/ GATE CITY JOURMAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 * on her recent visit to th* Parent from rheumatism and is taking a HOG PRODUCT ION OWYHEE P. T. A, and Teacher School of Instruction 1 course of baths at the Hot Springs MET FRIDAY WITH in Portland and also on the duties Mr. Shirt, a newcomer on the pro- LOW TILL 1937; LATE ject, though one of the first to pur­ MRS. SCHWEIZER of officers and committees. There | chase land here, has a splendid REPORT SHOWS was a very interested membership In , thirds cup honey, U s in g H o n e y By Mrs. W. W. Foster | eight-acre field of cucumbers which attendance. Mrs. Lowe. Mrs. Jay he is growing under contract for Owyhee—Plans for the coming Duncan and Mrs. Bob Duncan were j seed. Conditions are greatly improved in year were discussed at a special also present. After the meeting iced Dan Smith, who has been employ - the meat animal industries com­ Children require sweets in their meeting of the Owyhee P.-T. A. punch was served by the hostess. j ed in the community for some time, pared with a year ago, and the out­ Friday afternoon at the home of The next regular meeting of the | visited at his home near Apple Val­ look is tavorable for some time diet, and honey is a source of easily digested energy food. Many will soon Mrs. Chas. Schweizer. Mrs. M. M ,p. T. A. will be at the school house ley over Sunday. ahead, according to a report just be facing the problem of nourishing Greeling and Mrs. C. C. Cotton were 1 the second Friday in September. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schweizer released by the state college agri­ school lunches. Honey can be used visitors. Mrs. Greeling gave a talk ' Mrs. Jenera Plaza is suffering went to Idaho this week to visit cultural extension service. Producers in many ways for satisfying sand- Mrs. Schweizer's father who is ill. with hogs to sell are favored by wishes. | Jack Rust will assist with the ranch prices more than twice as high as work in their absence. They expect a year ago. with feed grain consid- I Peanut Rutter and lloney ! to return the latter part of the week erably lower. The index of the aver­ Mix peanut butter and honey in as Mrs. Schweizer's school will open age farm price of hogs in Oregon at i next Monday. She will teach at mid-July was 84 per cent of the equal parts and spread on whole wheat bread. Wade. 1926-1930 average. Mrs. Chas. Bradley is enjoying a With industrial activity and con- CHEVROLET DEALER visit with her sister, Mrs. D. D. summer purchasing power running Cottage Cheese and lloney Filler Stevens of Twin Falls. Last Thurs­ ahead of 1934, and even a smaller Use a little honey and cream on day another sister. Mrs. F. T. ¿raw- supply of hogs expected to be avail- cottage cheese till it is of the right ley, of Ontario, and her daughter able for market until production can consistency on thin slices of while FIRESTONE TIRES Margaret, visited in the Bradley be increased, the immediate market j bread. home. outlook for hogs is strong. If condi- j ---------- CERTIFIED LUBRICATION Allen Heuser's sister and her hus- j tions are favorable, however, the pig Ham Sandwiches band visited her last Sunday. crop of 1936 may be 25 per cent put coolled ham through ft food Mrs. Henry Truelson, Ellis Wal­ larger than that of 1935 and by 1937 ch and mix weli with mayon. ters. T. M. Lowe. Mrs. Ruby Rust it will be possible for hog production sweeten wlth honey or mlls. and family were Vale visitors Mon­ to be back to the 1392-1933 level, the j tard and honey. Spread on well but- day. report says. I tered bread. Buck and Clifford Derrick were Although beef cattle prices are Ontario visitors Monday. Elmer Der­ materially higher than a year ago, Honey Pudding rick is able to be up on crutches cattle prices are not as high rela­ An Independent Station after illness and a broken leg. tively as prices for hogs, and prices Two cups of bread crumbled. Two Mrs. Christianson, who has been j for cattle feed have not declined so eggs beaten, 3 cups hot milk, tps Nyssa, Oregon in the hospital with a badly fractur- 1 much as for hog feeds, especially in salt. 2 tbps melted butter and two ed collar bone is convalescing a t , the west. The Oregon price index is the home of her daughter Mrs. Ab- only 67 per cent of the 1926-1930 bie Morfitt. level. The demand tor feeder cattle Henry Truelson has recovered this fall will be strengthened by the THE BEST sufficiently from his recent illness to abundance of hay and grain in pros­ assist with the farm work. pect in the East, while the scarcity is the Cheapest Mrs. Mary Rust, who has for the of hogs and improved industrial past several months been a p atien t! conditions are expected to strength­ When you build or re-model, at the Holy Rosary hospital, came en market demand for fat cattle be sure your plumbing Is of home last week somewhat improved. during the next several months at the best. Your home can't be ï P urei modern, neither can it be san­ least. Market supplies of fat lambs itary and trouble-free with­ and poultry next fall and winter j MILK I out good plumbing work. are also expected to be somewhat We give you the highest smaller than usual, the report i« & f standard in workmanship and points out. supplies. For your plumbing In respect to the longtime outlook, jobs, depend on— the number of beef cattle and sheep in the country next winter is not ex­ We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro­ GEO. J. KINZER pected to be much changed from duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we Plumber last winter, but thereafter the trend add you to our list of satisfied customers? is expected to be upward for a num­ ber of years, if feed conditions are Phone 134-J2 We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con­ favorable. Parma Idaho sidered by many medical authorities as best for The report, which is available from county agent Larson also gives babies and growing children. outlook Information on poultry, dairy and wheat, and data on num- erous other farm commodities pro­ duced in Oregon. j 1 tps lemon wo tract. First mix bread and milk. Let j stand ten minutes, add the other ingredients. Pour into buttered dish. j Set 111 pan of hot water. Bake 45 minutes In moderately slow oven (350F>. Serve warm or chilled. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS We Pay COLD CASH For HOT ASHES Frank T. Morgan —SEE— SHELL PRODUCTS For Your Insurance Needs WE SPECIALIZE IN HAY INSURANCE Protect What You Have Norcott Service i GUEBNSEY V . y Health Comes In Slices In big delicious loaves—done up fresh in mois­ ture-proof packages—in light, delicious slices: th at’s the way health comes to you In Swan’s bread. Eat It with every meal and between meals. It's fresh every day. every hour, each slice an aid to health. M ILK Sunshine Dairy V, ROBT. D. LYTLE BUSINESS ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY __________________________________/ LESLIE J. AKER Anna B. Pritchett D. O. ATTORNEY —and— ACCOUNTANT Practice In all Idaho and Oregon Courts By Appointment at Wilson Bldg. : : : Ontario Address: 522 Idaho Bldg. Boise . . . Idaho OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 That Know HOW Cleaning — Pressing Alterations Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. MORGAN, Prop. The Swan Bakery NYSSA Sunday School 10 o'clock O. F. Bacon will be back with us tills Sun­ day. The Apple Valley Church has invited the Nyssa church to a Union service at the school house grove at 11:15. Rev. Colton of the Owyhee will preach at this outdoor service Take your basket lunches and Join the picnic. Epwortlj League 7:30. No evening worship. Prayer and Praise Service Wed­ nesday evening 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bak­ er .leader. Will Add To Your HEALTH . . . COMFORT . . . CONVENIENCE Read our ads and save money. 'fol/m' theJeaeler! u : 11 VALE - - - OREGON Eat At COLEMANS LUNCH PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Fini»h- ing. Mail us your films. NYSSA Meet your friends and enjoy our good sandwiches, cooling drinks and friendly service. HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon OPEN NIGHTS We Put Up Lunches Guarantee Work TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific i NEW! ««» PORCH & DECK PAINT Special Introductory Price R egularly Quart 84c LLimit*4 Tim« Only) R egularly Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Held the 1st and 3rd Thurs­ day of each month. Public Invited. Jim Roar. President, Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, Secretary. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates and up EDER HARDWARE CO. treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg Fr Plan a Water System installation just as you would any other im­ provement for your home . . . . but plan NOW! * 32.00 » 69-50 Specializing on the cara of Children * Eye*. ONTARIO OREGON NYSSA Working stiff hand pumps and carrying heavy pails of water may seriously affect t h e health o f women—and of children. Running water lightens labor a n d safe­ guards health. It makes for good sanitation which is one of the first necessities for good health. Water without labor . . . f o r drinking, bathing, laundry, dish­ washing . . . for ham and dairy . . . for fire protection . . . that is what an electric water system will bring to the home, and many inconven­ iences are eliminated in the routine of daily living. It will add to the happiness as well as the health of the entire household. S y ste m Water Systems EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Every farm or home that is re­ ceiving electric service can have Running Water for a few cents a day. And surely, no other modern service could be more appreciated by every member of the family. See Your W a te r Automatic DR D. A. SEXTON, Prop, sis. Influenza, successfully $2.88 A DR. J. A. McFALL theumatlsm. Diabetes, Paraly­ Gallon y Here's a new Bass-Hueter ready-mixed finish that will do wonders for worn and shabby wooden steps and porches, for concrete walks and cement floors. Neither beating sun nor pounding feet will worry it. Its protective film will stay fresh-looking through all weather ex­ tremes. Bass-Hueter Porch and Deck Paint flows on easily . . . its eight colors are lasting and long-lived. Oregon Ontario 53-60 lx K m lttl“ 1 - OREGON RUNNING WATER NYSSA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sheer silk or the roughest of woolens—we'll fix It up so you can look your best. Every Day—Oven Fresh Every Hour J OREGON V_________________ D e a le r There is a dealer in your vicinity who is prepared to supply electric pressure water systems. Go to him and he will give you all the facts, information and costs concerning a complete installation. Get in touch with him today. When the cost is so little there is no reason to deny yourself and your family the h e l p a pressure water system means. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SALES ASSOCIATION Electric Water Syateim Bureau ........................ » V ^