Tn COOKED FOOD SALE The W C. T. U. will hold a cooked ! food sale Saturday, November 16 at j the Variety Store Proceeds from this sale will go to the Childrens Hodie at Corvallis. G C IT Y JOURNAL, THURS., NOVEMBER 14, 1935 RAISING CAIN Sunday School at 9:30 o'clock. Vesper Services at 5:30. Rev Stanley Moore The local M.I.A.. an organization of the L D. S. church, will meeet each Tuesday evening, starting at 7:30 and closing their study course ARCADIA NEWS r ii LOCAL NEWS We wish to express our apprecia­ tion to the people of Nyssa for their kindness at the time of the loss of our father and brother We espec­ ially want to thank those who gave the beautiul floral offerings. Mrs. Geo. Henley has Eldon, Leland, June. Laural and the past week. Henry Fields and Lawrence Blo3> Elliott Morse; and Fred Morse. Gordon and Dewey Ray and Ray | gett left Saturday for an elk hunt- Emmott are elk hunting this week ; lug trip in the Long Meadows coun­ Read our ads and save money. try. in the Wallowa country. Miss Thelma Cook came down from Boise Saturday evening to spend Sunday and Armistice Day been sick with her parents here. M.I.A. MEETINGS 4 CARD OF TH AN K S ' I spending this week at the home of Mrs. Webb's sister Mrs. Henry | Fields. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mr and Mrs. Chas. Bullard a id Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard have gene elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Ver­ non Richard are taking care of their place. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and family spent Friday evening with John Zittercobs. The Sew and So club met with Mrs. Dave Dugger Thursday, Nov­ ember 7th. A delicious lunch was served to the twelve members pres­ ent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Ernest Darling home to Cald­ well. A pie social will be held at Arcadia school house Friday evening, Nov- meber 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snyder of George Bertsch, was home for Boise spent the week end at the three days this week from the Nyssa Famham Sills home. j CCC camp, where he has been a i Mrs. A1 Thompson and Mrs. C. A. | foreman- Abbott entertained the Episcopal Charles F. Walters and children Gluld Wednesday. | Bernice and Gordon of Walla Walla, Washington, were week end visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam went to In the Ellis Walters home. .W ider Sunday to have dinner with the Clyde Beam family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of Boise spent a few days as guests of Mr. i Alice Herbst of Lambert, Montana, ! and Mrs. Frank Hall the first of arrived last Wednesday and is visit­ , week. ing her sons, the Hight brothers. Miss Lucille Green has returned to ' Frank Rambaud, who has been her home In Nyssa after a visit of j visiting relatives at Olympia, Wash­ j two months with her sister to Mon- ington returned to Nyssa Sunday. I tour, Idaho. Miss Aubrey Rickabaugh and a I Miss Dorothy Austin who is stay­ j friend of Boise were Sunday guests ing to Fruitland, visited her mother SO C tATK O on, P H O T O * * ¡to AS Assort of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClure. ■oE&ac over the week end. She was accom­ Mrs. Russell Vlnsonhaler spent “ Hurry” Cain, brilliant Waahlngton halfback, found the California Sunday and Monday at the parental panied by her friend Miss Chatis. defense hard to crack last Saturday afternoon. Here he is beino Ralph Boden left Monday morn­ hoisted and dumped for a two yard losa by Chapman, Bear halfback, Sam Kelthley home in Midvale. ing for Tacoma where he Is employ­ with Center Herwig coming up to assist on the play. California won Mrs. R. Austin, who has been 111 the game, 14 to 0. ed. He enjoyed a week end visit with the past two months is able to be his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. both Big Game participants. Cali- up again. Boden. This was his first visit home _ _ . _ _ fornia meets College of the Pacific, Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Diven and to the past year. and Stanford clashes with Montana. Neither team, however, can p au sechildren of Caldwell spent the holi- too long for breath against these ; day with Mrs. John Ray, Sr. Use Journal Ads—They P a y ! “ Can They Be Stopped? opponents. “ Breathers" have a way j ___ . „ . . _ .. _ , of knocking the wind out c f the Conrad Har and Kenneth Parker Washington U. Added big fellows every so often. Pacific were Sunday dinner * uests at the J- T o List Of Victims scared the Boars last year, losing 6 E. Hearron home. BEARS CONTINUE INNING STREAK 5475 O ID E » If you want th rillin g lifa-like raraption . . . II you want a baautiiul cabinat . . . I f you want tha vary lataat in radio . . , Haro it ia— tha naw Croalay Olympia I Features Include: Six metal tubes . . . American, foreign, police, amateur, aviation reception . . . Automatic Volume Control . .. Tone Control . . . Full Vision Illuminated Airplane Type Dial . . . Full Floating Moving Coil Electro-Dynamic Speaker and many olhersl A demonstration will amaze you that so much can be offered for so little! We have a complete line of W INTER COATS In Formal and Sport Styles We Will Re Glad to Help You With Your Coat Problems. B A L D R ID G E IM P L E M E N T C O . Priced Reasonably NYSSA, O R E G O N FISHER A P P A R E L SH O P Moscrlp Helpful Phone 55F3 Stanford almost pulled a cropper, but Jim "Monk” Moscrip won an­ other game fo r the Cards when his right toe propelled the ball through the goal posts in the final 30 seconds o f the game with U. S. C. Score. 3 to 0— the third Stanford victory in three successive weeks to be credit­ ed to Moscrip's place-kicking. He -will be a real threat against Cali­ fornia anytime the Cards get within •hooting distance o f the goal posts. This week is "breather week" for Week End GROCERY.. SPECIALS CAIRO NO VEM BER 15th and 16th SHORTENING, Snoweap or Fluffo, 4 lb. Package .............................................. 55c $1.39 CATSUP, Large bottles, each 11c CRACKERS, 3 lb. boxes 37c COOKIES, 1 lb. eclophane, plain ... . 23c COOKIES, 1 lb. eclophane, pkg. fancy 29c W H O LE W H E AT. Fig bars. ‘J lbs. 25c M AYO NNAISE, Best Foods, qt. 45c O V A LTIN E , large cans 59c T O M A T O JUICE, Campbells, 14 oz. cans, 3 cans f o r .............................................. 23c T O IL E T TISSUE, 1000 sheets, 4 rolls 19c COFFEE, Surfine, 1 lb. pkg., ground to suit r.5c M AC AR O N I, 3 lb. pkgs. 19c Mr. and Mrs. Rose and family visited the CCCj camp north of O n­ tario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fairman and Helen and Mary motored to Harper Saturday. While Fairmans attended to their business the girls visited the Claude Wrlghfl family. Helen Ingle is home from La Grande normal school. Joe Watanabe entertained a num­ ber o f guests at a birthday party Sunday. The Wada family from Vale visit­ ed the Joe Watanabe family. Mr. Uriu motored to Nampa on business Tuesday. Joe Budd made a trip to Payette on business Tuesday. Miss Opal Ivers visited her grand­ mother Mrs. Sarah Ivers of Vale | last Sunday. ilson G rocery Oregon Wins Oregon, having defeated its chief rival, Oregon State, 13 to 0, has Portland U. as an opponent this week, with Washington waiting on the following Saturday. The Statera meet Idaho. San Francisco’s "L ittle Big Game," bringing together St. Mary's and Santa Clara, comes up on Sunday. This always fills Kezar Stadium, and both teams usually play their best ball o f the season. St. Mary’s and Fordham played to a 1 to 7 tia in Now York last Saturday. Major games this week, with last year’s scores In parenthesis, follow : (Friday) U. C. L. A. vs. Hawaii at Los Angeles. College of Puget Sound vs. Gon- zaga at Spokane (0-33). Oregon vs. Portland U. at Port­ land. Idaho vs. O. S. C. at Corvallis. Denver D. vs. U. S. F. at San Fran­ cisco. College o f Pacific vs. California at Berkeley (6-7). Montana vs. Stanford at Palo Alto. Michigan State vs. Loyola at Los Angeles. W. S. C. vs. U. S. C. at Los Angeles (19-0). (Sunday) St. Mary’s vs. Santa Clara at San Francisco (7-0). IM PROVEM ENTS BEING Nyssa Shoe Repair Shop O. C. P R A W IT Z , Owner Next Door to Bakery Nyssa, Oregon D R E A M LA N D Ontario F R ID A Y - S A T U R D A Y , N O V. 15, 16 Second Show Tickets Saturday Night are good after 9:00 for Midnight Preview. We Are IN THE MARKET For your Clover and A lfalfa Seed S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y -T U E S D A Y N O V E M B E R 17, 18, 19 k %s, SAVNY1VV GOVWJWW G et your seamless bags from \K cxV A1 Thompson "The Farmer's Own Co-Op” Phone 26 Nyssa s S' Cold Weather Means Warm Clothing — A S U S U A L W IL S O N BROTHERS H A V E A N T IC IP A T E D YOUR NEEDS A N D H A V E JUST RECEIVED A BIG L O T OF N E W W IN TE R W EAR Underwear Improvement work started at the Nyssa Pharmacy this afternoon when Lon Root and Bobby Bums started work . putting composition board on the celling. This will make the room warmer, as well as adding to the appearance of the interior. They expect to complete their Job in a few days. Ladies Tuck Stitch U N IO N SUITS Part wool, no sleeves, knee length, heavy weight. Flesh color. Special Value Misses Combed Yarn Fine Rib Hose 19c 59 c Misses Tuck Stitch U N IO N SUITS Combed cotton, flesh color Small, medium and large sizes. 49c FLOWERS That will neither freeze nor wilt. W to 7. r Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ator and their I Southern California draws a guests Mrs. Berry Gooding and son good game this week In the meet­ Ralph were Sunday evening visitors ing of IJ. S. C. and Washington at the J. E. Hearron home. State. The Trojans hit a new high Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Webb are for the season In almost holding Stanford to a scoreless tie Satur­ day, and in Los Angeles they tell the Associated 0 0 Company foot­ ball scout that Troy Is out to turn the tables on Its four remaining opponents, W. S. C , Sotre Dame, Washington and Pittsburgh. The Northerners beat Idaho 8 to 0 last week. W e take pride in do­ ing good work and will be glad to have your patronage. MADE A T DRUG STORE For Friday and Saturday F L O U R , Myrtle, 49 lb. b e g “ Can anybody stop those Bears!' Is the question Pacific Coast football fans are asking this week. The Bears themselves answered the question with a confident “ no” the very first week of the season, and they have added emphasis to that declaration each succeeding Saturday. Now only their arch-rivals, the Stanford Cardinals, ftand between them and tho Rose Jowl on New Year’s Day. T o Pasad'Tis? The “ B ig Game,’ alwnys Jnst that to ardent fol rwers of the Cardinals and the I ¡tie and Gold, Is the big game to U < whole Coast this year. In tho . :ge Bowl at Palo A lio on Noveia i» r 28rd prob­ ably w ill bo decld