Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1935)
TH E G A T E C ITY J O U R N A L THURS., DECEM BER 19, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keele of Vale LEG IO N were visitors in Nyssa Wednesday afternoon. Buy from our advertisers and get real satisfaction ! W LOCAL NEWS ïr to s Ctux*£- ea sy af M Mrs. Z«na Ramhaul spent Friday visiting In Parma. Tlie Wesley Brown? business visitors In no y fís Sr BALDRIDGE’S Make your Christmas gift» Practical this year . . . W e list here just a few of many such gifts to be found in our store . . . . ^ Washer $59 Give mother a Pressure Cooker $16.95 and $18.50 Buffet TO A STE R SETS $4.65 (Saves energy and fuel) PYR EX SETS At $1.95 With tray, relish dish- es, cutting board. Combination Grill and W affle Set at $5.65 Removable grids OVENW ARE in neat patterns with Chromium plated holders. See these. _________ $1.50 C R O SLE Y R A D IO $21.95 to $126.50 “ You’re there with a Crosley.” time 9 piece Useful pieces Sunbeam M1XMASTER $14.75 Mother would like this. Scout Hatchets at $1.75 (a useful g ift) Tricycles, wagons, rol ler skates at attractive prices. Bicycles for the boys and girls. (Makes’em happy) B aldridge Im plem ent: C o. N YSSA OREGON GIFT | SUGGESTIONS I For Christmas Time ? ? W H A T IS C H R ISTM AS W IT H O U T ? ? ? Toys ? . . . And we have a large stock of the newest Toys— all at Reasonable Prices. For Example: nm I 0 UULLO GAM ES TR AIN S AU TO S EVERY SIZE and STYLE Priced From 20c up to $2.00 W IL L PLEASE TH E “ KIDS” From 25c up to $1.00 A L W A Y S P O P U LA R GIFTS Prices Run from $1.19 to $2.00 Also Many Nice TRU CK S From 10c up to $1.00 T O Y DISHES, M IN A T U R E F U R N IT U R E , W A G O N S , T O Y PIA N O S, TOPS, BOOKS, B LA C K B O A R D S, HOUSES, BLOCKS and Dozens of Other Items NOVELTY ITEMS S1LVERPLATE ........ •....... 50c to $1.50 PERFUM ES ............................... 50c to $1.00 DRESSER SETS NO VELTY JEW ELRY $1.95 to $3.95 50c and up Pottery Jars, Stationery, Smoking Sets, Etc. W e will wrap all merchandise bought in this store in Christmas paper and ribbon. CALDWELL’S STORE NYSSA OREGON The Leo Hollenbwg family were Sunday dinner gueets of Mr. and Mrs. John Young. \ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leinkaemper were business visitors In Boise Mon day. I SILEX COFFEE M AK E R $4.85 to $2.95 (can also be used for _________tea) Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keizer and Mrs. Laura Fisher v:i re Boise visit- ore Friday afternoon 50 6 and 8 cup Genuine fam ily were last Friday. Frank Ward has returned to Nyssa from his sheep camp to recover from an Illness. A U X IL IA R Y COOKED FOOD SALE M OND AY Mrs. Ralph Mllllken lias been sub Housewives are again reminded of stituting in the Frultland school the the cooked food sale to be held In the past two weeks for a teacher who Is Blackman building next Monday, 111 . December 23. by the Legion Aux iliary. An attractive array of deco Mrs. Eldon Jensen was able to re rated cakes, cookies, plum puddings, turn to her work in her beauty shop brown bread and other holiday after having been confined to her danties will be for sale and offer an home by Illness for the past two opportunity for local women to re weeks. lieve themselves of the tiresome task of baking for the holiday dinner. Mrs. a race Alkens, daughter of Hub Walters, and a former resident of this community, Is In the Ontario EPISCO PAL SUNDAY SCHOOL hosjaltal recovering from a recent PRO G RAM M OND AY N IG H T operation. She came from Pollock, Idaho her present home. The Episcopal Sunday School will | Olenn McGinnis, who Is employed give their Christmas program M on at Boulder Dam arrived here Satur day evening, December 23 at 8 day for a holiday visit with relatives. o’clock In the Parish hall, Santa will He is staying with his mother Mrs. be present to give a treat to every Jane McGinnis on the Owyhee. student. Leslie Sills has been taking an en forced vacation from his work on ac count of sickness. Mrs. Roy Zancker of Caldwell spent Sunday with her slsiter Mrs. Chas. Paradis and family. DOW N -4 go th e prices Mr. and. Mrs. Dick Young, Mrs. Russell Vlnsonhaler and Mrs. O. O. Boden were Boise visitors last Thurs day. During Our B IG SALE. Buy at Greatly Reduced Price#— From 10 to 50 Per Cent The Wm. Schlreman family were dinner guests Sunday o f Mr. and W. F. McLlng at their country home near Emmett. MEN’S T R A V E L IN G C A S E S .............. $3 to $5 D IAM O ND and W EDDING RING SETS $10 up The Harley Dlven fam ily were J visiting In Nyssa from Caldwell Sun- | day, calling at the home» of Mrs. | John Ray, Sr., and the the Dwight Smith home. L A D IE S W R IS T W A T C H E S ..... $10 to $52.50 Clyde Studebaker attended the | Military Ball held in Boise at the Hotel Boise Saturday night. Bob Ramsey and John Burke were other members o f the reclamation force who spent the week end in Boise. MEN S PEN K N IV E S ....................... $1 to $2.75 Mr. Vernal Shoemaker was a din ner guests at the W ill Beam home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Shoemaker is substituting In the Vale school for Richard Adams, high school teacher who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jass Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chapman of Boise were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall Monday evening and with them attended the Joint Install ation of the officers of the Masons and Stars at the Eagles hall. M IL K M EN’S W R IS T W A T C H E S .......... $9.95 to $40 M E N ’S W A T C H C H A I N S .............50c to $9.50 L A D IE S N E C K L A C E S E T S ...............$2 to $10 L A D IE S B R A C E L E T S .................. 25c to $5.50 Also big reduction in Novelty Jewelry and Crystal Beads PAULUS JEW ELRY Next to Kozy Cafe N YSSA OREGON W e are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro duced in a modern and sanitary plant. May we add you to our list o f satisfied customers? W e also sell high standard Holstein milk, con sidered by many medical authorities as best for 1 y bies and growing children. Sunshine Dairy Sr Dewane Hardin, who Joined the Navy a few months back, left Dec ember 15th on the US army trans port Meigs for China. The cruise will keep them away from the states until February. Young Hardin Is a wireless operator In the service GROCERY SPE C IA LS § YOUR HOIIDAY Starting Friday, Dec. 13 w k FOODS and Ending Tues., Dec. 24 f B Miss Leola Truelscn had her ton sils and adenoids rer i aved by Dr. J. J. Sarazin Wednesday. Mrs. Truel- son and h r daught ■ remained In town at the Ow/h ; hotel until Thursday before g air 6 back to their home on the Owyhee Christmas Candy While Mr. and Mr: Ed Beam and granddaughter Barb ra Beam were in Nyssa last week . .siting at the home of their daughter Mrs. Herbert Van Cleave, they made a trip to On- taro accompanied by Mrs. Will Beam. C H R IST M A S C A N D Y 11c 12c 12c 12c 13c 17c 19c Plain Mix, Per Pound C R EAM M IX Per P ou n d .................. JU M B O G U M DROPS Rev. Floyd White was called to New Meadows Sunday to preach the funeral service for Mrs. Blake Handcock, wife of a merchant of that place. He was accompanied by Mrs White and sons Allan and Jim mie. They returned Monday even ing. Per P ou n d ............ Old Fashion C H O C O L A T E DROPS Per P ou n d ................................. BRO K EN M IX Per Pound Word received this week from Mrs. H. O. Stains, who Is 111 in the Baker hospital. Is to the effect that she Is very much improved and is expected to leave the hospital on Wednesday. Mrs. Stains Is remem bered as Miss Inez Johnston, local fifth grade teacher, before her mar riage. Miss Harreitt Aheam of On tario visited her Sunday. ST A R M IX Per Pound PARIS C REAM S Per Pound .... CHRISTMAS NUTS W ALNUTS FOR SALE Of T R AD E FOR FARM M A C H IN E R Y : 1934 V8 pickup. See Robert Cox, Route 1, Nyssa. 12-26f Emerald No. 1, Per Pound. I XL ALM ONDS Soft Shell, Per Pound B R A Z IL N U T S JUST IN TIM E FOR Large Size, Per Pound C H R I S T M A S PEANUTS Fresh Roasted, 2 Pounds For W e are referring to the shipment just re ceived of brand new M IXED N U T S DRESSES Large Franquette, Per Pound For Only PEAS 19c 27c 17c 25c 15c 23c 15c 23c $1.90 $ 1.00 Gold Bar Fancy, No. 2 Cans, Each $ 695 T O M A T O JUICE Campbell’s, 14 ounce, 3 For. .. One of these would look mighty fine for the social affairs dur ing the holidays. FLO UR , S U R FIN E The very best grade, 49 lb. Sacks F L O U R SU R F IN E The very best grade, 2 4 * Lb. Sack May W e Show You FISHER APPAREL SH O P e JAM 24 Oz. cans pure St. Berry, Each.. OLIVES Knights, 12 Oz., Stuffed, Each..... OLIVES Ripe, Pint Cans— 2 For.............. M A Y O N N A IS E Best Food— Quarts .................... M A Y O N N A IS E Best Food— P in ts.................. P L U M P U D D IN G Cross & Blackwell, 1 Lb. Cans. .. S W E E T PO T A T O E S 6 Pounds, California «I 1 23c 37s ?fin 45s ?9n 29c 25c 25c Large Size— 3 For G R A P E F R U IT lie 50c 25c 19c 23c 55c P U M P K IN 2y2 Cans, E A C H ...................... B L A C K W A L N U T M EA TS 1 Pound Cellophane B a g s ........ B L A C K W A L N U T M EA TS H alf Pound Cellophane Bags..... DATES Bulk, 2 Pounds F o r .................. DATES Pitted- -2 Pounds For SH O R T E N IN G 4 Pound Packages COFFEE, S U R F IN E n r~ 1 Lb. Pkgs. for your Xmas dinner L u v » _ _ _ ,29c 25c COFFEE, W IL S O N BROS. O W N In Quart Glass Jars, 1 Pound ... C H R IST M AS TREES A nice bunch C IG A R E TTES fir fir wp fir I « g f ir if fi fi ¡I fi fi I 49c § COCOANUTS Arizona, Size 80— 1 Dozen All Kinds, Per Pound .................. | W ALNUTS Phone 5 >F3 I GUEBNSEY 95c down to C1 10 In Xmas wraps, all brands, carton 4 ) I . I J WILSON BROS. GROCERY O re g o n &