THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., NOVEMBER 14. 1935 The High School Journal grazing permits with the Advisory Board member W. S. Bruce. Mr. Stoner another member of the In terior department spent the day with Andrew Greeley of Rockville. Gusman Brothers left Jordan last NEWS OF NY33A SCHOOLS WHITTEN AND PREPARED BY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Friday with their beef cattle. They I stayed Friday night at the Ben Hunt VOLUME I. No. 9 NOVEMBER 14, 193S ranch on Cow creek Church News METHODIST CHURCH Floyd E. White, Pastor I Sunday 8chO"I 10 o'clock. D. R. DeOross. superintendent. Morning Worship 11:15.. Scrmcn Thtme: Music as a Pert of Wor ship. The Methodist Hymnals v.'il! be Introduced. Epworth League 7 o’clock. Evening Worship 8 o'clock. G.A. A. NOTES were entertained with an education- I say to you goes In one ear and out al motion picture. The Pony Express the other. ELDORADO GRANGE ,ir. Rinheart Is building a cab- which showed the days Just before Irene Poage: Is that why we have 33 the girls coming out after the Civil war. A short comedy wu RE-ELECTS OFFICERS two ears? 1 ¡nay k e p their clothes In the also presented. The pictures were Paul Johnston: "Goodbye, Sir, and Will Rogers appearing in "IN enjoyed by all the students. a id I’m indebted to you for all I Ironside—Eldorado Orange held OLD KENTUCKY” at the Roxy in classes are anxious for the be- know." Its regular meeting on Friday night. —NHS— :i{ of the girls basketball Sir: Don’t mention such a trifle.’’ Election of officers was held, with Ontario for six days starting Friday, name it. The Juniors have won Houston Wilson was explaining all oflicers being re-elected. On the November 15th. SPORTS ar, and other classes are why he had to go with the football roden control program captains . j show them up. All boys who participated in ath team to the games. “ Insure In Sure Insurance” were elected and sides chosen up for served by the hostess. .mrnittee as been appointed to letics will receive a two or three The Ed Hendrix alfalfa hullcr of Miss Denny: “Are you on the foot the extermination of magpies. The c ' ut a system for getting points weeks vacation before starting in ball team?” contest will last for two weeks, with Vale finished work here o.i Friday sack riding. If they find • with their next sport, basketball. i Houston (Proudly) Well, yes. I 1 the losing side treating the win and left for home. cry plan it will be sent to This is a grand opporunity for ail d0 the aerial work ’ Kenneth Boyer of Hereford was a ners to a welner feed. Mrs. Earl Lof- gon State Department of athletes who are brhind si their Miss D e n y : "What is that Inaurane i ton. lecturer, had a short, but good business visitor at the Coy Wise school wo* k to catch up on It now j Houston: “ I blow up the foot- athletics for approval. program. One of the lnteres.lng fea home Wednesday. before another sport starts. balls.” The Raleigh Van Burens were tures b lng the “Review of the —NHS— Lettermen’s Club Mert NOTHING Worlds War.’ After the program, Ontario visitors Saturday. E. J. Beam made a business trip to AROUND SCHOOL The Lettermen’s club held a m e't- A bladeless knife without a handle dancing was enjoyed with a lunch Brogan last Tuesday. i served at the close Id Rust, who has been going ing last Thursday and Friday noon Pcem The Earl Ripley family have mov ; The Gordon Dickson family spsnt i nland school the last week, discussion of the initation of all the Mary had a little lamb, ed to Westfall where the former players who had en n rd their letter j the last week end visiting at the returned to Nyssa. Her father shot It dead; will be employed by Val Becker. In any si>ort. was held. e Juniors, who were suppos'd And now it goes to school with her. ! home of their daughter and son-ln- j Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Loftcn mot law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor; Between two chunks of bread. ; ivt the student body program ored to John Day on Saturday to —NHS— at Halfway. , Friday, have changed with the attend an American Legion pregram NOVEMBER ARITHMETIC Those attending the State Grange In honor of Armistice Day. en; so they will not give It JORDAN VALLEY NEWS conference at Boulevard grange near H. C. Elms motored to Boise on 1 ember 15. Ten thousand signal. Pass! A for- a X Ontario were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lof Monday for hls wife who had been •.ford and Paul Johnstc 4 ward pass! ton. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Presley, Mr visiting there the past month. They Claud Slade and Jack Painter of urt in the last quarter of | Ten thousand take the ball, and r. E Caldwell spent several days at and Mrs. Ralph Boor, Carrol Locey returned on Friday accompanied bv 1 game with Ontario J while a mass and wife, Mrs. Ernest Locey. All re their granddaughter Norma Whit’ Fairylawn. They went out to hunt i Day. Of strat.ilng muscle writhes upon who will visit a while at her horn’ . who have finished lamps in the ground, deer and came to Jordan with a deer port a wu iderful meeting. Coy Wise sent out a truck load Mrs. Elmer M olthm left Saturday | s are now working on design- Ten thousand raise their arms with- , apiece. Miss Beth Shea has gone to Boise of cattle to Nyssa last Tuesday to for Prairie City for a w'eks v'slt out a sound . stud: nts s"em sleepy aft'r And throw the oblate spheroid \ where she will be employed at the pasture where they will be fiiished with her parents and other rela for market. tives. Her son John drove her over. court house. vacation, wonder where every through the air. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Buren way last night? Ernest Fenwick made a trip to Then twenty thousand hands rcacli1 » hoys in Algebra III were busy up to snare Caldwell last week. He came In spent several days at Ontario on -■ the lines on the gym floor The ball and bring It ccwn to earth from hls ranch «*i Juniper moun business the first of last week. It is reported that Elmer Molthan tain last Thursday and returned day and Saturday, while twice has purchased the Thos. Boston hay d tests were given to the first Tea thousand arms have lorked ns Monday morning. Nvssa, Orejjt>n typing classes for the last two in a vice Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Maher of near Jamieson <nd will move hi* cattle there for the winter. Cliffs accompanied by their daugh ' a. The legs of him who has the ball. Mrs. Sylvester Rose was hostess at ’ skctball will start In two weeks The gcnl is but ten yards. With ters Ruby and Agnes spent several her home last Wednesday with a days In Boise. i now. There will probably be a body. soul. un ier of players turn out after the Mr. and Mrs. Arritola, Aurora Ac- shower in honor of Mrs. Wm. And undivided mind ujion thos’ ten, Woodcock. Many dainty and beau wo weeks rest period. Ten thousand huddle, signal, shift, crdagoitl and Alfonso Acordagoitla tiful gifts were received by the I - st Tuesday afternoon the stud went to Nampa Monday and return and then j honoree. Lovely refreshments were ent; of both grade and high school Te i thousand hit the line and slith ed Tuesday evening. Even though it hasn’t miss The walls and celling of Scott's er through— ed a tick In months, that . . . and SO Good! Though on the field there are but Cash Grocery is being painted. The faithful timepiece of yours work is being date by Fernando twenty-two. will benefit by a thorough Madariaga. By James Sterling Ayars "going-over" at the hand of Fourteen CCC boys from Salt Lake an expert. A check-up now came to move part of the camp from —NHS— will help to keep it accurate this place to Nyssa. They ate dinner AND P R O F E S S I O N A L SCHOOL PLAY and long-lived. And if re at Madariga and danced until mid pairs are needed, we’ll make They left Fine Variety The cast for the student body play night Thursday night. them at a low cost. Leave your Friday morning. “ Look Out Lizzie” has finally been watch with us today. Fred J. Palmer, inspector for the _____________________ selected. The play deals with th" farm life of the Long family. Hazel Idaho Productive Credit association Authorized Dealer for Ham Long is In love with the ha: idsome has srneat a number of days in this ilton Watches. "The Watch of Richard Btltmoie, a stranger on a vicinity. He went to Mr. Tudor's Railroad Accuracy.” ALSO Ask Your Grocer for Nyssa Bread secret mission; their hired man ranch on Crooked creek and has CENTRAL AND ELGIN OBT. D. LYTLE WATCHES Hank, who is as slow as a crippled made several inspections in this vicinity. ATTORNEY snail; and Lizzie their hired girl, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross made a ■OU NSELOR-AT-LAW who Is slower yet. Then there is trip to Vale. They returned to their it tonal Bank Building Minnie the neighborhood gossip, acid home Inst Sunday morning. Phone 66 Dave the middle aged miser. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and | : OREGON Next to Cozy Cafe The following students have been Mrs. Jas. M1114 spent last week at Nyssa. Oregon NYSSA chosen to play the various parts: Boise. Mr. Johnson also attended the Silas Long, an old farmer. Curtis land sale at Vale. He purchas’ d One Year Guarantee $6.95 Foster; Sarah, his wife, Virginl i 11.non acres of land at the sale, some Six Months Guarantee $4-95 Miller: Haz’ l, their daughter, Ruth | of it tillable, but most of It Is graz B. Pritchett Edwards; Lizzie Blanks, their hired ing land. MAJESTIC BATTERIES girl. Flora Mae Wimp: Hank Blinks, Other Jordan Valley people who D. O. their hired man, Roland Whitman; One Year Guarantee .... $5.6" attended the sale at Vale wer- W Minnie Hall, the neighborhood gos W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross Six Months Guarantee $4.25 sip. Clarissa Tillman; Richard Bilt- and Marie Anderson. OSTEOPATHY mer’ a strnnger, Arthur Cook; Dave Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks went to Hinkle, an old miser Warren Lars'n. Liberal allowance on old —And— Caldwell last Monday. Mrs. Parks For a good comedy and an even- ; nHns to hBVe somp dl,ntal work Battery ELECTROTHERAPY lngs eatertalnment don’t miss "Lock dene. They left their daughters Opal Out Lizzie.” and Ethel with Mr. Parks parents, PHONE 201 Mr. and Mrs. O 'orge Parks. —NHS— VALE - - - OREGON Leonard Underwood of the De JOKES partment of Interior made a trip to Nyssa Phone 56F2 Jordan Valley and Arock last Mon As of November 1, 1935 Miss Denny: What kind of a noun day. While at Arock he discussed is trousers? Warren Larrcn: An uncommon RESOURCES noun because it is singular at the top PORTRAITS OF and plural at th? bottom. Cash on Hand and Due from Banka $17,398,536.66 QU ALITY Mr. Shoemaker: How can we tel! • United States B o n d s ...................... 17,851,043.87 $35,249,580.53 the approach of winter. Joec Expert Kodak Finish Joe Roebrtson: It begins to get Municipal and Other Bonds - - - - - - - - 14,640,600.84 later earlier. Mail us your Loans and Discounts . . . . . . . . . . 18,259,517.52 Miss Rettte: (to class) Everything Cheap Insurance Isn’t Good Good Insurance Isn’t Cheap Frank T. n Yes sir, as tl STONE B ‘ Norc< An Independen* Have Your Watch Inspected Free y ------------------------------V, » BUSINESS DIRECTORY READY TO SERviij Swan baked goods are the tastiest and richest of any you can buy—and they’re ready to serve. Bread, all popular kinds—Variety of Rolls— Doughnuts—Layer Cakes—Variety of Pies— Variety of Cookies. r Paulus Jewelry The Swan Bakery OREGON A nna The First National Bank E. W. Pruyn DOWN... ing. Comes the Price of Freedom films. HEATER STUDIO j Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work W YCK O FF JEWELRY STORE That Know Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario HOW Oregon Shrer Silk or the roughest of woolrns—wr'll fix it up so you ran look your best DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing on the rare of Children's Eye*. ONTARIO OREOON Cleaning — Pressing Alterations iNyssa Tailorj Shop L D. E. MORGAN, Prop. Now You Can Afford to Put Washdays and Washtubs Out of Your Home Forever ROUGH DRY 50c for 7 lbs. 7r for Each Additional Pound Arc you slavishly giving the best part of a day. every week to the thing you hate most— th# family washing? If the answer is "yes" it's time to call a halt. Just step to the phone, tell us when to call for your bundle and from that very moment you will be In the Free. A land where there are no wash days to sap your strength, make an old woman of you, and (as often hap pens) pile up doctor bills on you. Remember ROUOH DRY takes less out of your purse than the cost of doing the washing at home. We'll wash your garments in rich, warm suds of purest soap. We'll rinse them In gal lons of rain soft water, and return them to you Immac ulately clean, with all flat work Ironed. Take your first step to free dom by stepping to the phone and telling us when to call for your bundle. ONTARIO LAUNDRY Phone 98 Ontario. Oregon EVERY - BODY - WASHES - WITH - RAIN - WATER - JONES of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 24 Branches Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . . . . . . . 135,300.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures . . . . 1,884,439.35 Other Real Estate Owned - - - - - - - - - 152,410.31 Customers’ Liability— Acceptances - - - - - - 52,353.33 Interest Earned - 213,887.92 Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance . . . 84,322.67 Other Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,714.14 T O T A L ................................................................. $70,766,126.51 LIABILITIES C a p ita l....................................................$2,500,000.00 S u rp lu s................................................ 2,225,000.00 Undivided P r o f i t s ........................... 593,725.08 $ 5,318,725.08 Reserves for Contingencies, Interest, Expenses, etc. 358,370.71 Acceptances - 56,234.94 Other Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,360.12 D e p o s i t s ..................................................................... 64,935,435.66 T O T A L ................................................................. $70,766,126.51 MAIN BRANCH. . UPTOWN BRANCH . . . . FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK . SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH MONTAVILLA BRANCH LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Branches Outside of Portland ALBANY ASTORIA CONDON ENTERPRISE GRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO LA GRANDE LAKEVIEW PENDLETON SALEM STAYTON THE DALLES TILLAMOOK UNION WOODBURN THIS BANK IS A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORT ORATION