Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL THUftS., DECEMBER 19, 1935 gams . . . Students may soon be pat- roiiizing the new lunch oounter which is being buUt near school . . . The High School students wish DECEMBER 19. 1935 everyone the happiest of hoUdays and a very merry Christmas! CHRISTMASTIDE little girl and all of the various toys when they suddenly walk across the miniature stage and act and talk almost as If they were real. This will be followed by recitations by Lovena Glascock and Elva Penn. The last number on the program wUl be “Christmas Night, A P ig Sleigh bells tinkling—mistletoe— KOLONY SCHOOL eant” which wlU be presented with Stocking hanging—Sparkling snow— many colorful costumes and wlU re Yule logs crackling—Candlelight— TO GIVE XMAS in act the early Biblical scenes con Spruce trees decked with tinsel nected with the birth of the Christ bright— PROGRAM FRIDAY ohUd. Several familiar hymns wUl Merry voices—happy hearts— be sung with this pageant. The cast Roasting turkdy—mincemeat tarts— will Include over fifty of the boys Parcels all so gayly tied; Thq Kingman Kolony grade and girls In the Kingman Kolony Nothing equals Christmastlde. school Christmas program wUl be grade school. —Helen Pond. given Friday evening, December 20 The teachers Misses Joy Crum- —NHS— at 8 oclock. An Interesting program HIGH SCHOOL SQUAD ----- V ------ is planned which wlU Include several T ----------------!_____ DEFEAT ALUMNI new features, one of which Is a Nyssa high basketball squad de Christmas marionette show. feated the Alumni 32-37 In a very The first number on the program Interesting game played at the gym wlU bo a recitation by Donald Elliott Per Month to Feed Friday evening. which will be followed by a play: The game was very Interesting “Christmas at Pumkin Holler.” This with the score switching to and fro is a humorous Christmas play using an old fashioned school room and WILL INCREASE YOUR several times. Playing for the alumni were Its preparations for the Christmas EGG PRODUCTION program as Its setting. The cast In George Jolinston. Max Schwetzer, Over cludes Emily Otis as Miss Pepper- Bill Boor, Herschel Thompson, Hu bert Jones. Oswald Forbes and Sid grass, the teacher; Margaret Win ters as Aunt Hdpsey, a queer char ney Boren. on the average The lineup for the High School j acter of the district; and Daniel The average grain fed hen was: Johnston and Pierson, forwards Zamora, Marion Loftus, Rose Mc produces 144 eggs annuaUy. Holly center, and Wilson and Jack- Ginnis, Paul Thiel, Harold Kurtz, The average mash fed hen son. guards. Others who played a Pauline Gowey, Eileen Slippy, Ivan produces 240 eggs—an Increase small portion of the game were | Zesiger, Oliver Fred, Gregory Thiel, of 8 dozen per year for 60c. Groot, Poage, Graham. Lankford. Susan Zamora* Donna Ashcraft, Helen Duvall, Colleen Connaughy D ont that look like good busi Larsen and Anderson. ness. Last week the high school squad and Louise Hinton as the pupils In See us for further details met the CCC boys and defeated the school. them again. As yet the Nyssa boys This will be foUowed by two reci tation by Marjorie Winters and have won every game. School Is out Friday but the boys Walter Evans. The next feature wUl are expected to continue their prac be the Christmas marionette show. As this Is a surprise feature very i tice during the vacation. little information about it has leak-1 —NHS— “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” j ed out but little chUdren wUl be JUNIORS AND FRESHMEN; sure to enjoy the antics of Santa Phone 26 Nyssa PLAN SPECIAL PROGRAM Claus puppet, the toy clown, the! The Juniors and Freshmen have been working hard on , a special Christmas program which they will present In the Student Body meeting this week. —NHS— HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL VOLUME 1, NO. 14 STAFF HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL Editor ..................... Raymond Holly Class News .................. Helen Pond Lcttermen News.........Robert Wilson GAA N ew s................. Dorothy Lowe Boys Athletics ...........Colby Poage Harold Anderson Girls Athletics ..........Mable Hearron Society............................ Agnes Ray Personals .................... Lloyd Wilson —NHS— TRUTH WINS OUT George Washington's boyhood, like much of his later life, has been the subject of many pleasant stories. The best known of these Is the Inci dent of the cherry tree and the hatchet, a story which Is known to every school boy, and girl. Whether or not the story Is true, the fact re mains that In some way George be came noted for his honesty. You know that honesty Is one of the first virtues that people look for in choosing public men. In this day and age when people are saying that all public men are crooks, there Is a challenge to the young people of America to offer honesty In speech, mind and living for their country's need. Ge-orge was early noted as a truth ful lad; he cut down a cherry tree, and then confessed to his father. M an/ other facts reveal his life, but the eal facta about his boyhood are few G< orge was a leader among his boy friends. He was a good boy, but not t “goody goody" boy and was liked by all who knew him. His fam ous rules of conduct were written at the age of thirteen. Students, let this be something for you to think about. And remamber, “Truth Will Out.” —NHS— Arthur Cook is out of school with the mumps. Dont look so unhappy about that last year’s overcoat. Send It to the NYSSA TAILOR SHOP and well guarantee a smile on your face. Any gar ment beautifully cleaned and pressed at a very reasonable price I SEE US TODAY Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. MORGAN, Prop. GEO. J. KINZER Plumber PHONE 134-J-i PARMA j No Christmas is complete without one o f our delicious Fruit Cakes. . . made in the correct manner to insure the very best in flavor, texture and taste. We urge you to try one of our Fruit Cake3 for your Christmas dinner. The Swan Bakery ORBGON NYSSA A1 Thompson Sure Protection at Lower Cost WRESTLING TOURNAMENT The boys of the gym class are now engaged In a wrestling tournament In which they hope to determine the winners before Christmas vacation. They are now divided into five dif ferent weights ranging from cootie weight to light-heavy weight. When school resumes after Christmas vaca tion, they plan to have a boxing tournament. —NHS— PERSONALS Isabelle Sarazln was absent from school Thursday and Friday. Loola Truelson Is absent from school this week. She had her ton sils removed The Civics students are using this week to finish up their semester talks. —NHS— AROUND SCHOOL Students of the Public Speaking class are giving speeches outside of class as a final semester talk. Two students, Lucille Thrasher and Viv ian Patterson, have already finished theirs . . . 8ome students are worry ing about spending Christmas dif ferent this year—with the mumps . . . . Raymond Holly was heard for casting basketball scores he says we will take Parma In the Thursday There are two things to consider when buying insurance . . . First—Is It safe Insurance? . . . and Secondly—What Is It go ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 481-3 per cent on your insurance and at the same time, give you Insurance that Is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance In a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. “Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don” Gift Suggestions FOR HER FOR HIM Diamonds Watches Rings Vanity Cases Cigarette Lighters and Cases Bracelets and Earrings Dtarys Manicure and Toilet Sets Electric Clock Perfume Flacon Fountain Pens Sets Personal Engraved Stationery Rings Watches BUI Fold Set* Traveling Sets Cigarette Combina tion Cases and Lighters Auto Clocks Brush Seta Cravat Sets Belt Seta Cocktail Shakers Seltzer Bottle Fountain Pen Seta Ash Trays Watch Chains Pen Knives FOR THEM Silverware China Crystal Ware Electric Clocks Book Ends Silver Coffee Set* Cocktail Sets Silver Trays Desk Sets Candlestlofc* Pictures, etc. DON M. GRAHAM, Manager T h e R a d i o wi t h the A m a z i n g N E W INVENTION that D o u b les F oreign Reception! ¿\ i»®- See the Interesting Collections O n Display PHILC A t Your Dealers Show Room Only Phllco gives you th s a u to m a tic B uilt-In A *rial T uning System —a n s w a n d am aaing in v en tio n th a t doubles th e foreign sta tio n s you can got a n d enjoy I I t ’s exclusive w ith Phi loo—an d ju s t one of th a m a n y w orth-w hile features t h a t m ake Phllco th e lea d e rln to n e, perform ance a n d value. Phllco is th e W orld's Leading Radio—a n d FIRST CHOICE for C hristm as I 43 models to select from. PHILCO * 2 8 / (Abavaj Tuna-In pra«r.B . horn h orn « a n d a b ro a d w ith th is h a n d io m * C o n s o l# I F in a t o n * — lataat f#atur## — s a t in -f in is h e d c a b in e t. W ith B u ilt -in A e r ia l T u n in g ----- Visit Ginzel’s New Gift Shop for Ideas and Suggestions. Phone 387J Electrical gifts are so useful, so apppropriate and so attractive that they carry with them an appreciation value found in few gifts. They bring many happy hours to those who receive them. When you give Electrical Appliances you give more than mere tokens of expression— you give service and convenience, things that add to the beauty and comfort of the home, make life more pleasurable and simplify the tasks of home-making. THE NEW 1936 PHILCO MB A a to u n d ln g vaia« in c h a P h ilo a i n q u a lity , to n a a n d Oata standard program a ai Glnzels Jewelry and Gift Shop . . . There Is Something Electrical for Everyone From the time we get up in the morning until it is time to go to bed at night Electrical Appliance* play an important part in our daily routine of living and their usefulness is greatly appreciated. Decide now to make this Christmas one to be long remember ed by those on your gift list by choosing electrical gifts. The years of service your gifts will bring will be a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness and good judgment .................................................. j Use our Credit and Lay-by Plan . . . are Gifts That Keep On Giving Nyssa Insurance Agency r i* . Ontario, Oregon Fruit Cakes Let an expert figure on your plumbing repair work. Before zero weather, get your furnace In good shape, or If you are without this modem conveni ence . . . let us show you how easy it Is to have a furnace in stalled and pay for It on the budget plan. I being served. Guests were Mrs. Mar shall, Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Markham and Beth Anna and Eldon Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison and Jo Anne of Nyssa and Mr and Mrs. Oeorgq Markham and family spent Sunday at the Ed DuPre home. DELICIOUS SERVICE and REPAIRS . . . Gem Egg Mash GIRLS ATHLETIC NEWS Tumbling practice started last Tuffcday. Now several of the girls j are complaining of sore muscles. Girls In the gym class are play ing basketball. —NHS— Just Like NEW Miss Georgia Dennis, Mrs. Ray Kendler and Mrs. Orna Blngman were In Boise Monday. 5c 50 Percent LINCOLN NEWS LaRose Rogers was pleasantly sur prised December 6 when thv stud ents spent part of the day In celebration of her birthday. Games were played with refreshments of candy, peanuts and popcorn balls mete and Irene Tucker and Mr. J. Wylls Hewitt are directing the program. After the program Santa Claus will distribute presents and treats to all of the chlldern. $72.50 — \ Make your selection while there is still ample time for the prop er consideration of each gift and while stocks of Electrical Ap pliances are complete. $2290 run NEW PHILCO RADIO ATLAS w ith Special M ap and H istory of Ethiopia Wilson Bros. Drygoods NYSSA Visit the stores that sell Electrical Appliances and see the splendid collections of electrical gifts arranged for your inspec tion and selection. These displays will supply the answer to the question, “What shall 1 give?" for every name on your Christmas list because there is something electrical for everyne. OREGON ELECTRICAL EQ U IPM EN T SA LES A S S O C IA T IO N