Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1935)
ÓATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1935. j preparation for t h e picnic, J. Edwin Johnson Introduced Mrs. Ray Gill and her daughter, Miss Helen, wife and daughter of the state grange master. RALLY D A Y HELD Always Consult THE GATE CITY JOURNAL on your Commercial Printing Problems. W e Aim to Serve and to Please You! Dreamland A T HOGUE CAMP Years Ago 25 YEARS AGO IN NYSSA ROXY Sun* Mon. Tues* In delivering the principal ad <Payette-Lake Stari As Taken From Journal Files dress, Mr. Gill spoke on the sub After a strenuous ten-day drive at ject, "The Tomato Box” . He stressed the Hogue pea fields, in which all the need of co-operation in social, hands were rushed to their utmost economic and political problems and to get tlie harvest underway, Denny Lottie Phillips left Wednesday to pow er, Hogue, of the Hogue Produce Co., Join her father at Evergreen on an discussed transportation, banking, free speech, free petition called a halt and declared Wednes outing at the Payette Lakes. : and free assembly. He praised, the day a holiday for the entire camp. I Miss Edna Carr, accompanied by Boy Scouts, 4-H Club members and Between 400 a n d 500 people j her sister Mrs. Brown, returned from I Future Farmers of America. from the Hogue camp, which con- l Indiana Friday where she has been sists of nearly 600 persons, were In visiting for some time. attendance at the rally and showed Wm. Vogts was an Ontario caller keen Interest In the sports events ! Saturday. for which Mr. Hogue offered groc- | Miss Sherwood from Michigan is erics valued at $20 as prizes. visiting wth her brother. H. R. Sher Part of the afternoon was devoted j wood of this place. SUMMER W O N ’T to a ball games between the Pea j Last Saturday evening was the Pnatchers vs the Pea Pluckers. Tom closing of the Owyhee Theatre. The A L W A Y S BE Clendening, one of the field men owners expect to get a large tent HERE challenged any one In camp to a and will then show In It and Nyssa wrestling match to a finish, for a will be happy once more. The room Plan ahead for your case of beer, but his challenge was will be occupied by the Nyssa Phar Fall Wardrobe. not accepted and neither was the macy. one in which Denny Hogue chal- j Rev. Bruce J. Giffen. who has lenged any one to a game of tlddle- been pastor of the Presbyterian winks at twenty paces. Several in church n Nyssa for the past nine teresting boxing bouts were held In months, a ccepted a c all to the the late afternoon. church in Parma. Priced $4.95 Up Miss Mildred Dutro was selected | S. D. Goshert has returned from by popular vote as pea queen, and Ills vacation in the mountains. Railroad talk is in the air. It is was awarded a sack of flour. School Girl’s Dresses Albert Hopkins was In charge of expected that the Nyssa-Buhl ex 98c the rally and was assisted by Tom tension will be started at once. Clendening, Kenneth Hagins and Some hope Is entertained In re Mr. Brown. gard to an electric light system for Mr. Hogue treated the crowd to the town. Two electrical engineers one hundred gallons of lemonade were In the city the fore part of FISHER APPAREL curing the afternoon. Candy was the week making various observa tions but nothing definite has been furnished by Gay Freeman of Mc SHOP Call and Bert Armstrong of Don heard as yet. nelly who took out four hundred Phone 55F3 suckers for the children. W. C. T. U. NOTICE ----------- 'j This proved to be a gala day for all concerned and such events pro W. C. T. U. will meet next Tues mote fellowship among the campers day afternoon at 2:30 at the home and employers. of Mrs. C. W. Reberger. All mem bers and friends are invited to at tend. PLAN BAZAAR Onta no Sunday - Monday - Tuesday AU G U ST 18, 19, 20 » \ Keep in Mind Just now we have on display some v e r y smart Fall Dresses. with BELA LUGOSI IRENE WARE LESTER MATTHEWS 2F LUMBER Is Our Business Consult us on your building problems. We will be glad to make you an estimate on your build ing needs and assist you in any way possible. YES— W e Also Sell Aberdeen Coal JACKSON LUMBER CO. PHONE 47 NYSSA, ORE. GOOD Lubrication Means i SAFE Driving MANY ATTEND TUI-COUNTY GRANGE PICNIC SUNDAY The ladles of the Rebekah lodge are busy preparing for their annual (Continuel From Page One) bazaar wiiich will be held some time this fall or early winter. A Richard Lofton of Ironside; vocal David F. Graham; meeting was held at the home of solos, Judge Mrs. Mae Pierson Thudsday after talk, state representative Clint Haight of Canyon City; talk, Miss noon to make plans. Dorothy Perkins of Baker, lady assistant steward of the state- LEGAL ADVERTISING Grange; group singing, “The Tri- County Picnic,” words by Mrs. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Hardy Murray and sung by mem BY VIRTUE of an execution duly bers of the Unity Grange; reading. issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Miss Arietta Small of Harper; short Court of the State of Oregon, for talk, S. H. Edwards of Wheeler tlie County of Malheur, dated the county, former Grange deputy; 10th day of August. 1035, and to me reading. Horace Addts of the East directed, in a certain suit In said Oregonian of Pendleton, who Is a | Court wherein Winifred Brown silver sheaf member, having been a j Thomas, was plaintiff, and Mary member of the Orange for 25 years' Lyells, Angie E. Cook and A. V.. After expressing thanks to the Cook and each thereof, were de grangers for the help rendered In fendants, and certain real property was heretofore sold and the pro ceeds thereof credited on said Judg ment, leaving remaining the sum of $982.07. THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, I have duly levied upon I certain real property belonging to I I the defendants, Angie E. Cook and | A. V. Cook, and in compliance with j the commands of said execution, I j will on the 14th day of September, j 1935, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the j afternoon of said day, at the North Main Entrance of the County Court; j House at Vale, Malheur County, I j Oregon, sell, at public auction, to the | highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and Interest of said de- [ fendants, Angie E. Cook and A. V. Cook, and each of them, subject to their statutory right of redemption, In and to the following described real property, to-wit: It doesn't matter what you are doing you'll enjoy it more Lot No. 3, In Block No. 3, In If you look your best. There’s Teutsch Addition to Nyssa, in satisfaction In being well Malheur County, State of Ore groomed. gon taken and levied upon as the prop Permanent» $2.50, $5 erty of said defendants, Angle E. Cook, and A. V. Cook, and each of Childrens Permanents j them, or so much thereof as may be Priced at $1.75, $2.50 necessary to satisfy said deficiency Judgment, together with all costs j that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale. Oregon, this 15th I day of August, 1935. B E A U T Y SHOP C. W. OLENN, Phone 55F3 Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon Mae Keizer, Operator LOTT D, BROWN, Baker, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff A15-S12 E. Look Your Best No matter h o w good oil might b e, summer weather causes motors to use more lubrication than they would in cool weather. Check your oil more often during this hot weather, don’t risk ruining your car through thoughtlessness. And be sure to change your oil every 500 miles for best motoring results. Drive in today and let us check up on your car. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Phone 1 Open Day and Night NYSSA Break That . . . . . . Washday Habit GIVE YOURSELF EXTRA HOURS EACH WEEK Rough Dry Wash Service 50c FOR A 7 Pound Bundle and 7c for each additional pound. FLAT WORK IRONED - How long have you been trudging down and up those cellar steps, bending over the tub, struggling with heavy, wet clothes, wearing yourself out, taking chances with your health? Aren't you sick and tired of It? Let us break that Washday nablt by offering our Rough Dry Wash Service at a price you can afford. Just step to the phone and Cordially Invite STARCHED AS DESIRED you and your friends tell us when to call for your bundle. We'll coax out dirt In pure suds, well rinse ev- erytlUng In gallons of rain soft water, and send your clothes back clean. All this for only 60c for a 7 lb. bun dle and 7c for each addi tional pound. And remem ber this Is actually less than the cost of your wash day supplies. to inspect their new ONTARIO LA U N D R Y EVERY - BODY - WASHES - WITH - RAIN -.WATER - JONES O N C E A G A IN Directed by Irving Pichei and Lansing C. Holden RK6 RADICDPICTURE T H IS HEATROLA Every year, in August, Heatrola dealers all over the country make this generous offer to thrifty folks who place their orders early. E very year, thousands take advantage o f it; insure delivery o f the model they want — when they want it; receive as a gift a supply o f coal (500 to 2000 lbs.,* de pending upon the model selected). / cd* * O ne-half these •m ounts if hard coal is furnished. LOOK! The diagram shows the big reason why the genuine Heatrola gives M ORE H E A T with L E S S F U E L . The Intensi-Fire Air Duct spans the combustion chamber, blocks the escape of much of the heat which in ordinary heaters goes to waste — up the chimney. LISTEN ! It pays to buy the genuine Heatrola, for only the genuine has the Intensi-Fire Air Duct, the Ped-a-Lever Feed Door, and other exclusive fuel- saving, labor-saving features. It pays extra well to order it now, while the great annual Free Coal offer is in effect. Come in soon, see the handsome new 15th Anniversary models— a size for every home, a style for every taste, a price for every budget. Only a small deposit now ; regula r payments do not start until your Heatrola is installed and the F ree Coal ia delivered. FREE COAL with the Estate H E A T R O L A RAN GE, too ! Everybody knows the Heatrola Heater and everybody will soon know the splendid new Heatrola Range for coal and wood. It s a worthy companion for the Heatrola Heater. Come in and see it. Y ou’ll be delighted with its many con venience features; with its smart, modern design. W e ’re offering a supply of coal with the Heatrola Range, too, (one ton with the De Luxe model; one-half ton with the Standard model).* Funeral Home Sunday, August 18, 1935 O N T A R IO , O R E G O N GREAT A N N U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y with the genuine E S T A T E The Vogue Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Peterson Gahagan, Randolph Scott, Helen Mack Nigel Bruce REE COAL \ NOW OFF OFFERED AT THE BARGAIN PRICE OF 5,000 in the cast i n c lu d i n g H elen i.0 : K 1 J r* *— E3 i iJM •Ona-half these qiftntltics if hard coal le furnished Peterson Furniture Co. Ontario, Oregon tr Payette, Idaho We make things Hot for you