Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUM E XXIX. G A T E W A Y TO THE O W Y H E E A N D BLACK CAN YO N IRRIGATION PROJECTS Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG UST 22, 1935 NO. 28. $1.50 PER YEAH T n y s s a g o l f c l u b Irrigation Congress To Meet UW ¡ iftN QFT hfi\\$Pheasant Season Opens In PLANNING FOR FLAG lïlILLIUn au AülUC M alheur County October 13 th TO URNAM ENT SUN. In Vale Morgan Vice-Pres. F IRRIGATION NEEDS McCOY CHOSEN AS The Oregon Reclamation Congress | According to press reports emin- PIONEERS TO PIC N IC The Nyssa golf club plans to hold meeting at Corvallis Monday and ating from Baker, the grouse and ALTE R N A TE DELEGATE TO A T VALE ON AUGU ST 3« a "flo g " tournament Sunday moning Tuesday, selected Vale as their , native pheasant season in Baker and are asking alL members and N A T IO N A L CONVENTION meeting place tor 1636. In election oi i and Wallowa counties opened Tues- others Interested in golfing to turn oxficers, Robert W. Sawyer of Bend I day. August 20th and will remain Friday, August 30th has been set out for the event. In the flag tour was reelected president lor the fifth ! open until September 20th. The sea as the date for the annual picnic of nament each player will be alloted C. L. McCoy of Nyssa was elected consecutive term and Dr. W. L. son in Malheur and Union counties the Malheur County Pioneer Asso a certain number of strokes, figured Work on Project Across is to be from September 20 to Oct department the national Powers, „ „ head of the L„ c soil uc^ lIllcul ciation. The pioneers will gather at according to the comparative ability I “ an altenmle River Expected to Start ober 25th and the Grant county Riverside park at Vale in the mom" “ T h ^ ^ i o u s Players The pUyer Legl° n conve,uion at ,he recent at Oregon Stale College, was named season will also be from September ing. with a program and dinner to w h o g e t lt h e fur the rest around the state meeting heW at The Dalles tts secretaiy, a post he has held for With Canal Work. _____5 ____ ,___f ; Roseburg was chosen as the 1936 j nearly a quarter of a century. Frank 20 to October 25th. but only the kill be features One of the new innova course in his alloted number of Morgan of Nyssa. who has been at- ing of sooty and blue grouse will be tions this year Is a display of old strokes will be declared the winner. | convention city. j Those from Nyssa who attended | tending the sessions, was named legal. The bag limit is four birds in time pictures, showing pioneers, j the convention were Mr. and Mrs. I vice-president oi the organization One million dollars has been al any one day or eight in any con buildings, happenings and events of j McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge.' from the second district. Robert D. located to the Black Canyon irriga- secutive days. a by-gone day. The old time dance CIVIC CLUB HOLDS Don Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Archie I Lytle of Vale is included among the ticn project in Idaho which lies The open season on deer will be In the evening Is not a public affair across th? river from Nyssa In Pay- from September 22 to October 25th. OUTDOOR MEETING Howell and Chas. Paradis. Bill Cole ' directors from the second district, but is for tire pioneers and others of man stopped in the convention city j Governor Chas. H. Martin ad- • t c and Canyon counties. There is , The pheasant season in M alheur' r t ^ r a g T w h i ^ h V e i e c t ' t o ' ”in- A T BARRETT HOME briefly last week and then went on j Messed the assembly Monday and 36,000 acres of irrigated land In the | county will be from October 13 to vite. to Portland to visit relatives. ntw project and it is believed that November 3 with a bag limit of six brought a cheering message. He said, before many years pass the country j birds in any one day and not to ex- “Oregon is at the threshold of tc the east of Nyssa will be dotted | ceed 12 in any seven consecutive About 35 women, including some greatest opportunity for advance visitors Horn Ontario, were present with prosperous farms. Tills has ciays. It will be unlawful to take ment in its history as a result of the long been a dream of civic leaders more than two female Chinese at the Civic Club meeting at the efforts of forward looking individ of this section and with the In itial; pheasants in any seven consecutive pretty country home of Mrs. C. W. uals and groups who have the wel allocation, prospects are extremely days. Any birds in addition to the Barrett on Wednesday afternoon, fare o f the state at heart and bright for an early completion of the general possession of eight phea j After a short business meeting, Mrs. through the large sum of money project. which will be spent in the state by sants must be tagged with a metal Activity around Nyssa took a jump : Barrett save a talk on flowers. A A splendid peach crop is reported the various branches of the federal The project provides for a stor game tag before they are taken Monday when lettuce thinning crews jnote was ieac* lrom Mrs. Betty La- age reservoir, probably at Garden from Malheur county into any other started to work on several hundred i *s visiting relatives in on the John Prati peach orchard a government." Valley and a canal system for dis county. acres of this crop In the Nyssa sec- ®an Francisco. Mrs. LaFreixz was to mile south of town and Mr. Prati The governor praised highly the says he expects a crop of from three tribution of the water over the work of the reclamation congress The Hungarian partridge season tion. The H. F. Hogue company j have been hostess for the day but to four bushels to the tree from his 36.000 acres of the project. The In Malheur and Its leadership in orderly de- county will be from alone has approximately 1000 acres ' her place was filled by Mrs. Pete reservoir will act as a water storage October 13 to November 3 with a bag growing under contract or by them- Tensen. Ice tea and cookies were five year old orchard. Harvesting velopment.of natural land and water of the heavy crop of Elberta peaches served at the close of the afternoon. place anti will also be valuable for lim it of six in any one day or 12 In 1 selves. The Idaho Equity Exchange resources. will start in approximately two flood control purposes, holding back any seven consecutive days. also has a large acreage of lettuce weeks. the high spring waters of the Pay The bull elk season will be open under contract in this section, The 24 acre orchard is unique in GRADING CONTRACT EMMETT W INS FIRST ette river. from November 10 to 19th. both j The Hogue company just finished p i i i r p w p Ç F B I C Ç ' one respect’ ln that the elUire ° r ' The entire cost of the project is dates Inclusive. No one will be per- a successful pea harvest at McCall TO BE LET SOON u A l V l L U r j L R I L j chard Is located on an island. To estimated in the neighborhood of mltted to enter the hunting area to (where they grew 700 acres this ' get the peaches to market, it Is nec- t' lir million dollars. The initial al- 1 establish camp before noon of Nov- year. The frost last week did but essary to ford the Snake river ln a location will c an y the work through ' ember 8th. I little damage to their fields but Included in the list of highway Tlie Emmett Loggers won the first I high-wheeled wagon. Water at the tlie first year. The present funds ! hastened the closing date. Tests are federal a three-game series for t h e ¡fording place comes up to a depth projects approved by the of will be used principally for adding to J. A. TE R TE LIN G GETS j being made for germination and if roads bureau and which will receive Idaho-Oregon pennant when they of from three to four feet. the present canal and lateral sys JOB B U ILD IN G BRIDGE “ * found thBt Ule I * 38 are suitable defeated Boise Sunday by a 5 to 1 The soil on the Island has been consideration at the meeting of the tem. ________ for seed purposes, the balance of the tally. D e a n Johnston o f Nyssa found to be ideal for the growing of state highway commission at Port J. A. Tertellng and sons were low crop wiu be harvested for seed. although only being land on Sept. 5th Is a stretch of pitched, for Emmett, holding Boise I leaches and YO UNG FISHERM AN bidders on an operating bridge lo -j The early potato harvest is p ra c-__________________ to four hits and _________________ striking out ten. planted five years ago, some of the load in Malheur county. Contract CATCHES 3*4 LB. BASS cated near the Owyhee river siphon, tically over, with good yields but an |The woelc before Johnston pitched trees have m a d e a remarkable for grading will probably be let on The bids were opened on the 15th. ] unfavorable early potato market. ;or Boise when they defeated Pay- growth and are literally loaded with a stretch of 5.79 miles of the Chim ney creek-Juntura section of the LeRoy Duffy, who is visiting his His bid for the job was $1.132.50. Shipments have been slowed down ef te for the right to play In the final luscious fruit this year. Central Oregon highway. grandmother Mrs. Sumner Jones in Other bidders were Geo. Henly and ¡and the market Is not very active |serles on this crop. Some shipments of Oregon Trail, outdid some of the J Morrison and Knudsen. STEP-M OTHER IS A F IR ST ______________ __ | onions will roll from the Nyssa older fishermen in this vicinity FINAL D R A W IN G COUSIN OF W II.E ROGERS when he caught a 3H pound bass in v r E - C L I c r n D C C V f \ section this week. Second cutting FORMER RESIDENT n U r i D C U K IL D M i haying Is In full blast with a good the Owyhee river. He is only ten LAST SATUR D AY years old. and was very proud of his OVER PAT RAFFERTY crop of excellent quality feed. The IN SERIOUS TROUBLE ________ j grain harvest is still on but most of flno catch. Ed Wolfe was especially interested A large crowd attended the final this crop has been threshed. Kenny Keech. who won a knock in the news of Will Rogers’ death distribution of shares ln the Nyssa I J. A. Moore of Condon, Oregon, out over Pat R afferty at the rodeo \ last Thursday afternoon for he Is merchant's profit McFadden— Points sharing days j and a former resident of Nyssa. is indirectly boxing card in Nyssa: scored an- j related to the famous which have been running during the INJVR IES FINGER j being held In jail in The Dalles humorist. His step-mother is a Miss Pauline McFadden and Ellis other knockout Wednesday night at j I facing a charge of setting fire to a cousin of W ill Rogers and Ed and summer months and every person Points were united in marriage Caldwell over the W ilder battler. I t j whose name was called was present grass skirt worn by O laf Nelson of humorist and to claim their prize. Sunday night at 11:45 by the Jus was in the fifth round that R afferty Buddy Edwards injured his finger Oakridge. Nelson died in a Portland the famous actor, floored Keech for a count of eight, writer grew up in neighboring towns tice of Peace Leo Balligner at Pay Sunday when a gun was being hospital Tuesday. The grand prize of $50 was award but he got up o ff the canvas and ln Oklahoma, although Mr. Wolfe ette. hand to him and it accidently ex clouted Pat on the jaw that put him Nelson was injured when someone was not personally acquainted with ed to Clyde Shultz. Other prize The bride is the daughter of Mr. flat on his back. The bell rang be- ploded. He will probably lose the use winners were Dick Jordan, Nate set fire to grass skirt he was wear Rogers. ---- a |--------■ ------------------ aud Mrs. Jess McFadden of Apple the referee had finished count of the finger for a few weeks. Bud- ing. He became panic stricken and | Mrs. E. V. Quinley, a sister of Mr. Young, J. B. Mitchell, Mrs. Stella Valley- The groom Is the son of Mr. his ^ werc unable t0 ( dy particu arly regrets the accident dashed down the street and before Wolfe, has been visiting in Calif - Butler. Mrs. Jacob Oroot and L. O. and Mrs. S. D. Points of Nyssa. For ^ ve enough t0 « , „ * out for 38 he had Just been signed to fight a Klinkenberg, who all received $1 ----- - will semi-final at the Boise boxing show the fire could be extinguished it had [ om la since the first o f the year and prizes. Tw o dollar prize went to O. the present * “ the ------- young couple the next round. burned over 70 per cent of his body, j knew Rogers personally. No infor- j on the 29th .and the Injury will Moore lived here three years ago. mation has been received as to R. Nichols. $3 to Mrs. W. S. Jones. make their home on the Owyhee. j make it necessary to postpone the being IDAHO N A T IO N A L GUARD connected with the Standard i whether she was among the 100 $4 to Ray Garrison, $5 to Mrs. Ed date. TACOMA O U T F IT GETS Oil company in Nyssa. While he was 1 friends and relatives admilted to the i Warren, $10 to Mrs. Oeo. Greene TO LEAVE PEA FIELDS I and $20 to Fleta Campbell. STRUCTURE W ORK here he made many friends who j funeral in Los Angeles today Le ttu ce Thinning Sta rts H ere Mon. Good Peach Cro p From Yo un g Trees 1 j i Ï0 SCHOOL DUTIES SEPI. 3RD Staff of Teachers Com plete for Coining Year — Students A s k e d to Register. School bells will ring in Nyssa again September 3rd, calling pupils and teachers back for another school year, according to the an nouncement of Supt. Leo Hollenberg. Alterations at the high school gym to make two additional school rooms are complete and the staff of teach ers hired for the coming year. The faculty will be almost the same as last year, the only change ln the high school lineup will be the addition of Vernal P. Shoemaker of Elgin as science teacher. Mr. Shoemaker is a graduate of the University o f Oregon and comes to t h e local system highly recom mended. John O. Young will have rharge of mathamatlcs and boys athletics again this year. Ruby Denny will teach English and have charge of girls athletics. Mrs. Ada Haworth will be in charge of history courses and Clara H. Rettle will teach com mercial. Supt. Leo Hollenberg. ln addition to executive duties will teach mechanical drawing, study hall, and possibly fill ln should the enrollment be more than expected. In the grade school the teachers will be. Mrs. E, M. Benson, 1st; H et ty Medesker. 2nd; O. Eva Boydell, 3rd; Margaret Young. 4th; Orant Rinehart, 5th; Elizabeth Ann Jones, 6th; Nettle Medesker, 7th and Owen W. Price, 8th. High school students have been requested by school authorities to register at the high school building before September 1st. There will be someone at the high school to take care of registration. Boys athletics are expected to get underway next week will» start o f light football practice. No formal practice will be held but boys who want to get ln shape will work out. Reguar practice will start with the first day of school with a possibility of the first game about the middle of September. N AM PA MAN SPEAKS BEFORE TOWNSEND CLUB Dr. W. C. Nolty of Nampa was the principal speaker at the Townsend meeting held Friday night hi the Community church. He touched on banking questions, saying that the Federal banks were able to borrow money from the government at a low rate of Interest and then lend it to their customers at a much in creased rate of interest. He likened this to a pension for the Federal banks, saying the officers of these banks received $1000 per month at the close of twelve years service and their salary is $50,000 per month. He warned the members of tlie | ToT n .in d 7ub'rgalnsTtroilble“ ‘n ^ k - ers who might try to disrupt the ranks of the club by spreading false Information and reports. A t ttie close of the meeting. Attorney M c Neil of Nampa gave a short talk. have expressed their regret that the i C O U NTY COURT ORDERS prank turned out so serious. OR. N O R C O TT TAKES OW YHEE ROAD CLOSED Moore says he had just lighted a cigarette and carelessly tossed the j V AC ATIO N FROM OFFICE The county court ordered the old lighted match away. Other witnesses | A meeting of Central Oregon road near the new Owyhee bridge claim that Moore deliberately set the highway boosters has been called closed Tuesday and instructed the grass skirt afire for a Joke. I Dr. E. D. Norcott is taking a vaca- county surveyor to proceed with the for September 13th and 14th a t , _______________ Burns, according to word received | I tion from Jils dental office In Nyssa | necessary steps to vacate. The road here Governor Martin and members CIVIC CLUB FLOWER land has leased the business to Dr. was formerly part o f the Nyssa- of the state hlghway commission |j. T. Burton for an indefinite per- Valley highway ’ and_ was ! are e x p e c t io be present and a SHOW N E X T F R ID A Y iod. Dr. Burton is a graduate of the Jordan made unnecessary by the building of North Pacific Dental school o f Port- the new bridge. “ ,, 'demand for a completion o f the Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg anc route will ^ laid before tbe 0f. l land and had an office of his own The matter has been pending be- family and Mr. and Mrs , John ficials By compietion of this route, „ , „ . . f„ m ,-------- —.........- ............ .. ............ The annual flower show sponsor«, in Portland before he sold out last f(}re the court for tlme and lt Young j^turned ^nday^nlg^ 1; a considerable distance can be saved : by the Nyssa Civic Club will b e :A Pril For the four months prior to was f j nally decided the best for all a two weeks outing spent at »»»■- l going fpom a - 1„„<— ----- " -------- J thrown open to the public next Fri- comini< to N>'»sa he worked in Ore- concerned was to close the old road. Nyssa * to - *u- the Bend I Iowa lake and surrounding country- country. day afternoon at two o’clock The Igon C|t>' I About 3370 feet of highway Is in- TOWNSEND CLUB TO show will remain open until 9:30 In ------------------------ volved. HOLD COOKED FOOD SALK the evening, giving every flower j COMPLETE NEW IIO>u; j TOWNSEND CLUB TO flower an opportunity to Inspect the , „ Tlie Ernest and Leslie McClure Nyssa1 ON OWYHEE PROJECT familes spent Sunday at the C. O. HOLD SOCIAL M EETING many lovely blooms from The local Townsend club plans to gardena. McClure home at Caldwell where hold a cooked food sale at the Nys Daffodil bulbs will be given as Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfleler have they attended a family dinner sa Packing Company place of busi prizes this year and a door prize completed their fine new home on honoring their mother’s birthday. ness on Saturday, August 24th The local Townsend club is hold given to some lucky visitor. There their Owyhee project farm. It Is a ing a social meeting tonight at the are a number of different classes on modem dwellling. The Idaho Power Community Church w i t h every the premium list with prizes for the company completed the construction member instructed to bring a new Near approach of the signup cam- | quired the first year of tlie new first and second best blooms. Judges of a branch line this week to the paign for the new four-year wheat contracts. Instead of 15 per cent re member to the meeting. will be Mrs. E. C. Van Petten and Pfleler residence bringing electricity | production contol plan is heralded | duction the figure Is now placed at Mrs. Joe Cooper of Ontario and Mrs. for their house and farm buildings : with the calling of a regional con- j 5 per cent. Secretary Wallace an- \ --------- - — Mr. and Mrs. Lester Inghram of Ray Wilson of Parma. This means that each ference of extension workers to be in | tiounced. . . . . Nampa spent Sunday at the J. H. grower may seed up to 95 per c e n t;Hunter home charge of the educational program, The Wm. Schireman, Earl Harman Mi's. Don Todd has been visiting and the announcement o f a new o f his base acreage for 1936. and Ralph Hollingsworth families, her mother in Wilder. In making the announcement J Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell and j Mr. and Mrs. Blakemore and Mrs. reduction percentage. Girls of Nyssa, as well os girls of 10 per cent on every ticket they sell. Mr. and Mrs. Berwyn Burke and Boise. Idaho will be the meeting Secretary’ Wallace pointed out that children left Friday for Butte. Mont . Blakemores' mother, and Mr. Nelson son Billy; Ronald Burke. Mae Kelz- t,le neigfiboing communities have In addition to commissions, there la adequate authority is given tlie AAA I where they will visit with Mrs. | picnic at Owyhee dam Sunday with place August 30 and 31 for north er and Mrs. Frank Burke spent Sun an excellent opportunity make some special cash awards for the girls under the new amendments to meet Boydell's mother the Allen Johannesen family. west leaders of the new program. school money as well as a chance of selling the most tickets each week. day fishing at Olive Lake Because of the familiarity of the ex the situation if the 1936 crop should I being Queen of the Malheur county T o the girl selling the most ticket# prove to be exceptioanlly large. Sub- j M r- and Mrs Dolph Felton and tension workers with general pro W. C. Jackson returned from a fair, if they are willing to get out from August 22 to August 28th, goes sequent annual reductions ln acre- children returned last week to their cedure now. fewer men will be called trip to Portland Sunday, bringing and work the next three weeks. a crisp $10 bill. Olrls who want to age may be as much as 25 per cent home at Kimberley, Idaho, after in. Only three will go from Oregon, with him his son, Alfred, who ex The contest committee has an compete for the liberal prizes should lt Is announced by the* extension i under the new contracts. The largest «pending several days visiting Mr pects to visit at the Jackson home nounced that they want two more register at once and get a bonus of reduction yet required was 15 per A lto n ’s mothtr Mrs. Mary Felton. service for a week. entries from Cairo, two from Big 1000 votes as this week Is the last - 1 - Details of the new contract will |cen* * * * / * ” * y5af _ ° f . the prasent Overnight visitors Wednesday at Bend, three from Vale, three from chance to pick up this 1000 votes Mrs. Laura Fisher and daughter be discussed at the Boise meeting oonU cU ,foUowed *T »0 P « cent r e - l the Btlrk(, home were Mrs. Caldwell rodeo boosters "shooting Adrian and three more from Nyssa Besides the trip to Portland and duction for the current season. H. F Good, Mrs. Loretta Roberts up tlie town" Monday night . . . Oladeen spent several days this The thing to do Is register at once ; $50 prize to the winner, the girl and general procedure agreed upon While . the United States continues ^ __ . and daughter Rosemary, all of Norcott Service crew laying a new week at the Earl Fisher home at at the contest headquarters In the placing second will receive a prlzs for conducting the campaign as this wheat production adjustment ,owa PalIl Iowa; and Mr and „ „ cement approach . . . Nyssians re Frultland. Miss Edith Hezeltlne was early as possible this fall. It is basement of the Roxy Theatre ln | of $26 and have the honor of being porting a good time at Boise Legion In charge of the Fisher Apparel p nned uTsign up about 52 000,000 progr* m’ ® * ^ * h » l decided to try ;C R Dryden of Wendell. Idaho Ontario or at the Journal ln Nyssa queens attendant Third place wln- a ,es under the new contracts, or at ^ v e jn m en U l price pegging as a convention . . . Eddie Powell install Shop during their absence. The contest Is being conducted so j ner receives similar honors with means of handling Its growing Mr. and Mrs. O. Campbell and ing automatic stoker . . . Harry least as much as Is under contract C. C. Hunt and daughter Margaret that everyone wUl receive a liberal a cash prize of $15 These prizes are S wheat surplus problem Under this daughter Alta and Mr. and Mrs Shelton Insuring everything follow ln the present program. returned Saturday from a weeks reward for time spent. T o the girl in addition to commissions and plan the grower Is allowed to sell Chester Sager spent the week end ing loss o f car by fire . . . Family visit at Yakima with Mr. and Mrs. selling the most season tickets to the special awards. Uigust crop reports showing a on the open market as usual If he at Kent. Wash They left here arriving ln town with everything on Merrit Oreeling, Jr. Mrs. Hunt, who fair, which is being held September Olrls Interested ln entering the sharply reduced wheat yield because desires or sell at fixed price to the Thursday and returned Sunday, car from three tents to crate of had spent the past three weeks with 12. 13 and 14th; goes the honor of contest may register at the Journal of black rust and heat In the spring government agency. The procedure visiting also In Seattle. Portland and ducks. her daughter, returned home with being Queen, a free trip to Portland office, get a book o f tickets; and get wheat areas, brought a revision of resembles somewhat the old U. 8 In Bend with Mrs Campbell’s broth- them. Miss Margaret made a trip on and a cash prize of $50.00. Besides right in line to make some money If the pccentage reduction to be re-| farm board stabilization operations er. to Portland while away. this, every contestant will be paid they are willing to work. t A construction company new to this section of the country were low bidders on the structure job located In the vicinity of Sheep Creek, west of Nyssa in the Mitchell Butte div ision. Bids were opened at Ontario Wednesday morning. The successful bidder was H. J. Adler of Tacoma. Washington, who placed a figure of $14,293 50 on on the job. Other bidders were John Gardner of Klamath Falls with a bid of $14.- 579; and Dave Richardson with a bid of $16,101, besides Fife and Co.. J. A. Tertellng and Sons and Oeo. B. Henley. The Idaho national guard, which was called out last week to settle a dispute in the Teton county area between pea pickers and growers, was withdrawn this week. The guardsmen were sent to prevent violence among 15000 striking pea field workers. About 100 agitators were deported from the area, mak- ing it possible for those who wanted to work to get back on the job. W ORK TO W AR D O IL IN G OF C EN TR AL H IG H W A Y ROUTE New W h e at Control Plan To Be Put In O peration More Entries W anted In Contest For Q ueen of Fair ROUND TOWN / % . Î 1