G ate city journal , T hursday , august 22,1086. Every Saturday Mr*. Max Scnweizer and daughter Ted Newell and Dick Adams were grouse hunting above Unity Sunday, Patty Jean. Mrs. Geo. McKee anc. returning with some nice birds. son Jack were visiting In Boise a Marvin "Shorty" Penrod is ce­ the home of Mrs. McKee's sister, menting up the basement stairway Mrs. Farnham Sills, Mrs. Dick at his home. Adams and Mrs Dick Young were Mrs. Elma Simpson. Miss Wilma Simpson returned with them to visit Joe F. Dyer, cashier of the On- ^ Boise visitors Thursday. at the McKee and Schweizer homes. tarlo Bank was a business visitor in Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thompson ! Nyssa Tuesday. and H. M. Brinker were dinner Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett and child­ guests of Mr and Mrs Thos. B. Nor- ren. Ellen Fields. Mrs. Tom Johnson dale Sunday. and children left Tuesday afternoon for a few days visit in Baker. Miss Thelma Cook came from Boise to spend the week end with Wm. Frost and son of Nampa, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. visited with her nephew, Bernard Cook. Frost and family and his brother, E D. Frost Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fagen of Salt Dr. E. D. Norcott and Pud Long Lake City visited their daughter left Monday for Mr. Long's cabin Mrs. Duane Anderson and family near Ironside. They expect to return the past week. The Andersons live on the new land in the Kolony. next week. Rudd* Short la confined Uf hia ------------L l i g - V SAT. SALE Ik S » home with an attack of the mumps. ; L ittle N e w s o f Mrs. O. L. Judd of Parma lsj Gilbert Klinkenberg left Tuesday spending the week with her son • for a bee inspection trip in the Maurice Judd. country around Drewsey. Starting at 1 o’rlork George Ray, who has been in a Mrs. Mark Robertson and Mrs. Boise hospital for a week Is expect­ Will Beam visited in Caldwell and ed to return home the last of this Nampa Wednesday. week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler The many friends of Jack Hunter returned Saturday night from Mid­ will be pleased to know he is very vale where Mrs. Vinsonhaler had much Improved. He Is still at the spent the week visiting her parents. Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Knute Westerhine Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, Mrs. of Meridian were guests of Mrs. C. A. Abbott. Beatrice Spencer and Jack Hunter Sunday. Mr. Wester­ Hazel Leavitt were Boise visitors hine is Justice of Peace at Meridian. Tuesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson plan to Dan Chase is nursing a broken Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson and M c C a r t y m o t o r Allen Stucker had the misfortune leave Saturday evening for Silver Robert Wilson returned Friday wrist suffered Friday while working tall and break his left arm Sunday j City where they will spend the j night from the Deschutes where at the pipe plant on some mach­ CO. YAR D night. About two months ago he had Lubor Day vacation with Mr. anc. they spent a week fishing They re­ inery. the same arm broken in an auto , Mrs. Andy Swan at their mine. 2 Blocks East of Moore Hotel turned with a fine catch. accident. Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle and Ontario. Oregon Alfred Jackson left Thursday Mrs. Edna Kendler. Miss Georgia son George and Jack Doolittle left Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long and morning for Beaverton after speni- Dennis, Mrs. Jess Thompson, Mrs. Friday for Salmon, Idaho, where daughter Evalyn and Gayle McCoy , ing his two weeks vacation from the Les Ernest, Mrs. Dewey Ray and they will visit with a sister of Mr. returned to Nyssa after spending lumber yard there with his parents Mrs. Mark Robertson were Boise Doolittle's, Mrs. Ray White. Jack two weeks at the Long camp near Mr. and Mrs. Jackson here. visitors Tuesday. will stay to spend the school year Ironside. i and Mr. and Mrs. Doolitle plan to Miss Helen Lackey .who spent the Mr. and Mrs. Holt Carst and son Mr. A. Busekrus of Kansas City past month with her grandparents, and Mr. Carst's parents having been | return Sunday. , came Sunday morning and plans to | Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long, has return­ visiting old friends in this vicinity FRI.-SAT., AUG. 30-31 (spend a week visiting with his ed to her home In Ontario to attend since Sunday. They were guests at Mrs. W. C. Jackson and | school. the J. T. Long home Tuesday after­ George Gracie I daughter family. noon. The Carsts were former resi­ BURNS ALLEN Dr. J. J. Sarazin operated on the j Mr. Young of the Kolony has sold three children of Chas McClees dents of the Arcadia comumnlty, —AND— ‘HERE COMES COOKIE' two acres to the government and a Wednesday, removing their toi.sils. having lived on the K. S. and D. modern four room house is being On Tuesday Peggy Pounds had her ranch about 25 years ago. SUN.-MON.-TUES. constructed for use of ditch riders. A tonsils removed. telephone and a deep well is also be­ September 1, 2, 3 Mrs. Harriet Childers, mother of ing installed. Mrs. W. W Foster, returned from For the High School and T h e re w e re onee Mrs. Sabina Playford accompanied Portland with the Fosters Saturday College Students a rou p ie of Chas. Caldwell and son Jim home and spent a few days visiting here PEN and PENCIL from Kent last week. After spending before going on to her home at S e e l rhinen — Combination ...f ............. 75« several days visiting with her grand­ Boulder, Colo. children site left Thursday morning Pencils...................... 50c, $150 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison and for her home. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gar­ TO SEE Pen and Pencil Sets $5 to $10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr and rison and daughter Vera. Mr. and daughter left Saturday for their Mrs. Ray Garrison of Vale enjoyed home in Deer Lodge, Mont., after a drive and picnic Sunday, going to EXPERT WATCH spending the summer at the parent­ Bridgeport and Hereford. Before You Self al W. A. McNall home in Oregon REPAIRING Your Dr. Barlow, of the University of Trail. Utah, returned to his duties Tues­ Have your watch repaired Mr. and Mrs. John Young have day. He has purchased new land In now—Don't wait. moved to the Jess Lawrence resi­ the Kolony section and is very en­ Ail repair work guaranteed. dence. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence have thusiastic about the future of the moved to the Hinsch house near country. He expects to live on his See us for your sack* and the Boise Payette Lumber Co, and new land in a few years. twine plan to later on this fall go to Cal­ Mrs. C. L. McCoy returned Tues­ ifornia for the winter. day evening from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge return­ Seattle where she has been visiting ed home Thursday eevning from a since attending the Legion conven­ vacation trip that took them to The tion at The Dalles. Her sister Mrs. Dallas during the Legion convention Marshall S|>ell of Pendleton accom­ Next to Cozy Cafe and to Portland where they visited panied her to Seattle. On her way “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” Mrs. Burbidge's parents. T h e i r liome Mrs. McCoy stopped in La Nyssa small daughters and Mrs. M. Rob­ Orande to get her son Robert who Phone 26 Nyssa ertson. who have been visiting there has been visiting there. since accompanying Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hoover home, returned to Nyssa with the Burbidges. Bring in your livestock, furn­ iture. produce, or any surplus thing you have to sell. What­ ever you have to sell must be brought in Friday for listing. Remember e v e r y customer who brings in something to sell has a chance on the free gift given each week. j 'ream land Pens Pencils Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Short of Pay­ ette visited at the C. B. Short home Wednesday evening. They report that their son Jack, who has been a patient at the Ontario hospital is much improved, but will have to stay there for some time yet. GROCERY SPECIALS ...FOR... Friday and Saturday For Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31 FLOUR, 49 lb. bags, Pride of the Valley ... $1.35 MILK, Surefine brand, 3 ca n s...........................19c COFFEE, 1 lb. can, M J B ....................................29c COFFEE, 2 lb. cans M J B .................................... 57c COFFEE, 4 lb. can, MJB ............................... $1.10 STRING BEANS, No. 2 cans, 2 f o r ................. 19c PEAS, No. 2 cans, 2 f o r ........................................ 19c JAM JELL, 8 oz. bottles, 2 f o r ........................ 35c JAR RUBBERS, 3 d ozen ................................. 10c Wheat Growers CORN FLAKES, Kelloggs, large size pkg. 2 packages........ ..............................................23c Don’t Fail SYRUP, 10 lb. cans, Amaizo G old en ........... 63c A1 Thompson TEA, Green, Japan, 1 lb. pkg............................. 29c STARCH, com or gloss, 1 lb. pkgs. 2 f o r ......15c IODIZED SALT, 2 f o r ......................................... 15c TUNA FISH, White Star, 1-2 lb. cans, 2 for 29c Grain A1 Thompson Jewelry Store Are Arriving Now N YSSA, ORE. Headquarters For School Needs SHO P Table of Priced from $10.75 to Jranrtte Mi-Donald Maurice Chevalier AND PHONE 21 YOU WILL NEED NEW CLOTHES TO SEND T H E YOUNGSTERS BACK LOOKING THEIR BEST AND WILSONS HAVE LAID IN A STOCK OF SCHOOL CLOTHES THAT WILL STAND HARD WEAR AND AT THE SAME TIME ARE PRICED SENSIBLY. The FIS H E R APPAREL WED.-THUR., Sept. 4-5 TH E MERRY W IDOW ’ Absolutely Independent BACK TO SCHOOL CO ATS At W iLSON G r o c er y Paulus New $30.00 P R IN T S Fall Shoes These include both Suitable for school dresses 15c a yard for the whole Family sport and dress model ST A R coats ‘WITHOUT REGRET Boys Corduroy Pants Phone 59F3 Klissla Landl—Krnt Taylor Frances Drake— Paul Cavanaugh Boys School Caps 49c For Your Next PERM ANENT Come in and try a 50 per cent cooler FREDERICS VITRON WAVE Priced at $5.00 W e have just installed a new Frederic’s machine and wc guarantee it to satisfy you in every respect. Other Permanents Priced at $2.50 and $3.50 Fully Guaranteed The Vogue Beauty Shop Men’s Dress Hats 1.95 * A Gift to You FREE Blankets Starting Friday, August 30 we are giving our customers oppor­ tunity tickets with each 50c pur­ chase or payment on account. Blankets to be given Saturday, September 21, at 9 P. M. 1st— 4 1-2 lb., 25 per cent wool, 4 stitch satin bound— choice of plaids. Retail value $4.49. 2nd 3 1-2 lb., 5 per cent wool, satin bound, plaid Blanket. 3rd— 70 x 80 Indian Robe Blan­ ket. 1-49 1-69 Brand Are Best for Wear Tan and Navy Colors. Age 5 to 12 years. School Shoes $1.19 Up * Youths Corduroys Ages 13 to 16 Years * Boys Corduroys With Zipper pockets, lock and 2 keys, Ages 8 to 12 1.98 » 2.25 ♦ Men and Women $1.69 Up Hockmeyer Men's Corduroys Just the thing for High School Boys, 30 to 36 waist. In Tan or Blue colors. $ 2.95 Fancy Dress Shirts Ideal for School Boys. Sizes 6 to 14. In sizes 13 to 16 years 69 c SA VE MOhEY BY TRADING A T WILSONS WILSON BROS. DRYGOODS ‘The Friendly Store’ NYSSA, OREGON