Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME XXIX. NO. 30. GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1935. OUfllil IC Dr. Townsend To Speak Saturday BEAUTIFUL EVEN! A ‘ B°ise Fairiirounds FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR APPLE VALLEY LAD WED. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR START WORK ON Malheur County Fair To UNFINISHED ROAD Start Thursday, Sept. 12 Funeral services were held at the | Saturday, September 7 is to be a MRS. WILL BEAM red-letter day for Townsend club T O H P A n M A I H P I I R Apple Valley church Wednesday REV. WHITE n c r tP m A L n tu it afternoon for Vernon Lee Vertrees Three Day Fair Promises members when Dr. F. E. Townsend, Prize Winners Announced originator of the Townsend plan of COUNTY PIONEERS I fourteen month old son of Mr. and Road F r o m Bridge to IS HONORED To Be Even Better Than I Mrs. Emil Vertrees of Apple Valley. old age pensions, will be the prin At Annual Civic Club cipal AT CONFERENCE Parma-Fruitland Road speaker at a meeting in Boise. Rev. Floyd E. White of Nyssa had Former Years. Dr. Townsend will speak at eight Vale was the m ecca of M alheur I c^la r k° [ *ie service and Misses Flower Show. To Get Oil Soon. o'clock at the fair grounds, with C ounty Pioneers last F riday, coming I R u lh and Pauliue W oli* threi' Rev. Floyd White, who has been loud speakers being provided so that from fa r and wide to enjoy a day of 1 hym ns V ernon * * * V ertrees was Its Fair time in Malheur ccunly pastor of the local church for the visiting. T h e usual bountiful d in n er boru Ju ly *• 1935 a t ApPle Valley, The annual Civic club flower show [ ev£ ? ’one c a n , ^ ear The mile stretch of graveled road past three yews, was returned to again, with arrangements being was served the pioneers a t n o o n .! and P“ “ « 1 away Se‘H em btr a. l»35 across the Nyssa bridge held Fricaj afternoon and evening! J**™ leading j the local church to start another made for the presentation of one of at the Eagle hall attracted a ^ ; P ^ r to Dr. Townsend s address with At a business session, Mrs. W ill ut Mercy H ospital n Nam pa. He toward the highway to Boise, is to j years work, when the list of ap- the best fairs ever to be held, start a picnic and lunch at Julia Davis Beam of Nyssa. was elected presi- lettves ld s >xire,U 5' m a n d Mrs be oiled in the near future. Assur- j pointments were read at La Grande ing next Thursday. September 12 crowd of interested flower lovers; although there were not quite asj paik and speeches in the afternoon d e n t for th e coming year; I. W. I a n i ‘ V ertreees and one brother. ance was given tihs week by Jo e; 3unday. The occasion was the 52nd and continuing through Friday and | and evening. Dr. Townsend will be Hope. Vale, vice president; and M rs. H arold. Ills grandparents, Mr. and Stemmer, Idaho highway head, that annual session of the Idaho annual Saturday. many blooms on display as in some In Twin Palls Friday and will arrive Nellie T. Carroll, secretary. Mrs. C. D. Vertrees and another this work would be pushed to com other years. The entries however, which ad With the advent of better times John Edmondson, pletion. A crew of men were sched Methoclst conference, by plane to be present in Boise Sat- Judge C harles Ellis of B urns was grandfather, weie of gcod quality ant! were an, . . . ,,, . , . journed Sunday to meet next year for Malheur county, the committee Plainville, Indiana, and several excellent example of the work of I ^ City a n d ^ t e t f f f c la U . have th e m ain speaker for the afternoon uled to start spreading gravel today at Pocatello. The appointments were feels that now is the time to make been invited in be present at the , program. Other numbers were, vocal aunts and uncles. and an oil mix road is planned, read by Bishop Titus Lowe of Port the Malheur county fair the really llowtr growers of this section. ¡solo, Mrs. Sleep of Ontario; violin making one of the best roads pos land, presiding bishop. outstanding fair of this section. Mrs. S. B. Davis won the door meeting. HAS BIG YIELD OF Dr. Serge T. Urling, personal rep sible. prize and Eltanor Poster won sec resentative of Townsend, is to be the solo, La Verne Pruitt, Vale; vocal T h e conference also signally Keeping this in mind, they have POTATOES EARLY The Nyssa Commercial Club, as honored Rev. White by ordaining lined up a program of racing and ond. The Clias. Wilson orchestra principal speaker at the afternoon solo, Mrs. David F. Gratiam, and a well as others, have been agitating him as an elder in the conference. rodeo events that promises a thrill played during the evening and tea session. There are now more than duet by Mrt Graham and Mrs. O. this question for some time and it This is the highest degree a minister a minute during the three days. was served by the ladies to the 5.000 Townsend clubs and the move E. Carman, group singing and read A yield of early potatoes that is is with considerable satisfaction can aspire to and require five years The date of the fair was set later crowds attending the affair. The ment is gaining strength at the rate ings were also enjoyed by the large ladies are talking now of holding a of a million and a half members crowd present. A new feature for outstanding, and which has just that the citizens of this section see of study in addition to other re than usual this year in order to al I tills year was the showing of old been called to our attention, is the the work actually started. This will quirements. There are only a few low farm produce to ripen and make spring flower show next year, feeling each week. I pictures a n d photographs which crop harvested by Jim Farmer on also complete the gap for tourists, other ministers in the conference a better display. As a result, the that fine displays of spring flowers | helped bring back memories of the the Deseret Sheep Oo. place south making it much more inviting to who are elders. At the same time finest display of farm products in can be secured before the summer j years long gone by. In the evening west of Nyssa. Mr. Farmer had 3V* come through Nyssa for cars bound the conference ordained Robert several years is expected. Mother RURAL SCHOOLS heat has taken its toll. S T A R T W /O R k T 1 he Pioneers and their friends en- acres of measured land that pro toward the coast. Cars coming and Eaker of Vale as a deacon in the Nature has been kind to this county Mrs. Ray Emmott entertained the VYUI' rv joyed one of the best old time duced 985 sacks of No. 1 potatoes' going from the Boise section will church. Rev. Eaker was also return and splendid crops are evident on Judges of the flowers, Mrs. Chris- dances they have had for years. and 135 sacks of No. 2’s, or 1120 find a shorter route now by going ed to the |>astorate of the Vale and every hand. Many growers expect to enson, Mrs. O. N. Boyer and Mrs. E. bring their choicest products to sacks of marketable potatoes. This is through Parma. Nyssa and on to ] Ontario churches. C. Van Petten at luncheon before Most of the rural schools in this compete for the liberal prizes offer 345 sacks of marketable potatoes to ‘ Highway 30. with the entire distance KIDS TO PARADE the show. section started their years activity! ed. A T m i I M T V R A I D acre- Besides this, there were being oiled. It is also a shorter and SEWER APPLICATION Prize winners were as follows: Monday. September 2, with teach A I L-UUrN I I r A I K several sacks of culls. The variety better route for those who wish t o ' A Queen contest has been in pro __ . __ B tst artistic bouquet, tall, first, Mrs. ers and pupils now well settled on ! was Bliss Triumph and were hand- join the John Day highway at MAILED FRIDAY gress for the past few weeks and Children or school age will have a k.d 5y the Idaho Equlty Exchange. Cairo. D. Groot; second, Mrs. Alice Wilson; the years schedule. indications are that more season Teachers at the Kingman Kolony . fine opportunity to win some cash j ______________ _ _ _ short, Mrs. D. Groot. first and Mrs. tickets than usual will be sold. The school this year are Mr. J. Wylie j prizes at the Malheur county fair Alice Wilson, second. BUYS SERVICE STATION tickets are transferable, and a dis j Representatives from Nyssa, On MISS MARVEL FOX Hewitt. Miss Joy Cunimett and Miss this year in the Pet Parade. There Ageratum, first, Mis. Alice Wil tinct saving is possible to buy a tario and Vale met Friday morning Irene Tucker. Teachers at the Ore is to be a parade Thursday morning, Pete Dear has purchased the old son; second, Mrs. Groot. AND JOHN HOARE in the Commercial Club rooms in ticket for all three days. gon Trail will be Mr. and Mrs. Al September 12, at ten o’clock sharp, Jordan Garage, which has been Aster .double, one best, Mrs. Law bert Hopkins while Valley View will WED WEDNESDAY Ontario, where they were to meet One of tile features expected to consisting of school children and operated for the past several months rence first; Mrs. Alice Wilson, sec have the Misses Eleanora Beers anc i C. C. Hockley, acting state PWA draw a crowd from over this entire their pets; rigged up in any way I by H. H. Dick and has been known -------- I director and ply him with questions section is the parl-mutual races. ond. Elsie Walters as teachers. they see fit. The grand prize for the as the Oregon Super Service. Mr. regarding pending projects in the Some splendid animals are in train- Aster, single, one best, Mrs. Law Arcadia teachers are Betty Tensen At a pretty wedding 10:30 o’clock respective cities. However Mr. Hock- ing now at the track and others will best entry in the parade, boy or ijear has also sold his wrecking rence, first; Mrs. C. C. Cotton, and Thelma Hickey while Mrs. j girl is a crisp five dollar bill. Other business and expects to lease the Wednesday morning at the Meth ley failed to put in ills appearance, arrive before the starter shouts second. Chas. Schweizer and Miss Mary prizes ranging from $2.50 to $1 go to service station. odist parsonage, Miss Marvel Fox, being located at Baker. Telegrams “Oo!" Thursday afternoon, Asters single, Mrs. Jess Lawrence, Weir will teach at Wade. Alice | winners with the entries divided i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fox sent to Nyssa. Ontario and Vale During the evening there will be first; Mrs. C. C. Cotton, second. Ketcliam is teaching at Arock this into boys and girls classes. j aCk Short, who has been a pat- of Nyssa, formerly of Gettysburg, S. ¡saying that he would be in Ontario carnival events with dances sohed- Asters, double. Mrs. Jess Lawrence year and Walter Marshall at Lin- Besides the cash prizes, every ient at the Ontario Hospital for sev- D„ became the bride of John Hoare, Frlday morning at ten, had been uled for each night. Truly it is Pair first; Mrs. Mary McConnell second. coln. Crete Marie Poster and Leland child entering a pet in the parade j erai months, was removed to his of Canyon City, Oregon. Rev. Floyd I sent wthout his knowledge, and the time In Malheur county, and ar- Buddlela. first, Mrs. Alice Wilson; Bishop are teaching at Owytiee this will get a free prize and a free ticket Wlilte performed the ring ceremony. ! mlxup resulted. home at Payette last Sunday morn rangements are being made to care Mrs. Dick Groot. second. yeai Miss Henderson is teaching at lo the fair for Thursday, which has ing. He is very much improved The bride wore a formal dress of Fred McConnell, of Caldwell, who for a large attendance tills year. Carnation G a r d e n , Mrs. Jess Big Bend. • been designated as “Kids Day. tearose taffeta, and her bridesm aid,!,^ been working on plans for t i l e ------------------ Lawrence, first; Mis. Dick Groot. Miss Emma Hail, wore a lace trim- \ ^jyaaa sewer was present and the CELEBRATE FIRST second. FILE INJUNCTION TO TRANSFERRED TO DAKOTA med blue crepe Ed. Hoare, brother p,ans were put in shape and mailed Cosmos, single. Mrs. Maurice Juddi. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY PREVENT ROAD CHANGE of the groom was best man. The j Friday afternoon .along with an ap- fleet; Miss Marjorie Groot, second. Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Andrews ami room was decorated with bouquets plication for a PWA grant. The _ 5_ Canna, Mrs. Prank Morgan, first; small daughter expect to leave Sat An injunction was served last of fall flowers. Others attending the dendline for applications was Tues- Mrs. Dick Groot. second. Mr. and Mrs. Win. II. Lockett urday for Newell, South Dakota, week on Judge David P. Graham, Blondes suddenly turning a red-¡wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. jday September 3rd, but it is ex- Coreopsis. Mrs. Mae Pearson, first, where Mr. Andrews has been trans spent the week end In Boise visiting restraining him or the county court I dish hue Football candidates Pox and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fox. pectec, that several days will lapse Marjorie Qroot, second. friends and observing their first ferred to work on the Belle Fouciie Calliopsis, Mrs. G. Stam first; government project there. He ex- from proceeding with abandonment sweating for places on the team . . . The young couple left soon after J i**fore word will be received as to wedding anniversary. They were proceedings of a road near Adrian. W. C. Jackson nursing swelled hand the ceremony for a honeymoon at Mrs. D. Groot second. , ,pects his assignment to last two or The injunction was filed by inter- |. . . Andy McGinnis back from Payette Lakes. They will soon be at the success of the application. The married September 1, 1934 in Yak Oregon office must file the applica ima, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Cockscomb. Mrs. Walter Pinkston. three months and will probably con ested land owners. Judge Ellis ruled I California . Sidewalks thronged home in Nyssa. tions with Washington by Septem Lockett came to Nyssa lost June, (Continued on page 5) sist of making concrete pipe. that the case was not within his : with school boys and girls again ber 12. and they must be passed on Mr. Lockett being in charge of the jurisdiction, and it is likely that County fair queen candidates sell- CONCERT AT CHURCH there before getting the final OK. office work at Denny R. Hogue's the county will go ahead with lng season tickets . . . Council to PUPILS RETURN plant. They are living at the A. V. abandonment proceedings. j meet tonight . . . Teachers hunting The Mahan girls, former resi TO THEIR CLASSES Cook home. - - - - - - - - - - - - - i for houses . . . Vic Marshall telling dents of this section but now resid- MASONIC BANQUET Howard Evans of Milton. Oregon. I about seeing Campbell go 301 miles ing at Parma, will give an hour MONDAY NIGHT j is here looking after ids land inter- an hour . . . I musical concert at the Methodist Enrollment at the local schools j ests. He owns some fine land on the f I church Sunday evening. The public The Masons are planning a spec has shown a decided increase this Project. | is invited to hear tills musical treat. ial meeting next Monday night at year, with 157 being enrolled in the the Eagles hull, at which time H. high school and 320 pupils in the Wayne Stanard, Grand Master of grades. This is an increase of 40 hi Oregon, will be the principal speak Walter Swarm & Sons to the high sliool and also a big in er. This will be his official visitation O p e r a t e Business— crease in the grades. to this district; the first time that A short session was held Tuesday, he has honored Nyssa with such a Come From Colorado. schedules made, assignments made j visit. Puddling of Main Ditch In and school work started Wednes Besides members from Nyssa, the day. A new class has been added ' Progress t o Facilitate lodges of Ontario and Vale will be j "The dust storms in Colorado last this year, public speaking, under the present at the meeting. The Eastern I spring were every bit as bad as the direction of Miss Denny. Water Delivery. Star ladies are putting on a banquet papers said and for ten days I prior to the meeting, with Mrs. E.1 couldn't open my mouth without LOOKING AFTER COUNTY D. Norcott as chairman of this com getting it full of grit.” says Walter Life-giving water ran down the EXHIBIT A l STATE FAIR mittee. The banquet Is to start at Swarm, who bought Pete Dear's new main canal directly west of seven o’clock wrecking yard nnd the old Nyssa Nyssa for the first time Tuesday; County Agent R O. Larson and Produce building Monday. The P. W. Sherwood are in Salem this and next spring settlers will be able ATTEND LODGE IN Swann family drove over all parts weefc looking after the county ex- to Irrigate thirsty acres with water VALE WEDNESDAY that will transform the sagebrush of the west country. Including three hibit at the State Fair. At the close weeks in Oregon before deciding on of the fair, the exhibit will be sent plain into producing farms. The first Several members of the Nyssa water turned down the ditch was for Nyssa as being the most favorable to Portland for the Pacific Inter Masonic lodge attended in Vale puddling purposes, and the waste is spot seen in their travels. national this fall. Wednesday evening at which time going down Lockett Gulch. Mr. and Mrs. Swarm and three the traveling trowel was presented boys lived in Truckton, Colorado. o tis Bullard's threshing machine By puddling the ditches now. and by tire Ontario group to the Vale which is 45 miles east of Colorado was danaaged Thursday morning finding possible weaknesses, it is lodge. Qeo. Cockrum, who was grand Springs, and right in the dust and i some belts tore loose and he felt that when the first demand for master of Oregon at the time the drought region "Sometimes ihe jtrad to shut down for a time. Dam- water comes in the spring the cornerstone for the Washington farmers have to uncover their j age was estimate at $150. . _, , ... ... , canal will be in excellent shape to shocked beans as many as four I memorial was laid, made the pm - er water from ^ verv 1 entatlon. He also gave an interesting ] .. times in the fall, and still lose; Mrs. Bertha Steadman, her son talk at the meeting. them," he said, in commenting on George and granddaughter Betty Those from this section who at- ; 8ome of thf flnest ,arm land 0,1 the amount of dust in that country. Steadman have come to spend the tended were Leo Hollenberg John thp u locat*d on the bpnch They are moving the wrecking j winter at the W. A. McNall home, 1 Young, Chas. McConnell. Ralph WMt NyMa and w‘veral farms yard to their new location next to [ Mrs. Steadman is a sister of Mr Haworth. Dan Holly. Claud Eachus>hav* aIready * * * cleared and »**- the Nyssa Produce building and will McNall. and Oeo. Stacey, who is senior P « * 1 f<f the flrat nul of wa,er onto conduct a business of second hand' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen anc. warden of the Vale lodge. After land next sPrlnK parts, acetylene welding and g e n - | , ___ . _ . _ erai repair work under the name o il W « went * * to Twrn Pahs Saturday lodge refreshments were served ^ MAK^ ^ ~ returned Tuesday. Howard Swarm and Sons. They are fixing up RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS I EASTERN STATES the building; part to be used as a Larsen. Jr., remained in Twin Palls parts storeroom and part as living to attend high school there. The Nyssa Civic Club are planning quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Swarm and Rev. and Mrs. A. F Leinkaemper ; a teachers reception ,to be held boys say they are mighty glad to be of Portland arrived Friday morning Mr. and Mrs. J T. Long, their ( Friday evening, September 13 at the daughter, Mrs. A1 Thompson and located in Nyssa and feel they are j ,or a visit at the home of their son Eagles hall. Mrs. Russell Vinson- another daughter Mrs. Abe Vaughn going to like it here very much. Bert. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs haler is chairman of the committee and son Jerry of Vancouver; and -------------- • Leinkaemper and their guests drove and will be assisted by Mrs. C. C. Mrs. Ralph Beutier of Salem, Barney Wilson and Eddie Powell ^ Boise. j Hunt, Mrs. Dick Groot. Mrs Ida daughter of Mr and Mrs. Al Thom have been serving on the Jury at I 1 Robertson. Mrs. O. O. Boden and pson .left Thursday morning for a Vale this week. | Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Kllnkenberg i Mrs Les Ernest. The public is cor- trip into Nebraska. Kansas and jand son Jimmie and Mr. and Mrs. A. Busekrus, father of Mrs. W C. c . Kllnkenberg drove to Bonita ! datlly invited to attend the affair. Oklahoma. They expect to be gone Jackson, left Monday for his home Monday to spend the day with the This 1» an excellent opportunity for j a month to six weeks and will visit in Kansas City, after a short visit John Lewellen family. teachers and townspeople to become friends and relatives at several with his daughter and family here 1 better acqaulnted. point* enroute. They expect to go Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, who through Yellowstone Park on the Misses Mae Keizer. Margaret I have been living in the house be- Mr and Mrs. Jack Keizer and son trip, through Wyoming into Nebras Hunt and Walter Hagen left for longing to Dr. Sarazln are leaving Buster and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ka. down through Kansas and Into Portland Sunday morning; Hagen in a few days for Ogden, Utah, Long drove to Oregon Camp Sun- Oklahoma. During their trip. Mr going on to Seattle and the girls where Mr. Oibson la being transfer , day. taking a picnic lunch with and Mrs Hersrhel Thomposn will O H U K M M ik U red by the government. returned to Nyssa this morning. them. stay at the Long farm. j ’ROUND TOWN PETE DEAR SELLS IEI WATER IN CANAL WEST OF NYSSA