GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1935 ROXY river and also visited with FORMER OWYHEE KOLONY SCHOOL IS i. |8almon their daughter Mrs. H. Evens. C. Fleming and Floyd Minks DAM RESIDENTS MADE READY FOR of J. Boise Ontario Sun* Mon. Tues. were dinner guests at the OPENING SOON | ¡Chas Bullard home Thursday. ENJOY PICNIC SUN Chelcie Boyer and daughter were J.. ^ho.oj.^ph.j i„ HOPBEN M A M O U l l U t iicH rficsH *»*. — i, « ,> p-'ir-r T --ro"> STOVES It is time to start thinking about your heating requirements for fall and winter. We have a large stock of stoves in stock, both new and used,* Before You Buy See the Stoves on Display At— Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA OREGON J' % Your Chance To Own A PACKARD 120 in. 1935 Five Passenger Sedan, Radio and many other extras STAMPED GOODS Reasonable Discount for Quick Sale —See— R. E. STANLEY At Cables Chevrolet Co. Ontario, Oregon y N. Leads Them A ll! I callers at the Bill Hipp home Sun- Former residents of the Owyhee, Kingman Kolony—Several alter- nay. j Dam enjoyed a reunion picnic at I ations are being made on the school I Mr and Mrs Angus Bishop and the dam Sunday, with the Allen; house this week in preparation for ilamdy’ f'^rs Dave Dugger and Mrs. j Johannesen and Dick Stockhom [ the opening. Mrs. C. E. Elliott Is C1'"de ^°ng were callers at the Chas. j families as hosts. It is planned to ; doing the cleaning; Mr. Servoss the Bu Ernest artl home Sunday. make this an annual affair for all | kalsomining; and Arthur Holly is | this week. Barker is on the sick list former residents of the dam settle- building a new addition to accom- ment Most of these attending were! odate all the new scholars. Ray j from Nyssa and Ontario. Nyssa | Draun Is welding the furance. | guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell j Bill Elliott returned home last COUNTY W. C. T. U. Vlnsonhaler and Clyde Keilhley of week from Nevada where he has ELECTED OFFICERS j Midvale. Wilford Karrer, the Bob been employed for several weeks, j Peck, Earl Harman. Earl Danley, Miss Agnes Nichols left Sunday AT VALE THURS. Malcolm Crawford and Orville ! afternoon for Vale, where she will j Glenn families. Guests from Ontario j be employed at the telephone office, were Bill Leyham and Miss Jacobs, j Oscar Schaffer has a crew pull- I At a meeting of the County W. C. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Schlapkohl and ing onions this week. I daughter Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Max j There are two crews of lettuce T. U. held in the Methodist church | Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith: thinners working on the Jordan and in Vale Thursday afternoon, officers j j and daughter Ardell. Mr. and Mrs. j Overstreet ranchers for the past were elected for the coming year, j I Henry Boston and Mr. and Mrs. several days. ! Those chosen to serve were: Mrs. I Mrs. C. C. Cotton entertained the Josie Douglas. Nyssa, president; i Ward Howell of Boise. P. T. A. at her home last Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Keefe. Ontario, vice j It was a special meeting called to president; Mrs. E . W Pruyn, Nyssa, j BIRTHDAY PARTY discuss the affairs for the coming treasurer; and Mrs. Hazel Gildea. I Mrs Robert Peck was hostess at a year and the alterations on the ^ Nyssa, secretary, birthday party In honor of her two- schoolhouse. Nineteen ladies at- Rev. K. E. Mathews of Ontario | year old eon Robert Rodgers Peck tended. Mrs. C. E. Peck of Wade was ; was the principal speaker. A basket | Tuesday afternoon. The little guests guest for the afterftoon. esrved at noon. enjoyed a lawn luncheon. Those at­ Mrs. M. M. Greeling and Mrs. i ! dinner was ---------------------- tending were Betty and Eleanor C. C. Cotton attended a meeting a<-1 Sterling. Richard Pounds, Keith and the home of Mrs. Charley Schwelzer s< HOOL TO START Lou Ellen Sperry. Keith and Shirley Frtday afternoon. AT OREGON TRAIL Olenn, and Marilyn Crawford. ______ visited Lucille Juanita Graves -5 - Thrasher last week. Work has started this week on the j THURSDAY CLUB Oregon T r a i l schoolhouse and Mrs. Geo. Stacey was hostess to grounds In preparation for the LINCOLN NEWS the Thursday bridge club last week, opening of school September 3. Loyd | entertaining for members and two Adams has charge of the grounds { i guests. Mrs. Nate Young and Mrs and Albert Hopkins of the j J Watson Ketchen won first prize and Horses belonging to Ralph Win­ building. Mr. and Mrs. charge Hopkins will | Mrs. Ted Newell won second. slow, W. S. Rogers and Fred Tren- teach again this term at Oregon kel are sick with the brain fever. Trail. JOLLY JANES Mrs. W. S. Rogers and Mrs. Ver­ Misses Charlena and Cluudcna non Reed left last Friday via stage Mrs. Mary Felton and the A. V. were hostesses to the Jolly Janes lor aieveqsviUe, Montana, where Cook falmly were dinner guests at Monday evening. Three tables of they will visit relatives. the H. D. Holmes home last Wed­ bridge were In play with high score Miss Ruth Nielson of Boise visited nesday. going to Mrs. Herschel Thompson at the parental L. C. Nielson home on Sunday. and low to Miss Donna Cook. Little Jo Anne Garrison of Nyssa “My Skin Was Full of spent the week end visiting at the SEWING CLUB MEETS home of her grandparents Mr. and Pimples and Blemishes” DuPre. The Owyhee Sewing Club met Mrs. Ed Dorothy Says Verna Schlepp: “Since using ! Mae Thomas spent Adlerika Friday afternoon at the home of the Miss the pimples are gone. My j week end with her cousin, their local leader, Mrs H. Truelson. Cletyes Baker of Ontario. skin is smooth and glows with j Mr. Hauser, county club leader, was The Misses Marjorie and Kathryn health. Adlerika washes BOTH a special guest of the afternoon. Nielson visited with Miss Margaret bowels, rids you of poisons th at! cause a bad complexion. The Nyssa Redsull Tuesday evening. Miss Virginia DuPre of Ontario Pharmacy. —Advertisment. visited at home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henry visited at the N. C. Thomas home on Sun- jday The Misses Mary Davis and Dor- j othy Nielson visited with the Rogers gills Tuesday evening. Travis, small son of Mr. and Mrs, Steve Huenneken Is seriously 111. Haying and threshing are nearly completed here. Sympathetic and understand­ Shipment just arrived ARCADIA ing direction have marked the this week. Shop early Nyssa Funeral Home for three Mrs. Lloyd Orris gave a dinner years. Low cost. too. has been Sunday honoring the wedding anni­ for best selections. an outstanding factor. We versary of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bohy». have earned our reputation Guests were Mr. and Mrs Bohy and for fair dealing and depend­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke and son ability. Dwight, Kenneth Vanderpool. Nor­ man Hlpp, Harold and Max Long. Mr. and Mrs. D. Peters are the NYSSA FUNERAL happy parents of a baby daughter HOME born August 14. She has been named Mary Jean. Phone 7GF3 Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Brewer and family went on a fishing trip on the Johnson Variety Phone 56F2 It it a beauty to look at . . . and it is a dandy for heating. Built like a furnace with giant haating surfaces. Burns low priced distillate or fuel oil and will give you care-free health­ ful heat. The American Oil Burning Heater requires practically no attention except to fill the fuel tank once a day, and it also saves you from the dirt and drudgery that comas from using wood or coal as fuel. Styled by W alter Dorwin Teague. Am erica's foremost indus­ trial designer, this heater will prove e source of pride in your home no matter how fine its other furnishings. Don't fail to see it. It's the heater you have bean looking for. W e have e size end type to suit your needs end e price that is right. Baldridge Implement Co* NYSSA OREGON Sure Protection at Lower Cost There are two things to consider when buying insurance . . . First—Is it safe Insurance? . . . and Secondly—What is it go­ ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 481-3 per cent on your insurance and at the same time, give you insurance that Is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance In a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. Nyssa Realty Co. “Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don" F il l the CRANKCASE wax. V eltex MOTOR OIL . . . an EA S T ER N Paraffin Base Oil, liic gives you S A F E lubrication in hot< weather. A bargain at 25c a quart. SCHOOL DAYS Start R ight. . . With the Right Kind of Equipment S h e a ffe r s Will Dolt! Pencils Look over our complete stock of Fountain Pens and Pencils. A pen to fit any hand at a price you can afford to pay. NYSSA PHARMACY YOU WON’T BE AFRAID TO “HIT” THE ROAD E. W. Pruyn A m g j u x x u i O il B urning H eater w « li . After your car has been conditioned In our work shop. You can depend on our mechanics anc service at all times. Auto Repairing Nyssa You Can Have Your Home Just As You Want It Whether you modernize your present home or build a new one. It Is within your power to have It as you want It. Every aid Is available, both financially and In construction procedure to enable you to realize your dreams. Let us tell you about It, In detail. THE BEST LUMBER AND SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PURPOSF. No matter what your construction requirements may be, we are ready to fill them quickly and completely with the beet you can find In lumber and all other supplies. OUR STOCK INCLUDES Isim her—Brick—P ainting Suppllr*—{Ymfeeit—Mill Work Roofing and Paper. Insulation M aterial B oise-P ayette L um ber Co. Dwight Smith. Manager PHONE 15 Nysea, Oregon Buy Your Needs at C A L D W E L L ’S and SA V E ! ! ! SCH O O L STARTS SEPTEMBER 3rd Boys Corduroys SCHOOL SHOES Beige and Cream Colors Boy* Black Oxfords $1.49 Boy* Hi-Cut* $2.98 $1.95 Boy* Shoes ................... $1.49 Girls Black Oxfords $1.49 Boys School Underwear Girls Patent Leather Oxfords $1.98 Patent Leather Straps $1.25 39c and 75c Boys School Shirts Boys Wool Slacks 59c $2.95 School Hosiery Jacket to Match $2.95 That will stand hard wear For Girls and Boys Boys Overalls . . . 69c 25c Boy* Blue Chambray Shirts . . . . 49c Boys Sox 15c Caps . New Selection of 49c Fall Prints Women’s World Patterns 15c and 23c 10c and 15c CALDW ELL’S STORE NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 55F2