THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, Ti l l ' . - Dì v ii ARCADIA The children oi Mrs T. H. Brew er gave her a surprise birthday par ly Saturday, December 7. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brewer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Auction Sale Big 1 ivestock sale at Williams and daughter, Mr. and j Mrs. Howard Evans, Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Burke, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Bullard. Tire Sew and Sew club will meet with Mrs. Jolui Zittercob on Thurs- I day, December 19. Margie Orris and Kenneth Van- derpool are out of school this week on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Orris and fam ily, Dwight Burke, Iola, Velma and Catherine Mull were dinner guests at the Chas Bullard home Sunday. NYSSA METHODIST CHURCH Floyd E. White, Pastor Payette Auction Exchange Sunday School 10 o’clock. Lesson Topic: The Bible in National Life. Nehemlah 8th chapter. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Theme: Life as a Game. We are featuring this as High School Sun day and will bring something of in terest to the athletic groups. Every one welcome. Alice Hashitani will 'sing at this service. I Epv.orth League 7 o’clock. Vivian | Patterson, leader. Topic: Youths Attitude Toward Temperance. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Payette, Idaho EVERY SATURDAY “ Where Buyer and Seller Meet” A. C. FENSKE, Mgr. E. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer Cheap Insurance Isn’t Good Good Insurance Isn’t Cheap Light Up for Christmas Let there be plenty of light in your home on Christmas. It will add to the gladness of t h e i holiday spirit. Fill all the empty sockets with g o o d lamps and pro vide a few ex tra globes f o r emergency use. Do it today! y • r hr ' 1 y y '- t y » '{>■, » __ j » i sr~ lr"V fy '■ ' "if ’ ^ ^ ' 1 ■ - - * -«xi ?{ A ,r . "r > ÆÊÎ- ... and Mrs. Bach were dinner guests at the Nichols li à Insurance Agency Large Assortment of Drop in and look at our many different kinds of meats for the holiday season. We have them all. Norcott Service An Independent Station Nyssa, Oregon Resolve right now to make this C * ■ for those on your gift list. Give ci- ct ¡cal ; A ham makes a good Christmas present! Chose these gifts from yoi MEAT ilC c Right now your favorite electrical c assortments of Electrical Gifts, v Lit appliances are sold and see the w first for your Electrical Gifts . . . I c Dealers are prepared to offer you a . will simplify your Christmas shepp N YSSA PACKING CO. OREGON NYSSA : =i the man, “ After what I’ve i U It D L E” have to go to Norcott /ice and get some of those FIRE- : TONE TIRES. It would be a good idea for you, too. The spirit of Christmas giving i; ‘ : c : . lasting usefulness . . . gifts that kr p g after year. Anyone and everyoi : < i ytv happier with an Electrical Gift this C* ; bring beauty, usefulness, conveni ace ; . ordinary gifts are forgotten, the l for will continue to serve. Such a gift is t thoughtfulness and real regard for r* H OLID AY MEATS m E L E C T R IC A L EQ 5 U ¡ s i t r i SALES E very A m e r i c a n a n d Foreign P h ilco is c o m - 1ete w i t h a u t o m a t i c u ilt-in A erial T u n in g System . O n ly P h ilco gives you th is a m a zin g new in v en tion w h ich d ou b les th e foreign sta tion s y o u ca n g e t and e n jo y ! C h o o s e t h ia le a d e r f o r C h r is t m a s . 6 í\ Í Electrical Gifts Ai Most Practi« PHILCO 116X F in e s t r a d io a v e r b u ilt I H as « v a r y w o r th w h ile fe a ture . . . c o v e r s e v e r y b r o a d c a s t s a r v i c e — F o r e ig n a n d A m e r ic a n . G o rg e o u s b a n d -r u b b e d c a b in e t. W ith B u l b e e A e r ia l T u n in g S y stem . . . , ........................... . $185 Choose from 4 3 J9ew PHILCC ~ »22.90 to $825 HOT FOïNT L $2.95 TO Her« it radio that la within reach of practically everyone. And what a radio! The minute you see it, you'll b e amaied at its gorgeous cabinet. The second you hear It, you’ ll revel In its marvelous per formance. And when you com pare it feature for feature, tube for tube, performance for performance, beauty for beauty with any other radio in the same price range— you’ ll know that here is the world’ s greatest ra What an array of features! Five-tube superheterodyne... R e c e iv e s p o lic e , am ateur, aviation as well as standard broadcasts . . . Airplane type d i a l. . . Tone control . . . Full floating mov- ln<; c o l l e l e c t r o dynamic speaker. O U T W E IG H S ALL OTHERS W SAM E PRICE RAN GE. y OREGON ^APPFXS VOU .WITH You will find at ou in Modem Electi Z~ & NYSSA A ZL p in t \_scniyazii0n Baldridge Implement Co. WMATtVtP isicr m *21 d s vui..;. Liberal Trade-in A llow ance—EASY TERMS Two-S?’ce C R O S L E Y F IV E R ' PARMA “ HURDLE” Give ELECT* Thun You’ll Be Sure To Those You Wish To Rem Frank T. Morgan PHONE 134-J-2 ‘t Take a Tip From Se “ Insure In Sure Insurance” M O RE ' i >1 and EAT home. The Kingman Kolony grade school is having its annual drive to sell Christmas Health Seals. Among the girls, Helen Duvall has sold the most ir - n Kolony—Several new and Oliver Freel and Maurice Judd, : < , ,v-re organised Tuesday In Jr., are tied for first place among n Kolony with E. M. Hauser I the boys. Most of the quota of seals cl i: ; Leaders were also chosen is sold and more have been ordered. - work) for the winter outlin- Miss Crummett, Miss Tucker and T .j following clubs have been Mr. Hewitt were Caldwell visitors First division cooking, led Saturday. M-s. C. E. Elliott; Second div- Mis3 Janette Martin spent the \ cooking, led by Mrs. Floyd I week end at home. Third division cooking led l Joy Crummett; First div-1 r ------ on wing by Mrs. Bill Toombs; I ■ 4 c.l'. ision sewing by Mrs. Char- j SERVICE s’ ewbill; First Division H andl-! and ! d by Mr. J. W. Hewitt. Those I ! met with Mr. Hauser at | R E P A IR S . . . of Mrs. C. C. Cotton on | '.I'd : V tlrir p.ans for i Let an expert figure on your s ooming years work. plumbing repair work. Before n family who bought j zero weather, get your furnace Jo; .1 mi farm have friends and In good shape, or if you are .. . visiting from Nebraska. without this modem conveni A T. Putterson, Jr., spent ence . . . let us show you how ly at the W. H. Patterson easy it is to have a furnace in stalled and pay for it on the Friendly Neighbors club met budget plan. Mis. Mary Nichols last Wed- oday. G EO. J. K1NZER C nrad Martin and Mrs. were Caldwell visitors yes- Plumber EW 4-H CLUBS ORGANIZED IN THE KOLONY ' THE ROLLATOR—SwiO0/A, £¡í) \ tasy, r o llin g fm u e r p ro - • v j-/ » / t ides mere cold— ELECTRIC WARMING PADS WAFFLE IRONS FOR $4.95 MAYTAG WASH E S MIX-MASTER MIXER **** ^eu current- IMO R G Ï EDER HARDWARE CPOSLtT $159.50 ¿5 fluttuili ff I * * \ m m I 11 lia \ m Ia NYSSA ADRIAN nd * ■’ • i ¡¿7« ¿ß% at o 810B 39.95 PHILCO 030X $79.95 7 »HIIXO 820F 869.95 .- cS isn’t working quite right, why not let i-iit it in good running order again? You’ll ant t>. have your set working right for the ( . ii i ;i ason and our radio repair work is always satisfactory. RADIO TUBES— Yes, we sell tubes, for practic a l makes and types o f radios. If you are trouble with your set, it might be a tube, them in and let us test them FREE on our a odem tube testing machine. Wilson Bros. Drygoods NYSSA OREGON ! /