ÿelidous 6A tÈ ÓrfV JÓURNAL, THURSDAY, 6ÈPÎBMBÉR 1Ô, l6à5 SOCIAL NOTES YES, SIR! Our meats are truly delicious, only the very best of meats are sold over our counter. EAT MORE MEAT N YSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON When You Go After That BIG BUCK Be Sure Your Ammunition Is Right >w I f You will find fresh stock at our store in sizes to fit your gun. Our ammunition will help you win the prize for the best deer. Get Your Supply Now Baldridge Implement Co* NYSSA OREGON BOOK CLUB PICNIC The Book Club met Sunday, hold- ' ing their annual picnic (or Book Club members and their husbands. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe were | hosts to the affair with the picnic being held in the Big Bend park. Besides members of their families, special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Troxell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberts, Miss Olsen, county lib rarian; and Harriet Aheam, all of Ontario; John Ennis, Mrs. Dunaway and son Max of Boise and Rex Brumbach of Walla Walla. -§ ~ MONDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Famham Sills entertained the Monday Bridge club this week for their first party after a vaca tion during the hot weather. Mrs. Eddie Powell won first prize and Mrs. Geo. Henley won low. Mrs. Henley and her mother Mrs. Plum mer were the only guests. —B— LEAGUE PARTY The Epworth League gave a party Tuesday evening In the church base ment in honor o f Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Newton and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoare, recently married members of the League. Tuesday evening with a dinner at her home In Big Bend. Oueets were Ethel Mary Boydell. Harriett and Isabelle aarazln. Evelyn Haworth and Dorothy Holly. Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard attended the Pendleton Roundup Saturday arid then went on to Portland to visit with John’s mother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Curby and son Paul took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale at the Otis Bul lard ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Splawn and Mr. Jones went fishing on the Owy hee river Sunday. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris a daughter, September 17. Miss Sophie Krulick spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Vernon Rich ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and son and Mrs. C. J. Flemming of Boise were overnight guests at Chas. Bul lard’s home Saturday. The Sew and Sew club met at the home of Mrs. Ernest Barker Wed nesday afternoon. Ralph Jones Is building a base ment on his ranch near Arcadia. Tom Riggin came down from Baker to visit with his son George last Saturday. TUESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. J. J. Sarazln entertained the Tuesday bridge this week. It was BIG BEND NEWS their first meeting this fall. Miss Eva Boydell was the only guest. First prize was won by Mrs. A. H. Miss Ruth Miller, who is teaching Boydell and second prize by Mrs. at Riverside spent the week end Artie Robertson. visiting her mother. Mesdames Darden and Flanagan DINNER FOR GIRLS Miss Virginia Miller entertained of Mississippi, who spent several weeks visiting their brother C. E. Purdy and wife, left Tuesday for a visit In Portland. From there they go to California and home by the southern route. Rex Brumbach of Walla Walla spent Sunday visiting his parents. Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and —and— children are visiting relatives In northern Idaho. 1 * Acetylene Welding Mesdames Etta Cornell and P. B. Anderson left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Twin Falls. SWARM & SONS Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swigert were Sunday guests In the Swigert home Formerly Pete Dear Wreck in Arena Valley. ing Business, now located one Oeorge Seheimer Is the owner of block west, near high school. a new sedan. USED PARTS > PATRONIZE OUR BUSINESS $ VALLEY ORCHARDS Apple Valley—The Apple Valley packing house opened last Friday. September 13 with a small crew op erating one machine. They ha vent’ put on a full crew of pickers yet as the apples are not colored enough. Dwight Wilson and Anna Nelson of Apple Valley were married on Thursday of last week and left the next morning for Pendleton to spend a few days after which they will make their home in Nampa where he is employed in the P. F. E. shops. Mr. McIntyres brother and wife came Saturday to pay them a visit. The McFadden family are pick ing prunes at Roswell. W. M. Adams has a crew digging his potatoes. Mrs. Lulu Johnston expects to leave for her home In Neosho, Mo., In a few days after a six months visit with her son Olen and family. Sherman Wilson Is cutting his third cutting of hay. J. A. Pettit has his third cutting In the shock. Mrs. Pauline Points spent part of last week at her grandfathers, Mr. Adams, canning fruit. A Penny Carnival was given Fri day night at the school house. There were concessions and refreshments. Everyone had a chance to vote for the Parma Festival queen. The Fes tival will be Friday and Saturday, September 20 and 21. After your car has been conditioned in our work shop. You can depend on our mechanics and service at all times. é< i E. W . Pruyn Auto Repairing Phone 56F2 _____________ Nyssa Sure Protection at Lower Cost There are two things to consider when buying First—Is It safe Insurance? Insurance . . . . . . and Secondly—What Is It go ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 481-3 per cent on your Insurance and at the same time, give you insurance that is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance In a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. "Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don” Nyssa Insurance Agency DON M. GRAHAM, Manager NYSSA METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 o’clock. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Subject: The Oates of the Holy City. Epworth League 7 o ’clock. Evening Worship 8 o'clock. Dr. H. O. McCalllster will bring the mes sage. Prayer and Praise Service Wed nesday evening 7:30. Epworth League Officers for the year have been chosen as follows: Eldon Morse, president; Vivian Pat terson. first vice president: Vera Benton. 2nr vice president; Zeola Benton, 3rd vice president; Ruth Wolfe. 4th vice president; secretary Oladys Sager; treasurer. Marvel Hoare. EVEN YOUR CAR W ILL BE SUR PRISED, W ILL SPURT AND LEAP AND DASH AH EAD, W IT H ITS FIRST DEEP BREATH OF STAND BANISH BODY ODOR ARD GASOLINE. Body odor Is such a delicate sub ject, nobody cares to tackle it with the offender. Don’t lay yourself open to the possibility of giving o f fense in this way. and gaining a reputation for not being fastidious about your personal habits. You owe It to your personal dignity, your health and your daintiness to pro tect yourself. And it’s so simple with Radox, the health-giving deodorant which is ready in a Jiffy. Simply dissolve 4 heaping tablespoonfuls of Radox In Lowest Prices a tub <4 full of warm water—relax Shoe Repairing In this Invigorating, refreshing bath for 15 minutes. Radox contains All kinds of shoe laces and oxygen, which removes the chief polish . . Will mall your shoes cause of unpleasant perspiration FREE to destination. odors by clearing the pores of the -JOHN 8. ALDBCOA. Prop. acid secretions which cause them. Radox keeps your skin fragrant for Next Door to Bakery hours under the most trying con Nyssa, Oregon ditions. You can get It at The Nys- ^ sa Pharmacy. —Advertisement. Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop You Don’t Need JUST A BET TER GAS— BY FAR. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night This N EW W ay Buy your shoe laces ana polish from the Shoe Repair Shop in stead of Groceiy, Dry Goods, Drue Stores or Service Stations. <t y YOU W O N T BE AFRAID TO “ HIT” THE ROAD BEGINS AT APPLE ARCADIA NEWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday. September 22 Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Vesper Services at 5:30. Rev. Stanley Moore. * APPLE HARVEST NYSSA Phone 1 >-’• ’■.KJ*.-*-*? Dreamland Ontario FRIDA Y-SATURDAY, Sept. 20-21 Last Show Tickets Good For Midnight PREVIEW ? £ » T ra cy F W C H M OU U/Cf i M i ' i ■» “ J hhi ti IV " Admission 10c-35c —' SUNDAY MATINEE Will Run Continuously Shows Stsu-ting at 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15, 10:15 4 BIG DAYS—SUN.-MON.-TUES-WED SEPTEMBER 22-23-24-25 The W ise Owl To Tell You You’ll Win Time, Happiness and Money By Using Rough Dry Service 50c F?" 7 Pound Bundle and 7c for each additional pound. Yes, and If your hands could talk up to you, here’s what they'd say: "Stop soaking the life out of us every week —stop making us look old and shriveled by making us spend long hours In hot wash water. Right now you are ashamed of us—it's your own fault.' Take your hands out of wash water NOW! Use our marvelous Rough Dry—the bargain price wash servtoe which costs less than your wash day supplies. We will wash your clothes thoroughly in rich suds of purest soap and rinse them In gallons of rain soft water and send them home clean looking and clean smelling with the flat pieces Ironed. Win your time, happiness and money by going to the phone, calling 88. and telling us when to call for your bundle. ONTARIO LAUNDRY I Phone M ■VERY • BOOT • WASHES Coming, SUN.-MON.-TUES. Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Jack London’s "Call O f The W ild”