THE GATE CITY J OURNAL Published A t Nyssa, Oregon VO L U M E X X IX . G A T E W A Y T O T H E O W Y H E E A N D B L A C K C A N Y O N IR R IG A TIO N PROJECTS NO. 29. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon N Y SS A , O REG O N , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 29, 1935 Potatoes Make Record SEWER QUESTION; Nyssa For Quality On Chicago Market TO BE DISCUSSED i AT FRIDAY MEETING ÎC O U N T Y COUNCIL W IL L H O LD B O A R D M EET S A T U R D A Y Í L 5 0 PER Y E A R High School Football Prospects Rather Gloomy This Season TO GROUND EARL) The Malheur County Council of Parents and Teachers will hold a Coach John Young in looking over However their ability is as yet un Indications are that Oregon, and pipe line ranch by Flanigan and board meeting in Ontario at the particularly Malheur county, mayjHearon; and were given special high school Saturday, August 31 at football prospects for this fall finds, tried. take over the title of the leading f [ t care to arrive on the eastern market 2 o ’clock. Mrs. M. M Greeling, presi things none too bright. Graduation: Men lost by graduation were Spencer, Lankford, | western potatoe state Instead o fj in good shape, being sorted carefully, dent of the Council urges all of- cut In heavily last spring, with > Montgomery, Idaho. Idaho potatoes have built up I and were dug and picked during ; fleers to be present, visitors will also seven regulars ending their high | Claunch, J. Walters and B Walters.; i j Meeting in Ontario W ith reputatlon lhrough the years as the morning and evening only, to be welcome. Quite a bit of business school football careers. He faces the and Keck. To fill their shoes will be ** a r r y Shelton House, State Director Expected being the best potatoes grown, but get away from the injurious effect will be before the board and it is task of building a team around nine a task, according to Coach Young, Hay, Car and Furniture during the past few weeks, potatoes of the mid-day heat. ' necessary that the officers be pres returning lettermen; with all of the but by the time of the first game he to Bring Results. Destroyed — Cause o f experienced men being linemen. expects to have a creditable team to grown in Malheur county have been The season started out on Bliss ------ ent. Plans are to be made for the put on the field. , , » coming years work as well as the topping the market over the famous Lettermen whom Coach Young Fire Unknown. Triumph but Netted Gems are being nlUng of vacancles among t h e Football practice will start this Idaho tubers. will have to depend on this year are A meeting is to be held Friday week with practice being held in the S. E. Flanagan and J. E. Hearon shipped now. The sorting was done j committees and officers and ap- mLining at ten o clock in Ontario, at have rolled some 60 car$ to Chicago J A d r i a n at the J. C. Watson pack- j pointing new committees. A booth Cook, center and backfield man last evenings. All boys who want to try Fixe struck with devestating effect which time some definite action is markets and in nearly all cases have i ing plant which was leased by Flan- ( for the Malheui* county fair will be year Rust, tackle; Anderson, end, out for the team are invited to come exp tc ted on the local sewer system, i topped the market from 10c to 25c, ig&n and Hearon. Their potatoes, | planned and arrangements will be Fahmey. tackle; Slippy, guard; in and start practice. School starts! early Wednesday morning at the C. C. Hockley, acting state PWA dir- I over Idaho potatoes Wednesday a [ they say, are probably of no better made for the meeting of the County Nichols, guard; Pierson, end; John- Tuesday, September 3rd and the Harry Shelton home west of Nyssa, ector will te present at the meeting | car sold on the Chicag0 market for I quality than other potatoes grown Council which will be held in On ston, quarterback and Boren, guard, first game will probably be held with a complete loss of house, fur There are several promising huskies either September 13th or 20th. The niture, 53 tons of hay, a new Ford and plans being prepared by En $1.60, which was 10c better than the in this section, but careful handling tario, October 12. among the freshmen that only lack schedule for this year is being made and other valuable articles. gineer Fred McConnell of Caldwell Idaho product. They plan to shipj made it possible for their potatoes Mrs. Greeling has been holding experiencce to prove formidable anc j out and it is hoped that all games The cause of the fire is unknown. will be presented for Mr. Hockley's from 14 to 15 more cars this season, to command a premium by arriving schools of instruction relative to the several new boys have moved to this ; will be arranged ready for an- Mr. Shelton said there had been a criticism and suggestion. The |>ota toes were grown on the ' in good shape. Parent Teacher work in the various district who will be eligible this fall, j nouncement next week. fire in the cook stove about eleven Tile necessity for utmost speed is communities. Last Friday she met o ’clock, but was not burning very seen in the fact that President with the Oregon Trail unit at the j briskly when the family retired. Roosevelt changed the final date on home of Mrs. Chas Schweizer and ' : About three o ’clock Mrs. Shelton which applications for P.W.A. as STORES OF NYSSA Thursday she held a meeting with awoke to find the house in flames. sistance could be filed to September "RED INK" DANCE TO CLOSE MONDAY the Kingman Kolony group at the j She woke up her husband and the 3rd. This action came Tuesday. A. IS POSTPONED home of Mrs. C. C. Cotton. This ‘ children, and Mr. Shelton broke L. Fletcher, city attorney, made a week she was in Ontario on Tuesday Most of the business places out a window in the bedroom, push trip to Caldwell Wednesday to inter meeting with the Lindberg assoc ed his family to safety and then in Nyssa will be closed Mon view Mr. McConnell, and while his iation and on Thursday will meet Malheur county potatoes and threw as much stuff out the window day. September 3 In honor of plans are still not complete, It is ex Everything is in readiness to make as he could until the flames got too with the Wade group at the home of Labor Day. Many business pected they will be in shape to be melons w ee two of the prlnicipal the annual Flower Show sponsored hot. When the family awoke the Mrs. Prosser. items on the menu of the Monday men and clerks expect to take shown Mr. Hockley tomorrow. by the Nyssa Civic Club an attrac flames had gained such headway advantage of the two day It is possible to file application forum luncheon served to members tive event for the public. Admission there was no way out of the blazing holiday to make short vaca with preliminary plans and esti of the Portland Chamber of Com is free and everyone is urged to take building expect the bedroom win tion trips. Merchants antici mates and subject to results of merce. The potatoes were furnished I advantage of the opportunity to see dow. pate a brisk week end trade, future bond elections. In-as-much by S. E. Flanigan and J. E Hearron the splendid flowers grown in this due to holiday and the the as the plans for the Nyssa sewer |of N>,ssa and ^ Cleveland and N. A brisk breeze from the west car section. New settlers, especially, are opening of school Tuesday. arc not yet in blue print form, it will j Nitta of Vale. The melons were fur- invited to attend the affair. In ried the flames to a garage housing prot ably be necessary to file the nish« ! »y Jce Cloud of the Dead Ox order that a good display will be on a new Ford car which only had 220 plans in an incomplete form. Tire . section hand at the Eagles hall, where the miles on It; burning the car to a PARENTS OF SON balance of the data required by the ; In a letter from s ^ RrWte’ dir' show is being held Friday, the com shapeless mass of ruined machinery. The local Townsend club held a government has been completed. 1 “ tor of the department of agricul mittee is asking everyone who are There were other articles in the ture, he says the building was com- successful business and social meet flower lovers to put some of their garage which were destroyed, in pletely filled for the luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Browne are ing last Thursday evening in the blooms on display. Iced tea will be cluding a nearly new bicycle. KOLONY' P.- T. A. HOLDS that he personally discussed with the parents of a nine pound son basement of the Methodist Church, served by the ladies during the Not far from the house was tlie MEETING AT COTTON HOME the group the potential possibilities bom Saturday morning at the Pet- ! In election for vice president, A1 afternoon and evening with the milk house, containing a small of the irrigated sections of Malheur reson home in Parma. The young j Thompson was elected to the office show scheduled to close at 9 o ’clock kitchen heater, washing machine county. Those presents were much fellow has been named Gerald ! and a advisory board was chosen. A in the evening. Beginning at 7:30 and dairy eqlupment. All were lost Great Interest was shown in the Impressed by the quality of the Hugh. Mother and son are getting I total of 33 new members were added and until 9 o’clock, Chas. Wilson of in the fire. One of the noticeable ccming years work at a meeting of melons and potatoes, he said. The along splendidly. It0 the roll!i of the dub, making a Payette and his orchestra will play things was the enamel on the waslt- KOLONY TO HAVE _________________ ! total of over 100 in the club now. the Kolony P. T. A. held at the home Portland group expressed themselves for the enjoyment of visitors at the ing machine, which was not even ox the president, Mrs. C. C. Cotton as hoping that they might assist RECLAMATION MEET ASKS THREE NEW TEACHERS The next meeting will be hela show. cracked from the terrific heat. Friday afternoon. Mrs. M. Mi Greel- j and cooperate in any projects that CHANGE IN PAYMENT PLAN : Thursday- September 5th at which Judges were secured Tuesday to Sparks were carried to 53 tons of county president, outlined the of- wot d benefit the people of Malheur time "Big Ben" of Caldwell will be decide on the best blooms. It was hay stacked a short distance from fleers work for the year and broughtf county. the speaker, ih e public is invited Three new teachers will reside at Impossible for some of the original the house and it caught fire read fresh news fresh from the state j Mr. White also put some of the to these meetings. It has been de meet. The home is to be the live1 potatoes and melons on display and A new method of repayment of cided to hold regular meetings now the Kolony school this year, which judges to officiate, the judges select ily; burning completely up. A pole starts Monday September 2nd. The ed being Mrs. Christenson, Mrs. O. derrick at one end of the stack was issue of study throught the nation | after the meeting brought some to construction costs on federal recla- every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each ; teachers are Mr. J Wylie Hewitt of N Boyer and Mrs. E. C. Van Petten, Salem, where he has stored them to mation projects was proposed in a practically destroyed in the blaze. A in P. T. A. work this year. | Milton-Fx-eewater, who will have all of Ontario. Twenty-one ladles were present show or serve at the Oregon State resolution passed by the Oregon month. cellar close to the house had the charge of the upper three grades; roof burned off and much of the Reclamation Congress in annual at the meeting held in Mrs. Cotton’s Fair. j Miss Joy Crummett of Ontario, In session at Oregon State college de-l®TART MOVEMENT TO trees and grass about the house attractive garden. Mrs. Chas. N ew -; ------------------------ — termediate; and Miss Irene Tucker COMMERCIAL CLUB were ruined. Just a few articles of signed to end the need of further bill, Jr., and the children present as- e m m e t T NINE WINS RAISE FUNDS FOR HELPING WITH EXHIBIT 1 of Heppner, the primary grades. bed clothes and clothing were saved; sisted the hostess in serving re- LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP moratorium extensions. GRANGE BUILDING ! The planned addition to the | practically all the furniture and freshments. The next meeting »all The plan proposed is to base an Local Products Get High Praise 1 Flower Show Is Friday Feature ¡ Townsend Club Adds Members nual payments on five per cent of be held at tthe Kolony school house j -------- on Friday, September 6th. All mem- I the crop value each year rather than bers have been requested to be pres- Emmett won the championship of on a flat cash rate. The congress The ladles of the Big Bend grange ent as officers for the coming year, the Idaho-Oregon league Sunday by expressed gratitude for this past j mef Wednesday afternoon at the Boise 5 to 4 in the moratorium but said It need not be j home of Mrs. Harvey Hatch and will be elected and other important defeating second game of the playoff series. extended if this optional plan of re 1 started a movement to raise funds business transacted. Dean Johnston of Nyssa pitched for payment is adopted to build a grange hall in their dis- Emmett and besides getting a double trict. The meeting was held at the LOCAL CAR IN at bat, assisted in two double plays.. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrence and home of Mrs. Hatch, chairman of TRAFFIC MIX-UP He allowed 12 hits and struck out 10 , his brother Vernon, Mrs. Pud Long H. E. C. and organized a club, sel batters. This game closed the season and daughter Evalyn, and Flora ecting Mrs. Conrad Martin as sec Buddy Edwards was held by police for Emmett but Boise expects to Newton were dinner guests at the retary and Mrs. D. C. Duvall as In Boise for a short time Saturday schedule a few more games before J. T. Long home on Sunday. treasurer. as a result of being a passenger in the close of the season The members expect to meet again a car driven by Edward Stevenson Mrs. Lettie Alford returned Sun Thursday, September 5th at the of Nampa. Stevenson ran into park day after spending the week in Harvey Hatch home to perfect their ed cars owned by E. C. Van Dissell BUYERS OF SEASON TICKET I plans. SURE OF RESERVED SEATS of Grandview, Idaho and Harry Hoover, of Boise, Idaho, with all three cars being damaged. Stevenson was charged with drunken driving Every person buying a season and fined $100 and casts in police ticket for the Malheur County Fair court. The car belonged to Buddy and Race Meet from the girls in tlie Edwards; other passengers being queen contest, will have a reserved the Misses Mildred Johnson and seat in the center of the grandstand, Claire Cushman of Boise. No one according to announcement made was seriously injured in the mishap. this week. Tlie ticket number will correspond to the reserved seat at SARAZIN FAMILY HAS the fair. ENJOYABLE TRIP THRU It lias been suggested that people MIDDLE WEST STATES who expect to attend the fair give the girls encouragement by pur Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and five chasing their tickets now, for much children arrived home last Thursday of the success of the fair depends night following a three weeks va on the interest and spirit of the cation trip that took them as far people in putting the show over. Committees in charge of the fair east as Michigan. They w e n t through the Black Hills of South have arranged the liveliest county Dakota, which Dr. Sarazin states fair in some years, with every event ] Is a beautiful country. Conditions in scheduled certain to be a real thrill the drouth sections continue to be er. Girls selling the most tickets this bad and in most places, very little week gets an additional ten dollar crop is expected this year. The Sarazin family attended a prize, which is an added incentive family re-union in the upper pen for the girls to do their best and by | insula country of Michigan and even buying your ticket now, your favorite I packed back seven miles to a lake candidate will have a better chance where they had some excellent pike at the prize. Although there are several candi fishing. Their return trip took them through the Bad Lands of North dates from Ontario and Vale com Dakota and through a section of the peting for the valuable prizes and Yellowstone Park. Dr. Sarazin says honors. Nyssa girls have not shown a it was his first real vacation since great deal of interest. It has been he came to Nyssa and after going suggested that if any Nyssa girls ex through the sun-burned mld-weat, pect to get in the race, they should enter at once by leaving their names was mightly glad to be back home. at the Journal office. Tlie contest runs until September 12th, so there FISHING ON MALHEUR Is still time to win the contest. A party composed of Mr and Mrs. Bert Leinkaemper, Mr. and LOCAL BALL TEAM Mr Herb Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. W. WINS FROM BEULAH F McLing and Mr and Mrs Ernest MiClure left Saturday night for a few days fishing on the North F'ork The reclamation workers cf the Malheur river. The McClures Beulah challenged the Nyssa ball returned home Sunday night but team to a game .which was played the rest cf the party did not come Sunday at Beulah. The result was back until Tuesday night. an 8 to 0 victory for the locals. personal effects going up in smoke. | school has not been built as yet. so The Nyssa Commercial Club has There was some Insurance carried on I a large porch is being enclosed for donated $62.50 toward making an _ hay, furniture and on the new classroom purposes. A truck is being the j added this year to pick up students attractive Malheur County exhibit car; buY InTpltT’of “this Mr. Shelton at Adrian and in the Kolony dist- at the state fair and later for the will stand quite a loss. The house j rict, Ted Rogers of Adrian will be r aclflc rnternatlona>- The Vale club was owned by Roy Poe. who pur Ils donating a like amount and the chased the place last spring from | driver of the truck Ontairo club has put in $125. County Brady Fowlers. Mr. Poe’s present ad Agent Larsen will probably have dress ls unknown, but he Is expect Mr. and Mrs. Nate Young and charge of the exhibit. ed to arrive in Nyssa In a short time. Miss Katherine Young were Sunday This was the third fire suffered dinner guests of Miss Marion by Mr. Shelton in the past six FOSTERS LEAVE THURSDAY Nichols in Ontario. months. On March 21st he lost his TO MAKE HOME IN PORTLAND barn by fire and two weeks ago he Mrs. J. B. Hatch and Miss Beryl parked his car in front of his house, i Hatch, mother and sister of Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fotser and to find in the morning that It had 1 Elmo Hlgginson, were visitors lastjt,.ree younger children left Thurs been consumed by fire. The fire ; week at the Hlgginson home. day morning for Portland where Wednesday morning Just about they will make their home this wipes the place clean of buildings. j winter Mr. and Mrs. Faster and Mr. ( Fosters’ brother Wesley, made a trip j FLAG TOURNAMENT there last week to rent a house and T h e Eagles “Red Ink" WON BY RODEN make arrangements for having a dance advertised for this Sat urday night to raise funds to J lxcrmanent marketing place for their honey. They do not plan to move take care of the Rodeo deficit, O. O. Boden, president of the local has been indeflntely postpon- ! their bees, and the honey produc- club, won first prize at the ’flag ed. The lodge members feel ) tlon will still be carried on here. that since many people expect j Their new address will be 7104 tournament’’ held Sunday on the Woodstocki Nyssa course. In one of his rounds to leave Saturday for trips to the mountains, it would be 1 They plan to keep their shop open i he shot a 42, which he says ls the here an it will be in charge of How- | lowest he has ever made on the difficult to hold a profitable ard and Curtis Foster, who will live j Nyssa course. Dick Young was sec- dance Saturday night. The at the Foster farm In a trailer ond ln the tournament Sundny. rodeo committee lacked a Some 25 golfers took part In the house. They will rent the house. small amount of cash to pay The Foster family has lived here event. current bills, profits of the for twenty-two years, Mr. Foster rodeo being in what might be buying his present place and build termed, "frozen assets” rep RETURN FROM WYOMING ing the house when he came west resented by chutes, bleachers, with his bees. The four older child arena and other equipment ren will remain in this vicinity, »1th which are all paid for. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow and Crete Marie teaching at Owyhee and Monday evening Eleanor plans to attend the Nnz- family returned from a two weeks trip to Baggs. arene college at Nampa. Francis. Oracle and Tommy »ill Wyo. They came back by way of live ln Portland, and the two girls the Yellowstone park and report a will attend school there. Mr. Fosters’ delightful trip. While in Baggs they father A. F Faster, who spent the visited with Mrs. Glasgow’s parents, summer In Nampa » ill spend the and at one time during their visit cars from five different states were winter with them In Portland. at the home, belonging to their children who were home for a family BOYDELL FAMILY RETURNS get-together. MONDAY FROM BUTTE j j Mr and Mrs. Arthur Boydell and family returned Monday evening from a ten day vacation trip spent at Butte Montana. Mr. Boydell states the mines arc opening up again ln the Butte country and that conditions are getting ln better shape there. However he says he has no desire to live ln that part of the country and Nyssa looked good on their return. They came back Mon day driving the entire distance from Butte in one day; and also found time to stop in Buhl for a short time to visit friends. The distance ls slightly under 600 miles. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. D. R. De Gross and son returned Sunday from a months trip that took them through Calif ornia, parts of Mexico, Death Valley and the San Diego Exposition. They were accompanied on the trip by Leslie Klante, who stopped at his home at Salem on the return trip. Mr and Mrs. Earl Danley were ln Homrdale Friday evening call ing on Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hulllngs- worth