THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURS., NOVEMBER 14,19.35 The Gate City Journal I BERWYN BURKE, Publisher Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .......................... ........................................................— 81-64 Six Months 7 Id ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising »’ll! be furnished to both Local and Foreign Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per Inser­ tion. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. BOUQUETS FOR LEGISLATORS The legislators who put over the sentiment of the people in their demand that the new Oregon state eapitol building be constructed on the old site, are to be congratulated. There were plenty of interest who were anxious to have an oppor­ tunity of spending the taxpayers money in large quantities; but the legislature proved that there were business heads among them who knew' the thing to do is to live within ones means, be it public or private business. It might be a fine thing to have a eapitol built cn 40 acres or 100 acres, with all its surrounding scenic effects; but after all the government of Oregon is a business and requires a business building, financed on a business basis. Taxpay­ ers should be pleased that our representatives are out to save the public money and cannot be high pressured into getting something we can’t afford. -- +-- A CHANCE TO HELP The settlement of the pew lands about Nyssa, Ontario and Vale is of primary importance to every citizen of this part of Oregon and Idaho. Before we can start counting an increased valu­ ation of the county, we must have producing settlers on the new lands, using the potential fer- ility and productiveness of the soil. Up to date there has been approximately 25,000 acres of the new land sold and most of it is getting under cultivation. During 1936 will see an additional 35,000 acres of good farm and put under the ditch. This land must be sold and every citizen should help. The Vale-Owyhee Land Settlement Association is working diligently on the problem. They are sending out thousands of pieces of literature, ad­ vertising in dozens of papers, writing countless letters; and they are getting settlers, but at the present pace, not enough to settle the 35,000 acres this next year. Here is w’here you can help. Practically every person living in Malheur county has contacts with friends and relatives at other places. Think through your list of acquaintances and it is likely you will find several wno would be interested in securing land on the Owyhee project. Write them a Tetter, telling of the fine country we have here and give their names to Mr. Morgan so he can fumisn them with the details of the Vale- Owyhee Land Settlement plan. APPLE VALLEY AID TO HOLD CHICKEN PIE SUPPER Apple Valley Ladles Aid will serva a ohlcken pie supper with a bazaar at the Apple Valley community church. Thursday, November 31 from 8:30 to 8:30. Entertainment will be furnished by the Lion's club of Par- ma There will be plenty to eat. Be sure to come a*iri bring your fam­ ily Mr and Mrs. R. B. Meyers and daughter Kutherlne left Monday for California. Miss Lucille Stevens of Hood River, Oregon, returned home Fri­ day evening to spend a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi StevMis. Ermon Pierce who has been stay- See Us For Real BARGAINS IN USED FURNITURE 1 KIMBALL PIANO 1—16x18 TENT, 16 ox. 1 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WASH­ ER in fine condition. 2 KITCHEN CABINETS Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA OREGON along said forty acre line; thence west 1323.5 feet to point of be­ ginning, containing 43.5 acres, more or less. It Is ordered by the Court, that all persons Interested In the Estate of said Anton Stanek, deceased, appear before the County Court of the County of Malheur, State of Ore­ gon, at the court room of said Court, In said County and State, on the 16th day of November, 193d, at 10.00 o’clock In the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause. If any they have, why an order, as prayed for In the petition should not be granted to the said administra­ tor to sell the real estate of said deceased, at either public or private sale, for the purposes mer Honed in the petition, as he shall Judge to be for the best Interests of said estate and of the parties Interested there­ in; and It Is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published at least ones a week for four successive weeks In the Gate City Journal, a newspaper printed and published In said County. Dated this 17th day of October, 1935, at Vale, Oregon. DAVID F. GRAHAM, Judge of County Court In Probate Date of first publication, October 17, 1935. Date of last publication, November 14, 1935. ESTRAY NOTICE lng at the Oene Reed home for the busy making footstools and wall Taken up at my place In town, LEGAL ADVERTISING past year left last Tuesday for plaques. north end of first street, a two-year Mr. and Mrs. Blaine May anc Oklahoma. Mrs. Reed and Alan and Mrs. daughter Ivy motored to Seattle. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING old Holseteln heifer, tag In one ear, other notched, brand Indistinguish­ Meyers and Katherine attended the Miss Ivy remained In that city to Walkathon In Meridian Tuesday attend school while her parents re­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE able. Owner may have by paying STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE costa. Smith Jordan. U-7-2tp. evmlng. turned Wednesday evening. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Olen and Ouy Johnson returned NOTICE TO CREDITORS home from California last week In the Matter of the Estate of Court House Filings They reported that the crops down MORRIS McCARY. Deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Real Estate Transfers Recorded there have been damaged consld- STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Notice Is hereby given that the L. J. Hadley et ux to Thus. C. Mc­ erbly by the frost. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Arlle Scott spent Monday with Elroy et ux. West 8 ft of east 30 ft undersigned. George L. Steele, the In the Matter ol the Estate of James duly appointed, qualified and acting Marvin Stout. of Lot 7, Blk 37, Eldredge Addn Vale administrator of said estate, h a s : M. Harbour. Deceased. The Apple Valley school closed for 11-4-35. $1 Notice is hereby given by the Quinn River Bank to J. B. Mc­ filed his final account and report Armistice Day. herein, which said final account, to­ undersigned, administrator of the Cain, S 4 S E 4 . S 4 S W 4, Sec. 28 Several men end boys from this gether with a previous report and estate of James M Harbour, de­ community attended the Father and N E4N E4. Sec. 32, NWV1NW4, Sec. account filed in said court on Jan­ ceased. to the creditors of and all 33-28-45, cont. 240 acres. 4-3-35. 8400 Son banquet in Parma Monday W. J. Bott et ux to Edgar Wilks et uary 25th, 1935, has been by order persons having claims against the evening. deceased, to present them with al. Lots 2, 3, 4 Blk. 107, Orig townslte of the said Court, duly made and said Mr. and Mrs. Moses and slaughter the necessary vouchers within six entered on the 12th day of Novem­ returned to Apple Valley Tuesday Ontario. 4-13-31. 810. months after the first publication of T. T. Garllck et al to Frank Carr. ber, 1935, set for hearing, and the this notice, to said administrator at for a short visit with friends here hearing of said accounts will be had They returned to their home Wed- E 4 N 4 S W 4 N W 4 . sec 36-30-42. ex­ the office of Lytle and Coad, Attor­ cept strip 25 feet wide along north at Vale, In said County and State i neys at Law, at Vale, Oregon, which day. on the 20th day of December, 1935 enc thereof, reserved for road. 1-8- Mr. Ross has sold his place and at which time and place any and all said office the undersigned selects plans to live at Marslng with his 35. 818- objection to said final account will as his place of business in all mat­ R. Insinger et ux to DeTweede son. be heard and the said final account, ters connected with said estate. Northwestern and Pacific Hypothek- Mr. I. A. Fritts and Clarence Dated and first published this went to the sale In Arena Valley bank. SW 4, Sec. 6-20-47. 5-1-35. 81. together with the previous account 24th day of October, 1935. Date of and report of January 25th, 1935, Wednesday. < Marriage Licenses Issued will be heard and said accounts set­ last publication November 21. 1935. Gilbert Alp who has been attend­ SAM R. SCOTT Wilford Leonard Karrer and Leila tled; and all persons concerned ing high school spent Sunday with Eleanor Wood. 11-5-35. Administrator of the Estate therein are further »notified to be his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alp Obert Lolland and Dena Lieuallon present at said time and place to of James M. Harbour, Deceas­ and returned to Vale Monday. ed. 11-6-35. show cause. If any there be, why the Clarence Fritts and children George Clay Howell and Gertrude said accounts and reports should were Nampa visitors Saturday. Anna Parks. 11-7-35. not be approved, allowed and set­ NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McIntyre are Complaint Filed in Circuit Court tled and administrator be disc ha rg- leaving Friday for Portland where Alveretta Hutton vs. T. M. Lowe i ed from his trust and his bond ex­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE they plan to spend the winter with 11-4-35. Recovery on Note. $223.45. onerated. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE their children. OEORGE L. STEELE, COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Jim Hickman pir ased a new Administrator of the Estate of In the MATTER of the ESTATE of 1938 Chevrolet coach Morris McCarty, Deceased. ANTON STANEK, Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse rc Fad den and Order to show cause why order of First publication November 14. children and Mr. ar Mrs. Henry sale of real estate Should not be Last publication December 12. Hickman and Jim It Tuesday for made. Arizona. It appearing to the satisfaction of NOTICE the Court from the verified petition VALLEY VIEW NEWS Created in England Final call for warrants No. 167, of Wm. Peutz, administrator of the Estate of Anton Stanek, Deceased, Mr. and Mrs. Rcy " oman of On­ 181, 187, 146 and 209; void after on file herein, that It is necessary to tario visited Mr. a, 1 Mrs. W. T. Oh! what a Joyous treat— an ex­ December 10. 1935. hilarating bath with Radox Bath sell the whole of the estate of said Hickey on Sunday. ANNA L. HITE, deceased, Anton Stanek, being the Most of the ranchers of the com­ Salts—sets every fibre in your body Clerk Dist. No. 18 following described real property munity have sold their hay for $6 a tingling with a cleanliness you've 10-10 to 12-5. situate in the County of Malheur, never before experienced. ton this year. State of Oregon, to-wit: When you buy Radox you get The mission circle of the Nazarene Commencing at a point on the ESTRAY NOTICE church held a meeting at the home your money's worth of fragrant salts Section line 679.8 feet North of the of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer on —you don't pay for fancy bottles and Red spotted cow. 4 years old, no Southwest comer of Sec. 33, Twp. expensive metal caps—an ordinary brand—full ears and crumbled Wednesday. 20 S„ Range 46 E. W. M.. and Several pupils have been absent package that contains enough horns. J. H. Hinton, Adrian. ll-7-3tp thence running North on the sec­ from school an account of colds. Radox Salts for 10 luxurious baths. tion line 1960.2 feet; thence East It's a safe wager' that once you Mr. and Mrs. R. Czar and family NOTICE OF ESTRAY on the center line of said section moved into the community the past take a Radox bath youll have no I have taken up at my ranch 2 519.4 feet; thence South 22 de­ week. further use for any other bath salts Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Keith and —youll enjoy every minute of a miles west of Nyssa a sorrel bald 1 grees 45 minutes East 347 feet; thence South 18 degrees 45 feet family are moving to Vale In a few Radox bath—Costs only 60c cents at face mare, 8 years old with blotched West 308 feet; thenoe South 44 The Nyssa Pharmacy or any modem brand, could be Bar-T or Quarter days. Circle B as near as can be made degrees 30 minutes East 1096 feet Pupils of the school have been drugstore. out. Owner can have by paylnb costs to the North and South forty acre Wm. Claunch ll-7-3tc. line; thence South 1246.7 feet FINEST BATH SALTS IN THE WORLD | Sympathetic and understand­ ing direction have marl ed the 1 Nyssa Funeral Home for three years. Low cost, too, has been an outstanding factor. We | have earned our reputation j for fair dealing and depend- ! ability. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 76F3 G et Eggs All W in te r Long! Watkins Poultry Tonic wtll make layers of loafers. Get as many eggs all winter as you do to spring. Saves feed C 06 ts, Increases pro­ duction and makes healthy birds.. NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WE RECOMMEND THEM 25 POUND SACK................... $3.00. FACTS ABOUT NYSSA SPECIAL PRICES ON LARGER LOTS. Ask About Them! See me for other stock and poultry preparations which pro­ mote health and increase your profits. I have some fine bargains to save you money on household products, too. LOUIS D’AMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Sure Protection at Lower Cost There are two things to consider when buying insurance . . . First—Is It safe insurance? . . . and Secondly—What Is It go­ ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 48 1-3 per cent on your insurance and at the same time, give you insurance that Is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance In a company with nearly 85.000.000 policy holders surplus. “Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don" CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office In Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LI BRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons ...... 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Nys&i Insurance Agency Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian DON M. GRAHAM. Manager ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holmes GUERNSEY M ILK Population, (1930) ___________ 821 Recent estimates .................. 1000 Elevation ______ 2186 Sunshine Dairy NYSSA TRANSFER and BAGOAOE All Kinds of Hauling In City Limits NYSSA. OREGON Phone 5 Mayor Don Oraham Councllmen................. Art Norcott, A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk ................... A. R. Millar City T reasurer......... Arthur Boydell M arshall____________ A. V. Cook Water-master..... .....Ji. H. Pinkerton Health Officer __ Dr. J. J. Sarazin Eat At COLEMAN’S LUNCH NYSSA Meet your friends and enjoy our good sandwiches, cooling drinks and friendly service. OPEN NIGHTS We Put Up Lunches ; OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I S T Office Phone 35F2 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS County Officers NYSSA County Judge ..... David F. Oraham Commissioners _______ Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbaeh. Sheriff C. W. Glenn Clerk ... Roy Daley Assessor ________ Murray Morton Treasurer ______ . Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney .. .... M . A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician,___ Dr. Anna B. Pritchett Coroner ---- R. A. Tacke Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool OREGON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIOHT AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome WARREN McHARGUE, Pres. DON M. GRAHAM, Secretary Nyssa Public Schools Superintendent ...... Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee Dam __ 86.000.000 7 4 miles of Tunnel _____84,000,000 Siphons, canals, etc............ $3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ ---------------- 715,000 acre feet Helghth of dam ........... .....520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land ...... 2290 to 2200 Acres In Owyhee project, 100.00 acres Principal products ......... .hay, com. dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, lettuoe, onions and carrots. Distances to Other Points We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro­ duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we add you to our list of satisfied customers? We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con­ sidered bv many medical authorities as best for hr bies and growing children. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW City Officers The Watkins Dealer Ontario, Oregon Box 783 A. L. FLETCHER C A R L H . COAT) CITY TRANSFER TRUCKINO and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. Klinkenberg ( —East bound— Caldwell .................................. 28 Nampa ................ 37 Boise .. 57 Pocatello ..................... 328 Salt Lake City ......................... 516 —Westbound— Ontario ............... .............. 12 Vale ......................... . . 20 Baker ....................... 96 La Orande ............................. 146 Pendleton ............................... . 103 The Dalles .......................... 343 425 Portland .................. Bums . . _ 156 ,. TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Held the 1st and 3rd Thurs­ day of each month. Public Invited. Jim Boor. President. Mrs. A. V. Frayn. Secretary.