GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon V O L U M E X X IX . G A T E W A Y T O TH E O W Y H E E A N D B L A C K C A N Y O N IR R IG A T IO N PROJECTS N O . 40. LIBERATE 324 GAME BIBOS HE BE WED. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 14. 1935 f e m e CLUB W IL L OBSERVE N A T IO N A L EDUCATION WEEK L CLUB TO PRESENT CANTATA W. C. T. V. HOLDS CO UNTY IN S T IT U T E HERE M ONDAY i r a i lo s e s to ! ONTARIO ELEVEN $1.50 PER VEÄK TOWNSEND CLUB HEARS REV. W H ITE 'S REPORT Monday afternoon and evening was given over to a county institute of the W. C. T. U. at the Community ohurch. Mrs. Ada Jolly, state presl- | dent of Portland was present and gave some very Interesting talks at ECHO BANKER TO In keeping with National Educa Last Thursday night a good sized tion Week, the local Civic Club Is crowd of Club members were out to planning a suitable program for hear Rev. White give his report of their next meeting, on Wednesday , the National Townsend convention November 20th. Mrs. Betty LaFrenz in Chicago to which he was the local Ontario a n d Vale Also is program chairman and also re- Club Practicing Hard To i 1 3 0 1 1 1 A business meeting Mitchell To As- delegate. The next meeting will be George Final G a m e of Season was held In the afternoon, with Receive Shipment o f ports that Miss Leliah Foster of the surae Duties Here Mon* Bring Outstanding En quarterly reports of the unions Goes t o Ontario B y 1 November 21 » i d all members are Idaho Power company will give a urged to attend as important busi Chinese Pheasants. day Morning For First given. At 6 o’clock a dinner was at tertainment to Nyssa. Score of 20-0. "correct lighting" demonstration ac ness will be brought up. All members the parsonage for out of town companied by a short skit. Mrs. National. are asked to bring their monthly guests. Robert Vest is hostess for the after- dues to this meeting. Beginning Hunting; around Nyssa should be non, assisted by Mrs. Garrit Stam. In the evening a program was held The Nyssa Choral club are busy An Ontario halfack, Eugene Stew Monday, Townsend Weeklies will be betwr next year as a result ot the A final call is being issued for the working on a cantata entitled “ The especially for the younger people. art, spelled defeat for Nyssa in their obtainable at the Johnson Variety Oeorge Mitchell, formerly cashier liberation ot 324 young Chinese l library benefit aprons to be turned Harevst,” which they expect to pre Mrs. Jolly gave a short talk and annual Armistice Day footb all; store and at A1 Thompson Feed of the State Bank of Echo, will be pheasants In tnls section Wednes i hi at this meeting. sent in the high school gym on Rev. Floyd White gave a talk on I classic to the tune of 20 to 0 store. manager of the new Nyssa Branch day. The birds were about three and Tuesday, November 26th. The dir Armistice Day. A lunch was served Stewart kept Nyssa In hot water by | of The First National Bank of Port a halt months old and came from at the close of the evening meeting, his long punts dowu the field, he ection has been under Prof. Reed of land E. B. MacNaughton, president the state game farm at Pendleton. Ontario with Miss Ruby Denny as doing this stunt ten times during T i f nr A t announced today. In addition to the birds liberated the afternoon for a total gain of V 1 U T T U assistant director. Mr. Mitchell will assume his new here, a truck load was sent to Vale There will be special musical nearly 36 yards each try. Given the duties Monday morning. Since the and another truck load were turned numbers and Miss Denny is train- ball, Stewart was able to click o ff merger of the Eoho Bank with the loose around Ontario. An additional I ing a group of high school students substantial yardage and his passes Pendleton Branch of The First N at 100 birds are coming soon to be sent ] in interpretative dancing which fell into waiting arms three times ional Bank, Mr Mitchell has been down to the Dead Ox flat country. A Approximately $14,000 in wheat | will be part of the program. out of six for a total gain of 31 The first boxing card of the win associated with Chas. Reynolds, re total of approximately 1100 birds are allotment checks were received by j The choral club was organized yards. ter season brought out a good crowd ceiver for the First Balana National to be added to the supply in M al county agent Larsen for dlstrlbu- less than a year ago, but a group of | The Oregon legislature computed The first score came In second to witness 26 rounds o f exciting ring Bank of Pendleton. heur county. tlon among 130 wheat growers who j loyal members have been attending I their work Saturday, votiug for a period when Stewart punted out of action. In the m a il go of the even “ W e are very pleased to put the The birds were secured through will share in the payments. These regularly and great progress has j $2,500,00 capitol building to rise on bounds on Nyssa’s two yard line. ing, Buddy Edwards lost a close de management of our Nyssa Branch the state game commission and the checks are the second payment for been made. They are practicing the old site and providing for a Anderson attempted to kick but the cision to Walter Blackwell of Baker. In the hands of a man so well quali men started turning birds loose near 1934 and the first for 1935. The regularly on the cantata and an out- special election in January to see kick was blocked. However the play The Nyssa battler had things well fied as Mr. Mitchell,” stated M ac the Sleep orchard and extended in money arrived Wtcliesday and | stand’iig musical treat is promised whether the voters will sanction a was called back because of an o ff in hand until Blackwell caught him Naughton. “ His years of experience to the Owyhee district to the Chas. farmers may receive their checks by j for Nyssa music lovers. sales tax to provide old age • ■” 'slon side penalty on O itario. Anderson with a hard blow under the heart In the banking business in Echo Bradley place. calling at the county agent's office 1 ------------------- money In Oregon. again went back to punt and again that sort Buddy down for a count particularly qualify him for appre in Ontario. K O LO N Y HAS IN T E R E S T IN G The federal government is fur it was blocked; Adrian of Ontario of six. However he came back and ciating the business possibilities of SADDENED C O M M U N ITY The new wheat signup program is '.ew blocking it and then falling ci.i the ( put up a good battle until the clos- s well diversified district like Nyssa. P. T. A. PR O G R A M nish $1.125,000 of the cost of in progress but signers have been ATTE ND FUNERAL OF state capitol and the state „ _.iare ball for the first touchdown of the i ing gong. Some o i the fans thought Due to the fact that Mr. Mitchell’s is $1,375,000. The state is to spend game. ,. ■<* i the fight was at least a draw. Ed- son Is graduating from the Pend JACKIE UOLLENBEKG light up to cate, Mr. Larsen reports. Those interested, or who went more Ontarlo scored again in the third wards has issued a challenge to the leton high school this year his fam ”P. T. A. work is any endeavor n° mo? ey on in exPende^ alt* ' information, can get this at his o f toward child welfare or to help the t h o u g h greafr pressure was brought and fourth quarters on running arid Baker fighter for a return matoh. ily will not join him until June. fice. In the semi-final, Buster Collis of youth of our country.” This was to bear to force the legislature to passing plays. Nyssa was always a A saddened community, almost to the predominating message in the permit purchase of either the W il threat, especially In the early parts Boise won the fight lu the third LEAVES FOR IR R IG A T IO N a person, attended the funeral of j MEN TO TE ST SOIL CONGRESS A T S A L T LAK E book reviewed at the Kolony P. T. A lamette University campus or the of the contest, but were unable to round when he knocked out Clyde little Jackie Hollenberg Saturday in OF M ALH E U R COUNTY' Friday by Miss Irene Tucker. The Candalaria location on the outskirts gain yardage to offset the outstand Sullivan of Caldwell. A third round the Parish hall, where Rev. Stanley i Frank Morgan left this morning knockout also featured the scheduled ing kicking of Stewart. harmonica band from the upper of Salem. Moore of Ontario administered the The game Monday was the final six round bout between Rocky Vin- for Salt Lake City where he Is to I grades played several selections t o ) last rites. Music for the service was Two federal men with the Rural I open the program. | -■-» • i «1 game for Nyssa this season and boys ent of Meridian and "Toughy” A n attend a meeting o f the Irrigation by Mrs. C. L. McCoy and Mrs. Elmo Vincent Congress. Including representatives Re-Settlement Administration are i Mrs. Duvall, membership chair- j D l f f D C I l C l 1 0 have put away their equipment and drews of Pocatello, with Higginson with Mrs. C. C Hunt at expected to spend Friday and Sat- , man reported several new members ^ turned their attention to basketball. putting his man away with a hard from all the western states as well the piano. as federal reclamatlcn officials. Ses wallop to the chin. urday in Malheur county, inspecting j and a number of business matters 1 Pad bearers were six little friends and testing the soil of new lands, were attended to. An executive board One of the best bouts of the even sions are to be held Friday and Sat John J. Smith, Joe Robertson, Ed- ISCH IREM ANS H O NO R ] It is thought likely that some plan meeting will be held at the home of ing was round round preliminary urday. Mr. Morgan was appointed ward Boydell Warren Larsen Les- j may * worked out transfer farm the president, Mrs. C. C. Cotton, on between Jake Oreen of Nyssa and by Oovem or Martin as one of Ore C R Y S T A L W E D D IN G ter Keizer and Robert McCoy. Liter people from unproductive regions Tuesday afteu.ioon, December 3. All Cletus D. Klrsch of Portland and gon’s official representatives. ally dozens of dozens of floral A N N IV E R S A R Y SUN. now stationed at the Nyssa C. C. C. and help them get a new start on officers and committee chairmen offerings were mute testimony as to the Owyhee a*>.d Vale lands. Charles LeMoyne has returned to camp. The fight was called a draw. are urged to be present. Big Bend— The Big Bend grange the feel figs of the community. - 8 - Brooks and Leavitt of Nyssa fought work on the reclamation force here will be hosts to the Lions club of LO O K IN G FOR A L VAN SAN T Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schireman en the curtain raiser, and this also was after spending an enforced vaca K IN G M A N K O LO N Y NEWS Parma on the i venlng of December tion at his home in Boise on account 11 at whicn time the men will fur tertained with a dinner for eight a draw. A large crowd stayed for the of illness. Joe Wood of Somerton St., Phila- nish a program consisting mainly of Sunday evening celebrating their dance after the figh t and are now | delphia, P e n n sy lvan ia is looking The P. T. A. meeting was held at music and medleys, also a short talk crystal wedding anniversary. The anxiously awaiting the next fight for a party named A1 Vansant and carried out the card to be held In Nyssa. the school house Friday with Mrs. by Mr. Bentidn. This will be an open table decorations j has askec! the Journal to co-operate, j jo u n c e Judd in charge of the meeting ana the public la cordially crystal motif. Guests presented the [ Mr. Vansant used to be a cattleman ! Schiremans with a crystal console E N TE R TAIN G IR L : meeting. j invited to atiend. Wilford Karrer of Nyssa and Miss and is supposed to own a large cat set. A fter dinner bridge was In play SCOUTS SATU RD AY There was a meeting of the ditch The newly elected officers of the with Mrs. Earl Harman winning j * > ° «d Tuesday, but not many turned Ì Big Bend grange for the coming married last Thursday at a simple | had two brothers, William high score for ladies and W. F. Me- [out to vote. year are: master. H. R. Hatch; ceremony at the home of Dr. and i Henry Vansant. Anyone knowing o f ! Ling high score for mem. Guests Ellen McConnell entertained the Conrad Martin, who has been sick ! overser, c. E. Pond; lecturer, Mrs. Mrs. M. M. Oreeling, county P. T. Mrs. W. J. Weese in Ontario. R e v .; the whereabouts of this gentleman for the past week, Is able to be up. j Joe King, secretary; Mr. Teeter. I were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mr. Kolony Girl Scouts Saturday after A. president was the main speaker would be conferring a favor If they Stanley Moore read the Episcopalian and Mrs. Harman and Mr. and Mrs. noon at her home. The girls report Miss Jeanette Martin spent the ■ steward, Leo Betts; chaplain, Mrs. at the White Settlement Parent marriage service. Guests Included would notify Mr. Wood. having great success with their Teacher or^anlastlon last Friday week m d in Vale with Miss Agnes | B. G. Roberts; treasurer, Mrs. C. E. McLtng. members of the immediate family - 5 - Christmas card sale. Mrs. MoCon- evening. Nichols and Miss Etna Thornton. : Peck; assistant steward, Dale Ash- Mrs. Oreellng’s talk in and a few friends. Following the F. M. K E IT H SALE A R M IS TIC E D INNER mell, judge of cooking work, started cluded explanation o f P. T. A. pub Mr. and Mrs. Ray Minard of j craft; lady assistant steward, Mrs. A T T R A C T S CROW D ceremony a wedding luncheon was Nampa spent Sunday night at W yatt Dale Ashcraft; gate keeper, Walter Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy were the younger patrol on their work for lications, value of P. T . A., and served. Patterson’s. | stradley; Ceres, Mrs. Teeters; hosts to a goose dinner Armistice the cooking badge. pointed out the general hook-up of The couple were attended by Miss A large crowd attended the F. M. The Kingman Kolony school Pomona, Mrs. Conrad Martin; Flora I evening. Dinner was served at 7 National state, county and local Ella McFall as maid of honor and I Keith sale which was advertised in children received their pictures and Mrs. C. E. Pond. BROTHER V IS ITS Executive com- | o’clock after which guests enjoyed units. James Graham as best man. the The Journal last week, and were well pleased with them. j mittee Joe King. C. E. Peck, B. oJ a social evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins of Mrs. Karrer la the daughter of the i prices on the whole were satisfac Rev. Hovda o f Ontario preached , Roberts. H. E. C chairman, Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Walter White of Vale, Oregon Trail, accompanied Mrs. late Judge W. W. Wood. She was a tory. although not up to some other at the Kingman Kolony school R. Hatch. The ceremony o f draping I Grover Francis and Otis Smith of Frank Leuck enjoyed a visit with Oreeling, M r Hrmklns, th" mnnty member of the Vale school faculty | years. Amos M iller was auctioner house Friday night. the charter In memory of Brother \ Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schire- his brother-in-law, John Agler of publicity chairman, nglskas a few years ago. Mr. Karrer Is em and Joe F. Dyer was clerk. Rev. Hagler of Ontario preached William Ashcraft took place at this j man and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc- Los Angeles last week end. Mr. briefly the plans of the puodclty ployed by the reclamation bureau at Kingman Kolony Sunday even- meeting Ling Agler’s son Wylie and family also of program o f the year. Mr. Hopkins and has been stationed at Nyssa for ; W. W. Foster returned to his home ing Los Angeles stopped over Saturday also pointed out, speaking from the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Purdy, Jr., | - 8 - the past two years. ! in Portland Tuesday after spending evening on a return trip from Can standpoint o f the teacher, the value Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Elliott visited an(j daughter Paula who spent their M O N D A Y BRIDGE Following a wedding trip to Calif- j a few da>’s here o r business. Gil- from Friday evening until Monday j vacation visiting their parents left ada. The elder Mr. Agler accom of P. T . A. work. Mrs. W. F. McLlng entertained panied them back to California. ornia Mr. and Mrs. Karrer will be j bert Klinkenberg accompanied him noon at the home of her mother j Thursday for their home at Coulee A large crowd attended this m°et- and will spend several days in the with a party Monday afternoon for at home at Boise where Mr. Karrer Mrs. McCreary at Snively. | Dam. lng. Refreshments were serv’ d by Rose City. the Monday Club members and has been transferred. Mrs. Viva Hansell o f La Grande the local unit. Mrs. Wilbur, White Mr. and Mrs. E H Brumbach guests, with three tables of cards In spent from Friday until Monday Settlement P. T . A. president, pre Mrs. M. M. Creeling of the Kolony T IM E APPR O ACH IN G I were dinner guests at the C C. C. play. Mrs. Dick Young won high “TINY’ BOOR HELPS TO BUY NEW PLATE S camp near Ontario. marketed her Kirkeys this week, About one score and Mrs. Herbert Fisher worn with her daughter Mrs. Herbert sided over the meeting. W. S. C. FROSH W IN selling to the Northwestern Cooper Leuhrs and her husband. hundred people were guests of the low. Ouests who played with club T IE VOTE IN IR R IG A T IO N ative organization. She was very Captain and the boys. R olf McPherson of Portland, a members were Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. “T in y” Boor, the heavyweight proud o f her birds as all 165 sole Automobile owners In Oregon will D IS T R IC T ELECTION Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. La- Earl Harman, Mrs. Wm. Schireman brother of Mrs. E. J. Beam was an football player and boxer attending went as first class. Mrs. Greeling receive reminders this week of the Frenz of Nyssa were Bend callers oewe'y liay. Mrs. Artle Robert- overnight guests at the Beam home W. S. C. this year as a freshman raises the Bronze strain and has a approach of another registration Sunday. Tuesday. Mr. McPherson Is a cattle and Mrs. Ethel Crawford. helped his school defeat the Idaho very creditable flock. year, when nearly 300,000 letters are Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Phelan were buyer. Voters must ha$e voted straight - 8 — freshmen last Friday when he block released in the mails by Earl Snell, shopping in Ontario Tuesday. tickets at the Ontario-Nyssa Irriga TU E SD AY CLUB Robert Long moved his things in ed an Idaho kick ti id then fell on Jim Boor had bad news awaiting tion district election Tuesday held Secretary of State. Mr. and Mrs. Phln Case left Tues- I It for one of the W. S. C. touch from his camp above Ironside this An annual license may be pur day for Yuma, Arizona to spend the | Mrs. Ethel Crawford was hostess him after a week end trip to Pull at tiie home of J. T . Long. For the downs. His team won, 19 to 0. "H oc" week. Mrs. Long went up Saturday daughter Mrs. to the Tuesday bridge club this man to visit his son. While he was three year term, Chas. Marshall and chased for five dollars for private winter with their Boor, as he is known here, played and came back Monday with the Charles Peck. Jr. and family. f week. The usual three tables of gone one o f his fine roan horses Chas. Flegel each received 21 votes. passenger cars to be registered fo£ practically the entire game at car. Mr. Long brought the horses in. Mr. Doyle and Frank o f Arena ! cards were In play with three guests died, apparently from brain fever. the year 1936. This low rate has For the one year directorship. Chas. tackle and was a big factor In his He pia, is to establish camps at M al i been enjoyed by car owners for the Valley have moved into the Case Miss Eva Boydell, Mrs. Wm. Schlre- Oarrtson and 8. D. Dorman each Mr. and Mrs. C. W. F'armcr and heur City and at Chalk Butte. t am’s success. | third consecutive time. A continua- home and will look after the ranch man and Mrs. W. F. McLlng playing received 11 votes. Just who won the Mrs. Lillie Frew spent Sunday at His father, Jim Boor, visited on Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Greeling, Jr. ! tlon of the plan of registering during their absence. | with members. Miss Boydell wan Cambridge where they visited with election hasn't been decided as yet. the W. S. C. campus over the week Turkey picking Is keeping many high schore and Mrs. McLlng, sec of Yakima came Saturday to spend motor vehicles on a calendar-year Mrs. Farmer’s sister Mrs. D. O. end and took in not only the frosh | ond. a few days visiting at the parental basis retains Oregon on a reglstra- Bend people busy at present. L IT T L E G IR L SCALDED Danielson and family. game but the varsity game Saturday Work has started on state line | — 8— M. M. Greeling and C. C. Hunt tion schedule similar with other which W. S. C. won 6 to 0. He went road grading and graveling. On homes. On Sunday a family dinner I states ho the union, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLlng have P IN OCHE CLUB FORMED up with Mr. and Mrs. Berwyn Burke J. Edwin Johnson, ! rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. “Those desiring to make applica- Wednesday Ethel Louise, small daughter who visited in Moscow during was held at the Greeling home with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher en- Dick Young and plan to leave next Mr. and Mrs. Hunt also present. The tion for plates for the new season county engineer o f Vale was In the of Stanley Fenn was quite badly Homecoming. Greelings left Wednesday morning at an early date may send In their Bpnd looklnK after the work 1 tertained the newly organized pln- Wednesday for the R irp farm near burned Saturday when some scald for their home. j remittances together with their Among those fr o m th ls section ochle club Monday night at their Emmett which they have rented. ing hot water tipped over on her CHAN W A R N E R IL L Boise-Nampa home. Three tables o f cards were registration cards properly signed at attend»d the head. Her head and neck were badly Miss M arjor Sterling of Payette Lee Johnston In play with Howard Rogers win B IR TH D A Y PAR TIE S „ j any time, and plates will be mailed & ame Monday were budied and at this time la still In a Chap Warner was taken to the accompanied her grandmother Mrs. SalPm to reach anolicant <»i and Joe Brumbach. ning first prize and Ed Slmmerman, painful condition. She was taken to Parma hospital Wednesday and is Thomas B. Nordale home from a i 15° T “ 10™ ° reacn applicant on low. __ , ____ , December 15, the first date on which 1 very 111 with pneiumonia. Robert Fields Invited about 20 the Ontario hospital today. visit with the Sterling family Fri-1 „ . i 1936 licenses may be used, suggests - 8 - schoolmates In Friday afternoon to day. The Sterlings were guest at the , , □ in m in n w a iiiii ATTEND CORVALLIS-EUGENE help him enjoy his 9th birthday. A NOTED ENGINEER V IS ITS HERE Nordale home here Sunday and Miss ‘ B IR T H D A Y SURPRISE A drawing for low license numbers III/ W ill# I U VV 11 GAME SATU RD AY Marjorie accompanied them home. Jolly good time was had, with a will be held on November 20. and About 15 relatives and friends sur birthday lunch being served at the - 8 - Mrs. C. L. McCoy returned Friday all applications received at that John Ernest. Oeorge Reberger and SUm McLlng says he can not only prised Mrs, H. D. Holmes Sunday close. Mrs F. M Chase was pleased with Betty Cook of Nyssa. Bil Baird of from a weeks visit In Pendleton. She time will be Included. Special re- ride a horse but he rode a fence 17 night, honoring her 67th birthday, Little Joy McClure celebrated her a visit (rom her cousin Sir Colllna with them a nice lunch 4th birthday with a party Tuesday Brooks of London, who made a Nampa and Donna Cook and Max- accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. quest numbers will not be assigned. miles when he was only 16 years old bringing l i e Rau of Enterprise made up a Morton of Heppner, who visited with in order to continue the expeditious . . . Herb Fisher looking for misplac with two birthday cakes. The even afternoon. Several of her small short stop here Tuesday. Sir Collins party that went to Eugene to see relatives In Payette and with friends ! handling of plates, ed property . . . Wendel Pogue takes ing was spent In visiting. friends were Invited to help her en Is a mining engineer and was on the football game between OSC and here. The Mortons were guests of on cleafcup Job . . . Business men joy the afternoon. A birthday lunch his way to Baker to look over eome BUSINESSMEN A T T E N T IO N the University o f Oregon Saturday. M r and Mrs. W. F. McLlng Satur looking for Wednesday luncheon H. Blair Johnson returned Thurs was served. mining fields. From there he plans They also visited In Corvallis. They day night. Mr. Morton Is manager Remember you are expected to at- i Roy Pounds and secretary on wild day evaiin g from a weeks visit In Maxine Landon entertained seven to go on to Santa Barbara. He Is left Friday evening and returned of the Heppner Branch o f the First tend the regular Wednesday noon goose ohase . . . "One-shot” Tensen Portland. He accompanied his nelce of her frleid a last Thursday after very well known In the mining world Bank of Portland and luncheon of the Commercial Club, elated over spud prices . . . Monday Miss Betty Cook went on National Mrs. P S. Pride of Kuna, and her noon at the home of her grand and at one time was associated with to Boise Tuesday evening where she while In Nyssa called on the Nyssa the first such meeting to be N ov mother and sister Mrs. Mitchell and mother, Mrs. E M. Blodgett, cele the former President Hoover In is attending business college. Branch bank. ember 20th. Mrs. Compton of California. brating her seventh birthday. China. Wheat Cheeks T o t a l $14,000 Capitol To Rise On Old Grounds Thursday Fights Entertain Lions Club o f Parma Young Couple Wed Thursday Mrs. Greeling Speaker A t P T A J j ' ROUND T O W N I /