THE GATE CITY JOURNAL 24 ROUNDS OF BOXING TONIGHT AT EAGLES HALL. 6 ROUND MAIN EVENT FEATURING SLEEPY BLOUNT AND KENNETH THORF. Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME XXIX. NO. 49. State Officers At Legion M eeting GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935. $1.50 PER YEAR MASONS ELECT BASKETBALL OFFICERS MONDAY HELP SPREAD SCHEDULE FOR NEXT YEAR XMAS CHEER Basketball Season Railroad Official Opens Next Tues. were Officers for the coming year To Attend Meeting elected by the Masons at their CCC Officer Hurt In Auto Accident Dec. 13—H. S. vs. Alumni Do you have some clothing Dec. 17—Parma at Parma lying about the house that you Dec. 19—Parma at Nyssa reguar meeting at the Eagles hall no longer wear? Do you have Jan. 3—Nampa at Nampa Nyssa Wins Three Awards [ Jan. Alumni and High School Monday night. Joint installation of Meeting Expected To Re- dhildrens coats, overalls, G. A. Leubben Injured at Nyssa f PI p p ¡officers with the Stars is being1 shoes, sweaters For Outstanding Work Jan. 4—Weiser 10—Ontario at Nyssa to rlay rractice uame planned for next Monday night at suit in Plan For Rail­ articles of clothing or that other When Slick R o a d i are Plymouth at Getting New Members. Jan. New 11—New Friday Night — Pros- the hall. Those chosen Monday night bf no use to you? Can you road Co-operation With Causes Car To Skid Into Plymouth. C lx /• • -p | include Chas. McConnell, Worshlp- spare that year before last Jan. 17—Vale at Vale pects tor winning leam (ul Master; Bernard Frost, Senior Land Settlement Com­ coat, Truck. hat or dress? Do you 18—Welser at Welser Good. Warden; Dr. c. A. Abbott, Junior The American Legion and Aux- I Jan. have toys about the house Jan. 24—New Plymouth here [ Warden; Dick Tensen. Treasurer; mittee. iliary held a district conference In 1 Jan.. your children no longer care Slippery roads were the cause of 25—Vale at Nyssa ---------- Leo Hollenberg, Secretary; Douglas Ontario on the afternoon of Decern- Jan. 31—Ontario for? an accident Saturday morning about at Ontario ber 5th with members from Vale, Feb. 1—Baker at Baker The Nyssa high school basketball ^I*>nald. SeTnlo[ D? con; PS™“1 R. A. Smith, agricultural advisor If you have articles such as seven o'clock Just north of Nyssa on Ontario and Nyssa is attendance. Feb. 6, 7, 8, Snake River Val­ season will , get ,,, off ,, to a flying start fe ro n Graham Junior Deacon; Tyler, these and want them to be put the highway, ln which Capt. O. A. for the Union Pacific lq to meet _ t. R .ln o h a rh ’ R p n in r R ta v ia rt Grant Rinehart; Senior Stewart, Several members from Idaho posts to practical use, bring them to Leubben and wife of the Vale OCC next Tuesday with the first regular with members of the Vale-Owyhee ley Toumament at Ontario were also present at the meeting, Feb. 14—Open Mrs. Dick Tensen who will camp were seriously Injured. Capt. game of the season being played at ^ Land Settlement committee tonight and Oregon state officers. Included Feb. 15—Emmett at Emmett I Parma with the high school team „ J 1 „ Marsh“1’ see that they go to needy Leubben and wife were coming In Nyssa to discuss ways and means in the list of state officers were Feb. 21—Emmett at Nyssa there. A practice game is to be held Frank D Hall. Chaplain. families or if more convenient, toward Nyssa when they attempted of making certain that all the lands Dept. Commander Geo. Koehn of Feb. 22—Baker at Nyssa to pass a truck driven by Walter this Friday night with an alumni i leave them at the Journal. to come under water during 1936 on Portland; Dept. Adj. Carl Moser of Feb. 28—Nampa ab Nyssa Starr. When he pressed on the ac­ team as opponent. The first home the two projects will have desirable Portland; Jerry Owen, editor of the March celerator. the car went into a skid, game against a high school oppon- settlers on the lands. The Union 3. 4, 5—Oregon District en Oregon Legionnaire and secretary turned sideways and crashed into will be next Thursday evening, Pacific expects to» co-operate In No. 1 Toumament at La of the Veterans State Aid from the rear of the truck and then we it December 19th against Parma. helping to settle the lands and Mr. Grande Salem; Mose Palmeteer of Salem, into the ditch beside the road. School will dismiss for the Christmas Smith will probably have a plan to membership chairman and Fred holidays next Friday, with the next Capt. Leubben suffered severe in­ lay before the committee. Read of La Grande, district com­ game being after the holidays. juries to the chest and was rushed H. J. Plumoff. general manager of mander. Gladys Turnbull, state NEW PLAYGROUND to the Veterans hospital, where late A large squad of players have been the Oregon Short Line expects to president for the Auxiliary was EQUIPMENT ADDED practicing faithfully and Coach reports he Is making a sat­ meet with th committee next Mon­ Rev. Floyd White has been in­ Men Get More Members day to discuss methods of co-opera­ vited to be present at the joint isfactory Indicate among the Auxiliary officers pres­ recovery. His wife was cut Young has a team which should give TO IRONSIDE SCHOOL the other schools plenty of oppo­ Than Women—Women tion between the railroad and the meeting of the Canyon and Payette and bruised some in the accident ent. During the afternoon meeting, the sition. With five members of last To Tread Friday Night local committee. suffered no serious injuries. Ministerial Association to be held at but state officers gave instructions to Neither the Starr truck nor the years team in uniform, namely Cook, Land seekers have been more the Boise Y. M. C. A. on Monday, at Church. unit officers and committee chair­ Ironside—The school board has Pierson, Johnston, Holly and Wilson, than usually Interested in the new January 6th, and to discuss the driver were hurt ln the accident but men. The Auxiliary members who added two new swings and two he the Pontiac coupe driven by Leubben expects to be able to put a lands with an average of from 10 to Townsend plan at the luncheon. attended from Nyssa were Mes- teeter boards to the play ground smooth working quintet on the On Friday evening at 8 o'clock in 20 prospective was badly smashed. settlers viewing the He has been asked to make a talk dames McDonald, Paradis, Cook, equipment on the school grounds. I floor. lands dally around Nyssa. the Community Church basement, from the angle of the church, seek Larsen, Abbott and McCoy. Those Ead Oakes, Raleigh Van Buren, j the Townsend Club will meet to lng to define what attitude the min representing the Legion were Archie Floyd White and Earl Lofton set! COUNTY CLUB celebrate the membership drive lsters and churches should take Howell and C. L. McCoy. Other them up. which ended on December 5th. The toward this issue, rather than taking members came for the evening Mr. and Mrs. Coy Wise silent the LEADER TO MEET effort brought in to the club 69 new sides for or against the plan. meetings. past week visiting at the Ray Wise The drive for new members WITH TRAIL P.T.A. recruits. Rev. White has also been Invited At 7:00 o'clock a banquet was home at Nyssa. was a contest between the women to speak to the Christian Brother­ served at the Guild Hall to more Wm. Woodcock made a trip to and men, the men wiiming with a hood at Ontario on Monday, Decem­ than one hundred at which time Nyssa last week and moved up the scord of 44 to 25, thereby giving the ber 16th. Monday. December 9th State Commander Koehn and State household goods of Mrs. Laura E. M. Hauser, county 4-H club the women the privilege of furnish­ leader plans to be present at the ing the treats on Friday the 13th, Rev. and Mrs. White and Mr. and President Gladys Turnbull spoke j Lathrop. December 20th at 8:13 P. T. A. meeting, Friday, December which goes to say that any thing Mrs. J. O. Orout of Everett, Wash­ M. Friday, briefly. i Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam and P. 13 at will be a evening at the tho Apple Valley—John A. Wilson which time club work will be ington attended the Payette Valley At 8:00 there was a mass meeting j granddaughter Barbara Beam, visit- discussed. Plans to organize new may happen. All members and passed away at his home In Apple Ministerial Association meeting held Oregon Trail big schoolhouse. The to which the public was Invited and j ed at the Ralph Beam home at clubs will be made later. Everyone friends are urged to be present school will present "The Christmas Valley on Monday, December 9th at Welser. The topic discussed was the principal address was delivered, unity last Sunday, problem of collection of dues after a long Illness. He was stricken "Making Christmas Chrlstlan.u Bazaar," an operetta ln one act. in club work should plan has The been by Commander Koehn. He emphas- j Mr. and Mrs. Pete Presley and interested the Townsend seventeen years ago with the malady The usual Christmas tree and treats to attend. ized the Legion’s three point pro- j children who spent the past few The P. T. A. is sponsoring the sale club officers puzzling Inasmuch as the Nat­ known as the "sleeping sickness" RFC FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE will be sponsored by the P. T. A. gram and especially stressed the:racllths an the W. R. Lofton home, of Christmas Seals. A prize being ional headquarters asks that each and he never recovered from the ef­ people attend from Nyssa and Legions fight to detect and combat have moved to their home at Brogan given to the pupil in each room sell­ club must pay "4 compulsory NOW FOR KHA PAPER Many quota fects of his sickness, being an in­ surrounding communities as Oregon communism. At this meeting Nyssa where the former will be employed ing the most seals. to the national headquarters equlv- valid for many years. Trail has won the distinction of giv­ post received three national cita­ on the highway. ing outstanding programs. The pub­ T. Olsen was over from Nampa aent . to 10c per month for each club Funeral services were held at the Portland—Al significant develop­ lic tions for going over the top in mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Llngle and son looking is invited. Community church in Parma Wed­ after his property and doing ° , f to members' J 1* club's Primary responsibility bership. The members receiving Lyle of Fruitland spent Thanks­ h m o o f I the h o /iltlK ’c rllta e to n national n fty \r> a l meet dues ment in the Federal Housing Ad­ Characters Include Billy Carstalrs, nesday afternoon with Rev. Herring, some more building this week. these citations were District officer giving at the parental Arthur Van rests upon the club as pastor of the Nazarenq church of ministration program In Oregon, of Junior DeOrofft; Llbbte Balnea, Miss Annie Holmes has returned headquarters C. L. McCoy, Don Graham, ad- Buren home. a unit, and no upon the Individual Parma officiating. Burial was in the Interest to lending institutions and Mary Lou Thomason; Tottle Baines. after several months work in members thereof. Jutant; and Past-commander Dr. C. { wm. Woodcock and wife motored home to those engaged in the manufacture Peggy Campbell; Meta Hopeworth, Parma cemetery. A. Abbott. j to Nyssa on Saturday where Mrs Fruitland. funds paid by each club in­ Mr. Wilson was bom September 9, and sale of building materials and lone Benson; Mrs. Hopeworth, Bet­ During the program, Mrs. C. L. | woodcock will visit at the home of Mrs. Frank Byers who has been to These headquarters Is used by 1875 in Mountain City, Tennessee supplies, is the action taken by the ty Chard; Mrs. Rammer, Madonna sick Is able to be up again. the national McCoy sang for the audience and i her parents, Mr, and Mrs a' *C~ F ' i1111116 organization to compensate Con­ and Finance Corporation Kressley; Avis Cherry. David Ma- Mn and Mrs. Rolland Holmes gressional was married February 14, 1897 Reconstruction Mrs. Barney Miller of Vale gave, wise. District organizers and In making the funds of the RFC one; Jess Akers, Clyde Adams; Ros- to Mary Lents Crosswhite. Three some delightful readings. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lamberson,1 *'er0 callerDs at 1116 Ray Franklin state areq managers and applied sons were bom to them. Sherman, Mortgage Company available for the coe Rammer, Dewey Thomason; who have spent the past few months ho"ie Pafette„S“nf„ay' _ toward the support and mainten­ Dwight and Conley; and three purchase of mortgages insured by Poodle Neeley, Junior Holmes; at the home of their daughter Mrs , Tll6f ‘b/ e class 116111 DeSeI^ ance of regional and national head­ KINGMAN P. T. A. HAS Omer lhe F ^ 6™1 Housing Admlnlstra- Crtckety. Donald Sopher; Mike daughters, Mrs. George C. Miller, tlon. Presley, have moved over near * * blrlhcay at * 6 ° quarters. Local officers say that Mrs. The sum of $10,000,00 has been Brophy, Clifford Ashby; and Miss Marvin Jackson and Mrs. Lan­ MEETING FRIDAY Harper on a place which they have HoJme^ome Monday evenlng. *■ Mrs. unless every member pay their due6, made available to the Mortgage Ellerton, Elsie Keck. The cast in­ Dutro. The family moved to Company leased. Their daughter Ramona will were Wm- hostesses. lDeG‘'offt and Johnston the compulsory quota to national dis as a revolving fund, to be cludes the entire school. remain in school here until after Dwight Johnston returned to the headquarters makes It quite a hard­ Parma in 1916. used for the purchase and sale of Songs will be sung by the chorus The Kingman Kolony P. T. A. held the Christmas holidays. on the club treasury. The local Glen Van Landingham left last Insured mortgages covering newly- and characters. The songs Include: hospital Tuesday for further ship their regular meeting Friday at the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lofton, Mr. Boise cluhj retains for their own use any week "Buy at the Christmas Bazaar,” for Canada wliere he has em­ constructed homes. school house with Mrs. James Lane and Mrs. Gordon Dickson, Carrol treatment. funds remaining after paying the "Hearts Should Be Warm at Christ­ ployment. Mies Ruth Wheatcroft, Mr. Lynn This action was taken by RFC as program chairman. Mrs. Lane led Locey and wife and Mrs. Ernest and son Mead of Koaskla, Ida., and national quota. “I Come at Midnight, "If You Maxine Welk spent Tueday night some time ago but the operations mas." the discussion on the subject, "Re­ Locey, all mambers and officers cf Mrs. Bill Toll of Fruitland were M vrco . _ _ _ ' Handy Man," "I'm All The with Paula Barker. could not be extended to Oregon Want A There creation in the home," To open the Eldorado grange attended a joint guests Monday at the R. W. Holmes NYSoA CCC CAMP Is At Our House.” Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson of until certain state restrictions were Santa program, the primary class sang a installation of officers at the Vale home. Bridalvale, Qregon, fxrrived Mon­ removed by legislative action. That Christmas Is a Contraray Time,” little song and dramatized some of grange on Friday, December 6th, PUTS OUT PAPER Oh, Lovely Christmas Star,” "I day morning, having been called by was dona at the recent session of Know Jones has been sick with their reading stories. Cecil Hill, who has been away all Hubert the a Trick or Two,” and “Oh. the serious illness of her father J A. past week. the legislature and following ap­ During the business meeting final summer, returned to the home of his tonsllitls Guard’’, a paper put out by Wilson. They left for their home proval of the measure by Governor Mr. Santa Claus.” Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beech of Nyssa the "Tho plans to help the teachers with hot mother Mrs. Arthur Van Buren for were Nyssa OCC camp Is getting to after the funeral Wednesday after­ Martin, the local RFC office was This production will be under the guests of Mr. and be quite lunches and the Christmas enter­ Thanksgiving and has been visiting Mrs. L. overnight a newsy sheet. In their is­ noon. of the teachers, Mr. and Beech Monday. ready to buy mortgages without re­ direction tainment were completed. Mrs. C. E. here since then. sue of December 7 they had many Albert B. Hopkins. Mrs. Joe course, under the following condi­ Mrs. Elliott, 4-H club chairman reported Mrs. Bert Lawrence of Ontario, CALL FOR TOWN newsy items; one of which we would Is assisting with the music. CHRISTMAS SEAL tions (1) Mortgages must cover new Stam five clubs have been organized for who Is in very poor health, has been • in part; New scenery recently built by Joe dwellings, construction of which SALE NOW GOING BASKETBALL RECRUITS like "Lt. to quote work this winter. The boys will have at the home of her parents Mr. and j Darrell A. Mortensen of the began on or after April 1, 1935. (2) Stam will be used. handicraft and the girls cooking and Mrs. W. R. Lofton the past two Field Artillery Is now a member of Mortgages must be tendered by sewing. weeks. The higher climate seems It Is basketball season again, and our staff of officers. He arrived in FORM many stars of the maple court of a camp last week and Is to take over Christmas seals put out by the Approved Mortgagees originally MUSICIANS NEW At the November meeting the beneficial to her health. ORGANIZATION making loan; (3) Interest rate must members voted to pass their mag­ The members of the Ladles Aid few years back are itching to get transportation and recreation of this Anti-Tuberculosis Association are not be less than five per cent and azines on to thq CCC camp and are practicing on two plays which back into uniform and try to match , camp. now being sold by the school child­ cannot Those ln Nyssa interested in music be delinquent. these magazines may be left at Holly will be given December 14. The pro- baskets with other teams. An at- "The Lieutenant has seen 18 ren of Nyssa, as well as other school formed a new organization but Bros storq to be taken to the camp, ceeds will be used for Christmas tempt is being made to interest bas­ months of CCC service before com­ children over the state. The proceeds For the present, It was explained have as yet have not decided on a name ketball players in forming a city ing to our camp. He Is Interested In of the sale go toward health work ln by E. F. Slade, agent for the RFC for it was announced. tree and treats. the club. However officers were Mrs. Greeling told of her trip to Mrs. Raleigh Van Buren was host­ league and perhaps pick a team to all sports especially swimming. He the county and also for fighting Mortgage Company ln the Portland at a meeting last week with Jordan Valley to visit the P. T. A. ess to the Ladies Club at her home play other towns. Those interested waa a ,tfe guard for elght years at that destroyer of health and life, district, mortgages will be purchased elected Jones being named as presi­ and to secure the affiliation of that last Wednesday. There was a very may leave their name with Art Nor- Becks. hot sprlng ln Salt Lftke and tuberculosis. If you have not already for the amount of the unpaid prin­ Chas. dent; Mrs. Laura Fisher, vice-presi­ unit with the county organization. good attendance and a Jolly time cott, and if enough players signify made the junior record for a done so, you are urged to patronize cipal, less one-half of one per cent, dent; Dwight Johnston, secretary- Close to thirty members have was had. Delicious refreshments heir interest, a first practice date ^ yen mlIe marath0n in 1921. the children who are so enthusiastic plus accrued Interest. treasurer; Katherine Young, lib­ signed the Peaceway pledge. A maxi­ were served. will probably be set for some time j <.Be ts a graduate of the Unlver- about selling these seals. "As a result of this favorable rarian; Orant Rinehart, publicity; mum registration it is hoped will Fred Laurance moved his cattle to next week. Former hoop artists, here slty of utah where he maJored ln by the Reconstruction Fin­ Mrs. Howard Larsen, assistant dir­ have an Impressive effect when : Jamieson last week where they will Is a chance to prove you are not as Entomology. The Lieutenant Is Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell and action Corporation.” it was explained ector; Mrs. W. C. Jackson, acootn- Congress meets In January to act [ be fed on the Eastern Oregon Land old as you may seem! forming a class ln Applied Biology Mrs. Mary Morris, Mrs. PoweU’a ance by Jamieson Parker, state director panlest and Mrs. Dick Tensen, as­ upon the following proposals to company ranch. Herman Laurance * * * (which will prepare men for the Civil mother, were Boise visitors one day of the housing organization, "lend­ sistant acompanist. come up: 1. To broaden our neutral- j wm remain there and feed them this W. C. T. U. WILL HOLD ! service exams ln Forestry. This class this week. ing institutions may now grant this The club has 30 charter members ity law, covering trade with bel- Winter. Elmer Molthan and Arthur SPECIAL MEETING will meet twice a week, Monday and of loan with the assurance that and met last night at the home of ligerent nations in certain materials Nichols will have their hay hauled Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook from type ------- I Thursday evenings from 7 to 8.” there will be a ready market for Mrs. John Young. The club expects such as oil, steel, cotton and other up by truck. They purchased their The local union of the W C. T. U. Boulder City, Nevada are visiting such the mortgages as they may to present muuslcal programs, both Items. 2. To take the profit out of hay for winter feeding outside. Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. wish to of convert will meet at the home of Mrs. Hazel into cash. The mort­ at the church and at the OCC camp war and 3. To take the profit out of The Fred Fish saw mill which has , Glldea Henry Truelson. They plan on buy­ next Tuesday afternoon, gages purchased by the company ln the near future. Other ambitious preparation for war. ing a home and living here. been running steadily most of the j December 10 for a special meeting, ’ROUND TOWN will be available for sale to approv­ plans are being made which will summer, closed down on Wednesday All members are urged to attend. Mrs. flam Kelthley of Midvale, ed mortgages desiring to acquire make the new organization a dis­ MAKING GOOD RECORD for the winter. tinct asset to Nyssa The club meets Don Todd arranging for shooting mother of Mrs Russell Vlnsonhaler, them for Investment. GETTING THE COYOTES FORMER TEACHER ILL Wednesday for practice and match ln basement of Eagle’ s hall was a visitor at the Vlnsonhaler "It is expected that this action each STILL CHANCE TO once a month will hold a social IN BAKER HOSPITAL . . . Judge Williams says no dance home from Friday until Sunday. Only three other hunters under will encourage the construction of JOIN THE RED CROSS Saturday night . . . Bill Schfreman Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ketchen are new homes ln Oregon and elsewhere meeting. the U. S. Biological Survey got more his truck and tries to pass Mrs. H. O. Stains, who taught the paints coyotes during November than Rob­ throughout the country,” the dir­ The Clyde Long farm sale held off as a new one . . . Suggestions the parents of a baby girl born Wed­ ector ert (Pud) Long of Malheur county, The first preliminary checkup on 5th grade of the local school when lt made stated in conclusion. “It also last Friday dreri a big crowd and nesday, December 4th at the 8t. that Eagles add new attrac­ according to a report Issued by the the Red Cross roll call shows that she was known as Inez Johnston, Is tion. business men’s boxing bouts Luke hospital ln Boise. The little will assist ln creating a more gen­ prices were very satisfactory. bureau. Chas. Glasgow of Klamath Ontario heads the list with 208 seriously 111 ln 8t. Elizabeth hospital . . . Commercial Club discusses way miss has been named Nancy Kath­ eral market for mortgages Insured members, followed by Nyssa with 37, in Baker. She was operated on last by FHA Under the new banking Nyssa was visited by the second county headed the list with 21, fol­ of entertaining CCC boys . . . Civic erine. lowed by Alva Stone of Morrow with Vale with 25 and Harper with 20. week and Is still in a critical condi­ and act. banks may Invest ln FHA insur­ snow storm Friday when about three fraternal organizations to Join Dick Tensen expects to leave today ed mortgages and itlg frit that they Inches of snow fril 15 and E. C. Stoneman of Wallowa You can still Join, we have been ln- tion. forces for Community Christmas af­ with a shipment of cattle for the offer a desirable form of investment The first snow this season came also with 15. Mr. Long accounted for I formed, and those wishing to do fair . . . Evergreen forest springs up 14 coyotes during the past month their part may leave their member- The Rebekah lodge is holding a on main street . . . Many nice win­ Denver market. He returned Tues­ for institutions ana fiduciary trusts. In November, which la exceptionally T. W. King of Gilliam county and ship fee with The Journal or with, cooked food sale and bazaar In the dows for Judges to puzzle over ln day evening from taking some cattle The greater their distribution, the early for Nyssa Tuesday morning to market and reports things look mors home building we shall have residents were surprised by another M E. Jacobs of Lake county tied Mrs Dick Tenser A final checkup Blackman building, Friday afternoon Mr. Long, each accounting for 14 of t on the roll call wtll be made about and Saturday all day. December 13 I awardül* » Comercial Club prize nlos around Denver with very UttU and hs more the housing program blanket of snow but today the ground snow as yet. and 14th. I will contribute to national recovery.” is again bare. the sheep-raiders. | the first of the year. Townsend Club Add 69 Members Rev. White To Speak In Boise John A. Wilson Passes At Apple Valley Monday Oregon Trail To Present Xmas Operetta Dec. 20