THE G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL. THURS., DECEMBER 12.1933 m m Mr and Mrs. Ray Garrison of Vale guests at the Parker home and on Mr. and Mrs. O. R Swan went to Mrs Dewey R ay this week. Mrs. Her C IV IC CLUB TO bert Luehrs was the only guest. MEETS WEDNESDAY Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Parker enter- Boise Monday where they were spent the week end at the pactntal Chas. Garrison home. alned Emer Parker of Frultland and overnight guests of friends there. After an evening of cards, Mrs. 1 Ethel Crawford won first prize and Mrs. C. F. Cox of Ontario will be Mr and Mrs. Henry Hatch at din ; Mrs J J Sarazln won second the principal speaker at the meeting ner. Mrs L. Eachus has gene to Cald of the Civic dub Wednesday, Decern - - s - WEDNESDAY BRIDGE br 18th at which time Mrs. Cox will well to remain with Mr. Eachus. Mrs Ernest McClure was hostcos give a report of the recent district who Is a patient in the Sanitarum. to the Wednesday bridge club this j meeting of the Federated Womens Mrs. Hatcher and V em Eachus of DESSERT BRIDOE M O NDAY BRIDGE [ Mrs. Ted Newell entertained the week with Mrs. Art Servoss winning Clubs. There will also be a candle Utah arrived Saturday for a visit One of the nicest parties ol this ■ Monday bridge club this week with : high score. Mrs Don Todd played lighting service, it has been an- with their father. Mr. and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff ( nounced. Mrs. Chas. Paradis Is host- season was the dessert bridge given j Mrs. Herbert Snyder the only guest with members. ess and Mrs. Frank Morgan, chair and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrttt M untje by Mrs. Bert Lelnkaemper and Mrs. playing with numbers Mrs. Dick —§— May be Sent at Very Reasonable Rates werff of Adrian went to Boise T u e s -! man. Leslie McClure at the McClure home Young held high score and Mrs B IR T H D A Y DINNER day. last Friday afternoon. Decorations Farnham Sills low at the clone ol Claudtna and Charlena Crawford ------------------------ C E. Peck and E. H. Brum bach of holly and red tapers were re the afternoon * cre honored Wednesday evening by BEND P. T, A TO mindful of the approaching Christ — k — i a birthday dinner by Mrs. Lois Cal- | C F R V T U A T I I T IU r 'U C C transacted business In Vale Mon 1 S A TU R D A Y BRIDGE lcs. Oswald Forbes was the only | H U I L U m L U l o day. mas time. Five tables of bridge were In play with Mrs. C. L. McCoy win Mrs. Aden Wilson entertained with ° tb* r , lnv1* d " l,hf dl" IK‘r Big Bend— A very large number of Call local office for information on rates, TO LEAVE FOR PO R TLAND ning first prize , Mrs. Dewey Ray, a nice party Saturday night with held la the Owyhee Hotel where ladies attended Wade P. T. A. meet second and Mrs. Ethel Crawford, two tables of bridge in play. Mrs. Mrs. Callas has her apartment. It Is A. L. West,who lias been making the low cost will surprise you. said there were 20 candles on the ing held at the home of Mrs. Case a chicken ranch out of 40 acres of 1 low. Art Servoas won high score for Muntjewerff Friday afternoon. Another nice custom is to call your patrons cake. the new land, expects to leave this women and Mrs. Nick Rudllck, low Plans were made for the Christmas week for Portland, where he will and wish them a Merry Christmas Mr. Servoss was high for the men, entertainment. It was also decided I EGION AND A U X IL IA R Y rpend the winter. His son, O. H. j with Mr. Ernest McCurc low. The 1*1 AN CHRISTM AS P A R T Y serve hot lunches, beginning the West expects to come In the spring and Happy New Year. hostess served a nice lunch at the A meeting of the American L egio n , flr;st o t Jshusry unless it became and continue working on the place. close of a pleasant evening. and Auxiliary was held on Monday e*^r<lni_e'^.co'd The pro I W d Ie the Wests are Jack - 5 - __. evening, December 2nd at the Par gram centered on the theme Ado- 1 _____ Simpson is looking after their hold TUESDAY C O NTR AC T CLUB ish hall with committees being ap lescince." Several articles were read ings. Mrs. Bert Lelnkaemper entertain A G IFT FOR TH E F A M IL Y pointed to arrange for the annual I ant! discussed. The next meeting ed the Tuesday Contract club this Christmas party for World War vet- J wdl be held at the home of Mrs week. Mrs. Elmo Hlggtneon held erans and their families. This p a rty ! John Timmerman with Mrs. Strang W ant Ads Install a telephone and surprise the high score and Mrs. C. L. McCoy Roberts assistant will be held at the Parish hall the 1 and and Mrs. Mrs Dyer Roberts . . . to start out on a Holiday FOR SALE— 80 acre farm, 114 miles had second high. Bowls of holly { hostesses. family with a gift everyone can enjoy trip, all dressed up, and have evening of December 19. were used as decorations carrying from Nyssa. Inquire at Journal Mrs. Ray Cartrlght assisted by your car balk on you. To close, the meeting hostesses the year round . . . Once installed you out the Christmas motif. office. Dec. 12 8tp. Me.'dames Cook, Graham and Ab Mrs. Abbl entertained the Jolly - 8 - will wonder how you ever got along Pass the Buck bott served an old-fashioned oyster Ja" es Thursday afternoon. for aALE— Royal piano, In good TU E SD AY BBIDGE ■ upper. Decorations were In keep- Next Tuesday evening at the reg- silape> 1931 mociel, $175, terms. An to Edd ie . . . without it. The Tuesday bridge club met with in * with the Christmas season. 1 ular meeting of Big Bend grange a drew McGinnis 12-5- 4t Drive In and say, "Eddie, Old ——— . . . . . ______________________ — Christmas party will be held. Each Boy, you’ve been advertising member Is requested to bring a gift SH ARPE N IN G — Scissors machine what all you could do with for the person whose name he drew sharpened; saws sharpened and j temperamental cars; here’s and put It on the tree. A special gummed; tools of all kinds sharp f i mine, and I want you to check Christmas program has been pre ened; kalsomining and plAsterlng. It over and GUARANTEE that ¡9 pared. Andrew McGinnis. 12-5-tf. the old boat will start when I fi P B. Anderson has sold his ranch R SALE— Bliss Triumph spuds, need It, and continue until I f ■ i sr to Harvey Bennett of Roswell. Mr. FO get there.’* Coleman who rented the place Is 60c per hundred bulk. Leslie Schaf er. ll-28-3tp. T H A T W IL L S H IF T THE looking for a new location. W O R R Y FROM YOUR fi N S. Phelan transacted busines* FOR SALE—Apples, Roams. Jona SHOULDERS TO f i in Vale last Thursday. thans, Winisaps. 35o per bushel. OURS—AND WE M r and Mrs. Leo Betts and Fay Bring containers. A. M. Highsmlth, f i were W IL L SEE TO business visitors In Caldwell one mile west of Nyssa on highway f i Friday. Miss Fay remained in the 201. It. Decl2. IT THAT • • • o / * • • YO U R CAR IS R IG H T ! city as she has employment there. RADIOS REPAIRED A large crowd gathered at Wade E. W . P R U Y N All makes. Finest, guaranteed, ser school house Thursday evening and were entertained by the home talent vice at reasonable rates. Member of Auto Repairing minstrel performers. Twenty-seven Radio Manufacturers 3ervice. Call dollars were taken in and from this Holly Brothers or Wilson Brothers. sum a treat will be provided for the E J. Seybold. Adrian. Oregon. Nov. pupils at Christmas and the remain-121 dcr used for school purposes. Those in the cast were Claud Eachus. In And bring you more leisure and more money for S A L E CONTINUES U N T IL XM AS EVE terlocutor, Mesdamcs, Betts. Camp bell, Pearl Parker. Vera Sparks, the Holiday Season 10 to 50 Per Cent O ff On A L L Merchandise Edith Prosser. Fern Hatch, Van de Water and Misses Mary Weir and ments, wash them In purest Fay Betts, Messrs. Ernest Parker. suds, rinse them In gallons of Use Our Popular “L A Y -A -W A Y ” P L A N Pond, Coleman, Dean Eachus, Char ralnsoft water, and return les Weir. Earl Sparks and Arch them to you Immaculately Y O U ’LL FIND a really thrilling assortment Parker; Betty Mae Betts, Iola Park SOCIETY I Holiday Greetings By Telephone You Don’t Like. . . “Get Acquainted” SALE Malheur Home Telephone Co* 3 i-i We’ll be your Santa Claus BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ROUGH DRY DIRECTORY S______________ -/■ ROBT. D. L Y T LE AT T O R N E Y And C O U NSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale OREGON o f Christmas Gifts at Panins Jewelry Store. This year, give the kind of gift that is most desired— JEW ELRY. H A M ILTO N , SWISS and ELGIN Watches . . . SCHICK D RY-SHAVERS . . . RINGS . . . LE A TH E R GOODS . . . A L L KINDS OF JE W E LR Y . . . AND DIAMONDS, Priced Anna B. Pritchett Lowest in Eastern Oregon (W e can Prove it) D. O. OSTEO PATH Y —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PAULUS JEW ELRY Next Door To Kozy Cafe ,, - - - 7c for Each Additional Pound IN MEMORIAM The simplicity and dignity of the Nyssa Funeral Home's low cost funerals have made many people realize what e f ficient funeral direction can be. Let us explain all of the details to you today. Call us. There is, o f course, no obli gation on your part. N Y SSA F U N E R A L HOME fi fi Phone 76F3 -O N T A R IO Yes sir, let us play Santa Claus for you during the busy holiday season. The Christmas days will be busy shopping days, and will bring their con stant round of parties and gay social events. I t is no time to be bound down to the steam ing washtub, nor should you. We will call for your gar clean, with all flat work Iron ed. Think of It, these hours of extra freedom, for less than the cost of your washday sup plies. Yes sir, at a real saving, and every penny saved for the costly Christmas days cer tainly counts. Make your holi days happier and profitable by stepping to the phone and telling us when to call for your bundle. ONTARIO LAUNDRY Phone 98 E V E R Y - BO D Y - W ASHES - W IT H ■ R A IN Ontario, Oregon W A TE R - JONES FRI.-SAT., DEC. 13-14 Norman Foster in “SU PE R SPEED” PHONE 201 VALE 7 lbs. 50c er, Betty Jane Eachus and Phyllis Haworth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson enter tained a group of friends at a bridge party Friday evening. Four tables were played. An elaborate lunch was a fitting climax for a happy social evening. Charles Ware who spent the past year In the P. B. Anderson home left Tuesday on the Portland Rose for Kalamazoo, Mich., where he will make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Clark were busi ness visitors at Beulah Dam Satur day Mrs. Henry Hatch was a week end OREGON SU N .-M O N .-TUE S. December 15, 16, 17 THE GREATEST CAST IN YEARS the greatest POR TR AITS OF Q U A L IT Y Expert Kodak Finish- mg. Mail us your films. s**ow in th e w o r i r i ! W e Have Beautiful and Practical Gift» That W ill Help Solve Your Christ mas Shopping Problem— See Our Stock of New Christmas Merchandise H E ATE R STU D IO Ontario, Oregon i!i 11 i i m 111 j iii iii M il i : i cl in i ; i in in in hi n hi hi it n inm inuiu.111,111 i i i m i u im , j u t H a J u iu u n ii. in K im r a m u m m mm ri hi i > i iimii omi inw-wiiti PERFUM ES and TO ILETR IES By Coty and Cheramy— Gifts That are always in good taste Guarantee Work DRESSER SETS By Dupont and Prophylactic Co. — For Men, Women and Children W e have some beauties! W YCKOFF J E W E LR Y STORE Official Time Inspector for S T A T I O N ERY Union Pacific Ontario Oregon A C L U B C H A IR and O T T O M A N makes a beautiful, practical and pleasing gift . . . OPTOM ETRIST "See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. M cFALL Eyesight Specialist O N T A R IO You can’t go wrong buying stationery for men or women OREGON S H A V IN G SETS Toilet Articles For Men HE RE S A N O T H E R S U G G E S T IO N — Why not a Monogramed Card Table, sells for $2.79 and is burn-proof; water-proof and liquor-proof. Price includes initials in gleaming metal on the comer — Think how nice that is when the table is loaned! ! ! NORDALE FURNITURE STORE See the new Shaving Sensation f i Plus News, Mickey Mouse fi fi fi W E D .-T H U R ., Dec. 18, 19 Lionel Barrymore in “TH E R E T U R N OF PETER GRIM M 1 Be here Thursday night F O U N T A IN PEN and PENCILS S By Shaeffer— A pleasing g ift that will last for years and years! S E W IN G BOXES and C E D A R CHESTS A delightful present for women and girls ELECTRIC H E A T IN G PADS Guaranteed— A very useful gift B E V E R A G E SETS — S IP H O N B O TTLES — For the man who entertains Greeting Cards ... Package W raps C A N D Y . . . Pure and wholesome SCH ICK ELECTRIC DRY SHAVER Family boxes and gift boxes Last word in Shaving Equipment Real Leather— for men and women T R A V E L KITS H ------A N D A L L A T PRICES SU R P R ISIN G LY L O W — C O M P A R E O U R || PRICES W IT H TH O SE OF T H E BIG C IT Y STORES; T H E N B U Y A T I NYSSA PHARMACY