THE GATE CITY JOURNAL THURS., DECEMBER 19, 1935 SOCIETY won first prize and Mrs. Wm Rich man, poor man, beggrrman, Schireman won second. Mr. and Mrs. thief . . . lets all show up Saturday Schlreman and Mias Eva Boycell ready for work. were guests. GRANT I RAWSON TUESDAY CONTRACT The Tuesday Contract club met with Mrs. C. L. MoCoy this week BOOK CLUB XMAS PARTY tained a group of friends Saturday , with Mrs. Dewey Ray winning first The Kingman Kolony Book club 'evening with a pinochle party Two prize and Mrs. Leslie TcClure sec met at the home of Mrs. Frank Mor j tables of cards were In play with j ond. Mrs. Robert Peck ,nd Mrs. Wm gan Saturday afternoon far their Mrs. Bernard Frost winning high i Schlreman were guests annual Christmas party. A one ' score for ladies and Mrs. Ed Warren -5 - WEDNESDAY CLUB o'clock luncheon was held followed low; Hugh Glasgow was high for Mrs. Nick Rudllek entertained the by a program and exchange of gifts. men and Bernard Frost wis low A Mrs Maurice Judd gave the book re nice lunch closed a very Jolly even Wednesday evening bridge club this week with Mrs. Art Servoss winning view Every original member of the ing. high score. Mrs. Don Toed was the club wtilch was formed ten years only guest playing with members. ago was present at this party. Guests MR. AND MRS. CLUB from out-of-town were Mrs. J P. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall were THURSDAY CLUB Dunaway of Boise, Miss Mildred hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Mrs. Ernest McClure won high Oleson, county librarian and Miss club Tuesday evening with a nice Harriett Aheam of Ontario. j Christmas party. A beautiful decor - score and Mrs. Bert Leinkaemper I ated Christmas tree asd other holi low score at the Thursday bridge PINOCHLE PARTY day decorations gave the house a club party held at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keizer enter very festive look. Mr Farnham Sills Oeorge Stacey last week. Guests were Mrs. Elmo Hlgglnson and Mrs. Nate Young. -s- - 5 - THURSDAY CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. Ray Emmott entertained the Thursday Contract club last week with a nice party of members and two guests, Mrs. Dick Adams and Mrs. Farnham Sills. Mrs. E. D. Nor- cott won high score. Large Assortment of HOLIDAY MEATS Drop in and look at our many different kinds of meats for the holiday season. We have them all. A ham makes a good Christmas present! EAT MORE MEAT NYSSA PACKING CO. JOLLY JANES The Jolly Janes enjoyed their regular party at the home of Misses Deana and Doris Smith Monday night. Miss Marla McElroy won first prize, Mrs. Herschel Thompson, sec ond and Miss Katherine Young, low. - IRONSIDE LADIES GIVE SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT Ironside- -There was a nice crowd attended the entertainment consist ing of two plays and several musical numbers given by he Ladies Club on Saturday night. The proceeds were $2125 and will be used for the Chrtstmis treats for children of the community. Dancing was enjoyed for several hours and a nice supper served at midnight. Arthur Beam, Carlos Lofton and Ray Prescott who have been em ployed by the Eastern Oregon Land Comany all summer finished their work last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam and grand daughter Barbara Beam, visited the first of last week at the home of their daughter Mrs. Her bert Van Cleave. About ono andi one-half inches of snow fell on Wednesday afternoon which Is the total amount here at present. Prospects are not very en- j couraging for water next year. The DeRoe boys started with their cattle for Nyssa last week where they j will be fed. They purchased hay j above Nyssa on the Eastern Oregon Land Company ranches. The family will move there in the next few weeks. Eldorado Grange held its regular meeting on the 13th with u good at- OPINIONS BY OUR READERS his year Union Pacific’s low fares offer you the chance of a llte-time to Go Home for Christmas—by train—cheaper than driving your car—faster—safer and far more comfortable. Here's approximately the basis for the bargain round trip holiday fares — In standard Pullman sleepers about 2c a mile and In Tourist sleepers, I.7cam lle — in coaches, only l 'í c a mile. In each direction. AND - LOOK AT TH ESE BARGAINS Breakfasts . . . 25 t Scrambled Eggs W ith Two Strips of Bacon, H o t Rolls or Bread, Coffee or M ilk . Luncheons... Sot Baked M e at Loaf, M a sh e d Pota toes, Bread and Butter, Coffee or M ilk . D in n e r s ___ 3 S t Roast Sugar Cured Ham, Browned Potatoes, Breed and Butter, Coffee or M ilk. FOR COACH AND CHAIR CAR PASSENGERS ON ALL UNION PACIFIC TRAINS Would you like to see an ice skat ing rink In Nyssa for the benefit of our young People? Would you like to see such a place where young and old can have clean, healthful fun, or would you rather they spent their time in Idleness or getting Into trouble? This Is no idle dream. Right here in Nyssa we have a splendid loca tion for an ice skating rink, at no cost, and the only thing necessary to put It across is elbow grease and plenty of it. On the lots back of Dr. Sarazins' office is r. ideal location. The banks of the ri : have already been constructed. A hat Is neces- sary Is to eliminate he weeds and level up the land. Here Is where yoi ■ome in. Next Saturday we want < ry man, and woman Interested in le young peo- pie of this commun / on hand to help us put this thli . over. Bring a team and scraper if you wish; bring yoursdlf and a pick and shovel; bring something and lets all get to gether and In one days work, we can make an ice skating rink that will be a pleasure the whole winter long. And further more, If some of you can bring a team and rack; we can haul in enough sagebrush, so that on New Years Eve we can have one of the biggest dedication ceremonies ever held in Nyssa with lots of clean fun thrown In. People of this community, are you game? Will you come Saturday pre pared to work for a few hours so that our young people will have a place to play this winter? Will you do this for our young people? Or would you rather let our young people find their own amusement and then whein they take a wrong step, kick them when they're down and condemn them, instead of put ting in a little time now which will pay big dividends all winter toward keeping our boys and girls doing the right things. "Doctor, lawyer, merchants, chief. Give Her A this winter and feed their cattle. • Those taking out dressed turkeys last week were the E. J. Beams, Ed Oakes and Orville Nichols. GENERAL HAULING 1 If you are planning on moving, have some merchandise to move, hay to haul or anything to move call— Spruce up For The Holidays Christmas time means looking your best—let us help you with a permanent . . . The prices are reasonable, $2.50 - $3.50 - $5.00 Try Our — REVITA W AVE— The new type of fin ger wave. A hair con ditioner and finger waving lotion combined Hugh Glasgow Phone 36F3— Nyssa Licensed to haul in both Idaho and Oregon 70 years Experience ALL WORK GUARANTEED A fund of experience, accumulated from years of dealing with financial problems in every part of this state, makes the service o f The First National Bank of Portland genuinely helpful to depositors in this community. Today we offer you state wide banking facilities plus the friendly understanding service of a community bank. CRAWFORDS BEAUTY SHOP Phone 16 8 - BIRTHDAY PARTY Ten little girls and Geòrgie Doo little danced around a Christmas tree and sang "Happy Birthday” to little Gladene Fisher Saturday after noon at the home of Mrs. C. J. Keizer. Gladene was five years old and received many nice gifts. OREGON NYSSA tendance. It was decided to have a chill. Mr. ind Mrs. Arthur Van Buren Christmas tree an cl program on December 27th the next regular and son Cjcil Hill moved to Vale meeting. Members exchanging their ast Tuesday where they will reside names for gifts. The lecturer had a varied all request program which was enjoyed by all. The Home Econ omic» leader served oyster soup and “ATO M ” We have the FIRESTONE TIRE you have heard so much about. Be sure and jome in and look “ ATOM” soon. Every body. N o rco tt Service GEORGE MITCHELL, Manager ★ NYSSA BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "OLDEST NATIONAL BANK W EST OF THE ROCKIES“ An Independent Station D . p u . i U ,n thl» b a n k w I m u f l d b y «h» f « d . r . l D . p o . l t In tu rn n c a C o rp o ra tio n Nyssa, Oregon Gifts from Wilson’s Will Please Yes Sir, Santa Claua has made Wilson’s Drygoods “ Shopping Headquarters with gifts here to be found for young and old . . . pleasing gifts with that practical touch . . . Come in and shop around. Here are a few suggestions that are sure to please those on your gift list. . . M ENS TIES Dress Shirts In gift boxes— Tans, blues and white colors. Many styles to choose from . . . Bestwon brand Rayona broadcloth — pre-shrunk. Give a shirt for Christmas. * 1.95 HouseSlippers For men, women a n d children. Year after year house slippers have been popular gifts . . . and look at the prices . . . 49c 69c 96c up Are Always Popular 25c - 5 0 c - *1.00 Fresh stock o f ties for Christmas. . . New patterns and fabrics . . . You can find just the tie in our big stock S IL K H O S IE R Y Gift Pajamas Full Fashioned, pure silk. Always an acceptable gift. Rayon and broadcloth . . . in several gay colors . . . Just the thing for a suit able and welcome present. 59c to *1.15 Broadcloth $1.49 - $1.95 R A Y O N ....... ......... $3.75 (Except the Sen Francisco Overland Limited) The popularity of Union Pacific’s low-cost meals has become nationwide. These wholesome meals include generous portions of highest quality dining car foods. They are served to passengers in their seat3 at regular mead hours, from steam tables in the coaches with chef and waiter in charge. Ybu can eat when you wish— at your leisure, as the scenic miles fly by. No stops at wayside restaurants for a hurried meal. Pillows furnished free, lights dimmed at night, tickets inspected only once, insure restful comfort—re freshing sleep. Porter service is provided too in all coaches, without charge. Drinking cups free. And\ on the Challenger between Chicago and Lot Angeles —special coach-tourist car section of the Los Angeles Limited, special de-luxe coaches for the exclusive use of women and children. Stewardess-Registered Nurse service, at no charge. Low-cost meals served in smart “ coffee-shop" dining car. For greatert economy— clean, quiet A I R - C O N D IT IO N E D comfort— ipeed with »afety — go home for Christmas by train, this year. See your Union Pacific Agent before making any travel plans UNION PACIFIC PERMANENT A pleasing and practical gift —Popularly priced and fully guaranteed . . . NuBasic Oil Wave $2.50 Nutri Tonic Oil Wave $3.50 50 per cent cooler FREDERICS VITRON W AVE $5.00 Beautiful patterns in our fresh stock— Rayons and wools. 79c to *1 All waves complete with SHAMPOO, FINGER WAVE T I I and HAIR CUT A new line of M. JACQUES' BEAUTY PREPARATIONS NOW ON SALE THE Vi GUE B EAU TY HOP Phone J . 3 MAE K f.lZ E t, pera tor PU RSES Mufflers Free Gifts See our big selec- tion. Priced at 69c— $1.49— $3.45 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th is the Last Day to get your opportunity tickets on the Free Gifts being given to our customers in appreciation of their trade. CHRISTMAS EVE we will give A PHILCO RADIO— ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR and ELECTRIC LAMP. Tickets on all $1.00 cash sales and payments on account . . . Just another reason you should trade at Wilson’s! Give a Radio For Christmas Bed Spreads Large size spreads in a large assort ment o f colors. $1.49, $1.98 up Tho New 1936 P H IL C O J Full Line of Wilson Drygoods N ySSa “ Santa Claus Headquarters” O regon Radio Tubes 1 m For all makes Let us Fix Your Radio n *3