Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUKS., NOVEMBER 14, 1935 friends at their home Friday night. A school program and Halloween games a id a bountiful midnight supper was enjoyed by all A daughter was born to Mr. and SheavlUe—Resident* of this com munity have been feeling some real Mrs. H. E. Baltzor at the Mercy hos winter weather with the thermom pital in Nampa on November 7th. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. eter dropping down to 25 below on two nights last week. There has been Frank A. Baltzor at Ontario o i Nov- 1 ember 6lh. about three Inches of snow. Ncrman MacKenzie and Burr Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mesonholder entertained quite a number of their Skelton were dinner guests at the ; Haylett ranch Wednesday Sabino Andoncgui is buildtig a nrw barn this week. Frank Hains, Jr., finished thresh ing Friday at the Hains ranch. Miss Ethel Baltzor of Arock is staying at the home of her cousin WATKINS FAMOUS Fra ik Baltzor. Petro-Carbo Salve Mrs. Kathryn Claypool visited the With SheavlUe school last week. Each 11 or. Bottle of Miss Maxine Haylett. chairman of Watkins Liniment the Home Economic club entertained Two household 'necessities for the club at her home Saturday. the price r f one. Buy Watklnr, famous R ' Liniment—good for man or Least and get a can of Petro-Carbo Sa’. . e absolutely free! SHEAVILLE HAS REAL WINTER FREE! ANOTHER BARGAIN! With each big 16-oz. bottle of Watkins Antiseptic you buy. I'll give you a 25c bar of Germi cidal Soap. I have other money saving bargains for you. Wait for Watkins—It Pays! USED PARTS —and— Acetylene Welding —at— SWARM & SONS LOUIS D’AMOUR The Watkins Deal r Box 783 Ontario, Oregon Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. JUST RECEIVED . . . Something Different . . . for that difficult Gift PERSONAL ENGRAVED STATIONERY Either with name and address or Personal monogram As low as $1.15 for 100 sheets and 50 envelopes OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK Is now complete. We invite you to shop and use our lay-by plan . . . a small deposit will hold any gift until wanted. Ginzel Jewelry fihop Phone 337J Ontario, Oregon Delicio^ YES, SIR! Our meats are truly delicious, only the & very best of meats are sold over our counter. EAT MORE MEAT N YSSA PACKING CO. OREGON NYSSA There were nine members present. Officers were elected with Mrs. Letha Falen elected vice president; Mrs D. H. Haylett. secretary-treas urer. Various committees were ap pointed. After adjournmeat, re freshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Ethel Falen. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Falen return ed home Friday. They have been working in the fruit at Huston. Curley Lodge a id Ed Turner were business visitors at the N-N ranch Sunday and Monday from Caldwell. Mr. Lodge Just recently purchased the N-N. Chas. V. and George Harris were overnight guests at the Haylett home Thursday night. Chas. Falen, Jr., who is attending school at Notus, spent the week ead with home folk. One of the Forest Service trucks turned over and rolled off the grade Just below Dead Mans bridge Friday. No one was Injured. H. E. Baltzor was a business visit or at Sheavllle last week. Mrs. Frank Hains and Miss Flor ence Ehrke were visitors at the Hay lett home Sunday. Word comes from Boise that Mr. Gene Fisher, who was Injured In a car accident, near the MacKenzie ranch, last week, had to have an operation on his knee, to remove broken bones In the knee, which was broken In the accident. Fred Haylett has been nursing a hand with blood poisoning the past week. J. V. A. Carter, who last week sold his Jordan creek ranch to Wroten and Son, has purchased the entire McCain holding on Cow Creek and Mahogany creek, consisting of the Hari ranch, Adonegui. Curtis, Acton Ufford and Ted Chevr’ ly ranches. Mendal Falen Is \i ing relatives In Montana the past ronth. birthday. Two tables of pinochle were in play with Mrs. F. S. Byers winning high score for ladles and R. Holmes high score for men. The Wm. Tlbbett family have moved to Phoenix. Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marks from Caldwell moved Into the F. O. Holmes camp Mr. Marks is oper ator on the dragline that Is putting the drain ditch through the Ward place. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Holmes attend ed the Walkathor.i In Meridian last Saturday evening. Oregon Trail basketball boys beat Big Bend Friday 24 to 14. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes were visiting at the Bill Toll home In Frultland Wednesday. Miss Velma Beach has returned home after working several weeks In Nyssa. The Bible class of the Oregon Trail Sunday School put on a spec ial program Sunday morning hon oring the four hundredth anniver sary of the printing of the Bible. Papers were read by Albert Hopkins and Mrs. Smith. Chas. Janes anc Dwight Johnston furnished special music. Using Honey By Mrs. W. W. Foster The week from November 10th to 16th Is Honey Week a :d throughout the county the stores will have spec ial displays of Ho.iey. Tire food dem onstrations are using honey In their menus and if you watch the mag azines and newspapers you will see many fine recipes and rose sugges tions. More and more the i merican people are realizln tl e value of honey as a regular ?m among their LINCOLN M WS foods and there Is a” inn-erne In the average consumptlo - M dheur coun The Misses Ruth cf Boise and ty has some of the best honey pro Kathryn of La Crerde spent the duced any place. Honey Nut Cake week end at the pare ial T. C. Niel 2tie cake flour. 4tsp baking pow- son home. A number of stu i nts attended the school carnival In Ontario Fri day and Saturday nig its. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rogers and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Veif.ion Reed of Ontario. Mrs. Robert Davis is visiting with friends In Weiser. Miss Della Belisle spent from Thursday until Tuesday with Miss Mary Davis. The students had a “pick-up" pro gram Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall spent the week end at their home in Nyssa. Eldon Robinson returned home from Portland where he spent the past week. Mrs. N. C. Thomas called, cr.i Mrs. Steve Huenneken one day last week. dcr. V* tps. salt. 1 cup. chopped nut meats. 4 egg whites. 3-4 c honey. 3-4 c sugar. M c shortening. 3-4 c water. Sift flour, salt and baking powder cream honey, sugar shortening and add alternately water and slftec ingredients. Stir In nuts. Fold In beaten egg whites. Pour in well greased layer tins. Bake to moderate oven 35 min. Ice with honey butter Icing. Honey Butter Icing of butter! ana honey creamed together, about one third butter anc two-thirds honey. 4t cream. 2 c pow dered sugar. Soften honey, butter with cream. Add powdered sugar and stir until smooth. Will spread two nine-inch layers. b ic Mrs. Loyd Adams and her mother Mrs. Gardener were callers Wednes day at the J. E. Hearron home. Want Ads FOR SALE—Guernsey heifer .fresh socu. J. C. Beam, 1 mile west of Nyssa. 11-14-ltp. FOR RENT—One furnished and one unfurnished apartment, each two rooms. Rex Rooms, ltp. FOR RENT—Nice sleeping rooms, i each with own stove. Close to town. Mrs. Tom Nordale. ltc. FOR SALE—Some good homes acid safe—how convenient to a ..ys get the package and the quality you want. No fuss. No bother. No chance taking. The package you want is right before you . . . same size, same quality al ways. You will find this 1 _ Is tandat Rexall Stores only. LUMBER For Every Purpose Whatever your build ing requirements are, w e can fill t h e m quickly and complete ly, in grade and in quality, from o u r graded and full pro tected stocks. -ONTARIO 6 - Big Days - 6 FRI-SAT-SUN MON-TUES-WED Nov. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 MATINEE, SAT. 2 P. M. Continuous Performance Sunday, Starting at 2 P.M. OREGON TRAIL P.-T. A. TO MEET FRIDAY Tbs Patented Firstaid Always clean Cotton Package Estimating and plan ning without obliga- tion. __ His Last and Greatest Picture HOSPITAL SUPPLIES HEARTS-HORSES- HUMOR — in the glori NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Oregon ous romance that 30 million Americans ac claimed their favorite play! SAVE with S A FET Y at OUR STOCK INCLUDES Lumber—Brick—Painting Supplies—Cement—Mill Work Roofing and Paper, Insulation Material Boise-Payette Lumber Co. PHONE 15 DRUG STORE Dwight Smith, Manager Nyssa, Oregon Oregon Trail—The regular meet ing of the Oregon Trail P. T. A. will be held Friday evening. E. M. Haus er, county 4-H club leader will be present to award achlevment pins to last years 4-H club members. All P.’ T. A. members and others who are interested should plan to at tend. Friends surprised Mrs. John Bow en Tuesday evening honoring her / W ILL ROGERS IN OLD KENTUCKY w with Here's a fair offer—get an Inex pensive Jar of Krusche.i Salts—Take as much as will lie on a dime every clay In your morning cup of tea or ] coffee or In hot water. After the jar is empty If you are not satisfied with improvements in \ health get your money back. Nd more laxatives—no more cath- ! artlcs—and no cor' patton when you take yenr litt!> n ily pinch of Kruschen. Tthe N jj n Pharmacy sells lots of It. let Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa - - - O regon ,J -« ;»**- •$•*.! McCORMICK-DEERING Ktiown for Years as the W orld’s Easiest-Running Cr^am Separator / DOROTHY WILSON RUSSELL HARDIE LOUISE HENRY BILL R O BIN SO N A Fox P ictu r e TO THE FIRST 1,000 Persons Attending this Show will be given a beau tiful 8x10 colored a n d autographed photo of Will Rogers. us ... Check Your Car For IM PORTANT Needs This is the time of the year to change to winter oil and grease. Come in and let us service your car for winter driving. T IME TO FILL UP WITH PRESTONE! POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars Comlensod Report We United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon As o f November 1, 1935 Resources Cash on Hand and Due from Banks United States Bonds - - - - - Municipal and Other Bonds - - - Loans and Discounts - - - - - Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - - Bank Premises (including Branches) Safe Deposit Vaults - - - - - - Other Real Estate - - - - - - Customers’ Liability on Acceptances Interest Earned - - - - - - - Other Resources - - - - - - - $26,136,099.31 43,071,600.50 $69,207,699.81 - - - - - 14,169,848.55 - - - - - 19,778,281.54 - - - - - 181,500.00 - - - - - 2,330,674.32 - - - - - 42,109.48 - - - - - 62,994.54 - - - - - 51,614.33 - - - - - 502,837.52 - - - - - 477,486.03 9106,805,046.12 Liabilities Capital . . ..................................$4,000,000.00 Surplus - - - - - - - - - - 2,050,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves - - 1,922,642.72 $ 7,972,642.72 Acceptances - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51,614.33 Deposits: Demand and Time - - - - 88,890,488.84 * Public F u n d s ............................. 9,890,300.23 98,780,789.07 •Both Public and Trust Fuads srs socursd according to low. $ 1 0 6 ,8 0 5 ,0 4 6 .1 2 O N T A R IO B R A N C H ONTARIO, OREGON He»«) Office, Portland, Oregon DIRECT BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORT?.AND