tary. The next meeting will be hed , with the work much as they had assistant U. 8 . attorney. ing and anxious to work for their ryn, Harold and Sarah Lou. The to Ted Newton of Adrian and a ’I the first few rounds, but both at Tlie Dalles. Roy Daley present county clerk, been doing under past regulations. sympathy of the community goes allotment if Jobs were provided. will again seek the Republican nom out to this family who suffered such Chevrolet town sedan to Chas. John- 1 rul'd some vicious blows in the Meanwhile congress is working on The funds for taking care of re a loss. on of Big Bend. frequent mixups. The fight was close new agricultural adjustments legis ination. Mr. Daley has served the lief cases under the Malheur County ; out according to the referee, Ed lation built around federal aid in a county for eight years and the last Re’ief Committee comes half from METHODIST EPWORTII LEAGUE vard . was leading by a slight mar soil conservation program which is time he was up for election, was the county and half from the state, gin when Jake caught him with a expected to accomplish some of the without bposltion even from the op MID-WINTER INSTITUE or in other words, a large percentage | hard one that put him on the floor purposes of the 3-A crop control pro posing party. Up-to-date there has HELD AT PAYETTE cone' directly out of the pocketbook for a count of nine. Groggy and grams. It contains many features, been no announcement by Demo of local taxpayers. Ontario has the hadlv hurt. Buddy staggered to his in fact, toward which the AAA was cratic candidates seeking the im most relief cases, having 145; Vale feet and tried to keep away until his gradually working in the transition portant clerk’s office. The Methodist Epworth League has 75; Nyssa 71; Adrian 11; Harper i I ead cleared, but Green caught him E. M. Brumbach, present county from the emergency to a permanent Emmett will meet the local bas Mid-Winter Institute held at Pay Westfall 13; Jamleson-Brogran 8 ; j | with another haymaker that again ket ball team in a double header on policy of agricultural adjustment commissioner will likely be nominat Wel 3 er section 4 and 11 scattered ! ette last week end was well attend The County W. C. T. U. met in ed by his friends to run for re-elec over the county. Cases under this ed with ten going from Nyssa and Ontario at the Baptist church on , put him on the floor, but the bell the Nyssa floor Friday night, the and cooperation. ; rang ending the fourth round before rirst basketball game on the local A financial report lias Just been tion. although he says he is not an nine from Apple Valley. On Friday committee are not to be confused. evening a Valentine banquet was Tuesday of this week. The meeting the count could be completed. floor since Vale played here on Jan- issued showing total exepnditures of active candidate at the present time with WPA labor. WPA workers, em- ; served by the Payette League and on honored the birthday of Francis Thinking Edwards was out for the uary 25th. Dope would seem to the AAA from its Inception in May, but would make the race, if nomin p’oved on projects approved by the Saturday regular Institute classes Wil'.ard, founder of the W. C. T. U. ‘■vening Millikin raised Green's hand favor the Emmett team who took 1933 to the end of 1933. The total ated. federal government draw their pay the locals into camp last Friday, 33 amounted to $1,480,057,51325. Of the were held, the general theme being: The meeting was opened by Mrs. for a technical knockout. Murray Morton has definitely de in cash while those under the com The Efficient Epworthian. The In Leon Higby, county president of The fight between Ike Milligan of to 23 In the varsity game and de total approximately 1100 million dol cided not to run for re-election as mittee get commodity orders on the stitute ended with a party in the Nyssa, and the morning session was Payette and Jack Leonard of Boise feated the local second team, 36 to lars wns paid to farmers for rental assessor and several have intimated local business establishments. and benefit payments. About 75 mil their intention of running for this Methodist church gymnasium at given over to reports and routine was another good fight. The boys 13. Several ideas have been advanced Fruitland. lion was used for removal and con office. Among them are Harr/ Those attending from business. Reports were given by the j nixed fre°ly and the fight was about Baker Here Saturday Night as to how Nyssa could use this labor,! Nyssa were Vivian Patterson, Eldon publicity director, Mrs. Hazel Glldea even when Milligan nailed Leonard servation of surplus, and 157 million Looney of Big Bend, C. C. Coats of A close contest is in store for Sat for drouth relief food conservation including sidewalk construction when Morse. Allan White, Vera Benton, and county treasurer, Mrs. A. V. with a hard left to the chin and fol Vale, S. J. Clemo of Ontario and the weather permits: cleaning up Zeola Benton, Alice Hashitani, Bil Piuyn, both of Nyssa. Plans were lowed up with a one-two punch that urday night according to compar and disease eradication operations. Mrs. Jean Burrelle, preseht deputy ative dope when Baker will play on discussed for raising money and th? cemetary, cutting brush and lie Louise Qlasgow, Lucille Benton, About 78 million was used in admin assessor. Chas. Overstreet of Nyssa I put the Boise boy on the canvas for the local floor. In a game played at istration, 60 per cent of which was weeds from little-used streets and i Crete Marie Foster, Mabel Brooks. each union is to raise $13 on the ■ a knockout in the third round. Is also reported to be in a mood to Baker three weeks ago Baker nosed alleys, cleaning up alleys and vacant They were accompanied by Rev. five year five point plan, which is a spent in the field and 40 per cent at enter the field. Tony Prantl of Boise a newcomer lots, removing snow, cleaning side- j White who taught a class on "Social memorial to Francis Willard, found the locals out In the last few min Washington. Mrs. Ora Hope, present county I to the Nyssa ring, started out swing er of the oragnizatlon. walks, working on the city well, and and Economic Relations.’’ utes of play by a score of 25 to 27. The report for Oregon shows ben treasurer is expected to run for re- ing from the floor in his fight with A covered dish luncheon was held filling holes in streets and alleys, j The Bulldogs are out to even the efit and rental payments in this election and no other candidates at noon with about forty present. Rocky Vincent and for a time look - 1 score Saturday night and shake the state amounting to $7,808,769.08 un The council expects to meet In the Mrs. W. A. Austin is very ill with near future and plan some projects pneumonia this week. Her daughter, The afternoon session was opened ed as thought the Meridian fighter j Jinx that has been pursuing them der the wheat ($6,807,716 29) and have appeared to date. Th race for county school super to put the men to useful work. The Dorothy, has returned from Fruit- by Mrs. F. A. Everett, past county might not be able to weather the for the last four games. com-hog ($1,001,052.79) programs president. Items of Interest were s’orm. However two rounds w a s; After the Baker game there is but Malheur county farmers received intendent is apt to be a four or five men will probably be asked to report land and Is caring for her. read about Francis Willard. Mrs. enough to wear Prantl out and he one more game before the boys go j during that period a total of $87 cornered one. The office on non for work Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cantrall and Lloyd Richardson gave a talk on the was forced to quit, entirely out of | to La Grande to take part in the 739.41 divided as follows; wheat partisan and names will appear on both Democratic and Republican ROOF FIRE CALLS son of Ontario were Simday dinner five year five point program. Miss wind but unmarked. Fans were district tournament. Nampa will $42,565.83; corn-hogs $48,173.58. ballots. Albert Hopkins, Oregon OUT FIRE DEPARTMENT j guests at the Andrew McGinnis Hodson sang a solo accompanied by generally of the opinion that a few play a return game here Friday, Trail teacher has announced and Miss Sills. Other musical numbers : weeks training would put Prantl in February 28th and the boys go to La home. Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, present in were enjoyed. Mrs. Blngman pre- |sape to give anyone his weight a Orande for the tournament March cumbent is expected to run for re- srnted Mrs. Floyd White with a good argument. 3, 4, and 5th. The boys will play A roof fire at the Bill Vinerdon election. Mrs. E. M. Crall of Vale medal f o r winning the Silver Alf Parrish won the curtain raiser Baker in their first tournament house Wednesday noon called out Mrs. Edith 8 hoemaker of Juntura Medal Scripture contest. Mrs. Trox- with Clyde Green of Arcadia the j game. the fire department. Application of are also expected to file. ell of Ontario gave a talk on “Nar I loser. Green put up a game fight a little chemical soon had the small cotics.” The meeting was closed by ' against the more experienced fight- STORE OPENS The sheriff's office Is still an un blaze under contro. The fire started Mrs. White. The next county meet i er and was still swinging at the final known quantity. Should C. W. from an overheated chimney. FOR BUSINESS ing will be held at Harper on May bell. Olenn decide to try for the Judge- Another small fire at the city A rousing good time is planned 13th. The next fight card was announc pump house called the fire fighters Elsewhere in this Issue of the for the next Eagles social night to ship, it will leave the field wide The Commercial Club met Thurs ed for Tuesday March 3 and Kenny Journal will be found the opening be held Wednesday February 27th. open. Chas. Leavitt, present deputy, out Monday evening about 6 ; 30. A day night in the basement of the CIVIC CLUB MEETS Keech and Clyde Hoxwood have announcement of P. B. Halverson Claude Wilson has been put In might enter if Sheriff Glenn decides covering over the chimney to keep Eagles hall for their regular month been tentatively signed for the main on the opening of the Halverson charge of the program and he has to run for Judge and Don Graham, out snow clogged the chimney and ly meeting, with a good attendance. The new year books were given out | event. Don Bentley and Billy Mat- Food Store. The store has been a ______ Nyssa mayor, is rumored to be the result was lots of smoke but no President Fletcher presided and sub lined up ________________________ an evenings entertainment thinking seriously of becoming a Wednesday afternoon at the Feb- r?al damage. jects of interest to the welfare of | ruary meeting of the Civic Club held j hews will probably fight the semi busy place the past two weeks, with ¿hat" will "be reidly "worthwhile. The candidate in such a case. Nyssa were discussed, including side . at the Eagles hall. A short business final with a supporting cast ar- the interior being re-modeled, paint program will last over an hour and J. Edwin Johnson is expected to FIGHTING BRINGS walks, sugar beets and land settle [ session was held before the program i ranged to make another real fight ing and redecorating taking place. will include numbers not usually file for county engineer to succeed SUSPENDED SENTENCE ment. card. The store will be open for business found on a program including | hour. Mrs. Betty La Frenz had himself but no candidate* have act Saturday morning. comedy skits, dance numbers, novel ually announced themselves for this During the program hour. Miss charge of the program. Miss Hin- Ted Beard was brought before ty music and other features. After Cloninger gave several Justice of Peace W. J. Williams Hinemoa Cloninger entertained with rmoa Mrs. Laura Fisher and daughter the program, there will be refresh office as yet. Wednesday and charged with fight two dance numbers and the “Cactus Hawailn dances in native costume Gladeen were dinner guests of Dr. ments and dancing. COUNTY MUSIC FESTIVAL ing at the dance Saturday night at Kids” dance band played several sel ! end explained each dance. Some of and Mrs. Geo. Davis In Parma Sun All Eagles, former Eagles, friends PLANNED FOR APRIL 17 the Eagles hall. He was found guilty ections. Refreshments of coffee and her small dancing pupils also gave day. and their wives are Invited to at and sentenced to 60 days in the sandwiches topped off the evening. dances, including Gladeen Fisher, Dogs caught In Herb Fisher's hen tend the affair. The idea of the The Ontario American Legion and In the discussion regarding more who gave a solo and Col?en Towne house . . . Joe Hardin gets fishing rovnty Jail and a $50 fine but the social night is to put pep into the fin» was suspended and Beard par sidewalks for Nyssa it was brought and Margaret 8 ara 7 ln. who gave outfit, for a dime . . . Tom Eldrldge Auxiliary were hosts to a card and organization and to have a good A music festival, with one number oft shoe dances. Mrs. E. Cloninger dancing party Wednesday night, in out that WPA labor could be used, oled to officer Art Cook for a per '«ys its first down and ten to go . . . time, and the affair for next Wed- expected from each school of the 1 read an article on the life of George viting members of the Nyssa and providing the property owners furn iod of a year. j Shiny new padlock on local rooming j nesday night was planned with that county, will be held April 17th at the ished material for the sidewalks. Washington. Art pupils of Miss Eva . . . Roy Pounds telling sand- Vale Legion and Auxiliary. About Vale Community Hall, according to thing In mind. The principal drawback, it was Bovdell gave instructive talks ap- ! wioh story . . . Hank Fields planning fifteen attended from here. DANCE TO BE HELD announcement by Mrs. Kathryn SATURDAY NIGHT brought out. is the fact that the ! predation and displayed four pic j a chicken stew . . . Slim McLlng Among thoee from Nyssa who at Claypool, county superintendent. Enrl Warren arrived Wednesday weather is not favorable for side tures of the famous artists Ferris, l having experience with Idaho traf- from Yakima to make his home here. tended the party for O. 8 .C. alumni Entries are to be mailed to the showing three pictures of Washing- walk construction at the present Another dance is planned for Sat ! flc officers .. Warmer weather tak- He and his brother Ed Warren have and friends at the Moore Hotel in chairman, Dora Crouter of Vale, be urday night in the Eagles hall, with time and when th? weather breaks, I f-n and one of Lincoln. Mrs. 8 . B , ing snow off rapidly and pedestrians taken over the management of the Ontario Monday night were Oeorge fore April 3rd. The festival is plan j D- vis was hostess for the afternoon music to be furnished by the "Cactus all the available WPA labor is ex i detouring around sidewalk lakes . . . Nyssa Flour Mill which has been Reberger. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hop ned especially for the rural school*, Kids" dance orchestra. The public is pected to find work on the sewer l end was assisted by Mrs. C. Kllnk- with the city school* filling in. kins and Berwyn Burke. run by their father Phln Warren. lenberg and Mrs Robert Vest. construction. invited. MRS. E.C-WHITE PASSES MONDAY AAA CONTRACTS WILL BE PAID SAMMY BROWN WINS IN SECOND J TEAMS TO PLAY HERE THIS WEEK COUNTY W.C.T-U. HOLDS MEETING SOCIAL NIGHT IS PLANNED CLUB DISCUSSES CITY PROBLEMS ROUND TOWN !