THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUKS,, DECEMBER 12,1935 LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT trict, amending and altering the terms and conditions of the original contract of said District with the NOTICE TO VOTERS Mr and Mrs. T. H. Brewer and United Stat«e. of date of January 4. TO VOTE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED family and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell 1939, and agreeing to repay such sum A3 PROVIDED by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws no person shall be quali Williams and daughters were guests BERWYN BURKE, Publisher In an amount not to exoeed $15.00 of Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Brewer on per Irrigable acre as Is expended fied to vote at a Primary, Oeneral or Special Election unless he shall be Thanksgiving day. cannot be sworn In to vote on electlcsi day. within said District by said United reKiElectors PuRlahed every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of The pupils whose names appeared States. 31st, _ _ Primary or Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon (or transmission though on the honor roll were: Homer Said election will be held between December If you Election; were 1935. registered and did not vote at the or , last the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act ol Brewer, Wadna Keith, Allda Duyn, Oeneral If you have changed your residence if you desire to the hours of 8:00 o'clock In the fore March 3. 1879. Bothel Brewer, Vera Shelton, Wilma your political affiliations, you must re-reglster. noon and 5:00 o’clock In the after change Mickey and Paul Davis. You may register at the office of the Countyi Clerk, for precinct noon of said 4th day of January, in the County, or with the official registrar In the followkig any precincts. The Valley View Good Sport 1936, when the polls shall be closed. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Home Making club held a meeting The Board of Directors has desig PRECINCTS REGISTRARS Monday Deecmber 1. The officers ........$1.56 nated the Kingman Colony School- Applegate ........................................... Mrs. M. D. Clough One Year ... are, president, Nac'lne Calloway; house within said district as the Bonita .......................... ..................... W. E. Bonnlfleld .......... 75« Six Months vice president, Wilma Hickey and place where said election shall be Adrian and Big Bend ....................... J- E- Holly secretary, Vera Shelton. held. Brogan ............................................... Mrs. Ben Jones Mr. and Mrs. H. W Evans arrived WANTED—Clean cotton rags at the Dated this 27tli day of November, Harper, Bully and Crowley............... Chas. J. Bush ADVERTISING RATES 1935, by order of the Board of Di Ironside ............................................. H. C. Elms Friday to spend a short time at the Journal office. 5s lb. Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign rectors. Jamieson _____________________ J- L. Pope home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H Brewer Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads 1c per word per lnser- FRANK D. HALL, Jordan Valley and Juniper .........— Geo. L. Parks Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brown and tlon. LEGAL ADVERTISING Secretary, Kingman Colony Jones and Beulah.............................. Dan Gallagher family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown Irrigation District. Mahogany .......................................... Mrs. D. H. Maylett and family, Mrs. Minnie Brown and INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC Date of first publication, Dec. 5, 1936 Malheur .............................................. Mrs. Horton Worsham son and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE OF ELECTION IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE and Mrs. Coy Brown and family NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Date of last publication Jan. 2, 1938. McDermitt ........................................ Alice D. Bankofter EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy That an election will be held In the North and South Nyssa; Arcadia Brown of Vale on Thanksgiving day. Kingman Colony Irrigation District, and Owyhee ................................ Don M. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Toney M. Kannell In Malheur County, Oregon, on Sat NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Ontario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Fair and Cairo. .. Bessie Doolittle DO YOU WANT A SALES TAX? and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lesly Kelso THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Riverside ............................................ E. L. Armstrong the 4th day of January, 1936. IN STATE and family of Caldwell and Mr. and urday, FOR THE Rockville ............................................ Irma 8. Sherlden N January we are to have an election, we are Mrs. the purpose of authorizing the COUNTY OF OF OREGON, W. E. Brown and family were for ............... ........... Mrs. Dora Mathews MALHEUR. Board of Directors of said District to In the Matter of the Estate of Rome........................ told, to let the voters decide whether they guests at the home of Mrs. Ruth negotiate Snake River ________ __________ O. H. Spicer and execute a contract MORRIS McCARY, Deceased. Watson ................................................ on Sunday. Mrs. L. E. Palmer want a sales tax or not. Of course this matter has Williams with the United States of America, Mrs. A. F. Calloway spent Wed the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation Notice Is hereby given that the been brought to the attention of the voters of nesday Official Registrars have lists of those who are now registered. in Caldwell. undersigned, George L. Steele, the ROY DALEY, the Owyhee Irrigation Dis duly Oregon on two previous occasions, and now we The boys organized a Handy District, appointed, qualified and acting County Clerk. the Gem Irrigation District, administrator of said estate, has club on Monday. Paul trict, must vote it down again. The first time the sales Hammer the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Dis Salto is president: Walter May Is filed his final account and report tax was proposed it was to save property from vice president and Rudy Scram Is trict, the Bench Irrigation District, herein, said final account, to confiscation. The tax was not passed and prop secretary. the Crystal Irrigation District and gether whioh a previous report and Members of the community gath the Advaaioement Irrigation Dis account with erty ws not confiscated. The next time it was to filed In said court on Jan uary 25th, 1935, has been by order save the schools. The tax failed but the schools of the said Court, duly made and did not close. Now it is to pay old age pensions. entered on the 12th day of Novem ber, 1935, set for hearing, and the While old age pensions arc a popular topic in hearing of said accounts will be had this section, due to the activity of the Townsend at Vale, In said County and State clubs; the Townsend people are not for the sales Series of Brief Discussions on Driving, Dedi on the 20th day of December, 1935 cated to the Safety, Comfort and Pleasure at whioh time and place any and all tax and state old age pensions. They realize that of the Motoring Public. Prepared objection to said final account will this is not the Townsend plan by any means and by General Motors be heard and the said final account, should the tax carry, which seems highly improb together with the previous account and report of January 25th, 1935, able; those opposed to the Townsend plan will No. 1—CURVES AND TURNS will be heard and said accounts set say, “Why the Townsend plan? Oregon has old Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s matt ** how expert we may be as drivers, we are all apt to fall into tled; and all persons concerned age pensions now.’’ The Townsend people are N o habits of driving that don’t quite measure up to what we really know is therein are further notified to be wise enough to know that a make-shift state right.For Instance, we all know that we ought to be careful about passing present at said time and place to fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and cause, if any there be, why the pension would only be used as an excuse to post cars, especially when another car is approaching from the opposite direction. show old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. said accounts and reports should And yet there possibly Isn’t one of us not pone action of the Townsend plan. approved, allowed and set who hasn’t, at one time or another, moved tled be and administrator be discharg over in the road to pass a car, and then Looking at it from another angle, and basing ed from his trust and his bond ex- wondered If we would get around In time. calculations on Idaho’s sales tax which raised Now here's an interesting thing about cnerated. that. When we try to pass a car that's GEORGE L. STEELE, $220,000 last month with a population of 450,- going forty miles an hour, it’s just the Administrator of the Estate of 000; Oregonians would dig up somewhere same as if we tried to pass a standing Morris McCarty, Deceased. string of cars 128 feet long. In other words, between four and six millions per year. OREGON NYSSA it's like passing eight cars parked bumper - First publication November 14. to-bumper In the road. If we try to pass Last publication December 12. The entire property tax levy for state pur one going sixty, it’s like trying to pass » line of more than sixteen cars standing in poses for 1936 is only $2,613,941.58, which the W /J////Z* cars in a row will reach half a block. This is probably means the state sales tax would be double that of a new road, idea and to sixteen most of us. If we kept it In mind, we would never pass a car J - we were sure that there were no oncoming cars for a good long the state property tax. Now how is this four to six unless ahead. millions to be spent. First we can put down “ad distance NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY But turning aside to pass Is not the particular kind of tLrnlng that we Interested in discussing here. What we are now ministration,” which would give the jobs to are with is taking curves and corners. From scores of politicians. Secondly for old age pen concerned WE RECOMMEND THEM time to time In these discussions we will find that the same old laws of Nature will be involved. Fore sions. most among them will be the laws of momentum, and plays the major part In going around According to U. S. figures, there are 39,133 momentum curves. Because momentum not only wants to keep MOMENTUM us going, but going i i the same direction. When it is people in Oregon of 70 years or over and 6,525 trying { WANTS A. L. FLETCHER to make us go straight instead of curving our C A R L II. GOAD I US TO received aid during 1935. There are 67,332 per course, it operates under an assumed name, if you CO For then we call It "centrifugal force.” sons in Oregon 65 years of age or over, accord please. I THIS ...821 Population, (1930)_ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW of course we all know what centrifugal force } WAV ...1000 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates __ ing to government figures. Of those 70 or better, Is. Now We feel it when we go around curves. Highways .2186 Elevation _________ railroads are banked at curves to offset centrifu 16.6 per cent received aid and it is estimated that and NYSSA :-: OREGON NYSSA :—f OREGON gal force. Aviators bank their planes at turns by tip City Officers of those 65 or better, not over 14 per cent would ping them with the controls. But even though we all know about centrifugal force, few of us realize how powerful It Is, and how much greater it gets the require aid which would make 9425 to receive faster we go, Mayor _____________ Don Graham Councilmen .................. Art Norcott, help under the state sales tax. A 3000-pound car making a turn of 500-foot radius, has to overcome a A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean centrifugal force of only about 156 pounds at 20 miles an hour. But at 30 miles If these 9425 persons were given aid at the Smith. an hour, that force has grown to 360 pounds, and at DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Clerk .................... A. R. Millar DR. E. D. NORCOTT 60 it is nine times as great as at 20 . . . over fourteen present rate of relief the total cost to the state DENTIST hundred pounds trying its best to push us off the City Treasurer..........Arthur Boyijell CHIROPRACTIC for a year would be $739,000. But the sales tax road! The only thing that keeps us on the road in the Marshall_____________ A. V. Cook PHYSICIAN first place Is the friction between our tires and the Office Phone 35F2 will raise from four to six millions. What is to Watermaster.......... N. H, Pinkerton road. The minute the centrifugal force gets stronger X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Office In Residence Health Officer__Dr. J. J. Sarazln become of the difference? Will it be for “admin than the force of that friction, off the road we go. Three blocks So. M. E. Church The trouble is that we often don’t realize how fast istration?” County Officer* PHONE 25 NY8SA we’re going. On road trips, for instance, after we OREGON have driven at a certain speed for a long time, it County Judge___David F. Graham seems a small matter to increase our speed a few Commissioners ................ Ora Clark, miles an hour. Then after a while we may do the E. H. Brumbaoh. COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD same thing again. In other words, we keep putting Sheriff____________ C. W. Glenn forward our basis of comparison till by-and-by we N Y S S A L I B R A R Y have lost our usual sense of how fast we are going. Taxpayers carry the load, it seems, and tax- Clerk________________ Roy Daley Nyssa Aerie Then, the first thing we know, we are face-to-face OPEN SATURDAY Assessor_________ Murray Morton eaters the elections. F. O. E. No. 2134 with a turn or even half way around It and we feel Old Man Centrifugal Treasurer________ Mrs. Ora Hope Force trying to push us off the road. County Attorney .......... M. A. Biggs Town Patrons..... .2:30 to 5:30 So what do we do? We clamp down the brakes. It’s the only thing we County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Wc wouldn’t call it hard drinking, under re can do when we find we’re going too fast. But Just the same, approaching Out-of-town patrons County Physician,___ Dr. Anna B. that corner too fast has kept us from taking it as we should have liked to. AT EAGLES HALT. 2(30 to 7:30 peal. It is in fact, much to easy. Pritchett. For if conditions permit, it is often desirable to Increase speed as we go around a curve. As long as our rear wheels are not being retarded, but are Coroner ________ R. A. Tacke Visiting Eagles Welcome ALL PATRONS WELCOME pushing us around the curve, our steering is effective and our car Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool A popular president is one who is serving the actually is under control. WARREN McHARGUE. Pres. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian « The long and short of it Is that we can’t take liberties with the laws of first year of his term. Nyssa Public Schools DON M. ORA HAM, Secretary momentum and centrifugal force. Man’s speed laws may not always be observed, but Nature’s speed laws always arel , Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Death is about the only positive and perman Facts About Owyhee Project ent cure for reckless driving. Cost of Owyhee Dam ...._...$6,000,000 ON THE OLD JOB IVt miles of Tunnel ..........$4,000,000 Siphons, canals, etc.............$3,000,000 CITY TRANSFER Nowadays the young man who seeks a straight H. D. Holmes Owyhee dam storage capacity___ shooter as a wife can never be sure he won’t be ___________715,000 acre feet the target. Helghth of dam ________ 520 feet TRUCKING From lowest point of foundation TRANSFER and BAOOAOE to top. It’s just too bad for the candidate who isn’t, and Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon All Klnds of Hauling In or doesn’t profess to be, wrapped up in the Forget about all we say about our coal if Elevation of land ...... 2,250 to 2,500 TRANSFERRING Townsend plan. He’ll get rapped otherwise. Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres you wish but just try a ton of it and then see what City Limito Phone 15 and Phone 28 Principal products ...... -..hay, —+ you will say. It’s performance will be proof com, dairying, s to ck raising, NYSSA, OREGON Phooe 6 A five-acre farm on Manhattan Island is enough and you’ll be enthusiastic about the re grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, C. Klinkenberg valued at $400,000. Maybe it’s a Wall Street lettuce, onions and carrota sults you get from stock farm. Distances to Other Points —Eastbound— But when Uncle Sam ceases to be the chief Caldwell ......................... ..........28 DROP IN . . . consumer, what is he going to do to relieve the Nampa ............................. ........... 37 YOU’LL SAVE MONEY red-ink industry? ........... 57 TOWNSEND CLUB Make it a point to stop Boise Pocatello .......................... ......... 328 when you buy our coal, too, because it goes ------+------ at Bill’s for a cup of Salt Lake City ............... ...........516 MEETINGS We are looking for and ready to nail a cam farther and gives more heat than ordinary qual The Gate City Journal VALLEY VIEW NEWS ered at the schoolhouse Friday even ing to make plans for the Christmas treats. Mr and Mrs. F M Keith and fam ily moved to Vale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn and fam ily visited Mr and Mrs. J. Molenaar Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Hickey visited Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Bellsle on Tues day afternoon. Ruby Newbold spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Calloway. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smit and family visited relatives In Vale last Sun day. I Drink W e D r iv e r s Plenty of MILK Shelton Dairy y FACTS ABOUT NYSSA RESULTS COUNT. . . In the Fuel You Buy — Knight’s Spring Canyon Coal paign lie to the effect that us Democrats will build our platform of Canadian lumber. --------+ -------- This and that recovery plan may sound auite plausible, but we aren’t sure that any of tnem will re-cover Uncle Sam when he has been strip ped of his last shirt. ity. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith. Managet PHONI u Nr*«. Oregon joffee and a sandwich —It’s a good habit! C O L E M A N ’S LUNCH —Westbound— Ontario ............................ ........... 12 Vale ................................... .......... 20 Baker ........................... 96 La Grande ...................... 146 Pendleton _ ............. 192 The Dalles ...................... 343 435 Portland ........................... B u m s ......................... .......... 155 Held the 1st and 3rd Thurs day of each month. Public Invited. Jim Boor, President, Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, Secretary. )