TH E G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL THURS., DECEMBER 19, 1935 AR C AD IA NEWS Auction Sale Big livestock sale at Payette Auction Exchange Payette, Idaho EVERY SATURDAY “ Where Buyer and Seller Meet" A. C. FENSKE, M ir. E. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer f gu Don’t Like. . . . . . to start out on a Holiday trip, all dressed up, and have your car balk on you. Pas* the Buck to Eddie . . . Drive In and say, "Eddie, Old Boy, you’ve been advertising what all you could do with temperamental cars; here’s mine, and I want you to check It over and GUARANTEE that the old boat will start when I need It, and continue until I get there." T H A T W IL L S H IF T THE W O R R Y FROM YO UR SHOULDERS TO OURS—AND WE W IL L SEE T O IT TH AT Y O U R CAR IS R IG H T ! USE JOURNAL W A N T ADS K IN G M AN KO LO NY A lovely shower was given In honor of Mrs. Howard Connaughy at the C. C. Cotton home last Wed nesday. Mrs. Cotton was assisted by Mrs. Walter Pinkston, Mrs. Frank Ncwblll. Mrs. Duvall and Mis. Char ley Newblll. There were 23 friends Have you tried our good Aberdeen present. The afternoon was spent In coal? We don’t like to brag, we let playing games. Nice refreshments our customers do that, but last week were served. Tha honoree received we had several compliments on our many lovely gifts Aberdeen coal. Try a ton the next Mrs. Lowell Ashcraft visited with time the bln gets empty. Mrs. T. T. Elliott Tuesday momlng. —K N O TS— Mrs. Elliott was quite 111 with the The freight agent on one of the flu for several days, but Is much Western roads received a shipment better now. on which was a donkey, described on Mrs. C. C. Cotton entertained the the freight bill as "one burro." teachers Monday evening for dinner. After checking his goods carefully, Betty Jean Toombs celebrated her the agent made his report: ‘‘Short, 5th birthday 8unday. Dinner guests one bureau; over .one Jackass." were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin. —K N O TS— Miss Jeanette Martin, Miss May "Faith, Mrs. Casey, you’re a Beaumont and C. M. Beaumont. woman of wide perception.” Mrs. Lily Bach was a Monday Sure, ’Us me own figure and I ’ll afternoon caller at the T. T. Elliott not have ye making remarks.” home. —K N O TS— Miss Joy Crummett, Mrs. A. T. Our stock o f lumber includes the | Patterson, Jr., Mrs. C. E. Elliott and best, and also cheaper lumber. In | children and Mrs. W. H. Patterson other words, we have Just the type of were Ontario visitors Saturday lumber you need for any kind of Job. afternoon. —K N O TS— Mrs. A. T. Patterson spent the Doctor: ’Is the night nurse giving week end In Nyssa. you proper attenUon?” Kingman Kolony Grade School Vic: “ Not exactly, but I ’m perfectly will have a sixteen day Christmas satisfied.” vacation. School will be dismissed —K N O T S — Friday, December 20th and will take The mistress of the house heard up again on Monday, January sixth. the bell ring and saw standing at the Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Clarence El open front door a Chinese hawker. liott drove to Unity Sunday and Quickly retreating, she called out to brought back Christmas trees. the maid: Miss Irene Tucker visited friends “There’s a Chinaman at the door. In Baker over the week end. You go, Ella.” Miss Joy Crummett was a visitor This was too much for the Chinese In Nyssa on Sunday where she stay who stuck his head into the hall and ed with Miss Libby Anne Jones. shouted indignantly: “You go ’ella yourself I” Want Ads —KNOTS— W e are now in a position to help W A N T E D —Clean cotton rags at the you with your Modernization loan Journal office. 5s lb. or money to build a new house. Ask us for details. LO ST—Spare tire. Return to Ber- nard Frost. Saturday. Keith Orris Is out of school this Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard were callers at the Hank McNce home w o k on account of slckneaa Mr. und Mrs. Clyde Long and fam Wednesday evening. ily, Mrs Lloyd Orris and family and MI'S Josephine Burke Is out of .VII > Sophie Crullx were dinner school on account of Illness. guests Sunday of Mrs. Chas. Bui Dick Tensen and Otis Bullard larc. Mrs. T. Mathley and daughor went to Denver with two carloads were also callers at the Bullard of b e:f cattle Thursday. i home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long made a Loyd Orris, Chas. Bullard, T business trip to Boise Friday. Mathley, Dwight Burke and Lee Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale and Mrs Dale went to the mountains after a Otis Bullard made a trip to Weiser truck load of wood Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Splawn made trip to Vale Sunday. Shoe Repairing 1 W e take pride in do ing good work and will be glad to have your patronage. JOHNSON VARIETY STILL H A S P L E N T Y OF XM AS G O O D S TO CH O O SE FROM. Nyssa Shoe Repair Shop O. C. P R A W IT Z , Owner Next Door to Bakery Come In! Nyssa, Oregon c !f& K n o t H o le N e w s FOUND—A t Owyhee Barber shop. key ring with four keys. Owner may have same by calling at Jour nal office and paying for ad. E. W . P R U Y N Auto Repairing Jackson Lumber Company Nyssa, Oregon FO R SALE— 80 acre farm, 1V4 miles from Nyssa. Inquire at Journal office. Dec. 12 8tp. S --------------------- - FO R SALE—Royal piano, in good shape, 1931 model, $175, terms. A n drew McGinnis. 12-5- 4t. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY S*_______________________________ / * T h a t is th e H o lid a y Vt i h t h a t e v e r y m e m b e r o f o u r o r g a n iz a t io n sen d s t o y o u a n d y o u r f a m ily . M e a p p r e c ia te th e o p p o r t u n it y t h a t ROBT. D. L Y T LE ATTO R N E Y And C O UNSELO R-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale OREGON h a s b e e n g iv e n u s t o w n c th is c o m m u n it y - - t o c o n t r ib u t e t o i t s p ro : • s a n d t o s h a r e in 1936 Will R nard Thrift! Anna B. Pritchett O n ta rio Iftranrh D. O. o f th v 1'iiitod S ta irs N a tio n a l B an k —And— ELE CTR O TH ER APY FO R SALE—-Near Nyssa. Oregon. good used piano for the balance due. Write or phone, Sampson Music Company, Nampa, Ida. 12-19- 2tp. it s a c c o m p lis h m e n ts . JOE F. DYER, Manager IR A L C. N ELSON, Assistant Manager OSTEO PATH Y FO R SALE—Two fine farms for half heir value, with only one fourth down, balance on terms. Running water year round on both places. Owyhee Realty Co. R. J. Davis, man ager, Nyssa, Oregon. 12-19- ltp. o f fo rilo n d Head Office: Portland, Oregon FO R SALE—Good all-round little mare, gentle, good worker. M ile from Nyssa on Apple Valley road. Sam Brown. 12-19-2tp. FO R SALE or trade as Initial pay ment on larger place, 10 acres, Im proved. Box 487, Ontario, Ore. 12-19- 3tp. SH ARPE N IN G —< Scissors machine sharpened; saws sharpened and gummed; tools o f all kinds sharp ened; kalsomlning and plastering. Andrew McGinnis. 12-5-tf. PHONE 201 VALE - - - Y OREGON Low cost combined with sim plicity and sympathy have made t h e Nyssa Funeral Home funeral direction a sym- Ool of ethical public service. Let us explain the details of our reasonable prices to you. NYSSA FUNER AL HOME Phone 76F3 \ Holiday Greetings 9 May be Sent at Very Reasonable Rates . . . By Telephone Call local office for information on rates, the low cost will surprise you. Another nice custom is to call your patrons and wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. A G IFT FO R TH E F A M IL Y Install a telephone and surprise the family with a gift everyone can enjoy the year round . . . Once installed you will wonder how you ever got along without it. Malheur Home Telephone Co- THIS is the month you want to get washday out of your home. Just before Christmas when you have so many Inter esting and Important things to do— and there you are, spending hours In the steamy basement, wearing yourself out, doing the fam ily wash ing! Think o f that. Then think of this. B y send ing your washing to us this week, and every week from now on, you'll really be giving yourself 52 Christmas presents a year! You’ll be giving yourself 52 extra days to do the things you really enjoy doing. And you’ll save money besides. For our Rough Dry actually costs loss than you are paying for your washday supplies. In fact, the money you save this way, will be like an extra Christmas fund. You’ll love the way we wash your clothes, too. For we coax out every trace of soil and dirt In rich warm suds o f purest soap. Then we rinse them in gallons and gallons of rain- soft water. And we only charge 50c for the average size bundle o f 7 pounds, ana 7c for each additional pound, your cothes, too. For we coax tario 98, at our expense and tell us to send for your bundle. W e ll be there any day you say. And M erry Christmas to you every week next year. R A IN W A TE R JONES ONTARIO LAUNDRY Phone 98 Ontario, Oregon E V E R Y - B O D Y - WASHES - W IT H - R A IN - W A T E R - JONES -O N T A R IO SUN.-M O N.-TUES. PO R TR A ITS OF Q U A L IT Y Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail us your films. W e Have Beautiful and Practical Gifts That W ill Help Solve Your Christ mas Shopping Problem— See Our Stock of New Christmas Merchandise ti 1111 iu i ii m i:i mil M in in urn i . i in in in in M ii in in in in urn in hi in i » i i u u ihijuim : j . i ;. i u 11 111 in u a mu mi hmmi m hi iirran PERFUM ES and TO ILETR IES F O U N T A IN PEN and PENCILS H E A TE R STU D IO Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work i W YCKOFF M M dAm JE W E L R Y STORE DOROTHY LEE With Wednesday-Thursday December 25, 26 O fficial Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon O PTO M ETR IST • See McFall and See Better” »tief inn ns t-tw m u s n$TJ O N T A R IO OREGON I NORDALE FURNITURE STORE DRESSER SETS S E W IN G BOXES and C E D A R CHESTS By Dupont and Prophylactic Co. — For Men, Women and Children W e have some beauties! S T A T I O N E R Y You can’t go wrong buying stationery for men or women See the new Shaving Sensation H E R E S A N O T H E R S U G G E S T IO N — V 'JAMES ~ CAGNEY FRISCO in the h n « » DR. J. A. M cFA LL Eyesight Specialist By Shaeffer— A pleasing gift that will last for years and years! S H A V IN G SETS Toilet Articles For Men A C L U B C H A IR and O T T O M A N makes a beautiful, practical and pleasing gift . . . Why not a Monogramed Card Table, sells for $2.79 and is burn-proof; water-proof and liquor-proof. Price includes initials in gleaming metal on the comer — Think how nice that is when the table is loaned! ! ! By Coty and Cheramy— Gifts That are always in good taste ' hits o f I W « K A M T l lUOUY un »• £ ■ 1 1 A delightful present for women and girls ELECTRIC H E A T IN G PADS Guaranteed— A very useful gift B E V E R A G E SETS — S IP H O N BO TTLES — For the man who entertains Greeting Cards ... Package W raps C A N D Y . . . Pure and wholesome SCHICK ELECTRIC D R Y SH A V E R Family boxes and g ift boxes Last word in Shaving Equipment Real Leather— for men and women T R A V E L KITS ...... a n d A L L A T PRICES S U R P R IS IN G LY L O W — C O M P A R E O U R PRICES W IT H TH O SE OF T H E B IG C IT Y STO R ES; T H E N B U Y A T NYSSA PH AR M ACY