Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., DECEMBER 12,1935 Buy from our advertisers and get real satisfaction! | np a | u r u /o Still time for those | ^ Or. and Mrs J J. Sarazin made a Christmas Photos but . . | business trip to Boise Tuesday Miss Leona Taylor of FrulUand HURRY! ! I wjs an overnight guest* of Mrs. Laura Fisher Tuesday night. S' Heaters Studio Ontario, Ore. & Frank Wilson left Tuesday for » Ä Boise where he will enter the Vet eran's Hospital fot- treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W F. McLlng were dinner guests at the Wm. Sehireman home Monday evening. Mrs. Chan Warner and children have moved from Dunaway and are living In Ward house In Nyssa. Ivk Mrs. Art Servoss, Mrs. Ernest Mc Clure and Mrs. Don; Todd were FO k YOUR. Boise visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Posey spent Wednesday in fai Caldwell visiting with her daughter Mis. Walter Johnson. The Episcopal Guild met at the home of Mrs. John Hunter Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. Georgia Taylor and son left In a roomy, smooth-riding Union Wednesday for their home In Salt Paciiic car you'll be as comiortable Lake after spending two weeks at and saie as you are at home. the parental Jess Thompson home. That's the way to travel. And Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Truelson, Miss Leola Truelson the cost is low. Spur and Lee Weldeman went to Horse Coach passengers on Union shoe Bend Sunday to visit Mrs. d'CihOA. Truelson's mother. Paciiic through trains en joy Low Cost Meals— Jack Rogers, who had charge of -- of \ l/zC to the Denny Hogue office during the 2c a mile en Free Pillows and fall, left Wednesday evening for his able you to Drinking Cups— home In Kent, Washington. travel at lose Porter Service— Mrs. Lois Calles Is taking care of cost than driving Air-condition the Owyhee hotel during the absence a car. And think of Mrs. Margaret N< Ison who is In ed Comfort, of the unequalled La Grande for medical treatment. comfort of riding over regardless Mr and Mrs. He: ¡er Wiggins of smooth steel rails, in o i th e Caldwell and Manlct 1 Coyl of Cald soft • cushioned s e a t s , weather. well spent Wednesdi y at the home with plenty of leg room, of Mr. Wiggins’ sis.i r, Mis. Chas wide aisles, c o n v e n i e n t Paradis. v/ashroomsl The Clarence John on family from Special features on "The Chal Emmett and Mrs. Ocampo of Seattle lenger," coach-tourist car sec spent the week end with their uncle tion of the Los Angeles Limited, and aunt Mi-, and Mrs. J. M. Include? Stewardess • registered Thomason In Big Bend. nurse service, and special de luxe A baby boy was born to Mr. and coach for women and children. Mrs. James Abbott of McCall at the Hite home In Owyhee on December • 3rd. Mrs. Abbott will be remembered For further particulars consult as Miss Lila Hite before her mar your Union Pacific Agent riage. Marriage licenses were issued last at Caldwell to Godfrey UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Thursday Allen and Marjorie Glascock, both of Nyssa; and to Albert Allen and Marlon McMurdo, also both of Nys sa. ■ ti*.. bs .. t a „ i i u ten tsLjj ta.., teix. ta ± ; tea. USE THE TRAIN an business, He was accompanied Mrs. C. J. Keizer entertained the ADRIAN BOY SCOUTS Holly family Tuesday night. D. T. Holly spent Tuesday In Boise by his wife. Ladles Aid at her home this after TO GIVE PLAY noon. Mr and Mrs. C W. Farmer and Mrd. Lillie Frew were visitors in Adrian—At a meeting Wednesday Boise last Wednesday. night the Boy Scouts decided to give The Andrew McGinnis family a play sometime the first part of If you are planning on moving, have were visitors at the Howard Con- | January The proceeds will be used naughy country home on Sunday. | to send the troop to Scout summer some merchandise to move, hay to haul or anything to move call— Mr and Mrs. Dick Young enter camp at Warm Lake The play Is en- tained Mr. and Mrs Nate Young | tlted "After Dark," and Is a three and Owen Price at dinner Sunday. act comedy which promises many Licensed to haul in both Idaho and Oregon Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy and laughs and thrills. The cast of char children were dinner guests of Mr. acters will be published at a later and Mrs W. F. McLlng at their date. home near Emmett Sunday. Phone 36F3—Nyssa Irene Poague of Nyssa was a guest W. W. Foster returned Monday of Ellen McConnell Thursday night. from a business trip to Ogden. Utah. Quite a number of Adrian folks at He left the same evening for his tended the minstrel given at the home In Portland. Gilbert Kllnken- Wade schoohouse Thursday night by berg who accompanied Mr. Poster the Wade P. T. A. M to Ogden, stopped in Boise for a few The F. A. Miller family of Big days visit on their return. Bend were dinner guests of the J. E. Give Her a GENERAL HAULING < PERMANENT ! Alexander’s ARE SURE TO PLEASE HIM Suits $20 to $30 O’Coats $15to*25 Robes FOR HER Diamonds Watches Rings Vanity Cases Cigarette Lighters and Cases Bracelets and Earrings Dlarys Manicure and Toilet Sets Electric Clock Perfume Flacon Fountain Pens Sets Personal Engraved Stationery “Where Good Clothe* Co*t Le**” Ontario, Oregon We have too much to mention COME, IN! Johnson Variety Visit Ginzel’s New Gift Shop for Ideas and Suggestions. A new line of M. Jacques’ Beauty Preparations now on sale at— Ginzels Jewelry and Gift Shop The Vogue Beauty Shop Use our Credit and Lay-by Plan Ontario, Oregon Christmas Candy CHRISTMAS CANDY CREAM MIX Per Pound...................................... JUMBO GUM DROPS Per Pound....................................... Old Fashion CHOCOLATE DROPS Per Pound...................................... BROKEN MIX Per Pound....................................... STAR MIX Per Pound....................................... PARIS CREAMS CHRISTMAS NUTS WALNUTS Acetylene Welding SWARM & SONS Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. OLIVES Knights, 12 Oz., Stuffed, Each.... OLIVES Ripe, Pint Cans—2 For............... MAYONNAISE Best Food—Quarts .................... MAYONNAISE Best Food—Pints.................. PLUM PUDDING Cross & Blackwell, 1 Lb. Cans.. SWEET POTATOES 6 Pounds, California.................. COCOANUTS Large Size—3 F or............. GRAPE FRUIT PUMPKIN 2i/2 Cans, EACH ................... BLACK WALNUT MEATS Half Pound Cellophane Bags. PEANUTS All Kinds, Per Pound .............. 25c 15c Large Franquette, Per Pound Fresh Roasted, 2 Pounds For MIXED NUTS WALNUTS DATES Bulk, 2 Pounds For DATES Pitted—2 Pounds For SHORTENING 4 Pound Packages I Cn COFFEE, SURFINE Gold Bar Fancy, No. 2 Cans, Each | U u FLOUR SURFINE *5 1 Pound Cellophane Bags.... Large Size, Per Pound The very best grade, 24 ^ Lb. Sack 37c 29c w 45n ?9s ?9c ?5c 25c 49c I I BLACK WALNUT MEATS BRAZIL NUTS The very best grade, 49 lb. Sacks OQr» 24 Oz. cans pure St. Berry, Each.. ¿IOC 19c j? 1X L ALMONDS Soft Shell, Per Pound FLOUR, SURFINE GROCERY SPECIALS Starting Friday, Dec. 13 and Ending Tues., Dec. 24 Arizona, Size 80—1 Dozen Emerald No. 1, Per Pound. PEAS OREGON JAM 11c 12c 12c 1?c 13c 17c 19c Plain Mix, Per Pound Campbell’s, 14 ounce, 3 For. —and— NYSSA Phone 387J YO U R HOLIDAY ★ FO O D S TOMATO JUICE USED PARTS All waves complete with shampoo, fingerwave M and hair cut. nr 1 Lb. Pkgs. for your Xmas dinner Z 3Q CO CM Alexander’s Silverware China Crystal Ware Electric Clocks Book Ends Silver Coffee Sets Cocktail Sets Silver Trays Desk Sets Candlesticks Pictures, etc. Per Pound .... Seeing is Believing j COFFEE, WILSON BROS OWN $1.90 CHRISTMAS TREES In Quart Glass Jars, 1 Pound il BUY and SAVE at and upset stomach due to excessive smoking and drtnklng try Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets. Sold on money back guarantee. The Nyssa Pharmacy. —Advertisement. Rings Watches Bill Fold Sets Traveling Sets Cigarette Combina tion Cases and Lighters Auto Clocks Brush Sets Cravat Seta Belt Sets Cocktail Shakers Seltzer Bottle Fountain Pen Sets Ash Trays Watch Chains Pen Knives FOR THEM ; Blazers Shoes Hats Pajamas Gloves Shirts Mufflers 75c to $1.75 Ties 50c to $1.50 Socks 2 for 25c to 50c pr. Slippers 65c to $3.00 L u ggage for men or ladies Most complete assortment in town - and priced right Smoking And Drinking? Watch Your Stomach! For quick relief from Indigestion FOR HIM CO CM $3.45 to $10 $3.45 to $8.50 $2.95 to $5 $1.95 to $5 $1.25 to $5 $1.00 to $3.00 95c to $2.50 COOKED FOOD SALE The American Legion Auxiliary will have a sale of mince pies, plum pudding, Christmas cookies and other Holiday foods on Monday, De cember 22rd at the Blackman build ing. Let the ladles of the Auxiliary relieve you from the trying work of baking for Christmas—Adv. NOTICE We will be out of our office from December 15th until Friday noon, December 20th. Dr. J. A. McFall, Optometrist, Ontario, Oregon A pleasing and Practical Gift Popularly Priced and Guaranteed Nutri Tonic Oil Wave1 NuBasic Oil Wave $3.50 $2.50 New 50 Per Cent Cooler FREDERICS VITRON WAVE $5.00 Gift Suggestions ' GIFTS FOR MEN When Bought From Hugh Glasgow A nice bunch CIGARETTES A 95c dowTi to 29c 25c C l 10 In Xmas wraps, all brands, carton ^ | , | j WILSON BROS. GROCERY & ssa w % Oregon ■ / ss*-' 1