Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1935)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, PACKING PLANT AT WANTS TO ORGANIZE FRUITLAND BURNS DANCE BAND HERE T h e Arata packing pUU, at Tommy Thompson, who lives out Fruitland burned to the ground on the project, wants to organize a Sunday morning in the largest fire dance band and get back into the Fruitland has ever experienced. The orchestra profession as a side line. owned by structure, Frank Arata, m , Thompson has had a wide ex was entirely destroyed at an esti perience in this profession, having mated loss of $50,000 besides a $7,000 j been manager of the Casino ball less of a car of packing paper on a room in Denver and directed his nearby track. Some insurance was own eleven piece band both at the carried. Casino and over KFXD. He also The flames, of undetermined or d-rected a dance band for two years igin, were discovered about one at the Majestic hotel in Shanghi c ’c'.ock Sunday morning and a few China and was for three years at minutes later the Payette fire de Peiping hotel, Peiping, China. partment was on the Job, but the As a side line he wants to or- iire had gained too much headway ^ a or ln.slrumental play_ them to save the structure. Ihey ers imo ortheslra 1 ad a busy thne keeping the fke ^ f m the depot and the Gem State|mUH m VlU. I ested m joining his dance band to oil tanks nearby. write, stating the qualifeations and Ih e plant was modernly eulpped j a^ ss"7 h7 7 et“le7 ¿ “ x o ^ T r i a o m - with up-to-date apple and Prune ^ Journal Traders, boxes and equipment to _________________ start the harvest in a few days. M r.! Air.ta expects to rebuilt the plant. ¡HOGUE ENTERTAINS PICKERS AT MeCALL Lois Boomer and Lucile Fulton of Payette were visitors at the Ross A large crowd attended the "Pea Pickers Ball’ given last Friday by Fulton home during the rodeo. Denny Hogue at McCall. Several contests were featured during the dance with Mr. and Mrs. Max Stebbins being the lucky couple. They won prizes for the marshmallow contest, also the spot dance. Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Smith won the prize waltz. The side win ning the sack relay each were pre sented with a candy bar. About thirty gallon of punch was served to the crowd. Kenneth Hagln of Phoenix, Ariz., and Albert Hopkins of Nyssa had charge of the affair. THÜfiöÖAVj ÀÜGlIST 15. 1935. 1 sink, toilet. Also several dozen fruit i Jars. Barber Bertsch. 8-8-2tp. JOE DUNN WINS BRING YOUR PAILS IN BULLDOGGING M E N W A N T E D -fo r Rawleiglr Routes in east Baker, Wallowa and Harney counties. Write today. Fans out at the rodeo park Satur Rawlelgh Co., Dept. ORH-148-SB, day and Sunday were rewarded by Oakland, Calif. 8-1-5 tp. seeing some action and spills in the bulldogglng events, Joe Dunn of TRUCKING—Coal, wood, grain, produce, gravel, and, livestock, - Boise proved to be superior in this moving. W ell haul it event, his two day average being anything HUGH GLASGOW, 26 4-5 seconds. His best time was anywhere. made Sunday when he threw his Phone 36F3. tf steer in 20 1-5 seconds. Time Satur WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick day was 33 3-5, which was not fast ens, gese at highest market prices enough to win day money. Cherokee Twenty-six years in the same place. FOUR CARS OF WOOD Alcorn won the day money Saturday C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho. I by throwing his steer in 32 2-5, with Phone 163. ti. DERAILED NEAR FRUITLAND Dee Hinton second with a 33 sec onds flat. Joe Dunn was just out of GOLD WANTED tire day money with 33 3-5. Licensed gold buyers will i>ay Larry Daniels, who finished far Four cars of the Payette valley up to $35 00 an ounce for old branch railroad running from Pay- beliind Saturday, made a fast time dental bridges, crowns, rings, ette to Emmett were derailed Mon- j Sunday and boosted his average chains, lockets, watch cases, day evening near Fruitland. All sauugh to take second money in the spectacle frames, etc. or any the cars contained wood, with one , Phials His time Sunday was 24 4-5 other discarded jewelry 1 f car turning completely over on its s^ohds mailed within 30 days. Take side, and scattering wood for a con advantage of this wonderful siderable distance. TO START DANCING CLASS opportunity given to you by a Joe Curley. 43, a transient of San j reliable concern to get full Francisco, who was riding the top of j value for your old gold. We the car that turned over was com- | iflso buy old silver. Amy Gipson Garvey was in Nyssa pletely buried in wood, but aside from a spained ankle and minor Tuesday making arrangements to j ELCO GOLD REFINERY start a dancing class here. She plans bruises, was unhurt. 1038 Exchange Building on beginning her classes next Seattle, Washington. 4t Tuesday at the home of Mis. Earl I For Your Supply of Honey 8 Cents a Pound DURING AUGUST HONEY FOSTER’S SHOP GRAIN-FED Fresh Meat W e have just bought 70 head of grain-fed beef for the market trade only. The Best Meat Always EAT MORE MEAT HOWARD BOOR WORKING DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY ^ Diamonds — Watches — Gifts — Rings — Silverware { Watch repairing our Specialty See us for that special Jewelry Repair job All Work Guaranteed Ginzel Jewelry Shop Ò OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL Howard Boor, who is working at Pullman this summer and who ex pects to enter W. S. C. this fall, says in a letter that he has been christened "Tiny" by the boys. He Is working on the golf course there. This week he expects to go to Port land to compete in an amateur box ing meet. j Rid Yourself of II Kidney Poisons M A R K ET FINDER S' j Try our Market Finder to dis ipóse of surplus goods, rent a house, find lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses. Rates one cent a word per inser t io n . Minimum 15c. There are two things to consider when buying insurance . . . . . . and Secondly—What Is it go Í ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you from 20% to 48 1-3 per cent on your Insurance and at the same time, give you insurance that is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance in a company with nearly $5,000,000 policy holders surplus. Nyssa Realty Co. LIKES COUNTRY FOR SALE—12 white face bucks. In- : quire at Journal office. 2tp. Mr. and Mrs Newton Cornell and two children of Los Angeles spent the week end with her sister and family, Mrs Eugene Pratt In the Kingman district. Mr. Cornell was well pleased with prospects here and expects to return later and possibly settle in this vicinity. MANUSCRIPTS copied, ordinary | matter typed, manifold work, j tracts filled out or any other clerical i contracts filled out or any other j clerical work done in my home. I Hazel D. Gildea, Public typist. 8-15p. Bob Elliott, former resident of thM section, and his son-in-law, Jack Easley of Los Animas. Colorado, spent a few days here looking for a location. They left Monday for Yakima. , AMY GIPSON GARVEY will start a dancing class in Nyssa begin ning Tuesday, August 20 at 10 a.m. oeasososoooooeoeooeoooos at the home of Mrs. Earl Harman. Anyone interested call at Mrs, Har- j mons Up. A15. "Talk over your Insurance Problems with Don" NYSSA OREGON * O you ioffer burning, scanty or too frequent urinetion; beckeche, hcedeche, dizziness, swollen lee! end ankles? A re you tired , nervous— feel •II unstrung end don't know w lut it wrong? Then g ive some thought to yo>ur kid neys. Be sure they function proper ly , for function«! kid ney disorder p e t. mits excess waste to stay in the b lood , •nd to poison « id upset the whole system. Use D oen's P ills . D oen's «re for the kidneys o n ly . They «re recommended Ihe world over. You c«n get the gen u ine, lim e-tested D o in '« at any drug store. D0ÁNS pi lls Drink Plenty of M ILK Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Stomach Gas Shelton Dairy O u t 4 0 » « o f ADLJDRIKA. q u ic k ly re- H ove « gas b lo a tln r. clea n s ou t B O T H upper e u d low er bow els, a llo w « you to •at an d sleep good . Q u ick, thorou gh action , yet e n tirely gen tle an d safe. ADLERIKA OREGON NYSSA NYSSA PHARMACY I FOR SALE—7 high grade Holstein cows; 1 heavy Springer weight 1400, 5 years old. Geo. W. Benton, ’ Nyssa, Oregon Aug.l52tp. ' School Girls KEEP GOOL R U B Y E LO U THIS SUMMER Maintains Popular prices on per manent waves a n d beauty work . . . Pre pare f o r fall a n d school school hair styles now. Our business is baking good things for your table and for your outing. Don’t spend hot hours at baking in your kitchen. We have delicious pies, cakes, cookies and other good things too. Frederic« Permanent Wave» Turn your baking over to the— The Swan Bakery NYSSA I HAVE TO VACATE The ground in which my Peonia garden is planted and am closing them out at greatly reduced prices. This is your chance to get fine varieties at a bargain. Send for my list. D. H. Snowberger, Payette, Ida. 8-15-ltc. N YSSA PACKING CO. D ONTARIO, OREGON Sure Protection at Lower Cost First—Is it safe insurance? Harman. Anyone wishing to make | an appointment with her may , AT PULLMAN THIS SUMMER notify Mrs. Harman. RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOP ÍPHONE 16 OREGON Nyssa — ------------------------- — ------ FOR SALE—Saddle horse, gentle, ; j ideal for children or for all-round use Inquire Journal 8-15-2p (/c J\ ]FOR SALE—Model T 1926 roadster. Bargain. See Floyd Hall at Dale Garrison ranch, ltp. . - USED CARS FOR SALE $425 I 1934 Chevrolet pickup 175 1930 Ford pickup 525 1933 Chevrolet truck 250 1931 Ford truck ............ 550 1933 Chev., 6 wheel sedan 425 j Ford V-8 coach 395 1 1932 Cliev., 6 wheel coach CABLES CHEVROLET CO. Ontario, Oregon Films Developed FREE Any size Kodak print 5c. Radio Service and Tubes. H, L. Weldeman, Nyssa, 3 miles South on highway Aug: l-2tp. FOR SALE—80 head of Rambou- lette-Lincoln cross bred bucks. Priced right. Oeorge O. Lee, Melba. ¡Idaho. 8-8-3tp. FOR 8 A L E—Two-room house, knocked down, built in kitchen. 100 MILLION DOLLAR BANK As a direct branch of the United States National Bank of Portland, exactly the same strength and capacity for service is afforded here as in the larger city. s % THERE WILL BE A Benefit DANCE Boulevard Grange Hall For Orville Clack, whose house, furniture, cloth es and bedding burned to the ground lately. There will be good music, and we want you to come and have a good time to help a good cause. Saturday, Aug. 17 SOUTHWEST - E R N IDAHO’S FIRST S H O W UNDER FLOOD LIGHTS Homesteaders’ SILVER JU B IL E E and Night Rodeo INTERMOUNTAIN CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES for both Amateurs and Profess ionals. »2,500.00 IN CASH PRIZES! See the Crowning of Rodeo and Home steader Queens— TW O BIG STREET PARADES C A L D W E LL, ID AH O August 22, 23 and 2 4 Thus, not only are the legitimate banking needs of the present assured of fulfillment, but those arising from future development in this section anticipated. ,We are only too glad to have you discuss your plans with us and to make use of our complete facilities as your needs occasion. Let’s see if we cannot get everybody in this district equipped with a growing bank account. JOE F. DYER................... ........................ MANAGER 1RALC NELSON ASST. MANAOER Ontario lira urli o f th e IJnitcMl States National Bank o f P o r tla n d Head Office: Portland, Oregon S S S tS g