*. *'♦''* -r—. ^ CATE City JOURNAL, THURSDAV, - — GRASS FIRE A T Alw ay.C on.ult THE GATE CITY JOURNAL on your Commercial Printing Problem*. W e Aim to Serve and to Plea.e Y ou ! APPLE BURNS RYE FIELD Apple Valley—Quite a lot ol ex citement was crealea Friday when a strong wind caused the (Ire where Mr. McIntyre was burning weeds to spread In a rye field near his (arm buildings and house. Most of the rye was burned but no other damage was done, due to the help of the neighbors In putting the fire out. Word has been received from the ! Olenn V anlandlngham family who W e Believe You W ill Like PRES-TO-LOGS “The Magic Fuel” A new fuel made o f compressed sawdust. Ideal for fireplace, heater, furnace and cookstove. 29, 1938 his sister since he came west twenty KEITH FROST, NEPHEW OF seven years ago. MRS. C. B. SHORT, H IR T Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan went IN AUTO ACCIDENT to Nampa Friday to visit Mrs. Phelan's brother who is a patient In Mercy Hospital. Mrs. C. B. Short has been a fre Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker and Iola left Monday on a vacation trip quent visitor at the Ontario hospital to the coast. where her nephew Keith Frost is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of seriously ill following an auto acci Parma were calling on Bend friends dent which happened near Frultland Sunday. Miss Ella McFall and Mrs. Irene last week end. The 18-year old youth Nightengale of Ontario were guests was riding In a car driven by a friend with his arm on the outside In the Brumbach home Sunday. Grandpa Allender left Tuesday and when the driver turned out to meet a car his arm was broken and for a visit In his old home town, twisted by rubbing against a truck Fairfield. Iowa. I parked at tlie side of the road. The Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser took j truck did not have any lights and Uf r , ? T U Tues^ ay i the boys"could « ' ¿ T l t T i S boy where he had his tonsils removed. wlth his [nolhi.r ^ M ^ luu. [ ployed as a dredge operator, that R. Davidson of Parma was look Just come two days before from they will move to North Platte, Neb., ing after his ranch interest in this Efbon, Kan., to look for work. Mrs. I where he will operate a machine for Frost is a sister of Mrs. Short’s. Morrison-Knudson company. They vicinity Monday. Mrs. M. M. Greeling, county P - expect to be tliere until the first of T. A. president held a school of in- ! the year. structlon for officers and chairmen I An ice cream social was held on MARKET FINDER the lawn at the school house last of Wade P. T. A. at the home of i Thursday evening by the Apple Val Mrs. Elmer Prosser Thursday. Try our Market Finder to dis Mrs. M. Judd, Scout Leader, and ley Epworth League. A good crowd pose of surplus goods, rent a the girls of the second patrol en attended. house, find lost articles, to buy or Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell joyed a social gathering at the home sell produce and many other uses. of their hostess leader, Mrs. Brum spent Sunday over on the Oregon Rates one cent a word per Inser bach Tuesday afternoon. side at the VaniandIngham home. tion. Minimum 15c. Harry Otani harvested his onion crop last week. Several neighbors FOR SALE—Two row bean cutter. were employed there. In good condition. Conrad Martin, Luclle Stephens expects to leave Kingman Kolony. Phone 54F4. 4pA29 soon for Hood River where she will FOR SALE—2-wheel House trailer. teach again this year. U YEARS AGO IN NYSSA 7x14. Built in kitchenette and Oscar Ellerbrook returned home I clothes closets. P. B. Myers, Vi mile Thursday f r o m northern Idaho As Taken From Journal Files west of Apple Valey school house. where he has been working. ltpA29. Iris McFadden returned home ■ from Adrian where she was visiting FOR SALE—Concord grapes for at the Points home. The Nyssa merchants organized j jeUy. Mrs. J. T. Long. Phone 78F11 Mr. and Mrs. Halton Stephens a credit association at a meeting j p o r SALE 15 Barred Rock Pul- of Portland spent the past week^ at Wednesday evening at the J. C. j lets and Chicken house for *8. Levi Stephens home. Their son Bil Himler establishment. Officers ] Mrs. Sophia McFadden, Nyssa. Itp29 lie who has spent the vacation elected were S. D. Goshert, presi- ________________ ._________________ mants with his grandparents here dent; L. Spier, vice president; and I f o r SALE—12 white face bucks. In- will return home with his parents. J. H. Hill, secretary. The name of quire at journal office. 2tp. Several from this community at- the organization is the Merchants j __________________________________ the rodeo at Caldwell last week end. Protective Association. FOR SALE—Alfalfa seed, *4 mile Miss Dixon of Nampa called at Geo. H. Binkley, field engineer for j south of Kingman Kolony school the McIntyre home Friday afternoon the Arnold Co. arrived in Nyssa last , house. J. G. Lane. 8-22-2tp. Miss Dixon wll teash at Apple Val week from Chicago where he has | __________________________________ ey this year and live at the Mc been getting out plans and specifl- : f o r SALE—Hay by the load. See Intyre home. cations of the High Line Ditch to j carl Kuhheier, V4 mile east of Mrs. Bert Rogers was elected submit to the state engineer for j Kingman Kolony School. 8-22-4tp. president of the ladles aid for the examination. Mr. Binkley stated __________________________________ next year at the last meeting held that the money market was good POR SALE—Clover seed, vibrator at the church. The next meeting and that so far as financing the recleaned. T T. Elliott Kingman will be held Thursday, September project, no doubt should be enter Kolony 3t Aug 22 • 5 at the church basement at which tained. time officers and committees will be Last Tuesday morning the city Films Developed FREE Any size appointed and plans will be made Kodak print 5c. was surprised with a fire. The for the years work. building occupied by J. J. Scott and Levi Stephens finished combining A1 Green was razed to the ground. It Radio Service and Tubes. his wheat crop Friday of last week is surmised that the fire started ! H L. Weideman, Nyssa. 3 miles and reports a fair yield. . from a faulty flue In the kitchen. South on highway Aug: l-2tp. Vivian Schrader had the misfor Dr. Sarazln, Frank Lynch, Harry tune of running o ff the grade Into a ditch with their car last Wednesday Conley and Judge Wilson went to i at the corner of the school house. the Payette Lakes the first of the It Is reported that the several oc week. PATRONIZE The Nyssa Tennis club met at the . cupants were not hurt, except for home of J. Boydell Tuesday evening i minor bruises and scratches. OUR BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. Laudis Dutro and to decide on re-arranging the court Conley Wilson and family from and a tournament of singles. Nampa visited at the Wilson home Buy your shoe laces W. J. Jenkins has received a shlp- one evening lust week. | ment of 20,000 prune boxes to be and polish from the used In harvesting the crop from his Shoe Repair Shop in 160 acre orchard. He expects to ship BIG BEND stead of Grocery, Dry a total of 20 cars this year. Goods, Drug Stores Mayor Teutsch went to Portland Thursday. or Service Stations. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Oreen sons spent the past week In the last Monday morning, a girl. mountains above Weiser. Peter and Walter Martin of San Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh enter tained Mr. Welsh’s sister, Mrs. Francisco, owners of the 500,000 acre Wright of David City, Nebraska in land grant and known as the East their home during the past week. ern Oregon Land Co, were visiting Lowest Price. Mrs. Wright was on her way home Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt last week. Shoe Repairing from San Diego fair and a sum F. O. Carman and Geo. Closson mers visit with her daughters who have the contract for the new Emi- All kinds of shoe laces and are teachers in Los Angeles. This Is son and Vogts building which burn polish . . Will mall your shoes the first visit Mr. Welsh had with ed down Tuesday. FREE to destination. Rev. H. E. Bush is to be the Meth JOHN 8. ALD0COA Prop. odist pastor for Nyssa and Arcadia. A Cheap Fuel - - - A Glean Fire Get a Supply at 1ACKS0N LUMBER CO. N Y S S A , ORE. PHO N E 47 VALLEY ÁU áÚ St FOR SALE—7 high grade Holstein i Rawleigh Co., Dept. ORH-148-SB, cows; 1 heavy Springer weight Oakland. Calif. 8-1-5 tp. 1400, 5 years old. Oeo W Benton TRUCKING—Coal, wood,- grain, Nyssa, Oregn. Sept 5 pd. produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. We’ll haul It POR SALE—80 head of Rcr.uxm- anywhere. H U G H GLASGOW, lette-Lincoln cross bred bucks. Phone 36F3. tf Priced right. George Q. Lee. Melta, Idaho. 8-8-3tp. WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick ens. gese at highest market prices. M E N WANTED—f o r Rawlclgh : Twenty-six years * ''t h e same place. Routes In east Baker, Wallowa C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho. and Harney counties. Write today. Phone 163. tf. »OOOOOOHOOOOOOPC DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY Diamonds — Watche« — G ift. — Ring. — Silverware $ Watch repairing our Specialty- See ub for that special Jewelry Repair job A ll W ork Guaranteed Ginzel Jewelry Shop IB < 0 0 0 0 < 0 < O HOOO<OOOOQ<OOOHOOOOOOO< GRAIN-FED Years Ago EVEN YOUR CAR WILL BE SUR PRISED, WILL SPURT AND LEAP AND DASH AHEAD, WITH ITS FIRST DEEP BREATH OF STAND ARD GASOLINE. JUST A BET TER GAS— BY FAR. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night N YSSA Phone 1 WE Have ........ ....... Ample GoodyearShoe Repair Shop Resources and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers GOLD WANTED Licensed gold buyers will pay up to $35.00 an ounce for old dental bridges, crowns, rings, chains, lockets, watch cases, spectacle frames, etc. or any other discarded Jewelry l f mailed within 30 days. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you by a reliable concern to get full value for your old gold. We also buy old silver. BANK OF MALHEUR VALE, OREGON D. E. MASTERSON, Ca.hier ELCO GOLD REFINERY 1038 Exchange Building Seattle, Washington. 4t Tell our Advertisers you saw their ad in the Journal your onion, and before you .ell, let u. quote you a price. Idaho Equity Exchange Ted Newell, Fhone 9SF2 Geo. Closson, Phone 103 The Be«t Meat Always EAT MORE M EAT NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA O R EG O N " How About The Girl IS HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL CLO TH ES All age. from beginner, to the College Student. New Fall Suits Now on display, offer you the Choice Fabrics. Newest Style, and Latest Patterns available. Panel Back - - - Shirred Back Single or Double Breasted $1 K°° to *30°° Heavy Brogues, Black or B r o w n . E x t r a heavy soles. Friendly Oxford for Men ..................... $5.00 Men’s s iz e ........ $4.50 Fortune Oxford for Men .................... $4.00 Quality Oxfords $2.95 and $3.50 SHIRTS CORDS Plain or Fancy pat terns, Pre-shrunk. No W ilt Trubenized Collars Can’t Bust ’Em. With Zipper or but tons. Most popular colors. Boy’s size ........ $3.45 You Left Behind You Rough Dry OUL FOR H Pound A • Bundle and 7c for each additional pound. Do you ever boast to your friends that your wife Is a fine washwoman? You bet y o u don't. Just the thought of her slaving away In the basement over thoee dirty clothes makes you blush for shame. Don't let her rub away her strength and youth - call 08 and let us do that gruelling labor. We wash everything spot lessly clean In rich, pure suds, and rinse all garments In gal lons of rain-soft water and send it home clean with all flat work Ironed—all this at a cast smaller than that of your washday supplies. Think of the girl you left behind you and put a stop to her wash day drudgery by phoning 98 and telling us when to call for your bundle. ONTARIO LAU N D R Y : - RAIN - WATER - JONHS " ALEXANDER’S Oxfords For School Say Mr. Man . . . EVERY - BODY - WASHES - / W e have just bought 70 head of grain-fed beef for the market trade only. Nyssa, Oregon Put a Stop to W u h Day in our Home The Idaho Equity Exchange i. in the market for Fresh Meat Next Door to Bakery Stop and Think of Her Slaving Away and You’ll ONION. . . GROWERS ONTARIO, OREGON OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL 85c - $1 - $1.25 j $3'95 t0 4-85 \ HÄ 45c - 65c - 85c \ A11 Fast Color Materials " ........ $2 95 ! Boy’s S iz e ....... $2.00 You’ll find our stock complete on Sweaters, Blazers, Socks, Underwear or Hats, and our Price# Always Right ALEXANDER’S “ Where Good Clothes Cost Less” O N T A R IO OR EG O N N