Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME XXIX. G A T E W A Y TO THE O W YH EE AND BLACK CANYO N IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 50. BODEN ADVANCEO TririniTnn mi i ru lubtNlñALvALLEi PROJECT IN CAL Fastest Growing Town in Oregon THE GATE CITY JO URNAL THURS., DECEMBER 19, 1935 S ta r »T T *'/0 CCC CAMP GETS Kink tor jyyssa Community ORDERS TO LEAVE I A movement was started this week I to get a skating rink for the Nyssa community, so that young and old \ could uso it during the cold weather, | free to ail. The city council has agreed to furnish the city scraper $1.50 PEK YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS RETURN HOME FOR XMAS VAC ATIO N Rich Gold Strike Reported On Nyssa Bench Lands CHARITY BALL BEING GIVEN HERE TH URSDAY NIGHT Friday and Saturday will bring th e ! arrival of most o f the local students N YSSA C IVIC CHORUS Spread from their various colleges. Miss HOLDS SOCIAL M EETING Fantastic Tales I Dorothy Boden plans to arrive here Like Wild-fire As to the Friday as will several other students The Nyssa Civic Chorus, the new Richness of Strike. : from Oregon State College, In ly organized singing club, met at the A charity ______________ ball Is being ________ given to- Surprise Order Reaches cluding Tien a Tensen, Vera Oarrl- home of Mr! and Mrs. M. Craw Other Reclamation Work- * “ l£ m and the Klsollnp necessary to _________ I son, Ethel Mary Boydell. Bob Jack- I r iif | | | h e p in s tr u c t such a plaoe and will night at the local high school gym for a social meeting last night. ers Leave ro r Work In fill It with water and give police pro- to help raise funds for Christmas A gold strike which may rival the Camp Friday — Camp son and Dean Johnston will also be ford About twenty-two were present and wildest dreams of gold-seeking pros home from Oregon State. Dorothy tectlon O. O. Boden, reclamation treats for people o f this community, Just Starting Work. Other Fields. after a short rehearsals of programs pectors came to light this week with Holly la expected to arrive Saturday engineer has agreed to loon a man The Georgians of Weiser and Pay to be given soon, the group enjoyed the news of a strike on the Mrs. from OSC. ______ to see that the rink Is made level and ette are playing for the affair. playing games with Max Gilchrist Florence Chase ranch eight miles . the Jackson Lumber company has The various civic and fraternal or Word was recedved Friday at CCC Most o f the students from the master of ceremonies. A, lunch was southwest of Nyssa. The current T a e peak of construction on the agreed to put seats around he rink. ganizations of the city are Joining camp 826, Bureau of Reclamation, university of Oregon will not be served at the close. Dwight John- Owyhee project is past and the I story Is that the find was made Reclamation force which has been \ The proposed location for the forces in putting on the dance and that orders had come to close the home until Saturday or Sunday. In- ston, who has been sick, attended for some time ago but was kept a secret will also have charge of thed istrlbu- camp some time next month. T h e , eluded In this group are Harriett j the first time, active in Malheur County for the s i t i n g rink is near the High until recently. Mrs. Chase’s ranch is The Chorus will be guests of the on new land of the Owyhee project. past ten years has begun to break up ! ^c^100^ building. Mr. Grant I tion of Christmas presents and camp Is located southwest of Nyssa Sarazin, Margaret Hunt. Margaret treats. A committee Is handling the Rawson, Who is helping to arouse and has only been In operation about Ann Morgan and Leonard Marshall, local OOC camp for dinner Sundav and scatter to the four winds. The exciting secret leaked some six weeks. The company is practi Calvin Wilson will come from th e ' evening and following the dinner Seme time ago C liff Betts was Interest through his desire to see a arrangements, where and a prospecting company Eastern Oregon Normal at La place for the younger folks to enjoy will entertain the members of the cally at fu ll strength with nearly 200 sent to the Mis6tssipi River Com has been formed, principally with themselves, talked before the school C H RISTM AS PRO G RAM camp with musical numbers. men and officers In camp. All the Qrande. mittee at Washington, D. C. capital put up by Parma business A T BOULEVARD GRANGE boys are recruited from the Western today and has secured the active co The Nyssa Civic Chorus Is In no Li-tdly Foser Towle has returned Misses Margaret Pinkerton and men, to work the land. They have states, and is one of the oldest com Marie Enebeck will spend the holi way connected wth the Nyssa Civic to his former field of reclamation operation of the pupils and school secured leases on much of the terri Friday, December 20, Boulflvard panies In Oregon. authorities. day at their homes here coming from |club' being organized for singing worn In Puerto Rico. tory In the vicinity of the strike, Grange Is giving a Christmas pro- The order to close the camp came the College of Idaho at Caldwell K :y men will soon be sent from A call has been made for volun grarrt and treat for the children. All principally from the Eastern Ore j ELECTION TO BE us a distinct surprise, to officers of the Owyhee force to the Black Can teers for this Saturday to turn out gon Land Company, and will test members are urged to come and the camp, reclamation officials and HELD N E X T M ONDAY yon Canal and Arrowrock Dam, If and work as long as you can spare the field thoroughly. Engineer K ru bring thetr kiddles. people of the community. The boys ________ those Jobs are carried on. the time, to clear the lots of weeds, ger, for years connected with the have been working on maintenance And now Oscar Boden, Division shovel In tha low spots and fix up The Ontario-Nysaa Irrigation dls- Andaconda Oopper company, is here work and were Just getting well un Eng.neer, in charge of the Nyssa tile space ready to turn the water i irict will hold an election Monday, and will help In testing the gold der way when the orders came to Office, who has laid out the hund- In. It Is hoped that enough work can | December 23 at the home of J. T. bearing ground. ; close down. The possibility Is that if Long. One director tor a three year reds of miles o f canals and the ¡be done Saturday so that tho water An assay was made of the pay dirt, the camp Is closed at this time. It term and a director for a one year miles of siphons and drops and can be turned in immediately and a and the outlook was so favorable ! inlay never be re-opened and the ex- term are to be elected. In a pre chutes on the Owyhee Project and dedication ceremony held In the that capital was readily m .H . avail j pensive plant built this summer for vious election, a tie vote was record has supervised the construction of a near future; possibly on New Years able for a thorough test. Another as the COO boys will become virtually largo share, is being transferred at Eve. Mrs. Ray Emmott will again heac ed for both offices. say report Is expected within a week ' a loss. an increased salary to the 130 m il After the rink Is In running order, the Civic Club, having been re on the testa being made and these The strange part of the clcdng lion dollar Central Valley Project In It Is possible that hockey teams can elected at the December meeting of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy attend are expected to prove or disprove tha A big crowd of hungry figh t fans order Is the fact that the local camp California. Mr. Boden will be Resi be organized and the place made a the club held Wednesday. 8he will ed a meeting Friday In Boise o f the story of the big gold discovery. had their appetite appeased Thurs Is located right In the center of ac dent Engineer on the first feature of real gathering place for the young day night at the Eagles fight card tivities and can be of great help In be assisted by Mrs. Ed. Norcott, who retail druggists of this territory. A There Is little llkelyhood of a gold the project to be undertaken, the folks for miles around. when every fight turned out to be building the new project, noxious was re-elected vice president; Mrs. banquet and dance were features of rush due to the fact that the Eastern Contra Costa Canal—with head Wrn. Schireman. secretary and Mrs. the evening. a knock down and drag out; affair. weed control, /oad building and In Oregon Land Company land was quarters near Sacramento. New o f In the main event, Kenny Thorp many other Important tasks. The Garrett Stam, treasurer. conveyed with a mineral reservation Walker R. Young, who was Con ficers will take office at the next I failed to put in his appearance to Vale and Ontario camps were not in the deeds and contracts. Owners struction Engineer on the Boulder meeting on January 15th. battle "Sleepy” Blount and Buddy affected, by the closing order. of private property In the vicinity of Dam. will ba In general charge of the During the program hour Mrs. ' Edwards substituted. The fight went the strike have forbid, prospectors project. Young and Boden worked Charles Cox and Mrs. E. C. Van 1 along at a fast pace for the first few to go onto the land and a strong ru together on the Kittitas Project near Petten of Ontario gave talks on the I rounds with honors about even. In mor has It that armed guards are Yakima before moving to Boulder Womens Federal clubs, Mrs. Cox re j the third. Blount caught the Nyssa present to enforce this ruling. and Owyhee. Orders to Boden are to porting a recent district meeting. An I fighter with a hard one back of the Those who are in a position to move before Christmas. impressive Christmas candle light ear and Buddy went down for the know the most about the strike are ing service was given by several of oount of nine, staggering to his very reluctant to give out any de the women, accompanied by a quar Jim Smith Is in jail in Caldwell feet Just In time to catch a hay R. A. Smith, agricultural advisor finite facts or figures, but rumor has tette composed of Mrs. J. W. Poage, and Mrs. F. Stacey P ro ffitt Is In a maker on the point of the chin, that serious condition at her home on ended the fight then and there. Nyssa games of their Mrs. Ernest McClure, Mrs. Elmo for the Union Pacific railroad met It that the first assay reports re Bridge Island south of Nyssa as a opening basketball games against Hlgglnson and Mrs. R ay Kendler, with members of the- Vale-Owyhee vealed coarse gold with values as The semi-final battle beween Jake Parma Tuesday night. T h e first with Mrs. C. C. Hunt pianist. Mrs. Land Settlement Committee last high as $11,000 to the ton. Whether result of a fam ily argument Tues Thursday night and discussed meth the entire field will hold up to this day night at the P ro ffitt home. Green and Chuck SUhavy ended in a team went to town to the tune of 47 Kendler also sang a solo. The Library Benefit aprons were ods of advertising the opportunities figure Is a matter o f speculation. Smith Is alleged to have Inflicted knockout In the third round. Jake to 27 and the Nyssa seconds won Many people who have seen min two wounds In the side of his moth outboxed his man for two rounds their game, 27 to 7. opened and found to contain more to be found In the new Owyhee and Vale projects. He submitted a plan ing booms before are willing to wait er with a razor as well as cutting and in the third landed a solid one Paul Johnston was high point than the quota to be raised. Mrs. Mr. P roffitt on the nose and slash that put the CCC boy down for a scorer for the locals, accounting for LaFrenz’s division had the most In which the railroad would pub until more developments are reveal T h e Union Pacific Scholaarship, ing a younger brother on the cheek. count oS six. His legs wobbly, and lish a$ their own expense, a map of ed before becoming excited about 16 of his team’s points. Other mem money in their apron, so members which Is awarded each year to the the lands, showing the lands yet un the proposition. However should the practically out on his feet, SUhavy bers of the starting lineup were drew to see who would keep the Mrs. P ro ffitt Is In a critical con- outstanding 4-H club member in gamely staggered to his feet and plerson HoUy wlUon and Jack- aprons. The lucky one were Mrs. A. sold and the lands which will be further testing of the ground show Malheur county was won this y e a r; dition with considerable loss of blood Jake drove him against the ropes opened for homestead entry in the a continued high assay value. Nyssa son. Substitutes were Oraham. Rust V. Cook. Mrs. 8. B. Davis and Mrs. by Evelyn Haworth of Big Bend, and shock; but is expected to re ready for the killing punch when his near future. On the back of the big is apt to become one of the biggest Arvtlla Fauchler. Oroot and Poage. with Viola Pullen of Owyhee named cover. Dr. J. J. Sarazin, who was seconds Jumped Into the ring and About forty ladies were present for folder would be a description of the mining towns anywhere. High point scorers for the second caled to attend those Injured, forbid kept the fighter from further pun lands here. as alternate. Tho strlousness which farm own team were Lankford with 13 and the meeting and enjoyed a social This award Is a $100 scholarship tha removal o f Mrs. P roffitt to the ishment. Another proposition which has ers In that vicinity have taken the time and refreshments of tea and Lloyd Wilson with 12 points. Other hospital because of the seriousness been advanced Is running excursions to be applied toward the 4-H club strike Is Indicated when Albert The fight between “K id ” Ritz of members of the starting team were cookies served by Mrs. A. V. Cook, member’s college education and Is of her wounds. from the mlddlewest for land seek Pfeller repurchased, at an advanced the Ontario OCC camp and George J. Rust, Larsen and Prawltz. Sub who substituted as hostess for Mrs. presented to the winner upon enter According to the story of the a f Dow of the local camp proved to be stitutes were Boren, Huston Wilson, Chas. Paradis, Mrs. Don Oraham, ers, In an effort to make It possible price, 40 acres he recently sold. ing Oregon State College. The schol fair, Smith returned from Nyssa Mrs. C. J. Keizer and Mrs. Ray Em for those Interested In finding a new one of the best on the card. When Bill Wilson, Warren and Swett. arship Is given by C. R. Gray, presi night In an Intoxicated condition home o f having economical trans H. R. 8herwood left Thursday on Parma first and second teams are mott. the boys got together, which was portation here to look the lands the Portland Rcee for Salt Lake, dent of the Union Pacific Railroad and Is said to have started a quarrel often, they mixed it so fast the fans to play a return engagement tonight over. system. with his wife. Mis. P roffitt stepped had trouble following their flaks. In the local gym. T E R T E L IN G AW AR D ER being called by the serious Illness of H. J. Plumoff. general manager of his brother, F. P. Sherwood. The scholarship Is awarded on the between the two and received two B U R N T R IV E R C O NTR AC T After four rounds of fast action, the basis of years in 4-H club work, the deep razor wounds in her side. Mr. the system was In Nyssa Wednesday N YSSA C IV IC CHORUS TO decision went to Rltz. Allen Johannesen returned M on number of projects carried, quality P roffitt knocked Smith down with a and talked over co-operation of the Toughy Burke and A lf Parrish G IV E SPECIAL M USIC A T of work, as well as character and chair and a younger brother took a Union Pacific and the Lend Set day morning after spending the fought four fast rounds In the pre- Secretary Ickes awarded a con tlement committee. He expressed week end with his family at Cald SUNDAY M O R N IN G SERVICE qualities of leadership hand in the affair, and Smith was tract for construction of the Unity his willingness to do everything pos well. He came down on the train Evelyn Haworth has been In club bound hand and foot with clothes limiary, with both boys showing a dam on the Burnt river Monday to sible to help advertise the new lands and went on up to the dam. work six years and has completed line. Next morning Sheriff Piersall disposition to mix it freely. A lf Par Special music at the Sunday rish won the decision. In the curtain J. A. Tertellng and Sons o f Boise for under the project. There Is 35,000 eight projects Including three divi of Caldwell was called who took morning church service w i l l Mrs. Herbert Snyder left Monday sions of clothing club work, three Smith to Caldwell where he Is being raiser, Brooks and Leavitt, two 80 bs furnished by the Nyssa Civic $273.989. Bids for the dam, which acres under the two projects which for Spokane where she will Join her divisions of home cookery and two held on an open charge pending the pound schoolboy weights, battled to Chorus. The following numbers will will store 26,000 acre feet of water, will receive water for the first time ware opened at the reclamation o f this spring, and over half of this husband, who Is working there. Mrs. divisions of canning. The quality of outcome o f his mother’s Injuries. a draw. be given, solo by Robert Stringfellow, Snyder has spent the past month at fice at Vale on November 30. remains to be sold. her work has been excellent as evi Should she die, he will face a “ Oh Holy N igh t;’’ solo by Mrs. Ray the home o f her sister Mrs. Farn- denced by a number o f prizes won at charge of murder. MASONS AND STARS Kendler, "H oly C ity;’’ a male chorus ham Sills. the county fair, and the 4-H club CITY COUNSEL HOLD INSTALLATION will present "Bless This House;” and summer school scholarship for out Hlnemoa Clonlnger, daughter of the full chorus will present two HOLDS SPECIAL standing work) in 1933. Activities in ( Lieut, and Mrs. Clonlnger of the numbers, singing special arrange promoting club work In the com MEETING TUESD AY local OOC camp, suffered s slight ments of "Joy to the W orld” and At Impressive ceremonies Monday munity and offices held have amply concussion of the brain when she I “ Crown Him Lord.' night new officers for the Mason demonstrated qualities of leadership. fell on the frosen ground Tuesday. Rev. Floyd White will talk on "The and Star lodges were Installed. The Viola Pullen has been carrying on She Is at the Clonlnger borne and Is The city council held a special Spirit of Christmas." Star chapter held their regular busi club work; for five years and has The Sunday School of the Meth on the road to recovery. meeting Tuesday night with En completed seven projects In that Oreat interest was created In the ness meeting, followed by Installa BIDS TO BE OPTINE gineer McConnell of Caldwell pre odist Community Church Is prepar time consisting of two divisions of Christmas window decorating con tion with Mrs. Jennie Ward acting FOR W O R K NEAR AD R IAN sent. T h e new sewer was discussed ing a nice program to be given Tues LEG IO N AND A U X IL IA R Y clothing, two divisions of canning test sponsored by the Commercial as Installing officer and Miss Eva and the specifications as drawn by day evening at the church, starting E N TE R TAIN YOUNGSTERS and three divisions of home cookery. Club, with the Judging taking place Boydell as marshal. Mrs. Hollenberg, ell. They were later sent on to C. at seven o’clock. I t will be composed Bids are to be opened January 2, She has. also been a prize winner at last Saturday. Fifteen windows were retiring matron was presented with C Hockley, state P W A administrator of a pageant put on by the upper 1936 at Ontario on some work of the County Fair. grades, songs, drills and recitations decorated and all were so cleverly a past matron pin. for his approval. The Masons also had a short bust- canal lining In the Mitchell Butte McConnell were shown to the coun- by the primary classes. This scholarship Is a fitting re- ^ made up the judges had an extreme- Tonight at the Parish hall the ward for outstanding endeavor on | ly tjme deciding which was ness meeting with Installation fol- Division near Adrian. The principal The pageant, “ Star Darden”, will American Legion and Auxiliary are Work of arranging for the sewer the part o f the club member and Is j reauy the best. The three judges, lowing. A. V. Cook, retiring Worship- items In the Job are 70 yards of ex- Is going forward as fast as govern be quite an elaborate affair with the giving their annual Christmas party an added Incentive for carrying on /^rtle Robertson, Rev. Floyd White ful Master Installed Chas. McConnell cavatlon. 100 yards of back fill, 105 ment detail will allow, but the de stage converted into a flower garden for their children and families of the work to the fullest extent. m e Mrs. Ray Emmott were unani In the office of Worshipful Master, yards of concrete In structures, 10 tails are necessarily many and vari and actors wearing beautiful cos war veterans. A program will be mous in giving the $5.00 award to and then he Installed the other of- yards of dry rock paving and piac- ed; but It Is hoped that things will tumes. The Christinas story will be given by the children after which the Swan Bakery for the best dis ficers. John Kakebceke was marshal lng of 6800 pounds of reinforcement have progressed so that advertising portrayed by the actors, who will Santa Claus will present each child N YS SA GRADE TEAM S About seventy-five were present, ■ bars. play. Be sure to see the window the for bids can take place shortly and be assisted by a chorus of 26 singers. with a treat. Hostesses for the meet W IN S B A SK E T B A LL GAME Including visitors from Boise, On- j Mrs. E. Wolfe Is directing the pag ing will be Mrs, Douglas McDonald, next time you are in town. actual construction work start some tario and Adrian. A lunch and social FROM VALE TUESDAY eant and Miss Ruth W olfe Is pianist. Mr*. McOlnnii an<$ Mrs. F. Bailey. time In January. Athough there were no other time closed the evening. The primary teachers will present prizes offered, by analyizlng the their classes In Individual groups As T R U C K MEN ASK score sheets, we find that the the COLD W EATH ER CREEPS TOW NSEND P A R T Y F R ID A Y The Nyssa grade school basket window displays of the Pa ulus Jew C E R T IF IC A TIO N a specialty, Dickie Schireman will ______ -» - UP ON N YS SA SECTION play selections on his violin. ball team nosed out the Vale team elry, Caldwells Drygood, Wilson A crowd of about 100 attended the Norcott Serlvce gets Its face 11ft- 16 to 14 In a hard game played In Orocery and the Crawford Beauty Townsend club party Friday night ed . . . Eddie Powell looking for SANTA CLAUS TO the Vale gym Tuesday a fte rn o o n .___ _________ Shoppe were ______ Just a _______________ point behind the when the women entertained the Chester Oump’s airplane . . . Bill Ontario—Interest of some growers BE HERE SATU RD AY The score being tied when the game j wln^ ^ Right behind this group of Colder weather has been creeping In obtaining certification of various men with a chill supper, baked ap- Coleman finishes Interior decora- was over, a two minute overtime p e r -, f<njr came the Ecer Hardware, up gradually but never-the-lese pies, cake and coffee The party was tions . . . Opinions differ as to truck crops, principally carrots and lod was necessary in whch Stanley Macks shop Nyssa Phar- surely. Saturday night the minimum the climax o f a membership contest whether "T h ar’s gold In them thar' onons. Is reported by R. O. Larson, Ray nipped in the winning basket. and Johnson variety with the Word has reached this office that temperature was I I degrees above Santa Claus makes the Malheur county agent As a prelm- losers , hills In which the women were The Nyssa team Included Stanley balance of the competitors right Mrs. Oordon Ray won the quilt j rounds Thursday morning . . . Mrs lnary step, Mr. Larson says, the Santa Claus will be on the streets of Sunday night It fell to 13 and Mon Ray and Roland Lankford, forwards; behind. that the club gave away. There are Cook sells $50 worth of tickets to onion crop belonging to Joe Luft o. Nyssa again Saturday and kiddles day night to 10 above. Tuesday It Lloyd Nelson, center; Herbert Boren Vale has been inspected! for certi should have their letters ready as dropped still further with a mini T h e contest is said to have In now 275 members of the local club dance . . . Postoffice crew snowed and Charles Short, guards. fication for seed crop next year. the time Is getting short and Santa mum reading of the government Tonight a regular meeting of the under Christmas rush spired some of the finest Christmas These onions are being held In stor Is rushed for time. Bring the kiddles theromesneter of 7 above, Wednes club will be held at the church, with Homer Pinker broke his w rist; windows In the history of Nyssa and age and will be planted next spring In Saturday and let them talk to day night the mercury dropped to I giving Wednesday morning while attempt- all are well worth your time look the nominating committee above, the coldest night up to datav Santa to grow for mad their report. ing to crank a car. | lng closely when you are in town Mrs. Emmott Is Re-elected Pres. Fight Card Held Last Thursday Nyssa Wins First Game Of Season TALK ADVERTISING Big Bend Girl WinsScholorship Program Tues. Night At Church Swan Bakery Wins $5 Prize ’ROUND TOWN “ /