THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., DECEMBER 12,1935 RESULTS CCMTILED ON Malheur Land Company to W. G. | rjw for ditches; together with inter FIRE PREVENTION Terwllllger, NEUNWU Sec. 26-16- est held In r-w for road purposes HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL 43, lying North and East of John held across NEUNE U Sec 24, 18. 4t In compiling the results of the Day Highway 11-18-36 »1 $10. VOLUME X, No 13 DECEMBER 12, 1935 educational oampaign waged during C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Leonard 6-5-31. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Ftre Prevention week last fall; a re Peterson, Td. No 867: All Block 186 The Federal Land Bank of Spo- GIRLS ATHLETIC NEWS now where no one can hurt them . . . port by the State Fire Marshall de Orlg Townsite of Ontario 11-9-35. i kane vs. Guy J Johnson et al. 12-4- The CCC boys printed their paper on partment shows that reports were $28.75. 35. $1617.27 the High School lettergraph Mon received from 50 towns, representing C. W Glenn, Sheriff to Samuel j Daisy Berry vs. G. H. Berry 12. 7, 54,776 of the home fire hazard day . . . Student body members Smith Tr No 846: SWU, WUWU- Divorce. Two more games of the basketball which were used. These WUSEU, WHSWHSWUNEU, Sec 35. Petition Filed In the County Court tournament were played last week showed very poor spirit by not at | Iphamphlets reports show that 51,125 fire hazards 16-18-46. 11, 9, 35. $108.75. Estate of Thomas T. Nelson. 12-2- I with the Freshmen defeating the tending tha box social Friday night. were eliminated. U S of America to Ira O Webster 35. Sophomores and the Juniors defeat —NHS— I The campaign was the most suc WUSEU Sec. 28-19-42, cont. 80 acres ing the Seniors. As soon as it is con- cessful state-wide Fire Prevention 11, 10, 33. venlSnt they expect to play more BOX SOCIAL campaign ever conducted in Oregon, L. B. Stiner et ux to Clarence Love basketball. The girls too, are to start the Fire Marshall says. The cam- et ux EHSEU. Sec. 16-17-44. 7, 25, tumbling practice this week. I.ETTERMEN ORDER SWEATERS The box social given by the Let j paign was made possible in Nyssa by 29. $787.25. Charles O. Johnson to Emmett Seven members of the Lettermens termens club and the GAA Friday the co-operation of local school Smith et al NEU Sec. 19-17-47. 10, 11 club ordered sweaters Thursday. evening was none too successful due authorities and the fire department. 35. Per Month to Feed $10. Those who will be wearling new to the bad weather. County, Oregon to City NEWS OF RECORD of Malheur sweaters In about two weeks are: Ontario, Tr. No. 860: Lots 1 to 5, Jake Groot, Frank Pierson, Loren —SHN— Real Estate Transfers Recorded Inc., Blk 34; Tr. No 862: Lots 13 to WILL INCREASE YOUR Prawitz, Leonard Nichols, Don Lank CLASS NEWS Bernice Platt, Admin, to James 20 lnc., blck 107; Tr. No. 861; Lot 18 ford, Bob Jackson, Bill Kurtz. EGG PRODUCTION N. Jones, EH SE USE'a Sec. 25-20 [ Blk 75; Tr. No. 864: Lot 113, Blk 155 Over —NHS— -38; NWUSEU. SHSEU, SEUSWU Tr o. 870, Lots 6 and 7 Blk 292, The Juniors and Freshmen are Sec. 25; SU, SHN1*, Sec. 27; SEU, Ontario. 11-7-35. $$255, SCRIMMAGE WITH CCC busy preparing a Christmas pro SE1»NEH, Sec. 28, SEUSEU, Sec. 29 Ontario Women’s Clubs to City of on the average gram to be given December 19 at the SWUSWU, sec. 30, SEUNWU. Ontario, East 50 feet of Lots 1 to 5 close of the student body meeting. SWUNEU, NUSEU, Sec. 31, NE VI lnc., Blk 41, Orlg. Townsite of On The average grain fed hen Last Wednesday the basketball They plan to make this the best NE U, Sec 32 U NUNWU. Sec. 33; tario. 11-5-35. $1. produces 144 eggs annually. squad scrimmaged the CCC boys program given this year. W'.WV., SEUNWU, SUNEU, Mollie Salmon to L. T. Gardner The average mash fed hen with the score much in favor of NEU NE Vi, Sec. 36-20-39; SWUSWU SWU Sec. 26, WUNEU. NHNWVi, produces 240 eggs—an increase —NHS— the high school squad. The CCC Sec. 30. EUNWU, SUNEU, Sec. 31- SWU NWU, EUSWH, SWU, SEU, of 8 dozen per year for 60c. came back with a last minute rally 20-40. NUSWU. WUSEU, Sec. 15; Sec. 35-31-36, cont 640 acres. 11, 23, Don’t that look like good busi JOKES to make several points. About 15 ness. W NWU. SEUNWU. NUSWU. 35. $1800. high school players and 12 CCC fel SEUSWU. SUNEU, SEU. Sec 16; L. T. Gardner to Marion F. Wrot- j See us for further details low i saw action. Another scrimmage Friday morning Mr. Young com NEU NWU, Sec 21-21-38; SUSWU en SWU Sec. 26; WUNEU. NU-i will be held Wednesday. Sec 2, WUNEU, SEU, Sec 10; EU- NWU, SWUNWU. EUSWH, SWU-| mented in Civics class that he had NWU, sec 11. NUNWU SEU SWU, SEU Sec. 35, 31, 46. cont. 640 —NHS— had no absences so far that morning NWU, SWU. W Vi NEU, SEUNEU, WH- acres 11-25-35. $1800. and wondered what was going to SEU Sec 14; NHNEU Sec 15. EUE Robert M. Naylor to Western AROUND SCHOOL happen. Hoot Gibson quoted, “It’s Sec 16, NWU. NUSWU, WUEU, Loan and Investment Co. et al WU- gonna snow.’ It had already been Sec 25; NEU, NUSEU , SEUSWU NWUNEU. NUNWU, Sec. 24-18- “The Fanner’s Own Co-Op” snowing an hour. Sec 26, WUSEU, Sec 29. WUNEU, 46, cont. 100 acres; except r[w grant B >b Jackson got home Saturday In English IV Arthur Vernon told NWU Phone 26 Nyssa SEU. Sec. 32; NEUNWU. ed Malheur Valley RR Co. and morning in time to build the fires Miss Denny he didn't know what a WUNEU, SEUNEU, SEU Sec 35 . . . Bob Leuck’s hair has growm long diama was Miss Denny said, “And SUNWU. NUSWU, SWU NEU, eno lgh so he can comb It now . . . after being in the Student Body SEU Sec 36-21-39; NUNWU, Sec 1 Fal mey couldn’t help It because he Play.” NEU, NUSEU, SWU SEU. Sec 2 wa.‘ Vt at the box social—the roads While Mr. Shoemaker and Eill WUNEU, NWU SEU. Sec 11 SWU wdre just too slick . . . Lloyd Wilson Kurtz were experimenting with a Sec 15; WUNEU. NUSEU, whf n reciting in class forgets to take miniature hand-made fire extin SEU his hand down, after the question guisher, the contraption, having too Sec 16-22-39. 7, 26, 35. has been answered . . . Paul Cox much gas in it, blew up in Bill’s There are two things to consider when buying Insurance . . . gave a report in Civics on "Scare- face. The acid made Bil smart in faci A1 Capone" and “Machine Gun the face for a while, but nothing First—Is it safe insurance? . . . and Secondly—What Is It go Kel ys” exclusive home. They are serious was wrong. ing to cost me? I^t us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 481-3 per cent on your Insurance and at the same ROCKVILLE Clin Nichols left for Nyssa Tues time, give you insurance that is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance day where he expects to visit friends in a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. Miss Velma Bums accompanied and relatives. the Guy Wlsa family to Jordan Val Guy Wise and family made a trip “Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don” ley Sunday, returning to Rockville to Nyssa Saturday returning the the same day. We take pride in do same day. The roads are in excellent condi Olen Nichols, who has been em tion and the oil transports have ployed at the George Greeley farm ing good work and bien able to make regular trips with left for a visit with his sister Tues will be glad to have fuel oil and gasoline. They make a day. DON M. GRAHAM, Manager trip to Jordan on Saturday, return- j Stewart McKenzie of Portland your patronage. will visit relatives here during the lrg Sunday. Mrs. Verla Green visited at the Guy Christmas vacation. Jack Strode of Idaho was In this Wise home Wednesday afternoon. on business the first of the The range cattle are In good con vllcnity dition this winter and several ship- . week. The roads from Caldwell to Jor ments have been made. Valley are reported to be In the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leake made a dan condition ever known. business trip to Caldwell the first of best Dlmengi Yutrris three daughters the week. O. C. PRAWITZ, Owner at the home of their father The 4-H club will not resume their visited Jordan Sunday. Next Door to Bakery work this winter on account of so in Miss Janet McKenzie is expected much sickness. Nyssa, Oregon Boise where she is at Miss Ruth Miller spent Thanks home from school. She will visit friends giving at the home of her folks In tending and relatives during the holidays. the Bend. Many of the students have been 111 with scarlet fever and have miss ed several days of school. Mary Ellen and Bui Greeley have returned to NOT A T H IN G ' school after a long Illness of scarlet WHAT HAPPENS TO THE GEAR fever. HE'S U S IN G ” GREASE IN YOUR FATHER'S Mrs. Kenndth Green of Nyssa ! VELTEX visited at the home of her parents CAR IN COLD W EATHER? here the past week. She returned to SUB-ZERO her home Friday. G EA R GREASE Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKenzie visited at thq Guy Wise home Thursday afternoon. Frank Mullinix visited at the home of his two sons, Chester and Stanley In Boise this week, returning Friday. Miss Velma Burns of Nyssa Is visiting at the Guy Wise home. Mrs. Verla Green and mother, Mrs. Otis Nichols made a trip to Jordan Valley Thursday. Don Smith called at the McKenzie Ordinary gear g r e a s e gets home Sunday. thick and solid in cold weather. 5c s-M -ü iÉ -a Get Ready for Xmas and the Coming Winter Driving Gifts for the car are appreciated by the whole family and are something that keep on giving the year round. Let us show you: Frost Shields Heaters Prestone Anti-Freeze Batteries Atwater1 Kent Radios The New Plymouth Tiret and Tubet Accessorie* of all kinds Gem Egg Mash Treat your car like a friend, bring it in reg ularly for a treat of genuine Standard service; greased and oiled from stem to stern for long and economical operation. 50 Percent POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars • Al Thompson Christmas Cheer Comin 9 Up! Sure Protection at Lower Cost For deliciously fresh rolls, biscuits or other bakery goods you can’t beat the Swan Bakery. Delightful dainties for your party are only a few of our specialties. Shoe Repairing Nyssa Insurance Agency Nyssa Shoe Repair Shop The Swan Bakery NYSSA OREGON Attention Used Car Buyers FREE COUPON WORTH $ 10.00 ON ANY OK TAG USED V E LT E X Sub-Zero Gear Grease m a k e s shifting easier, and gives you safe, smooth lubrica tion no matter how cold the weather. A t your n e a r e s t V E LT E X Station CAR CABLES CHEVROLET CO. Will apply this Coupon on the purchase of any OK Tag Used Car sold before December 21st, 1935, to the amount of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) ! GUEBNSEY Just Like NEW Dont look so unhappy about that last year’s overcoat. Send It to the NYSSA TAILOR SHOP and well guarantee a smile on your face. Any gar ment beautifully cleaned and pressed at a very reasonable price! SEE US TODAY Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. MORÌ ¿ORGAN, Prop. [ MILK iCJfcAfi l_ MILK We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we add you to our list of satisfied customers? We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con sidered by many medical authorities as best for 1/ bies and growing children. Sunshine Dairy (One coupon to at Purchaser) Lowest in History” Less than 1936 Prices NOW IN EFFECT TO CLEAR STOCKS M This unusual offer tells you how anxious we are to end the year with small Used Car inven tory! Take this fine saving while you can. All Guaranteed OK Tag Used Cars are precision re conditioned “the Factory Way’’—sold under the Factory Certificate of Compliance—and back ed in writing by our Used Car Warranty. COME IN AND LOOK OUR CARS OVER AT STEAL PRICES Chevrolet Passenger Cars, Trucks and Pickups. Ford Passenger Cars, Trucks and Pickups. 1933 and1934 Plymouth Passenger Cars. Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO OREGON