THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., NOVEMBER 14,1935 slon $10. Newton Jackson Lewis, Old i nal, Supplies for County School Circuit Court witness *7.40. Lester $70 . Oeorge MiKnlght. Jury bail- Labor *61. O. F. Bronson, Labor *32. LIBRARY FUND Age Pension *10. William David ¡Supt: official advertising $71.27. Sllls, Grand Jury witness $5.40. Les- iff *54. Walter Hutton, Circuit court G. E. Rutherford, Labor *32. O F Malheur County Library, Expense Pool. Old Age Pension *20. Parmelia Ryder Bros. Legal Blanks for Dist. ter Sills, Circuit court witness $10.40 {juror $30.20. Bronson, labor *12. *403 19. NOTICE L. Matthews, Old Age Pension *20. Atty. *7.68. Dr. R A Tacke, Coroner s Piggy Young, Circuit court witness GENERAL ROAD FUND Den Smith, Labor *25. I. L. Smith JUNTURA GRAZING DIST. James Townsend, Old Age Pension services $55.20. David F Graham. *42. Slick S holey. Circuit court Oeorge Elcredge, Isued In lieu of Labor (53. A W. HoweU. Labor *36. Jor Bassett. Range rider *105.82. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol *15. Chas. C. Romph. Old Age Pi».- Bus fares paid for Taylor & Ed- | witness $5 40. Orln Yeager Circuit Wrt. No. 10098 $15. Ora E. Clark, Bert Koplln, Labor, $72. Wm. Cole, lowing claims against Malheur sion $15. Josephine Dlven, Old Age ward from Ontario to CCC camp. court witness $5.40. H. C. Fanner, Viewing roads $10. E. H Brumbach. Labor, $12. Jack Hale, Labor. *12. County for the month of August, Pension *10. I. F. S. Dlven. Old Age Baker *3 20. David F. Or ah am .trans Circuit Court witness $9.40. Hortacr viewing roads $11.75. David F. Qra- Floyd Henderson. Labor (3. Bsn 1936, were considered and ORDER Pension $10. Louise Ellen Jones. Old of Dick Silence from Portland to T Worsham, Circuit court Juror $31. [jam. Expense to Portland for State Rose, Labor 118 Homer O . King, ED paid as follows: W e Are lnatalling Age Pension *15. Hugh 8 . Eldrldge Ontario *5 David F. Graham. Helen Ouyer, Circuit Court witness Hwy Comm. *35 Ontario Concrete i_uoor *4.50 T. B. Duncan. Labor SEPTEMBER 4. 1935 Old Age Pension $10. Phillip M. Money advanced for transp of Dean *11.40. Mrs. A1 Qreen. Circuit court pipe Co. Concrete pipe $11.25. J. *12. E. V Bendlx • The Famous Labor *30.50 GENERAL FUND Binkley, Old Age Pension $20. Matt- steinhaus from Portland to Ontario witness *11.40. Vale Supply Co. Sup- Elwfci Johnson. Salary and expense Geo Eldrldge, Labor (10. Clarenc- j . C. Stewart. Grand Jury Witness hlas Newton. Fegtly, Old Age Pen- $10. Mrs. Nora Ray, Room and board plies for Court House; for indgts $153.60 Boise-Payette Lbr. Co. Sup- $5.20. Lucille Flock. Grand Jury sion *15. Herschel Q. Johnston, Old for Allen Stucker, indgt. July 15 to $24.75. Drs Weese, Palmer and Bel- ; plies $20.40. Boise-Payette Lbr. Co 3cott, Labor *2.50. Snyder Pritchett Witness $5.20. Mrs. Stella Smith, Age Pension *20. Walter Henry Aug. 15. $15. Wall and Rawlings, knap, Prof services rendered Indgts. [ Supplies *1.95. John Ott Lumber tabor, *2.50. John E. Johnson, Labor Grand Jury witness $5 20. Adelta Still. Old Age Pensif i $10. F. B. Supplies for Indgts *48.91. Mrs. John $161.50. Wilson Bros. Supplies for for bridge $119.43. Elmer Powell, *3.75. Rex McDonald, tabor *5. J. R Ma - i lock. Grand Jury witness $5.20 Scott, Old Age Pension $20. Cassius Ray, Room and board for Allen Mrs Emma Parrish Thompson *15.83 i Lumber *11.79. Electric Service and Haworth, tabor *6.25. N. J Rowan, We are prepared to submit Mary Dodge, Grand Jury witness Hale Brown, Old Age Pension *10 stucker. indgt. to July 15 *15. J. C. Jordan's Casli Orocery, Supplies J Batt. Co. Tractor repairs *4.70. L. tabor, *1.25. Kenneth Davis. Labor coat ettlnuM now and we can $5.40. Charles McCosh, Grand Jury George S. Jones, Old Age Pension Penny Co. Inc., Clothing for Ken- for Indgts. *10. Mrs. George Green. « . Bullock, Oas furnished *20. Geo *1.25. A E. Olbbs, tabor *24. Ken make your installation without witness $5.40. W. S. Bruce, Grand 810. Sidney Johnson, Old Ago Pen- neth McDonald. Inmate at home for Indgt. *12.50. Halverson’s I. G. A. j H. Bodfish, Tractor supplies for neth Forsdick, Labor *4. John White delay, b« fore the arrival of Labor *4. C. P. Hudson Labor *4.50. Jurv witness $27.20; Dave Tingle. sion. *10. William Shunn, Old Age feeble-minded *22.57. Mabel Peter- Store, supplies for Court House; for j road work *45. Wm. Reed, Supplies cold weather. Don't suffer dis State Indus. Acc Co Insurance *18 48 Grand Jury Witness $5.20. Peggy j Pension *15. T. Chas. Pritchard. Old son. Laundry for County indgts. indgts *18; Eder Hdw Co, Supplies jg Eder Hdw. Co. Supplies *15.80 comfort and Illness this winter Young, Grand Jury witness $5.40. Age Pension $10. Walter W. Looney. $9.85. Merit Stores, Inc. Groceries for R 3. Quick, indgt. *12.50. Vale jpntura Merc Co. Supplies *9.35. David F Oraham. Auto Expense for because of a poor heating August *4.55. David F. Graham, Mrs. A1 Green, Grand Jury witness I Old Age Pension $15. Louis Bruere,, for M. M. Williams et ux $10. Mrs. Supply Co., Supplies for Madeline I Home Lbr and Coal Co., Supplies Auto expense *8 80. David F. Gra plant. It is so unnecessary to *5.40. Helen Ouyer, Grand Jury wit I Old Age Pension $10. Emma Eliza- : c A. Abbott, Supplies for Hazel Lea- Morley, .indgt. *14.22. Mrs. Vera $20.32. Vale Supply Co. Supplies do so! —SEE— ness $5.40. Bessie Carver Loveland | beth Duncan, Old Age Pension $10. vitt $12. Mrs. J. C. Thomas. Room VanNoy, Care of Riggins child for $3 67 Bunting Tractor Co. Tractor ham, Expense to Portland to inter Grand Jury witness $11. Robt E. Wm. Chas. Parrott. Sr.. Old Age rent of L. L. Haynes *15.50. Wilson June, July and August *30. Natl. Re-I repalrs $3.79 Van Petten Lbr. Co. j view State Hwy Comm. *25. High GEO. J. KINZER Vale Lees, Atty ices in case, State vs. Pension $10. George R. Riggins, Old Bros. Supplies *20.74; Van Petteta employment Sendee, Malheur Coun- supplies *45.29. Oliver Acord. Labor way Garage. Bridge *5.50. Plumber Transfer. Drayage. (15. Union OU of Harold Vestal $25. Dr. C. C. Paxton Age Pension, *10. Ebv.iezer King Lbr Co. Coal and wood for Indgts. ty Relief *90. O. G. Luehrs, Medical $7 50. a . F. Hill, Labor *19.50; W B PARMA Grand Jury witness $5.60. W C Ingle, Old Age Pension *10. Aura $7.65. B. F. Jackson. Temporary Re- supplies for Indgts. *90.10. C W. | Eaton, Labor *5. Eder Hdw. Co Calif, Supplies *31.53. Carland Nlck- PHONE 174-J-t Grant, Grand Jury witness $21.80. Ingle, Old Age Pension *10. Ciar- lief *10 John Goodman. Supplies for I Glenn, Investigating slot machines supplies *1.00. Ironside Merc. Co. 1 ens, tabor *7.50. George Merritt, Grand Jury witness ence Albert Yenter, Old Age Pen- indgts. *10. Geo T. Carey, Barber $20. M. A Biggs, Expense as Dlst. At- supplies *9.35. R. L Colley. Defic- $7.40. Ben Crummett, Grand Jury sion *7.50. Ida M. Keunard. Old Age services for County Indgts. $15.70. ! torney *43.30. Margaret McNulty lency warrant No. 4917 .75. witness $4.60. Dr. R. Tacke, Grand Pension *15. R. H. McNee, Old Age Juntura Mercantile Co Supplies for Secretarial work for County School shunn’s, Drayage *6. The J. K. Oill Jury witness $5.40. R. M. Grill Pension *20 Frank Hoard. Old Age A1 Hardwick $10.17. Kessler's Garage Supt *18.55. Murray Morton, Sup Co. Supplies for County Engineer Grand Jury witness $5.40. Irai Nel Pension, $15. Ella Harrington, Old Gas furnished to transient .98. Mrs. j plies for Assessor; field work as *2.26. W. B. Eaton, Traveling ex- son, Grand Jury witness $5.40. Harry Age Pension $15. Frauk E. Leree, Old F. G Cleveland, Milk furnished Old 1 Assessor *56. Stanley Mallett. pense and lsbor *5.20. Rex Steele, Featherston, Grand Jury duty Age Pension *10. James Williams. Mens Home $9.30. The Ontario j Watermaster services for Aug. *100 Labor *10. Wallace Derrick. Labor $9.50. Grover C. Vest. Grand Jury Old Age Pension $10. Mrs. Mary Pharmacy. Medical supplies for ¡ George B Middleton and Co., Audit *5. Ralph Boor, Labor *12.50. Oliver duty $13. Frank Miller, Grand Jury Anna Downs, Old Ago Pension *10 county Indigents *14.76. Dr. C. M. ! ing County books to June 30, 1935 Crews, Labor *2.50. G. E. Rutherford -uty $12.40. A. P. Ackerman, Grand Mrs. Martha Ferrell, Old Age Pen Tyler, Treatments of Martha Brown-1 $175. Earl Snell. Sec. of State Pre ry duty $12.40. F W Smith, Grand sion *5. Mrs. Louise Loveland. Old ing, indgt. $20. Vale Grain and Feed datory Animal Control *250. Saxon ury duty $14. John E. Bennett. Age Pension $10. H. Cole. Old Ag? Co. Supplies for Old Mens Home .70. Humphrey, Auditing County School Gra id Jury duty; $9.20. Nelson Pension $10. James Henry Carpen- | Lew’s Serlvce Station, Gas for Lit Clerk’s books *300. Carman’s Jersey That means you will want to fill your bins with Gro' er, Grand Jury duty $11.40. ter, Old Age Pension $10. Sarah ! ton Chaunchey and wife, indgts. Farm. Supplies for Old Mens Home Aithur Heer, Deputy Sheriff, Arllla Payne, Old Age Pension *10. $1.96. Ontario Laundry. Laundry for $17.46. Andrew R. Cunningham, that good, clean, heat producing $124 39. Chas. S. Leavitt, Deputy Henry Williams Adams, Old A g e, Old Mens Home; for Courthouse Circuit Court juror *44 Chas. A. She) iff $124.69 Valeda Thayer, Clerk Pension, *10. Morris Sullivan, Old ; $6.90. C. C. Anderson Co Supplies for Karst, Circuit court juror *35.40. Bipr livestock sale at Sheitffs office $99 09. C. E. HoweU Age Pension $20. James Michael 1 indgts $22.51. Shunn’s Transfer, Thos. Stewart, Circuit court juror Dep ty Clerk $125. Margaret J. Lynch, Old Age Pension $10. Steph- Drayage. $1.90. Vale Meat Co. Sup- $33.20. W H. Harris, Circuit court Payette Auction Before winter really sets in would be a good time Mol naar, Clerk’s stenographer $100. en Terwilliger. Old Age Pen Ion $10. ! plies for Old Mens Home: Indgts. juror *33.60. Duncan Fraser, Circuit Exchange Mar ;aret George, Clerk's stenogra Mina A. Terwilliger, Old Age Pen- $79.57. Boise Payette Lbr. Co. Coal & court juror *33 40. Andrew L Greeley to make those building repairs. We sell all kinds pher $100. Jean Burrelle. Deputy sion $10. Sarah Jane Ricker, Old Age | wood for indgts. $14.50. Dr R. A Circuit court juror *44. D A Clore Payette, Idaho of building materials and will be glad make Asst >sor $125. Mildred Bennett, F u sion $10 S. F Allred. Old Ag» Tacke. Clinical lab work for County Circuit court juror *31.20. E. J. Pow Clerk, Assessor’s office $100. Ora Pension $15. Alex Smith Old Age indgts. $36. Vale Drug Store, Med ell, Circuit court juror *34. Barney an estimate for you. EVERY Hope, County Treasurer $100. Kath Pension. $15. Martin G. O ’Erien. Old ical supplies for indgts. $31.94. T. T. Wilson, Circuit court juror *34. C. C. ryn Claypool. County School Supt. Age Pension *20. Jnmes W Ollsnn. Nelson, Ambulance call to Malheur Hunt, Circuit court Juror *34.40. SATURDAY PHONE 47 $125. Mrs. Anna B Pritchett Coun Old Age Pension $7.50. William Mar- City, re Howard White *11.25. Robt Geo. Hart, Jr. Circuit Court juror ty physician $25. A. G. Moore, Stock cellus Westfall. Old Age Pension $15 D. Lytle Office rent for relief com $70.20. Collis P. Carter, Circuit court “ Where Buyer Inspector $33.33. John Hart. Janitor, Blake W. Baldwin. Old Age Pension. mittee $12. Boise-Payette Lbr. Co. Juror *30.20. Herman Maronde. Cir and Seller Meet” $99.69. State Industrial Acc. Comm. *7 50. Charles Irvin Woodward. Old Supplies for Old Mens Home $11. cuit Court Juror *35.40. C. H. Keele, Workmen's compensation $1535. Age Pension $10. George W. Curtis, Boyer Bros, and Co. supplies for in- Circuit Court juror *33.40. R R De- A C. FENSKE. Mgr. NYSSA Mrs. George McTavish, Act. Bob Old Age Pension $10, George Oscer dtcenta $28.13. C. J. Brier. Supplies Armond, Circuit court Juror *31. 8 . E. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer Rutherford $20. Mrs. Herman Smith, Old Age Pension *10. Mary for indgts *15. Dr. R A Tacke, Lab. E. Ross, Circuit court Juror *51. D. Yeung, Act. Sarah Jones. $30. Mrs. Hooper, Old Age Pensim $10. Floyd services for indgt. $73. Peterson Fur M. Prichard, Circuit court Bailiff L nnle Birge, Act. Steve McMahan A. Ratcliff, Old Age Pension *10. niture Co. Burial of James E. Fraz $15. Mrs. E L Perkins, Act W. B. Charles Francis Wise. Old Age Pen ier $40. W. L. H u tta P lu m b in g re Miller $10. Mrs. Lee Williams. Act sion *10. William Tesumsea Schultz, pairs and labor for County Court Annie Williams $10. Mrs. Julia Old Age Pension *10. Lewis Dohr- House $7.55. Malheur Home Tel Co Oliver, Act Nora House $20. Mrs. man. Old Age Pension $10. Phones and tolls $56.10. Home Lbr. Elizabeth Reed, Act Bill Hart $20. Ora E. Clark, Services as County and Coal Co Supplies $1.19. Malheur Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, Act Mrs. Abe Commissir.ier $10. E. H. Brumbach. Home Telephone Co. Phone by Dlst Lewellen for August $7.50. Mrs. Har Services as County Commission \ Atty. .75. Idaho Power Co. Lights ry Day. Act. Lloyd Roberts $15. Mrs. and attending Irrig. Congress $33.50 for Court House; jail and Old Mens Walter Starr, Act 2 Corliss children Dr. Anna B Pritchett, Care of Coun Home $27.65. City of Vale (Water at $7.50 per mos. each $15. Mrs. C. ty Indgts. $92. Mrs. C. A. Abbott, Dept.) Water for Court House; Jail B. Goldston, Act. Fenton girl $15. Transp. of Beatrice Spencer a id and Old Mens Home $16.45. M. Mrs. John Brown, Act Mrs. Hattie Hazel Leavitt $20. George McTavish Clarke Webb. Sealer of Weights and Dugger $10. Mrs. C. L. Palmer, Act Acct, Indg. $10. Allen Heusser for M-asures *13.57. Thos. Jones, Justice Edmund Amot. $7.50 F. B Glenn Ind Mary Rust, Acct. Indgt. $10. The Court costs $17.90. Eva L. Flock, $15. Mrs. R G Wheeler, Indgt $25. Ontario Argus, Supplies for Circuit Witness, State vs. Geo. Jackson *1.70 Mrs. Jane Davis, Indg $12.50. Mrs. Court, County Clerk and official Adelta M. Flock. Witness, State vs Clara H. Young, Indgt $15. Mrs. advertising $89.95. Bancroft Whitney Geo. Jackson $1.70. C. C. Mueller, Now you can have lamps that not only bring new Orson Leavitt, Indgt $10. Steve Co. Oregon report for Circuit Court Premium on bond for Arthur Heer, beauty into your home— but will give you and the Wukriitz, Indgt. $10. Harvy Steph $3.25. Ren* lgton Rand Inc. Rental Dep. Sheriff $50.00. David F. Gra members o f your family amazing new eye-comfort ens, Indgt. $7.50. Chas. E Dinkey. on typewriter for Circuit Judge *3. ham. Expenses attending Ore. Rec and sight protection. Indgl $10. Mrs. Tillie Pierce, Indgt West Coast Pmtg and Bndg. Co. lamation Congress at Corvallis $15. $12.50. Mrs. Fannie Johnson. Indg Supplies for Circuit Court $2.50. Lytle & Coad Appearance in case of These new lamps built by Colonial-Premier were $12.50; Doc Hager $10. Mrs. Addie West Coast Prntg. and Bndg. Co. Orondona vs. O'Connell $30. C. E Bridges. Indgt. $10. Mrs. R J. Ivers, Supplies for Circuit Court; for Howell, Supplies furnished Pat Wil created by the Illuminating Engineering Society as a S.idgt. $10. Mrs G W Baker Indg. County Clerk $50. David F. Graham liams and family $630. contribution to the sight-saving movement that is $10. Dr. George Bean, Indgt. $15. Stamps and box rent for June. July E O. Walter Weed control *23.85. engaging the attention of public leaders everywhere. Miss Emma Peterson,, Inogt. $7.50. and August *6.10. The Flax Com David F. Graham, Auto exp. for Aug $ Q Mrs. Ida M. Craig, Indg. $10; Mor pany. Supplies for County Court | acct indgts. $10. David F Graham, Better Sight Lamps give six to ten times as much ton Lesh, Ind. $20. Mrs. Louie Hyde *196. Malheur Enterprise. Supplies Auto exp act indgts. *10. Claude A. Ind. $12.50. J o h n Macdock : for County Court, Clerk. Assessor Brimcaw, Circui* Court witness $26. useful light as the ordinary lamp for reading, sewing One of these Better Sight $7.50. Mrs. Emmeline White, Indgt. and School Supt;: official adver- Lemon Davis, Circuit Court witness or studying. They diffuse this light to eliminate all Lamps should be on every *12.50. B W Stone. Indgt. *10. Chas. Using $136.27. C. W Glenn. Travel- $5.40. W. C. Grant, circuit court wit- study and reading table. harmful glare, soften shadows and throw just the Shelafo. Indg. *10 John Fickle, ing expense as Sheriff *65.50. C W ness $21.80. J C Stewart, circuit The base Is finished In Incgt $7.50. E. A. Matthews. Indgt. Glenn. Board of prisoners $68.25. court witness $7.60. Delta Mac Flock right amount of light to the ceiling for general illum bronze and it has a dec $7.50; James Sherwood. Indgt $10; West Coast Prtng and Bndg Co. Circuit court witness $7.60. Eva Lu ination. orated parchment shade Mrs. Lillian M. Newby, Indg. *12.50 Supplies for Sheriff’s office $10 80. cile Flock. Circuit court wltneas lined with white. Com Howard Freeman,, Indgt. $10. Mrs C. W Glenn. Supplies for Sheriff's *7.60. Mrs. Stella Smith, Circuit Come in and see these beautiful new Better plete with 100-watt lamp C E Smith, Indgt $10. Mrs. A. B. office *15.93. C. W. Glenn, Stamps court witness $7.60. Mrs. P J Long globe. Sight Lamps and let us demonstrate their scientific Garrett, Indgt. $10. Mrs C C Kll- acct. collection of taxes $3. West Circuit court witness $7.60. Mrs. V. E features. bur.n. Indgt *15. Mrs. Nellie Betts, Coast Prntg and Bndg Co. Supplies Edwards, V. Circuit court witness Indgt. $12.50. Mrs. Isabella Raeburn for County Clerk *1. Roy Daley, O f $7.60. Madline Edwards. Circuit Indgt. $10. George Schiemer. Rent of fice expense $9.10. West Coast Prlntg court witness $7.60. Mrs. M. C Hat house for Mrs Gildea *5. Oeorge a id Bndg Co. Supplies for Assessor field. Indgt *20; J W. Hard»!, circuit Schiemer, Rent of house for Allreds *4.40. Burrough's Adding Machine court juror $25.40. Harry E. Salis $7. Mrs, John Bennett, Rent of Co. Adding machine for County bury, Circuit court Juror $24.40. house for Fields family $5.00. East Treasurer’s office $225.20. Ora C. John Lewellen, Circuit court Juror $ ■ ^ 0 0 Side Grocery. Rent of house for H. Hope,. Supplies for County Treasur $31.60. D. W Powers, Circuit court A. Bowmai *8. Mrs. P B Zutz rent er $19.89. West Coast Printg and juror $24.40. H G Kennard, Services of house for Mrs. Craig *5. Mrs. J A Bndg. Co. Supplies for County j as Deputy Water-master *15. Leroy I V McNulty, rent of house for Riggins Treasurer 60. Kathryn Claypool. Wrinkle. Circuit court juror *24 40 — $7. Ontario Natl. Bank, By order of Postage for County Supt. of Schools i Hugh Thayer, Grand juror $24.80 An attractive Semi-Indirect Junior Floor Murray Morton *20 J and E Kil *8.12. West Coast Prlntg and Bndg Dave Tingle, Circuit court witness and efficient Floor lamp (j; Lamp in com- patrick. Indgt.s wages. Old Mens Co. Supplies for County Supt. of i $9.40. Theodore Peterson, Circuit Balance In Convenient Junior F l o o r with glass dlff- bination silver Home *75. Angela Unamuno, Rait, Schools *1.10. The Gate City Jour-1 court witness $9.40. J o in Spence, tam p with base using bowl . Monthly Payments and gold finish Old Mens Home *30. Chas. Mc- in bronze fin Base finished with Ivory in- Lauglilin., Indgt. $12.50. George Eld- ish. Decorated In two-tone set Pure silk ridge. Indgt. *15. parchment bronze. Ivory box pleated Fr'd Augustus Ausmus, Old Age shade, lined ripple c l o t h shade over Pension *10. Abram Lewellen, Old with white. gold decorated white parch- Age Pension *15. John B. Turner. Complete with schroll pattern ment. Choice Old Age Pension $10. Mary Jane lamp globe. A shade. Com- i of Ivory, ban- Jones. Old Age Pension $10. Phllenia g o o d looking plete with 300- ana heart, rust Ellen Smith, Old Age Pension *15. Better Sight 200-100 watt or gold. Com- Hattie Elizabeth Reed. Old Age Pen Lamp at a low three - 11 g h t plete with sion $10. John E. Johnson. Old Age price— lamp. three - l i g h t Pension *10. Edmund Baxter Wood lamp. Old Age Pension *15. William W. Glenn. Old Age Pension $10. 8usan $ 9 9 5 O. Cartwright. Old Age Pension $ 1 4 9 5 8tlas Cartwright. Old Age Pension *15. Chas. Thos. Ferrell. Old Age Pension *10. Lee Richardson. Old Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’i Pension $15. Joseph Allison, Old Age Pension *10. John Alex fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and ander Bachman. Old Age Pension *10. James Ely Leasy, Old Age Pen- LEGAL ADVERTISING Sunbeam Warm Air Furnaces COAL Weather. Is Here . .. Auction Sale ABERDEEN COAL to Jackson Lumber Co. OREGON CERTIFIED FOR SIGHT - SAVING Better Sight Lamps Reading and Study Lamp 145 ONLY DOWN Drink Plenty of MILK Fill All (he Empty Sockets *1595 old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Constipation I f r o n M lp it lo m r n a t i y© « 0 * 4. l a - ¿ I g e a t i o o . H M d a c h t g B a d S t « « » . P im p ly S k ia i* . f « t q u ic k r « U li« f w lt k A D L I - yet « - R IK A . T h o r o u g h in a « t i M t l r a l r f * n t l « a n d aafa. ADLERIK A NASSA PHARMACY Shelton Dairy NYSSA OREGON IDAHÒWÌOWEB jrrrar-r Prepare for long winter evenings. Fill a ll empty sockets with new lamps and keep a supply of extra lamps on hand. Take advantage of the new low prices on lamp globes and buy now.