APPLE VALLEY NEWS Landlngham and daughter, Mr. and C L I F A V I I I F m i TOI F Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and children, s t 1 t A V 1 L L t L U U r L L and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Johnson and MARRIED O N Mrs. Ous Ostermelr returned to Duane were all present at the home McCall Friday. o f their parents Mr and Mrs. Lloyd DECEMBER 23rd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frltts and Caldwell for a big Christmas dinner Ô P family spent Christmas with her and reunion. % « t , : parents Mr. and Mrs. James Tuning. Mr and Mrs. Ed Slmmerman and Dorothy Alp was taken to Nampa Grace Goolng spent Christmas with Sheavllle—Miss Pern Ooblskey of Tuesday where she underwent a his parents Mr. and Mrs. 81m- Wilder and Fred 8. Haylett were minor operation on her ear. married In Caldwell at the home of merman of Caldwell. X. A. Frltts spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens who Rev. B. W. Rice on Monday, Dec his son, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Frltts have been visiting In the east for ember 23. The bride Is the daughter and famly of Vale. the past two months arrived home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coblskey, and a former resident of Sheavllle. H ie Glen Van Landlngham returned last Friday. from Canada early Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. LJoyd Barnett were groom Is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Haylett of Sheavllle morning and spent Christmas with Caldwell shoppers Saturday. The young couple will make their his wife and daughter who have Forrest Reed returned home been visiting with her parents here. from Marslng to spend the holiday» home at Sheavllle. A free dance was They left Thursday for their home. with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oene given for a large crowd at the Cow Creek hall. A "tear-drop" test car stopped^motor car permformance. Several of Troy Goolng left last week for Reed. Miss Janet Dltton. Chas. Falen briefly In Nyssa at the Powell Ser these cars have been put on the Portland where he planned to spend Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frltts and the holidays. During his absence his children were visitors at the home and Chas. Masonholder are home vice station Monday noon, piloted road by the McQuay.Norrls com­ by W. A. Bartlett, test engineer of pany, each a different type. In an daughter Grace will stay at the of Mr and Mrs. Stanley Stout Sun­ from school for the holidays. Miss Shirley Bardsley Is spend­ St. Louis and J. W. Broubay of the effort to discover the relative ef­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simmer- day. Grace Goolng entertained several ing the holidays with her aunt Mrs. Salt Lake Hardware Company. The ficiency of various body types. The man. car drew considerable attraction, car which stopped at Nyssa was a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ellerbroeck young friends of this community Frank Halns, Jr. and son Oscar spent Christmas at and Parma at a party Saturday Ray and Evelyn Biltzor of Nampa and the operators were called upon V-8 Ford with a "tear-drop” body the home of Mr. and Mrs Oarl evening. spent their holidays at the home to answer many questions. The built around It. The front end Is Miss Lucille Stevens of Hood River of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. purpose o f the car Is to test motor built of shatter-proof flexible glass Muntjewerff of Big Bend. performance on the road the driver and the entire design Is built with Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and returned home to spend Christmas D. H. Haylett. said, and the car Is equipped with the elimination of wind resistance daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mr. and Mrs. E. Falen and fam­ many delicate instruments to check in mind. Stevens. ily of Huston were Christmas guests Junior and Walter Birks were at the home of their parents Mr. visitors of Marvin Stout Saturday. and Mrs. C. F. Falen. cold water. Take from the fire, cool Mr. Kahara and children of Notus Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Falen have and beat until creamy and ready to spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. moved Into their own home on the harden. Add nuts, pour on buttered Henry Otanl. upper part of the Knight ranch. plate, mark In squares. Mrs. Lenls Wilson was called to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haylett and By Mrs. W. W. Foster Honey Popcorn Balls Caldwell by the serious Illness of her mother Mrs. Crosswhite Friday. Mrs. D. H. Haylett were business 3-4 cup honey; 3-4 cup sugar; H happy cup water; 1 teaspoon salt, 3 quarts Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wilson of visitors in Nampa Saturday, return­ N€W Many requests come to us at of popcorn or 2 packages of rice Nampa spent Christmas with her ing In time for the dance. Dick Malloy and Don Stults were Christmas time f o r healthful VCA« mother Mrs. Nellie Nelson. krisples may be used. Mr. and Mrs. Nedro and children dinner guests at the Haylett home candiae. made with honey, so we Cook sugar, salt and water (stir print some good ones. of Aston, Idaho, arrived Monday to Christmas day. until sugar is dissolved) to very Frank Halns Sr., was a business Honey Caramels spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. brittle staged (300 degrees). Add D. A. Rogers. Mr. Nedro Is a broth­ visitor at the Halns ranch Monday. 2 cups honey, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup honey slowly, stirring until blended, er of Mrs. Rogers. Clyde Stults went to the Holmes evaporated milk, 14 cup butter, few Cook again until the thermometer Best Wishes | registers 240 degrees or about one Mrs. Ray Danforth of Wilder Glover ranch to feed cattle. Mr. grains salt. for a Cook sugar, honey, salt rapidly to mlntue. Pour over popcorn and visited at the Matzen and Ilams Clover left last week for a trip to Prosperous homes Sunday. firm ball stage (250 degrees). Stir oc- form into balls. Wrap In heavy wax California. Billy Danforth is spending the Year Omer Stanford has been quite 111 caslonally. Add butter and milk ed paper. gradually so the mixture does not holidays with John Iiams and Allen for a few days the past week. Honeyed Fruit Stubs in 1936! Reed. Mrs. Gertie Dltton and sister Jes­ stop boiling at >any time. Cook Orange peel, honey, salt, water sie Payne visited at the C. F. Falen rapidly to firm ball stage (252 de­ Remove peel from 3 oranges, cut peel grees) Stir constantly so mixture In strips. Cover with water to which home Thursday. LINCOLN NEWS will not stick, our Into buttered pan, 1 teaspoon of salt has been added. cool thoroughly before cutting Into Boll 30 minutes, drain, cover with ARCADIA squares. Wrap Individually In oiled fresh water, boll until tender. Drain Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall paper. add honey enough to cover from 3-4 spent Christmas week In Nyssa. to 1 cup. Let simmer very slowly Honey Taffy Ml.s;( Ruth Neilson of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long were 2 cups honey, 2 cups sugar, 2-3 cup until peel Is clear, about 45 minutes. Miss Kathryn of La Grande spent dinner guests at the Bullard home cold water, % teaspoon salt. Lay on waxed paper and let stand Christmas with their parents. Monday. Boll the water, honey and sugar 2 or 3 days before using. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Redsull and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard gave to hard ball stage (288 degrees). Variations: family spent Christmas at the Tom a Christmas dinner at their home. Add salt. Put on buttered dish, cool Grapefruit peel and lemon peel Redsull home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. then pull. Cut and wrap. may be simarlary prepared. A number of the young folks have John Carr and family of Weiser, AND PROFESSIONAL Fruit strips may be rolled In coca- Honey Lollipops grange dance both Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and fam­ 14 cup dried prunes, (4 cup dried nut or nuts; New Year’s eve. ily, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Long and Peel may be coated with confec­ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed spent sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mull, Mr. apricots, (4 cup dried figs, (4 cup tioner’s chocolate. dates, 1-3 cup honey. % cup raisins, \ __________________________/ * Christmas eve at the Rogers home. and Mrs. Chas. Splawn and A1 ■4 teaspoon salt. Peel may be chopped and used In Mr. and Mrs. Ed Du Pre spent Bohy. cookies, nut bread or muffin mix­ Let dried prunes and apricots Christmas with the Ed Casto family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke oalled stand In boiling water for five min­ tures. In Harper. at the Lloyd Orris home Sunday. utes, drain. Grind all fruit In food Miss Sophie Crulick was also a visit­ Miss Hooka Atagl was an over­ ROBT. D. LYTLE chopper using medium course knife. night guest of Miss Kae Uriu one or. Add honey and salt. Mold into balls. attorney night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard made Roll, In chopped nuts, cocoanuts or And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW A numbr of the young folk have a trip to Weiser Sainday to take SERVICE dip In melted fondant or chocolate. First National Bank Building been going to the slide nearly every their grandchildren home after a May be put on sticks for lollipops, and Phone 68 night. few days visit after Christmas. wrap In cellophane or waxed paper VALE OREGON Mrs. H. C. Nelson and Miss Kath­ Price Parson and his brother Jim R EPAIR S. . . Honey Divinity ryn called at the Rogers home Fri­ of Prairie City were dinner guests at 3 cups sugar; 1-3 cup water; 1-3 day. the T. Mathley home Monday. Let an expert figure on your cup honey. 2 egg white, pinch of salt The Misses Joy Hawkins and Vel­ plumbing repair work. Before Boll together the sugar, honey and ma Moore attended the party of Mrs. S. J. Elingood of Boise, form­ zero weather, get your furnace water until the syrup spins a thread the Nazarene young folks Monday erly of Nyssa, has Just recovered Anna B. Pritchett In good shape, or If you are when dropped from a spoon (about from an operation tor cataracts. night. without this modem conveni­ 250 degrees). Pour the syrup oyer D. O. ence . . . let us show you how the well beaten whites of the eggs, easy it Is to have a furnace In­ beating continuously and until the stalled and pay for It on the mixture crystallizes. Drop In small OSTEOPATHY budget plan. pieces on waxed paper. One cup nut —And— meats may be added. Honey Fudge ELECTROTHERAPY GEO. J. KINZER 2V4 cups sugar, 114 cups choco­ late cut fine; hi cup honey, 1 cup PHONE 201 There are two things to consider when buying Insurance . . . rich milk or cream; 1 cup nut PARMA PHONE 134-J-2 First—Is It safe insurance? . . . and Secondly—What Is It go­ meats. VALE - - - OREOON Cook until it forms a firm ball In ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you r “Tear-Drop” Test Gar Stops Briefly In Nyssa Monday Noon Using Honey KINGMAN KOLONY Mr and Mrs. Bill Toombs and | daughters. Miss May Beaumont and C. M Beaumont were Christmas ; dinner guests at the Conrad Martin home. Mrs. Duvall’s mother. Mrs. Smith of Echo, Is visiting at the Duvall home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Call (Eulalia Schaefer) spent Christmas with Mrs. Call’s parents the W. L. Schaefer family. Mrs. Susie Johnson, Mrs. Dollle McCreary and Fred Snively were dinner guests at the C. E. Elliott home Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. A. T.. Patterson and Jimmie spent Christmas day at the Sandy Patterson home. Word was received here last week that the Sullivan Jordan family were at Relates, Texas. Mrs. Mary Nichols and family spent Christmas day at the James Lane home. Mr. and Mrs. George McLafferty of Nyssa were New Years day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schaefer spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. , Liiicghon and family of Star, Ida. Quite a large number of people from the Kolony attended the dance at Big Bend Park Christmas night. Coasting and hockey-bobbin? la being enjoyed by the young folks. Church News METHODIST CHURCH Floyd E. White, pastor Sunday School 10 o’clock. The be­ ginning of a New Year and a new quarter in our Sunday School studies. Come and be a part of our school. There is a class for you. Morning Worship 11:15. Setmon Subject: Methodism. Its Birth and Scope. Holy Communion following the sermon. Eworth League 7 o’clock. Pauline Wolfe, leader. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Bible Study group Wednesday evening at the parsonage at 8 o'clock. R O X Y Sun, Mon. Tues. T h» gran d *« ! ro m a n o * *00» w r i t t e n ............ RKO A lexan d re Dum as’ « A D IO P iC fu r* Mack’s Barber Shop wmm y 1» - „ . LL W I N T E R ! BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sure Protection at Lower Cost Plumber When your car’s in shape, it’s much safer to drive. Let us see that your car is greased reg­ ularly, has the right kind of oil and your radiator has a filling of Prestone. Defrosters help your driving and a heater will add to your comfort. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Standard Products w JA N U A R Y 36 “ s — l PORTRAITS OF Q U ALITY Expert Kodak Finish* ing. Mail us your films. heater .Insurance 1 2 “Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don” 1 A DON M. GRAHAM, Manager CONTROL WYCKOFF 4 COLDS . JEWELRY STORE >5 Official Time Inspector for Union Pacifie When Colds Threaten. Oregon OPTOMETRIST "See McFall and Seo Better" If a Cold Strikes . Vicks Va-tro-nol helps Prevent many Colds Vicks VapoRub helps End a Cold sooner At the first warning sneeze or nasal irritation, quick!—a few drops of VicksVe-tro-nol upeach nostril. Espe­ cially designed for nose and throat, where most colds start, Va-tro-nol helps to prevent many colds—and to throw off head colds in their early stages. If a cold has already developed, use Vicks VapoRub, the mother's standby in treating colds. Rubbed on at bed­ time, its combined poultice-vapor ac­ tion loosens phlegm, soothes irrita­ tion, helps break congestion. Often, by morning the worst of the cold is over. Follow Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds ( A helpful guide to fewer colds and shorter colds. Developed by Vicks Chemists and Medical Staff; tested in extensive clinics by prac­ ticing physicians—further proved In everyday home use by mil­ lions. The Plan is hilly explained in each Vicks package. DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON JL . 1 3 ' T F S 2 3 4 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 4 n 1 5 1 6 1 7 I a 1 8 /■* r - 26 2728293031 Nyssa Insurance Agency H e lp in g Y o u r F a m ily to B ette r Ontario 6 In a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. Ontario, Oregon 3 5 w 1 ______ I STUDIO Guarantee Work T M from 20% to 481-3 per cent on your Insurance and at the same time, give you Insurance that Is SAFE and SANE . . Plymouth Cars VkksOpen House, mi* C }r«td7*IO & ie.m ery Monday 9:30 P. u . (* . » . T .) N B C coati-to-coati M illio n V ic k A id s U se d Y e a rly f o r B e t t e r C o n t r o l o f C o l d s ”H ow can I pay all these bills at once?*9 During January FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY T his Is th « ana w ar! We m ake Personal L osor en ablin g o n . to pay off his srou m iileted bills in o u « fell sw oop . T h e borrow er repays th e loan In 13 equ al m on th ly in sta llm en ts— thus surely and system atically p u llin g h im se lf ou t o f d ebt. T h e Interest, rate is m oderate. By su ch a service, wo help people pay paet due accou n ts and thus preaerse their good c r e d it— also h elp th e m m eet em ergencies " d grasp op p ortu n ities. JUNE JULY AU G U ST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JOE F. DYER, Manager IRAL C. NELSON, Assistant Manager Ontario Branch Let Us Figure With You On Any Printing You May Have o f th e United States National Bank The Gate City Journal o f P o r tla n d H e i d Office. Portland, O n g o n “ It’s Our Business To Help Your Business”