Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1935)
The BERWYN Gate BURKE, City Publisher Journal Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o! March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Six Months ........................................ ................. ......... »1.5# ......„....75« ADVERTISING RATES Rates tlsers for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser- SS' vert li upon appUc INDKPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. EMPLOYMENT IN OREGON GOOD Employment in Oregon, based on “man-days” is not only back to normal, but is fast approach ing the all-time high of 1929, it was revealed re cently by staff members of the school of business administration of the University of Oregon. This is certainly encouraging news and brings the fact forcibly to the people, that the depres sion is about over. There are many who will almost hate to see the depression come to an end. Talk, grumbling, cussing the depression has become a habit these last few years and it’s going to be mighty tough on the chronic complainer when the depression is over. Here’s the record on this man-days stuff, and it looks good. While the amount of wages earned fall short of 1929, for the first nine months of 1935, man-days worked totaled 22,900,000 com pared to 24,300,000 in 1929. In September of 1935 the man-day total reached three million, almost exactly that of 1928. What more convinc- i ig proof could one ask as a sign of a break in the depression cloud? In actual cash received, employes during the first six months of 1935 were but 19 per cent under the similar period of 1928, a “prosperity” year. In 1928 the payroll approximated $63,000,- 000 for the first six months, while for this year it totaled $53,000,000 for the six months. CLARK WOOD COMMENTS The cold wrave has not been without its com pensations. We hear reports of serious damage to the spinach crop. According to Ripley, a single New York news paper uses each day the paper made from 44 acres of spruce trees. If one can believe this, it’s an awful waste of timber. It must be a rude shock to the graduating grid gna- iron hero when he finds that world isn’t a foot- ball. Richardd Jordan, Clifford Mitchell, OREGON TRAIL | Jack Sopher, Homer Whitman, WILL GIVE XMAS ] Frankie Wilson and Charles Land- OPERETTA FRIDAY I reth. Elves — Wayne Kressly, Dallas Keck. Bobble Wilson and Jimmie Lee Plans am underway to entertain I Moss. Snow Fairies— Barnlco Bowen, a large crowd at the Oregon Trail Patty Chard. Anna Gene Gardner school Friday. December 20th at and Edna Mitchell. 8:15 p. m. The "Christmas Bazar" Christmas shoppers—Vance Smith, an operetta In one act will be pre Jack Marshall. Peggy Chard, Wilma sented by tho school Tire P. T. A. Adams and Owen Smith. will sponsor the Christmas tree and Characters In order of their first treats as they have In the past years. j appearance are Billy Carstalrs. The program Is under the direction 1 Junior DeOrofft; Llbbln Baines, of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins. Mary Lou Thomason; Tottle Baines, Mrs. Joe Stam Is assisting with the Peggy Campbell; Meta Hopewortli, music. lone Benson; Mrs. Ilopeworth, Betty Tho chorus will Include Donald Chard; Mrs. Rammer, Madonna Bunch. Donald Whitman, Cecil I Kressly; Avis Cherry, David Malone; Whitman. Darrel Jordan, Jane j Jess Akors, Clyde Adams; Roscoe Adams, Robert Bowen. Mildred ! Rammer, Dewey Thomason; Poodle Adams. Floyd Bunch. Houston Keck, j Neely, Junior Holmes; Abel Stowe Harold Wilson. Jimmie Redd. Dale Donald Sopher; Mike Brophy, CUf Olenn, Kenneth Chard, Chester Ash lord Ashby; and Miss EUerton, Elsie by, Qrace Bunch, Johnnie Hearron, Keck RESULTS COUNT. . . In the Fuel You Buy Forget about all we say about our coal if you wish but just try a ton of it and then see what you will sav. It’s performance will be proof enough and you’ll be enthusiastic about the re cults you get from Knight’s Spring Canyon Coal YOU’LL SAVE MONEY when you buy our coal, too, because it goes farther and gives more heat than ordinary qual ity. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. »right Smith, Manager PHONE is Nysaa. Oregon THE GATE CITY JOURNAL THURS., DECEMBER 19, 1935 Holly NE’aSWt». See. 26-21-4«, to * ION GRANGE NEWS OF RECORD gether with 4 shares stock in River HOLDS BENEFIT side Irrig Dlst. 12-5-35. $10. Real Estate Transfers Recontad DANCE SATURDAY Ontario Marriage License National Bank to Federal LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO VOTERS TO VOTE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED A3 PROVIDED by Chapter 204, or 1927 Law» ElectlorTwilrss no pemon shall he be shall quail- “ mary. General Special be __. i fled to vote at a Primary, Land Bank of Spokane W 4 8 W1, William A Oollyhoin and Doris registered. tors cannot be sworn In to vote on election day. Evelyn Jackson 12-9-8. Shea vllle—The ION Orange spon Sec. 35-21-4«. 10-5-35. 81. itratton books are now open and will be open until the night of sored a benefit dance, Saturday C. W Glenn. Sheriff to Charlea T December Slat, If you were 1935. registered and did not vote at the last Primary or LEGAL ADVERTISING night to help a mmuber pay for Black et al, Tr No. 702 Lots 1 to 5 General Election; If you have changed your residence or If you desile to household help, while Ills wife Is j Inc., Blk 2, Rlversld& Add Ontario, change your political affiliation«, you must re-regieter. convalescing from an operation 4-14-34. $28.75. NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct Music and »upper were donated by | c w oienn, Sheriff to Charles T THE ONTARIO-NYS9A In the County, or with the official registrar In the following precincts. the grange members and Jordan I Black et al Tr No 873, Lots 6 and 7 WITHIN REGISTRARS IRRIGATION DISTRICT PRECINCTS Valley called off their dance, and a i Blk 2, Riverside Addn Ontario. 11- Mra. M. D. Clough Applegate ....».... large crowd of young folks came tolg .35 gig 75 . An election will be held December Bonita........ W. E. Bonnlfleld the grnng.- dance, for which th e 1 F. L. Jons et al to Ina C. Tackett 23rd, 1935 at the J. T. Long home to Holly grange extends thanks. A very lib Lots 17 and 18, Blk 32 Orig Townslte elact one director for a three year j Adrian and Big Bend....................... J Mrs. E. Ben Jones eral amount was secureo. term and one director for a one year i Brogan 10-4-35. *10. Chas. J. Bush term. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. Harper, Bully and Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palen took a Ontario. H. C. Elms Opal Loralne Rartibaud et vir to m. By order of the board of Dir Ironside _____________ ...... load of dressed turkeys to Caldwell Zina J. L. Pope Ram baud Lots 11 and 12, Blk ectors. Jamieson returning Saturday. 146, Wards Addn Nysaa 10-7-35. 810 Jordan Valley and Juniper ---------- Geo. L. Parks Frank T. Morgan, Secretary Misses Doris Bryant and Etta Sam Mothershead et ux to C. H. Dan Oallagher Jones and Beulah 12 -ltc Masonholder and Harold and Henry Leonard, Mahogany __________________ Mrs. D. H. Maylett Und. *4 Int. all Sec. 16, Masonholdor were shopping In Cald Malheur ___________________ Mrs. Horton Worsham Sec 20, NW14, WUSWi. well and Nampa Friday and Satur E'iSEVA, McDermltt __________________ Alice D. Bankofler Sec 21, NEV», Sec 29-27-38, cant. NOTICE OF ELECTION day of last week. South Nyssa; Arcadia 1000 acres 12-6-35. »1. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Madge Leonard to C. H. Leonard NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, North and and Owyhee Doci M. Graham Frank Balztor has been quite ill the Und. a Int. all Sec. 16, E^SE1» Sec That an election will be held In the Ontario 1, 2. 3, 4. 6 ............................... ; Fair and Cairo.... Bessie Doolittle past few days. Kingman Colony Irrigation District, Riverside ______________________ E. L. Armstrong NWtl, WV4SWVI Sec 21, NE14- In D. H. Haylett and son Fred were 20, Malheur County, Oregon, on Sat Rockville ____________ ________ Irma 8 . Sherlden NE*4, Sec 29-27-39, cent 1000 acres. urday, business visitors In Caldwell last 3-28-32. the 4th day of January, 1936, Rome.................................................. Mrs. Dora MathewB *10. week and purchased a pure bred Joseph Sizemore to Anna Currey, for the purpose of authorizing the Snake River ....................................... O. H. Spicer Aberdeen Angus bull. of Directors of said District to Watson ______________________ ... Mrs. L. E. Palmer Und. Vi Int. NEteSE1», NWi.SE'., Board The H E. C. Club met at the Falen EWSW14 negotiate and execute a contract Sec. 34-19-37; NEtiNWti Official Registrars have lists of those who are now registered. home Saturday and after a business with the United States of America, ROY DALEY. meeting a luncheon was served by Sec 3-20-37, con® 200 acres. 4-26-35. the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation County Clerk. » 1 . the hostess. District, the Owyhee Irrigation Dis J. V. A. Carter shipped a car load Mrs. Rose Velasques to A E Robison trict, the Gem Irrigation District, of fat cows from Murphy last week Lots 6 , 7, 8 , 7. 18, 19, Blk 5G, Pioneer tho Ontarlo-Nyssa Irrigation Dis Mr. Connell and daughter Maxine Addn Jordan Valley 3-10-32. »10. trict, the Bench Irrigation District, were visitors at the Halns home J. T. Summerville, U. S. Marshal the Crystal Irrigation District and to California Joint Stock Land Bank the Advancement Irrigation Dis Sunday. Mrs. Kate Dttton is visiting with ofl San Francisco, NE'-i 8 ec 22; trict, amending and altering the Metes and boiuic’s in the W 4 SEt, terms and conditions of the original her daughter Janet In Caldwell. Miss Jessie Payne of Middleton Is and SEViSWti Sec 23-20-4«, to contract of said District with the a guest of her sister, Mrs. Alfred gether with 100 shares Owyhee Ditch United States, of date of January 4, Co. Stock 12-2-3. $8000. Dttton. 1929, and agreeing to repay such sum Chas. Harris was an overnight F W Canfield et al to J M. Butler In an amount not to exceed $15.00 guest a® the Haylett home Friday. Und *4 Int In Lot l and North 14 ft per irrigable acre as Is expended Adam Blackstock and daughter 4 In of Lot 2 Blk 4, Ontario 11-?- within said District by said United Lucy were looking after ranch In 35. *1. States. J H Drobney et ux to F. M. Keith Said election will be held between terests at 8 heaville last week. The I.O.N. grange vlU hold their Lots 15 and 18 Blk 1 Hadleys 1st the hours of 8:00 o’clock In the fore regular meeting F Hay, and the Addn Vale. 11-27-35. *5000. noon and 5:00 o'clock In the after sales tax will be the ibject for dis C. W. Olenn. Sheriff to J. J. Aes- noon of said 4th day of January, Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s chlimann, Tr No. 409 NHNEti,, 1936, when the polls shall be closed. cussion. Fred Haylett Is 1 uHng cement NEtiNWW Sec 16-19-44. 12-9-35 $100 The Board of Directors has desig fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and Frank E Hill et ux to John A Tur nated the Kingman Colony School- from Lime to Horn x' j this week. her et al SEt.SE1, Sec 25 Ebi Sec hous 9 within said district as the old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. 36, SEt4, EMiSWti, Lots 3 and 4 Sec place where said election shall be CAIRO N VS 31-15-46, Lots 1 to 4 Inc. SEtiNW^ held. Sec 6-16-46. 3-10 .32. $10. Dated this 27th day of November, J. J. Mann and randson Roy W. C.. Tensen et al to Pieter Ten- 1935, by order of the Board of Di- j motored to Frultland on business sen SESSEti Sec 24—10-46. 6-24-35. rectors. Sunday. * 1 . FRANK D. HALL. Raymond Pried motored to Nyssa James T Roblrts et ux to Walter M Secretary. Kingman Colony Thursday on business. Payne Lots 21 and 22 Blk 10 Hopes Irrigation District. NYSSA OREGON Frank Urtu left Sunday for Cald Addn Vale. 12-7-35. $75. Date of first publication. Dec. 5, 1935 well. DeTwede Northwestern and Pac Date of last publication Jan. 2, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watanabe and ific Hypotheekbank to E. R Gasklll son Jack visited at the Hashltani 8HN4NW’.»NE'4 Sec 10-18-47. 11- home in Nyssa Sunday. 26-35. $200. Jos Budd motored to Harper Sat 8 . Jordan et ux to Thomas Goodler S ' urday. et al. Parcel of Land situated In SE4 NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mr. and Mrs. Dee Peters and fam SEH Sec 2-21-46, lying East and ily visited the Wylie Frakes family South of r-w of Oregon Short Line |RR Co. 11-20-35. $600 Sunday. WE RECOMMEND THEM Mrs. Ed Rose and family visited Arthur C Holly et ux to Daniel T her daughter Marian at the home of Floyd Embree. The Joe Watanabe family visited the Wada family at Vale Sunday. A. L. FLETCHER CARL H. COAD Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoffman were business visitors at Nyssa Sun Population, (1930) _________ 821 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW day. Recent estimates ___________ 1000 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW —and— Elevation __________________. 2 188 OREGON NYSSA NYSSA i OREGON “My Skin Wag Full Of Acetylene Welding City Officer» Pimples and Blemishes” Mayor____________ Don Graham Says Verna Schlepp: “Since using Councllmen ________ Art Norcott, Adlerlka the pimples are gone. My SWARM & SONS Al Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean skin Is smooth and glows with Smith. Pormerly Pete Dear Wreck health.” Adlerlka washes BOTH DR. C. A. ABBOTT City C le rk --------------- A. R. Millar d r . e . d . n o r c o t t bowls, rids you of poisons that cause ing Business, now located one City Treasurer_____Arthur Boy (Jell d e n t i s t CHIROPRACTIC a bad complexion. The Nyssa Phar block west, near high school. Marshall____________ A. V. Cook PHYSICIAN macy-Advertisement. Office Phone 36F2 Watermaster.......... N. H. Pinkerton Office In Residence Health Officer__Dr. J. J. Sarazln X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Three blocks 80 . M. E. Church County Officer« PHONE 25 NYSSA OREGON County Judge......David P. Graham C h e a p I n s u r a n c e I s n ’t G o o d Commissioners ________ Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. and Sheriff--------------------o. W. Olenn N Y S S A L I B R A R Y Clerk------------------------Roy Daley G o o d I n s u r a n c e I s n ’t C h e a p Nyssa Aerie OPEN SATURDAY Assessor------------- Murray Morton F. O. E. No. 2134 Treasurer------------ Mrs. Ora Hope Town Patrons..... .2:30 to 5:30 County Attorney ..........M. A. Biggs “Insure In Sure Insurance” County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson HEET 8 WEDNESDAY NIGS Out-of-town patrons County Physician,____ Dr. Anna B. 2:30 to 7:30 AT EAGLES HALL Pritchett Coroner-------------------R. a . Tacke ALL PATRONS WELCOME Visiting Eagles Welcome Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool Insurance Agency Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian WARREN McHAROUE, Pr< Nyssa Public Schools DON M. GRAHAM, Sccreta; Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee Dam ........*6.000,000 ON THE OLD JOB 7H miles of Tunnel ..........*4,000,000 Siphons, canals, etc......... *3,000,000 CITY TRANSFER H. D. Holmes Owyhee dam storage capacity___ ----------------715,000 acre feet a n d t h e t o m in g W in te r D r iv in g Helghth of dam ................ *20 feet Prom lowest point of foundation TRUCKINO TRANSFER and BAOOAOK to top. Gifts for th car are appreciated by the whole and Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon All Kindi of Hauling In family and re something that keep on giving Elevation of land ......2.250 to 2500 TRANSFERRING the year ro id. Let us show you: Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres City Limita Phone 15 snd Phone *8 Principal products __________hay, Frost Shield 1 The New Plymouth com, dairying, s to ck raising, NYSSA. OREGON Phone ( Heater» Tires and Tubes grains, potatoes, clover seed, pea«, C. Klinkenberg lettuce, onions and carrots. Prestone A id-Freeze Accessories of all Batteries kinds Distance« to Other Point« Atwater Kent Radios —Eastbound— Caldwell _______ Treat your car like a friend, bring it in reg DROP IN . . . - . 2 * Nam pa_____ ___ _ 37 ularly for a treat of genuine Standard service; Bolse __________ Make it a point to stop Pocatello „ 57 TOWNSEND CLUB greased and oiled from stem to stern for long 328 at Bill’s for a cup of Salt Lake _______ and economical operation. C ity__ 516 MEETINGS joffee and a sandwich —Westbound— Ontario __ 12 Held the 1st and 3rd Thurs —It’s a good habit! Vale............ . 20 day of each month. Public Baker ......... 96 La Grande invited. Jim Boor, President, Open Day and Night M6 C O L E M A N ’ S Pendleton _ Mr*. A. V. Pruyn, Secretary. 1*2 LUNCH Standard Products Plymouth Cars The Dalles 343 Portland__ 436 B urns____ 155 Drink Plenty of MILK Shelton Dairy USED PARTS FACTS ABOUT NYSSA y Frank T. Morgan Get Ready for Xmas POWELL’S SERVICE STATION - ro d