- - GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1985 - — The Nysea Funeral Hdtaie and the Mrs. Lloyd Pence and Mrs. Leo- j were callers at the H. Blair John- Ed Norcott home are receiving new nard Ball coats of patrtt. CASH W e keep in close daily contact with the vege­ table markets of the United States and are pre­ pared to offer you the market price for your pro­ C ASH ! See us before you sell your onions, potatoes, lettuce or fruit. F. H. Hogue Nyssa - - - Oregon W e Have Just Installed A Model 29-D Specially Equipped Clipper BEAN CLEANER G E T M ORE FOR CROP YOUR BEAN B Y H A V IN G T H E M PR O PE R LY C LE A N E D O N THIS EFFICIENT M AC H INE. W e will be glad to show you over our plant at your convenience A N D R EW S SEED C O . Phone 452 Ontario, Oregon Miss Vera Garrison spent the Mrs. Dick Young and Mrs. Fam - Misses Hazel Leavitt and Beatrice ham 3111s were Boise visitors Tues­ week end visiting with trends at Spencer left Saturday afternoon on the train for Salem where they will Brogan. day. Mrs. Robert Long entertained her attend the school for the deaf. Betty Cook came down from Boise Mrs. Chas. Bams o f Yakima is Friday night to spend the week end parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter and vllstng her daughter this week, Mrs. two daughters from Boise. with relatives. Wm. H. Lockett. Mrs. Bams expects Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis went Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jackson and to Boise Saturday to see a nephew to go on to Salt Lake and Los An­ geles after her vislf with the Lock­ son Bob spent Saturday night and who has been sick. etts. Sunday visiting with old friends at Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hayes and John Ennis left Wednesday for Enterprise. younger son spent Sunday in Glenns his home in San Francisco, follow­ Mrs. Roy Kendler and Miss Geor­ Ferry, their former home. ing a visit at the R R. Overstreet gia Dennis spent last Wednesday Louis Young left for his home in home in the Kolony. W hile here he with their sister Mrs. E. McLell&n Madras Friday. After a short visit also attended to property Interests hi Nampa. he and his brother Harry will enroll In this section. Mrs. Wesley McKee and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rudllck and at Oregon State college at Corvallis. Ernest Wilson returned to Nyssa An 8 4 pound daughter was born Floyd M cKee left Tuesday morning Sunday after attending the Pend­ Sunday, September 15th to Mr. and for their home in Likely, Cal. They leton Roundup for three days. Mrs. John Ray at Mrs. Peterson's made the trip with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston, who will Mrs. A. L. K ing and daughter home In Parma. visit there. Their husbands had re­ Jean of Seattle came Monday to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Frasier and turned to their homes about a week spend two weeks at the home of her son of Payette were dinner guests ago. daughter Mrs. Ray Emmott and of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost Sun­ family. day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and small daughter of Portland spent a few days the first of the week visit­ ing with Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. N at« Young and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Kelthley of Midvale were guests Saturday night and Sunday of Mr. Keithley's sister. Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray and Stanley returned Monday morning from the Pendleton Roundup. They stopped overnight Sunday at North Powder to visit relatives. Mrs. Louie Frew of Tekamah, Neb., an old friend of Mrs. C. W. Farmer came Friday evening and will make an extended visit at the Farmer home. Leonard Marshall and Miss Ala- dene Sears of La Orande were guests at the Lloyd Marshall home this week. Leonard plans on enter­ ing the University of Oregon this fall for his junior year. Mr. and Mrs. John Lcwellen and children of Bonita came down to spend several days at the parental C. Kltnkenberg home. Mrs. Lewellen and two children have been quite 111 of tonsllitls. Howard Boor, who has been visiting in Nyssa for the past ten days, left Saturday morning for Pullman, where he will enroll as a freshman. Enroute he stopped at Pendleton and attended the Round­ up here Saturday. GROCERY ...FOR... Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garrison of Moscow, Idaho, made a short visit at the parental Cl a s . Garrison home last week. They left Sunday morning for Moscow where both Mr. and Mrs. Oarrlson will attend the university for their Junior year. Mr. Oarrlson will teach mechan­ ical drafting part time this year. SPECIALS Friday and Saturday For Friday, Sept. 20 and Saturday, Sept. 21 KELLOGGS CEREAL DEAL 1 Rice Krispie 1 Com Flake 1 Pej) 1 Wheat Krispie— All 4 Packages for ... 37c Chas. Hollenbeck o f Yakima. Wash., Is now employed by the Idaho Equity Exchange as fo r e ­ man He has had 12 years exper­ ience in the produce business and will take the place of Ted Newell, who has resigned to enter the field as a produce buyer for eastern firms. Oeo. Cloason Is field man for the Idaho Equity. C H IL L I CON CARNE, 2 cans...................... 19c PO RK & BEANS, medium size cans, 3 for 19c W ork Clothes Ontario Phone 61W Guessing Contest Ends Saturday Night ! SEPTEM BER 21— 9:30 That will add to the beauty o f your home. W e have a large sel­ A ll lines of Beauty W ork guaranteed at reasonable prices. ection to choose from. Come in and Register your guess on the weight o f the bag o f sand in the window. Three nearest guesses wins pair o f overalls FREE. A FREE Tablet and Pencil will be given with each pair of kids shoes sold the rest of this month FREDERICS Vitron Permanent W ave $5.00 Shop Early i Johnson Variety The Vogue CALDWELL’S STORE B E A U T Y SH O P Phone 55F3 N YSSA Mae Keizer, Operator BRAND N EW Fall Goods Arrived This Week LADIES, L O O K ! Hand Made Knit Collars In white, black and com­ binations. You will need these for your fall dress. All kinds o f fabrics and leathers, in every wanted shape! COOKIES, in celophane bag, 1 lb. fancy 29c JAM JELL, for jellies and jam, 2 bottles.....35c PUFFED W H E A T, Quaker brand, 3 pkgs.^. 25c OATS, 9 lb. b a g .......................................... 35c A full line of fall and winter Coats, Hats and Dresses are now being shown at the FISHER A P P A R E L SH O P Como in and make your selection N O W ! Phone 55F3 OREGON 'Ttewdf Purses CRACKERS, 3 lb. b o x es..............................37c COOKIES, in celophane bag, 1 lb. plain .. 23c — Nyssa Phone 68 LAD IES B AKIN G POWDER. Clabber Girl, 2 lb. can '25c N Y S S A , ORE. fìSHKOSH R'GOSH s LAD IES N E W FREE BLANKETS 5 0 c and 9&c SOAP, P & G, 7 bars.....................................23c COFFEE, Hollywood, 1 lb. glass j a r ........ 28c COFFEE, Hollywood, 3 1-2 lb. glass ja r 99c WILSON G rocery P I C T U RE S Oshkosh B’ Gosh overalls are made for men w ho give work clothes the hardest kind o f wear. T h e y 'r e husky. T h e y ’ ll stand up under rough treatment. N o denim is tougher— no overall is better re in fo rce d . D e n im , thread, loop s, slides, buttons— only the best are used. Great, big, comfortable, long-wearing, fa s t-c o lo r overalls. C o s t less in the en d th an c h e a p o n e s . C o m e in and try on a pair. Accredited teacher of flute, clarinet, violin and harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson left Saturday night for Portland where they will take their son Robert back to work after spending two weeks at j the parental home here recovering | Mr. and Mrs. Grant Frost, the from a recently operation. I former a cousin of Bernard Frost, Mrs. Wm. Peutz of the Owyhee | made a short visit with the Frost entertained at dinner last Wednes­ j family here one day last week. They day evening honoring the birthday are returning to their home near of Mrs. Roy Kendler. Other guests Seattle. were Mr. Kendler, Miss Georgia Ed. Flanagan came from Wapato, Dennis, Mrs. Leoma Blngman and Wash., and was a guest at the J. E. the Peutz famly. Hearon home Saturday night. On his return home he was accompan- ed by his son Sid, who has spent the summer here. Rex Brumbach of the Internat­ ional Harvester company, was a visitor in Nyssa Tuesday and called on his old school friend. Carl Coad. Mr. Brumbach is now living at Walla Walla. They’ll take all you can give ’em C. A. Waddingham Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Claunch, Bill Claunch and Nellie Jean Schwelzer attended the Pendleton Roundup last week-end, returning to Nyssa Sunday. Tlie Frank Morgan family plan to leave Saturday for Eugene where Miss Margaret Ann Morgan will again attend the University of Ore­ gon. Miss Vera Garrison plans to accompany them and will go on to Corvallis to attend Oregon State college for her freshman year. P H O N E 21 T Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tetters of Seattle were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keizer. BUYERS duce— IN and daughter of Payette Ison home Saturday afternoon. Fall Hats A ll the favored shapes and colors. Shop early. Priced at only $1.49 and $1.95 B R U SH E D W O O L W e are giving away to our custom- er* 3 H A N D S O M E B LA N K E T S in appreciation of Business we have received. D R A W IN G ON Sweaters Some with zipper fasten­ ers and all in newest fall colors. For Men and Women 49c — $1.49 — $2.49 Saturday Night $1.95 up to $4.95 W OMENS A T 9:00— September 21 W OMENS Not necessary to be present Dress Kid Gloves Dress Gloves In Black and Brown 79c Tickets given on each 50c cash purchase or payment on account Black and Brown, assortment. Large $1.49 WILSON BROS. DRYGOODS NYSSA, OREGON PH O NE 32