Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1935. Orson Leavitt, Indgt. »10. Steve 20. Walter L. Kceic, Circuit court Indgts. for May. 1935 $377.85. Gold Smith, Labor »20 Ed. Dowell, labor Concrete Pipe Co. Concrete Pipe Wukelitz, Indg. $10. Harvey Stupii- juror $3 20. A. T. Monson. Circuit en Rule Store, Supplies for County $165. E. Dowell labor $30. Francis $100.10. C. H. Blackburn, Bridge contract $17460. George H. Bodfish ens, Indgt. $7.50. Clias. E. Dinkey, court juror $3.20. A S Hunt, circuit indgts. $12.83. Drs. Weese, Palmer & Bali labor $20 Alvin Smith labor $9 4. Carl Huston labor $65. Ike Jen Gas and Oil $12.23. Sam Stump, Indgt. $10. Mrs. Tlllie Pierce, Indg ' court juror $3.20. W. R. Johnson, Belknap, Prof, services rendered sen Labor $19.25. H Vincen, labor Labor. $39.06. State Indus. Acc. $12.50. Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Indgt Circuit Court Juror $3.20. C C Coats, county indigent« $270.50. Ontario $10. Wm. Johnson, labor $33.47. Comm. Insurance $41.55. David F Parma, Edit 'd by Nyssa, $12.50; Doc Hager, Indgt. $10; Mrs circuit court juror »3.20. Tom Allen Groceteria, Supplies for Indgts $25. Torn L. Skinner, Labor $18. E. V. Graham. Expense County F.oncs, City of Ontario, Burial Lots fur Bendixon. Labor $12.50. Chas. S. $12.70. David V. Graham. Expanse Idaho BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. Oregon Addie Bridges, Indg. $10; Mrs. R. J. Circuit court witness $23.50. Arling- _ .County Indgts. »60. Rcbet. D. Lytle, Law, Labor $20. Ed Dowell, Labor County roads $7.30. Vale Supply Co. 1 * Local Businessmen ^the National. By the way, "Our ivers, Indg, $10. Mrs. G W Baker, ton Hotel, room for Pitts family 1 Rent of office for Malheur Relief $18. Francis Ball Labor $7.50. Alvin Read supplies $33.86. Wallie—“Gee, pop there’s a Prices are Right." Indg. $10. Dr. Geo. Bean $15. Miss $2. Murray Morton. Held work, of- 1 commission $12. Boyer Bros, and Co Smith, Labor $12. Carl Huston- LIBRARY ¡FUND man at the circus who jumps on Emma Peterson, Indg. $7.50; Mrs. flee supplies and expense $92.63 supplies for Indgts. for May $35.90. Labor $7.50. Ike Jensen. Labor $7.50. Malheur County Library, Expense a horse's back, slips underneath, Ida M Craig, Indg. $10. Morton Lesh Paul Grandona, House rent for Mc- Ontario Laundry. Water sets at 39c. You can’t Laundry for H. Vincen, Labor $7.50. H. L. Bucliert $320.07. catches hold of Its tall and fin afford to be without a water set Indg. $20. Mrs. Louie Hyde, Indg. Kinney family *10. t h e O ld Mens H o m e $6.20. Labor $54. J. W. Gardner, Labor JUNTURA GRAZING DISTRICT ishes up on the horse's neck.” when you can get a big pitcher ? }2;a0i ,j0h,? Mt.d,u°ck' *7'50’ I Bancroft Whitney Co. Oregon Dt- C. C. Anderson Co. Supplies for $36. Bob Shaw, Labor $16.25. Harold Joe Bassett, Head Range Rider Dad—“Thats easy. I did all and six glasses for the trifling r tv „ (me ‘“ e Indg' **2;®0; 8£St and reports for Circuit court. Indgts. $8.06. Eder Hardware Co. Wilson .Labor $39. G. Plaza, Labor that the first time I ever rode a sum of 39c. R. S. Quick, indgt $2. C. P. Hudson, Labor $13.50. Paul $175. James Diven, Range Rider $120 TnriT o s n 6' w1 d! A ' i F) CBe' $23.25. Remington Rand Inc. Rent Groceries for Ruby Kelley, Range rider $120. Roy horse.” s7 so i 1 A IndgL on typewriter for Circuit Court $3. $10. Boise Payette Lb. Co. Lumber Raney, Labor $12, Don Shiits, Labor McNulty, Range rider $120. P H. and Supplies, coal, cement, etc. for When in need of a good pocket $7.50. Virgil E. Johnson, Labor $5 2 ™ ', ’JIT“ « Da' id F- Graham, Acct. indgt. $15. . s. Lrlhan M. Newby. Indg. $12.50. David F Graham, Acct. Indgt. $15. Old Mens Home $14.12. Vale Diuc Jay C. Rowan. Labor $22.50. H. N Johnson. Range rider $120. Our new 1936 Aladdin (Kero knife, see our assortment. All our JORDAN VALLEY GRAZ. DIST. Howard Freeman. Indgt $10. Mrs ^ P. Graham, stamps for Store. Medical supplies for indgts. Phipps, Labor.,, $3.75. sene' mantle lamps are on dis knives carry a guarantee. You Kenneth John Bal.zcr, Range rider $10. C. E. Smith, Indgt $10 Mis. A. B County Court for May $3 50 David $62.15. Boise Payette Lbr. Co. Wood Davis, Labor $2.50. Harold Essy, play. The new designs are beau must be satisfied. Butcher knives, Garrett, Indg. $10. Mrs C C Kilbum p G aham, Stamps and box rent for for W. R. Johnson and others, indgs Laboi $3.75. A. E. Gibbs, Labor A. A Smith, Services as atty, for tiful. More pure white light than bread knives and other cutlery of Indgt $15. George Schiemer, Rent ! County Court for Apra $160 The $45.75. PetersonSs Furn Co Burial of $67.50. G. O. Smith, Labor $6.40. N. Grazing Di-st. $75. Neal Shea, range possible to obtain with ten or quality at treasonable prices. of house to Mrs. Gildea $5. Mrs. Malheur Enterprise. County Court, Mrs. Henry Raat $40. Malheur Home S. Hansen, Labor $28. C Reed. Labor j rider $171.50. Andrew Greeley, 1 day dinary lamps. No pumping, no John Bennett, Rent of house t o , clerk, Assessor and Supt. of Schools Telephone Co. Phones from Dist. $0.25. W. E. Wirth, Labor »1. Sam j and mileage $6. J. T. Glover, range pressure, burns ordinary kerosene “Get Oil Minded." See the rider $153.40 S E. Ross, board Fields family $5. East Side Grocery, ¡$49 88 Scribner Adams Motor Co.. Atty's - office $2.30. Valley . Printing Elliott, Labor $27. quietly and efficiently. Abso beautifully designed Oil Heater Ladd Elliott,! meeting $3. W. S Bruce board meot- Rent of house to H A. Bowman $8. ( Expense on Ford Car of Sheriff !Co- Supplies for School Supt. $15.65 lutely safe. No odor. Stop and see we have on our floor and let us Labor $28.75. Howard White, Labor ing $6. Mrs. F. B. Zutz, Rent of house to $o".69, c. W. Glenn. Expense of Dr W W. Jones, Vital Statistics .75; $26.25. Kenneth White, Laboi $2.50.1 them. Priced from $495. tell you how to heat your home Mrs Craig. $5. Mrs. John Brcwn, Act ; sheriff's office $4.50 C. W. Glenn. Dr- J J- Sarnzin. Vital Statistics R. L. Powell, Labor $2. Earl Black- ' this coming winter in a clean Hattie Dugger $10. Mrs. N. Hat- 'Traveling expense as Sehriff $29.20 $*25. Mrs. Margaret M. Payne Vital burn. Labor $2. Geo Black, Labor.! Enjoy your camping trip with way. No coal to carry in, no ashes field. Act Mitchell boy, Charlie $7.50 Graham Insurance Co. Auto insur- Statistics $17.50. Ms. Louise Wilcox, $3. Bob Black, Labor *1.25. Clifford ; a KampKcok. Instant lighting. to cany out. Trouble free heat, Mrs C L. Palmer. Act Edmund ance on sheriff's car $75.79. C. W. $5.75. Mrs. C. W Long, Indemnity Black, Labor $1.25. C J Hunter, no generating, no pre-heating., The American Oil Burning heat- Amot $7.50 Mrs. Nellie Betts, Indgt Glenn, Traveling exp. as sheriff for Tubercular cow slaughtered $7.50 Labor $3.25. Francis Cammann, Burns with a clear blue flame, ers are outstandiny in many fea- $15. Ontario Natl. Bank. Ey order $i025 c . W. Glenn, Traveling exp. W. C. Brown. Supplies for Court Labor $8. Steve Woodward, Labor Folds and carrys like a suit case. I tures and made in both circu- of Murray Morton. Assessor $20 as Sheriff $11.02. C W Glenn. Trav House $3. Dean Smith , Circuit $5. G. E. Rutherford. Labor $6150. You will be pleased with a Karnp latlng and radiating types. J. & E. Kilpatrick. Indgt. waves. Old eling expense as sheriff $78.08. C. court juror $19.40. Roscoe Starr, O. F. Bronson, Labor $36. J. D. Koop. Ask us to demonstrate. I --------- Mens Home S75. Angela Unamuno. w Glenn Board of County Prison Circuit Court juror $19. A. B. Fras Adams Co.. Grader and supplies --------- | Dress up the Kitchen with Rent. Old Mens Home $30. Mrs. J. ers $48 50 west Coast printing and er, Circuit court juror $19. Mike $346.48. Boise Payette Lumber Co. TO SEE There nr: no better Pressure | some of our new “West Bend" A. McNulty. Rental for Riggins fo r ! Bndg Co supphes for Sheriff's of- Needham. Circuit court juror Supplies $40.43. Highway Garage. Cookers made than the'National' aluminum. Attractive new effic- May $7. Mrs. Elizabeth Raeburn, j fjCe acc4 collection of taxes $23.50 $15.60. M. C Imler, Circuit court Labor $6.50. Home Lbr. and Coal A pioneer in the field and proven iont shapes; Fercolators, sauce Indgt. $10. Mrs. Hattie Reed. Act c w Glenn Stamps for sh eriffs juror $20.80. Raymond Gutteridge, Co. Supplies $41.41. J. N. Turner, bryond question the most eeon- ns. tea kettles, covered kettles, Mrs. Abe Lewellen $15. cffice. acct collection of taxes $3. Circuit court juror $20.80; G. C. Labor; trucking $4. Van Petten omical and satisfactory vav *■ do-:Me boilers, etc. For lasting Before You Sell | Fred Augusus Ausmus, Old Age West Coast Pmtg and Bndg Co. Vest, Circuit Court juror $18 80. Lumber Co. Fence Posts $7. Lar can your produce, meats, e tc , I my. select West B e n d Your J. E. Bennett. Circuit court juror son Motor Co. Repair work $3.75. Legal blanks for County clerk $2.50. Pension $10. Abram Leweleln, Old us show you the advantages of Aluminum. A P. Ackerman, Circuit Walter Keele, Taking grader to Age Pension $10. John B. Turner, [ West Coast Pntg. and Bndg. Co. $15.20; ----------------- — ■= = = - ~~ Old Age Pension $10. Mary Jane Supplies for County Clerk (Dog court juror $18.40. Frank Miller, Adrian $6.50. L. K. Bullock, Sup ----------------------- - ■ - | Jones, Old Age Pension $10. phil- License Tags) »10.60. Hetrher’s Circiut court juror $19.40. Klaas plies, gas and oil $68.63. L. K Bul Stam, Circuit court juror $20.80. C. lock, Supplies $31.26. C. C Anderson ographer $100 Jean Burrelle Dep- LEGAL ADVERTISING _ . , cnia Ellen Smith, Old Age Pension, Typewriter Exchange, Typewriter A. Keefe, Circuit court ’ , uror $18.40 Co. Supplies for Madeline Marley, See us for your sacks and .......... " .. ........... ~ Reed, ' Old age repairs for “ Clerk's uyt Assessor, $125. Mildred Bennett $15 Hattie Elizabeth Clerks office office $12.50 pension $10. John E. Johnson. Old Frankel Carbon Co.. Carbon paper J. E. Sapp, Circuit court juror $15.20 $11.09. Mrs. M J Schutter, Supplies twine Harry Featherston, Circuit court NOTICE .Clerk. Assessor’s Office $100. O ra; Age penslon $10 Edmund Baxeter for County clerk's office $5.50. Gate $32.05. Theo. Matherly. Labor $5. IS HEREBY GIVEN That the fol- j Li°Pe' County Treasurer $100 Kath- V/ood, Old Age Pension $15. William City Journal, Supplies for County juror $15.50. F. W. Smith Circuit Electric Service and Battery Co. . , ^ n Claypool, County School supt. w Glenn, Old Age Penison $10. Clerk's office; for Treasurer’s o f court juror $20. Nelson P. Grover, Auto Supplies $5. Helm & Yturri lowing claims against Malheur $125 00 Dr Anna B Pritchett,! Susan O Cartwright, Old Age P e n -, fice $12.30. Ernest Fenwick, Field Circuit court juror $17.40. E. B. York Supplies $5.05. Hager Hardware, County for the Month of May. 1935, County $25.00. A . G. !slon Silas Cartwright, Old _ Age Deputy Assessor »52. Chas. Cox, Circuit Court witness $9. Frank V. . . physician . ___ . $15. . . . ____________ ________ were considered and ORDERED Moore. Stock Inspector $33.33; John i Pension $5. Chas. Thos. Ferrell. Old Field Deputy Assessor $24. West Kennedy, Circuit Court witness $9. Supplies $1.92. Home Lumber & Coal paid as follows: |Hart Janitor, $99.69. State Industrial ¡Age Pension $15. Lee Richardson, Coast Print« and Bndg Co Supplies John T - Glover, Circuit court wit- Co. Lumber $35.99. C. C Robison, : Acc. Com. Workmen's Compensation | old Age Pension $10. Joseph Allison for Assrssor's office $10. West Coast ness *14' Harry Featherston, grand Grader Repairs $7. Bobbie Cope “The Farmer’s Own Co-Op” JUNE 5, 1935 $15.35. Mrs. Geo. McTavish, Act old Age Pension $10. John Alexan- Prntg. and Bndg. Co. Township plats juror $6.50. A. P. Ackerman, grand land, Labor $179.22. Union Oil Co. GENERAL FUND juror $9.40. Nelson Grover, grand Phone 26 Nyssa Bob Rutherford $20. Mrs. Herman I c;er Bachman, Old Age Pension, $10. for Assessor's office $2.50. Ora C. of California, Oil, $62.01. Ontario City of Vale, Water for Court Young, Act Sarah Jones $30. Mrs. ! James Ely Leasy, Old Age Pension, Hope. Office supplies and Exp. of juror $8.40. John E. Bennett, grand House and lawn; Old Mens Home, I Lennie Birge, Act Steve McMahan $io. Newton, Jackson Lewis, Old Age Treasurer’s office $19.10. West Coast Juror $6.20. F. W. Smith, grand $9 45. Dr. Robert Coales, Circuit $15. Mrs. E. L. Perkins. Act W. B. pension $10. William David Pool, Prntg. and Bndg Co. Supplies for juror $11. Grover C. Vest, grand Court witness $15. W W. Jones, j Miller »10; Mrs Lee Williams, Act old Age Pension $20. Parmelia L. County Treasurer’s office $1.85. juror $9 80. C. F. Miller, grand juror MD, Care of Ed Wells Weston, $35. j Annie Williams $10. Mrs. Herman ! Matthews, Old Age Pension $20. Kathryn Claypool, Taveling expense $9.40. E M Carter, Circuit court juror Mrs. J. A. McNulty, Rent for Rig- Rose, Act Bill art $20. Mrs. Harry ! James Townsend, Old Age Pension $27.95. Margaret McNulty, Secretary $17. gins for March and April, 1935, $14.1 Day, Act Lloyd Roberts $15. Mrs. $15. Chas. C. Romph, Old Age Pen- 1 to School Supt. in connection with GENERAL ROAD FUND Chas. S. Leavitt, Deputy Sheriff, 1 Annie I. Willsey , Act, 2 Corliss sion $15. Josephine Diven, Old Age ! copying tests and examinations $7. Ora E. Clark, Viewing roads $5. $124.69. Arthur Heer, Deputy Sheriff j children, at $7.50 per month each Pension $10. I. F. S. Diven, Old Age Margaret McNulty, Secretary for Archie Myers, Labor on road from CHEVROLET DEALER $124.69. Valeda Thayer, Clerk Sher- I $15. Mrs. C. B. Goldston, Act Fen- Pension $10. Louise Ellen Jones, Old [ Supt. of Schools »21.20. Kathryn Rome to McDermitt $100.50. C. H. iff'S office $99 69. C. E. Howell,! ton Girl, $15. F. B Glenn, Indg Age Pension $15. Hugh S. Eldridge \ Claypool. Office expenses $10. M. A. Blackburn, Labor $21. Otha Mc Deputy Clerk $125. Margaret J. Mol- $15; Mrs. R. G. Wheeler, Indgt. $25; Old Age Pension. $10. Phillip M. j Biggs, Expense as District Attorney Rae. Labor $20. J. D. Thomas, moor. Clerk’s Stenographer $100.' Mrs. Jane Davis, Indgt. $12.50; Mrs. Binkley, Old Age Pension $20. Mat- $11.60. Dr. R. A Tacke, Laboratory Building road up Henry’s Gulch FIRESTONE TIRES Margaret George, Clerk’s Sten- Clara H. Young,, Indg. $12.50; Mrs. thias Newton Fegtly. Old Age Pen- service for indgts; coroners' serv. $100. J. Edwin Johnson, Salary and sion $15. Herschel Q. Johnston, Old j $25.50. Mrs May Pumphrey, Refund Expense $154.30. Claude Carson. CERTIFIED LUBRICATION Age Pension, $20. James Ellis Fraz- ' on sale of house $10. Frank Davis, Labor $6. James Eutsler, Labor $88 ier. Old Age Pension $10. Walter j Refund on act. of adjustment on Audy Baze, Labor $88. A. F. Hill “X Old Age Pension $10. j County land sold $100. Raymond Labor $14. W. B. Packard, Labor j Henry Still, F. B. Scott, Old Age Pension $20.1 Pope, Watermaster for Dist. No. 9, 1 $12.50. C. E. Lanning, Labor $22. R Cassius Hale Brown, Old Age Pen- month, April $50. W. J. Williams, J. E Justus labor $22. R. A. Warnock, i sion $10. George S. Jones, Old Age P. Justice Court costs, constable fees Labor, $7. Oscar Presley, Labor $49. Pension $10. Sidney J o h n s o n $7. W. J. Williams, Justice court Fred Weisner, Labor $36. Bert Old Age Pension. $10. William costs, constable fees $9.10. Thos. Koplin, Labor $104. A. W. Howell Shunn. Old Age Pension $15. T. Jones, J. P. Justice Court casts $34 - Labor $108. E. V. Bendixon, Labor, An Independent Station Chas. Pritchard, Old Age Pension 85. Dwight Pierce, Constable fees $26.50. Fred E. Burgis. Labor $8 , $10. Walter W. Looney. Old Age $2.20. Malheur Home Tel. Co. Phones Chas. Kiplinger, Labor $4. John E. Nyssa, Oregon Pension $15. Louis Bruere, Old Age and Tolls $74.20. City of Vale (Water Johnson. la b or $15. Casper Winop, Pension $10. Emma Elizabeth Dun- 1 Dept. 1 Water for Court House and ÿ24 Carl Huston, Labor $5.. Alvin can, Old Age Pension $10. Wm. Chas ! jail; for Court house lawn: Old | ______________ 1 Parrott. Sr., Old Age Pension $10. Mens Home $17.75. Vale Transfer, , *r— ' ' ~ Anna B. Pritchett Goerge R. Riggins, Old Age Pension Drayage for Circuit Court; for Court $10. Ebenezer King Ingle, Old Age ] House for indgts. $1.50. Western PATRONIZE | Pension $10. Aura Ingle, Old Age Union Tel. Co. Telegram by County Pension $10. Clarence Albert Yenter, Judge .68. Idaho Power Co. Lights OUR BUSINESS Old Age Pension $7.50. Ida M. Ken- for Court House and Jail; Old Mens OSTEOPATHY i nard, Old Age Pension $15. John T. Home $39.20. J. A. Brown, Supplies Morgan. Old Age Pension $10. R H for Court House $2.85. W L Hutton —And— Buy your shoe laces McNee, Old Age Pension $20. Frank | Plumbing services for Court House ELECTROTHERAPY '/ PURE and polish from the Hoard, Old Age Pension $15. Ella j $150. Home Lumber and Coal Co., Harrington, Old Age Pension $15. Coal for Hattie Reed; supplies f o r ’ Shoe Repair Shop in PHONE 201 Frank E Loree, Old Age Pension $10. ; Court House $5.19 Vale Supply Co. | stead of Grocery, Dry James Williams. Old Age Pension Supplies for Old Mens Home; for j VALE . . . OREGON Goods, Drug Stores $10 Mrs. Mary Ann Downs. Old Age indgts.; Court House $42.35. Vale or Service Stations. Pension $10. Mrs. Martha Ferrell, Transfer, Drayage for Court House; r -------- Old Age Pension $5. Mrs. Louisa Old Mens Home; Indgts; $2. Ontario We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro Loveland. Old Age Pension $10. H Laundry. Laundry for Court House Eat At Cole, Old Age Pension $10. James »1. W. H. Laxon. Office rent for Re- j duced in a modern and sanitary plant. May we > Henry Carpenter. Old Age Pension lief office for April and May $25 I PORTRAITS OF COLEMAN’S add you to our list of satisfied customers? $10. Sarah Arilla Payne. Old Age ¡Geo. T. Carey. Barber service for | Pension, $10. Henry Williams Adams , indgts. $1110. Mrs. F. G Cleveland LUNCH QU ALITY We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con Lowest Prices Old Age Pension $10. Morris Sul- Milk for Old Mens Home for May NYSSA sidered by many medical authorities as best for Shoe Repairing j livan. Old Age Pension $20. James $9 30. Shunn’s Transfer, Drayage for Expert Kodak Finish* Mic hael Lvnch. Old Age Pension. Old Mens Home $4.00. T T. Nelson. babies and growing children. your friends and enjoy j Meet ing. Mail us your All kinds of shoe laces and $10 Stephen Ball Terwilliger. Old Funeral exp. of Mrs. Minnie West- •ir good sandwiches, cooling polish . . Will mail your shoes films. Age Pension $10. Mina A. Terwillig- fall. indg. $47 50 Wall and Rawlings FREE to destination. ,ks and friendly service. er. Old Age Pension $10. Sarah Jane Supplies for County indgts. $43.71. JOHN S. ALDECOA, Prop. HEATER STUDIO Ricker. Old Age Pension $10. S E. Clarence Flake. Cleaning well on OPEN NIGHTS Mrs. Bridge's place $2. Wilson | Allred. Old Age Pension $15. Next Door to Bakery > Brothers. Supplies for indgts. $10. Ontario, Oregon Holy Rosary Hospital. Care of Nyssa Realty Co. Rent in house oc- We Put Up Lunches Nyssa, Oregon County. Indgts, for April $734.60.1 cupied s. E. Allred, from Jan to E. H. Brumbach. Commissioners June $3750 National Re-employ- fees, expense and County relief $29.- ment service. County relief work $90 50. Mrs. C. C Ketchum, Transpor- | G G Leuhrs. Medical Supplies for taton of Indgt. $15. Mrs. Lennie county indgts. $147.70. Edna Flana Guarantee Work See Us For That Birge, Act Nils Oberg $22.50. Alex gan. Public Health Nurse $100 Dr Smith and wife, Old Age Pension Anna B. Pritchett, Prof services PAINTING JOB $15. James Sherwood. Co. Indg. $5. rendered to County Indgts. $98. W YCKOFF Ora E. Clark. Commissioner's fees, Nyssa Funeral Home. Funeral of 15 years experience in paint relief meeting $25. Irving Reed, Cir Orson Leavitt. Indgt. $40. Drs. Reu JEW ELRY STORE ing and kalsomining. cuit Court Witness $4.60. The On ter. Thompson. Coberth and Grif Work done by contract or by tario Argus, Supplies for County ........................ _ __ ________ _ fith. Vaccine _ for _ C A. Foreman Official Time Inspector for the day ¡Clerk ;for Assessor $79 75 Jay Beard patient EOTB hospital »15 Harper j | Circuit Court Witness $18. F E. Mercantlle Co supplies for J. A. Union Pacific Ramsey. Circuit Court Witness $5 80 ^ u a x . indgt. $19 14. Margaret M A. V. PRUYN A1 Winters. Circuit Court Witness.; Payne j^ n t 0f office for CWA for Nyssa, Oregon »4.20. D. W Vinson. Circuit Court April and May , 25 L K Bullock, Oregon Ontario witness $19.20. Raymond Kittniger Supplies for ¡ndgM. $2.85. Dr. J. J. Circuit court witness $5 80 Ed sarazin. Services rendered and med* ward F Hicks. Circuit Court witness [Ca| SUppi)e« f0r indigents $624.50. $6.20 Stella Anderson. Circuit court Mrs j^abel Peterson, Laundry for witness $24 Walter Anderson. C\r- rounfy indigents $9 60. Van Petten Vale Hot Springs DR. J. A. McFALL cuit court witness $24 Thos. Dow- Ijbr Co pyp, for j as piump for Mrs I ell, Circuit Court witness $24 Mary Ge0 Fent0n $9 40. Wilson Brothers EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Sanitarium Dowell. Circuit Court witness »24. SuppUes for mdgts $20 86. Juntura i Carl Houston. Circuit Court witness Mercantlie c o Supplies for A DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. $24 Ed. Dowell, circuit court witness Hardwiclc and Walt Yandell »20 66. | theumatlsm. Diabetes, Paraly $24. H G. Kennard. Circuit court (chas. D Peters, Mileage for County juror $9 80; H. B. Hardiman, Circuit redef woricPr $40 Halverson's I.G.A. sis, Influenza, successfully Court witness $3 60. Frank D Hall Store. Supplies for County Indgts. I Circuit court witness »12 80 Fred $15.13. Ontario Pharmacy. Medical treated. ¡Currev. Circuit court juror. April & supplies for Orson Leavitt $8.20. J Specializing on the care of Mineral Water 212 Deg. FT. May $45 E. J. Beam, Circuit court A. Me Fall. Opt D Services rendered Children'« Eyes. | juror May $20 John F Hoffman, Clyde Foreman. Indgt. »1.35. Holy ROOMS AND BOARD ONTARIO OREGON j Circuit court juror $21 Ewing Rosary Hospital, Care of County At Reasonable Rates I Armstrong. Circuit court juror $25 - FARM TOPICS Wheat Growers D o n ’ t F o il A1 T h om pson G r a in A1 Thompson SHELL PRODUCTS y BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Norcott Service DIRECTORY N_____________ ___ /* D. O. GUEBNSEY iniLKj IC R U if Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop L ¿J M IL K Sunshine Dairy J