Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1935)
Nyssa Final Profit-Sharing Distribution and Grand Prize Award Saturday, August 17th at 3 :0 0 P. M. THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon V O LU M E X X IX . G A T EW A Y TO TH E O W Y H E E AND BLA CK CANYON IRRIGATION PR O JEC TS NO. 27 Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, AUGUST 15, 1935 $1.50 P E R YEAR Rodeo Queen and Attendants Rule Nyssa’s Two-Day Show PI1IIP PI HR p| AU Many Attend Tri-County Grange ülïlü üLUd rLfln Picnic Near Unity Last Sunday Y Interest hi the queen contest wus the horje. which proved to be a J . Edwin Johnson of Malheur award a small trophy to the win- at a high pitch last Thursday even real bucking animal. county was reelected chairman of ner Some sport for the ladies will ing. with Rubye Lou Hemenway the 1936 trt-county grange picnic I also be arranged. The grangers also I Fletchers Pendleton Roundup winning out over a large field of en band played for two dances during committee at the seventh annual1 decided to serve dinner at the pic- j trants. Those who finished in the the rodeo and the crowd was well | picnic held on East Camp creek I nlc next year at 12 o'clock. Pacific | upper backet were titled Princesses pleased with the show Urey put on. | near Unity. Sunday. George Yoa- | standard time, and 1 o'clock moun- I Civic Club Will Sponsor ikUm of Grant comity, and T. C. tain time. New benches will be pro- W eiser Selected As Next ant* occupied places of honor along Saturday night especially, the gym * ' Deariiyger D w l P i t H C A P of n f Baker R a l f o r county /» rilld f.v r UAxt*f* v i / l o r l fh e IH o n in n l/ , n e m m / l.. L i. ' i t h t the h p n ilP P I l P r in C P S K U /P l'P M nP | w with queen. Princess were Mae were | vlded for the picnic grounds by | was crowded with dancers. Meeting Place of Asso- Keizer, Maria McElroy, Eleanor Fletchers $lso furnished the an Annual Show to be Held re-elected as committemen. and August next year. Mis. John King of Baker was ap- A program was presented during d ated Chamber of Com- Patterson; Pashle>' T1**a Green, a!id,HvlviT nouncing system used to keep the At Eagles Hall. ixilnted secretary-treasurer. although not all the girls crowd hi touch with what was going the afternoon by Mrs. M. M. Horseshoe pitching and othei Greellng, lecturer of the Malheur merce. were in the party both days. oil. Tills proved a big help and games were enjoyed by the crowd of Pomona Grange, and Mrs. Esther Before the start of the show Sun was furnished with no additional Preparations are being made for 250 persons before dinner, which Reed, Baker county Pomona lec day the Queen and rodeo officials expense to the management. the annual Civic Club Flower Show was served at noon. Counties repre turer Representatives from the com- paraded around the arena, with Don A large crowd attended the K en which will be held Friday, August 30 sented at the picnic were Baker, Graham presenting the queen with nedy Shows and rides from Thurs- this year, As usual the show will Grant and Malheur, the tri-county lowing numbers: group singing led . 1 * Caldwell, Parma. Ontario. Nyssa, a pair of riding boots In behalf of iday evening until closing time Sun be held in the Eagles hall and dis group, Harney, Umatilla, Wheeler, by Mrs. Galin Jordan of Vale; j Payette and Weiser met Monday ! the Eagles, plays are invited from Nyssa, King- Multnomah and Gilliam. Some of with M rs C. E. Peck of Big Bend nignt for a dinner meeting In the I An Impromptu comedy act by day night. Kiddies were especially pleased with the various rides and man Kolony, Oregon Trail, Big the grangers traveled more than 200 accompaniest; piano solo Mrs. C ' basement of the Eagles hall. I t w as' Neil Dlmmlck and Hairy Alkens Bend. Arcadia and Apple Valley and miles to attend the affair, Mr. and E. Howell of Vale; short talk by the regular meeting of The Assocla- I added much to the show Sunday. the grownups too look pleasure in the thrilling rides. sunoundlng communities. Mrs. L. Y. Matthews of Arock com- George Yoakum of Grant county, , ted Chambers of Commerce w hich! They entered the parade on the far The free barbecue Saturday noon This year daffodil bulbs will be lng the longest distance. who extended the greetings of I meets every other month. The n e x t'Side of the arena, riding in an old given as prizes, the number has not The grangers decided to sponsor Congressman and Mrs. Walter M. i meeting will be held in Weiser the buggy pulled by Dlmmick's big attracted many hungry rodeo fans Shire. During the afternoon they who enjoyed the Juicy beef san- yet been decided, but will probably a regular horseshoe pitching con Pierce; short talk, T . C. Dearinger second Monday of October. amused the crowd with their antics, j wtches served by the ladles Eagles be given in the same proportion as test with a team from each county of H e r e f o r d ; accordlan solos, Advertising this section of the including the saddling and riding of Auxiliary. lest yt ar. A door prize will be given entered for the competition and to •(Continued on Page Four) country came j f i for considerable scino lucky visitor. As a special prize discussion and Mr. W. J. Pinny, Mrs. C. W. B arrett will give for the | secretary of the Ontario Chamber EXH IBITIO N RID ES MADE < NAMPA MAN TO SPEAK most artistic tall bouquet. 6 delphin of Commerce announced that good ium plants, and 3 delphinium plants FOR LOCAL BUSINESS FIRM S AT TOWNSEND MEETING progress jras being made on the fer second; for the most artistic low proposed booklet which will be bouquet she will give 6 Iceland pop Dr. Nolty of Nampa has been issued by the organization and that One of the added features of the py plants for first and 3 plant for secured as the speaker at the it would probably be ready for dis Townsend meeting at the Com tribution around the first of the rodeo Sunday were several rides seccnd. The committees, busy preparing munity church. Friday evening, the year. This booklet will set forth by made by cowboys and cowgirls for business houses in Nyssa. Places of for the show, include, general com 16th. Everyone Is welcome to at pictures and type the advantages of ibuslness Fast time was turned In by Dee that had riders on steers In an effort to find a cheaper tend. mittee, Mrs. Frank Morgan, chair the Irrigated Empire from Boise to 1 were the Eder Hardware. Baldridge j Hinton of Geromiamo, Arizona, In method of transporting potatoes to man. Mrs. Ernest Wilson, Mrs. Ed The Townsend Clubs of the county Baker. market, a refrigerated truck load Implement Co., Olympic Club, the calf roping events both Satur die Powell. Mrs. Barney Wilson. are tyilding a picnic Sunday, Aug ed with Idaho potatoes left Cald j Another question that came up Rubye Lou Beauty Shop, A1 Green day and Sunday. On the first day Mrs. C W. Barrett, Mrs. C. C. Cot ust 18th at the Riverside park In he roped and tied his calf In 16 2-5 well Monday, bound for Los Angeles. for discussion was t h e potato and Powell Service Station ton and Mrs. G arrit Stam. Flower Vale. An Interesting program has The truck left at three o'clock, freight rate and the fight being Bob Fletcher of Fletcher's Round seconds- Sunday his time was 21 1-5. been prepared and the clubs are arrangements will be under the dir carrying two drivers alternating in made by the growers for lower rates, Up Band and Harry Logan, man- i making a two day average of 18 4-5, ection of Mrs. C. C. Hunt, Mrs. Ed five-hour shifts and expected to Inviting the public to join with them j Henry Ashcraft of Payette dis ager of the telephone company In I w'dch won him first money. Larry In their all-day meeting. Ncrcott and Mrs. Howard Larsen; arrive in Los Angeles between eight cussed the policy in Idaho of Payette, entertained the fans with | Daniels was second in this event registration will be taken care of by n v h i h f t m n e of r t f fancy f a n e v and o n H Mali placing the car license money «nmA and ten o'clock Wednesday morn some exhibitions trick \ With S tWO day average O f 31*2 SeC- Mrs. C. Klinkenberg, Mrs. Robert I onds. Cherokee Alcorn of Flagstaff. ing. roping in front of the stands. secured from Incorporated cities Vest, Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. ; Arizonla won second day money Motion pictures were taken of into the highway fund and expend- Ethel Crawford. | Sunday with time of 26 1-5. seconds. Uie event, which is expected to lead led throughout the couziy for roads, Mrs. E. C. Van Petten and Mrs. to a general movement of potatoes I First day money was taken S at- r m ill U U l i n i r bridges and other purposes. It was Joe Cooper of Ontario; and Mrs. to the Los Angeles market if prices j urduy by Dee Hinton with Ray ~ i his contention that the cities should Ray Wilson of Parma will act as show any improvement. tv IV f • 1 j Quinn second. Quinn roped and tied receive part of this money for use judges for the show. r O F M U S S e i n i a n ms calf in 312-5 seconds with Lar- The decision c f glowers to use Girl Scouts of Nyssa and King- i '"side the city, Doors will be open at 2 o'clock to ry Danels just one-fifth second trucks arose out of the railroads mai 4 Koiony returned Sunday even- ' The dinner Monday was served by the public and remain open until slower. Joe Dunn qualified for the fl-30 In the evening to give business refusal to extend the emergency lng from a very enjoyable week ladies of the Civic Club »1th Mrs. James Roy Musselman, 57, »’ho finals by turning In a time of 35 9-10 49 ' 2 cents per hundred t° spent camping at the Klwanis Camp Win. Sc l lire man chairman of the men as well as women an oppor rate of In the event Saturday. Fred Morton tunity to view the display after Los Angeles beyond August 1st. The j on Sllvlan beach. Payette lakes committee. 8he was assisted by Mrs |llas ^ 'c n associated In the operation Cafe 111 Nyssa for the and Bob Fletcher both failed to business hours Iced tea will be rate was boosted to 56 V cent on the They made the tr'ip in the Howard Bert Llenkaemper and Mrs. W. P. |of Ule Koz-v I>ast few months passed away S a t catch their calves and thus failed to McLing. served throughout the day under the first of the month, from Caldwell to | Hatch school truck urday night in a Boise hospital. He qualify for tlie finals. Mrs. Dick Tensen was chaperon chairmanship of Mrs. Rusesll Vln- Los Angeles had been ill but a short time. At a meeting in Caldwell two for the Nyssa girls, who were Betty isonhaler. • Funeral services were held Tues The following rules have been weeks ago. growers representing Cook, Ethel Mary and Helen Boy- day morning at Kuna from the adopted by the comittee for the con- i potato districts adopted the reso- dell, Mary Lee Emmott, Eva Lynch, | Methodist church there with Rev. venience of exhibitors and judges. \ lution favoring the shipping of Marion Harris, Phyllis P o a g e, | Harry S. Hamilton of Nampa of j potatoes by trucks until present Barbara Brown, Clarissa Tillman. | ficiating. Burial was in the Kuna RULES—Please Follow ' freight rates were reduced. Lavena Phillips, Tiena, Betty and j cemetery. Flowers M UST be in by noon to j -------------------------- Louise Tensen. Mr. Musselman had lived in be entered. No flowers »111 be re- J __ The Kingman girls were In charge i _ „„„„ U A crowd of nearly 400 fight fans iK una for 16 years, being „ engaged In 1 reived after 12 o'clock C fa tp Ic of Mrs. Ralph Haworth, who also ] H,uai l „ ? ^ rri,SOni!ieaZ!y POtat° , Cr01! 1 the mercantile business. He came to attended the buttles here In the Only flowers grown by the entrant | * * had her little daughter Phyllis «1th tins year is considered a record and j Nyssa thls sprlng He Is survived by ' newly constructed open-air pavilion will be accepted. her. Kingman girls who spent the growers have tried to remember j ft sotli ilve daughters. one brother at the ball P ^ k . The most exciting Bring own containers, glass jars. . . . week in camp were Helen and May* back to a better yield, without r e -i„ „ w bout of the evening turned out to be Enter only number of flowers _________________ _____ belle Pond, Ethelyn and Eleanor suit. Mr. GaiTison had three and a i the semi-final battle between P at listed or entry will be disqualified. I Haworth, Flora Prosser, Ellen Mc- ° f B' ^ T rlr Pl: Mr. a" d Mrs” F. D. Reddaway of Rafferty of Wilder and Kenny Flowers must be left at hall until A tri-motored airplane left Salem Emily Otis, Joyce and Don- potatoes hat averaged 335 sacks of Q r a i y were u of Mr and Keech of Omaha Who Is working shortly after 9 a. m. Tuesday taking na Lyla Mrs. noyd No. 1 potatoes to the acre. There 8:30 p. m. T h e r e | Mrs , . . . Franlc Hal, s ‘ nday and Mon. near Homedale at the present time. |many leading state officials on a Zesiger Dorothy a n d Margaret also 7 i s sacks of i n No. 4 . c z -n ttim r --------’ --------- = ------- ------ — ¿ .e s ig e r . u o r o u iy an a n ia rg a re i. were » c i c ¡nou acas u o . z 2s s a and n a -i , a cousin of Although Kech came In as the ..... ™ ..n . fU". I Winters. Lucille Thresher and Pearl ¡sacks of culls to the acre; making under-dog, he was awarded a tech To get best results flowers should , and into Washington for a view of i williams j a total yield of 346 sacks of early nical knockout in the 4th round. be picked either early morning or development projects started or ; potatoes to the acre. The main go of the evening seem late evening, should be plunged im- completed during the past few year,. I M A LH £U R COUNTY C A LD W ELL TO HAVE Many experienced growers have ed a little tame after the glove nvdiately Into water so stems will Among the projects to be visited j stated that they never heard any- NIGHT RODEO ON slinging of the previous kout. fill with water. were Bonneville, Grand Coulee, the | TO H AVE DISPLAY | thing like it for this country or any The premium list following In Owyhee project, the state highway | AUGUST 22-23-24 ¡ Sleepy" Blount of Baker punched AT STA T E FAIR j other agricultural section. If any- \ and Jabbed Tils way to a decision cludes the number of stems to be system, and the five Oregon coast i one knows of a better yield than ' over Don Bentley of Emmett, entered, an impotent detail. bridges. The trip will cover more ! j 346 sacks of Bliss Triumph to the although many of the fans felt that Artistic bouquets—tall and low. than 1500 miles. Western Romance with a capital I Malheur county will have a dis- acre, and can prove it. the Journal "R " will be given life in a real Bentley had at least earned a draw. Agératum, 6 stems. Those on the fight included Earl One best double aster. i play at the Oregon State Fair, would, be interested in learning of sporting event—The Homesteaders’ Dean Starr of Caldwell won the Snell, secretary of state; Rufus C. which is being held in Salem. Aug- it. The fact that practically all of Silver Jubilee rodeo—to be present referees decision over Ken Draper (Continued on page 2). Holman, state treasurer; Henry Potatoes were No. 1 is a record just 31 to September 7 The display ' ed “under the lights" at Caldwell of Payette In a four round special Cabell, chairman state highway i is being sponsored by the Vale- 1 m itself. bout. Rocky Vincent of Boise loit August 22. 23 and 24. commission; R. H. Baldock, highway Owyhee Land Settlement Asao- to Sammy Wahl in a four round engineer; This announcement came from M. , „ . „ . . | elation. Several other counties have special bout. This proved to be quit/i YVHEAT YIELDS GOOD S. Sandmeyer, chairman of the ! engineer; C. A. Howard. ^ ^ U n l f l e d their intention of enter- a slugging match with Wahl Just Jubilee committee for Caldwell's about meeting his match. A chorus i ten.dfn' „ ° f, £ Hr I county exhibits, greatest celebration. He went on to state budget director and Dan Fry, Elaborate plans are t * lng ^ Yields of wheat In the Nyssa that Everett Colborn and D. J. of boos greated the referee's decis state purchasing agent. year to make the Oregon State section this year have been h«avier '..Doc.. »orensen arena directors are ion. Tlie date for the annual picnic o f ! Governor Martin »-as invited b u t, a piace 0f education a n d Harold Long was well on his way than for several years. Yields in ex- brln(flnK Caldwell the Madison tb 3 Malheur County Pioneer Asso- stated it was impossible for him to j amusement second to none. Besides cess of 60 bushels to the acre are I 0arden show from New York for a win over Lyle Cheney of oald- elation has been set for Friday, Aug- get away. , an array of exhibits expected to quite common this year. Fred Koop- | CTty j well when he hurt his hand and was an man had 10 acres of wheat on j overshadow anything before, ust 30, at the usual meeting place. unable to continue, the bout being ' . . , m . The greatest galaxy of riders and awarded to the Caldwell boy. The i interesting program has been ar- government measured ground that Riverside park, at Vale. A program EMMETT AND BOISE ropers ever to be assembled in Ida and dinner will be featured as usual.: curtain raiser between Norman r n PI AV r n o F I * r ran* ed for toe amusement of the yielded 776 bushels of wheat. The An innovation Is to be added this j * LJ " L A I i D l \ r L A ( j crowd. A ttractive premiums are grain was harvested by the C. P ho, will gather in Caldwell to com- Leavitt and G arnett Brooks, both of liete for tlie high dally prize money year In the display of old-time j ________ ¡offered for «Inning exhibits. Overstreet combine outfit. Nyssa ended In a draw. photos, these may be of old time | Those who desire copies of t h e ; ^ Wolf<> ^ flVe acres of gov- ¡and lntermountaln championship pioneers, notable buildings, freight | Emm ett and Boise will play off I premium list and entry blanks may trn nw nt meaaured th at CIVIC C LU B TO teams, bridges and what not. These for the pennant In the Idaho-O re- address the Oregon State Fair, pr0duced wheat a t the rate of 83 W ILD COW MILKING FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 F Hinton W ins Calf Roping W ant Lower Freight Rate Girl Scouts Back Funeral Tuesday Big Potato Yield Made Good Ring Battles Seen Here Friday Fly Over Dam , , t-T Pioneer Picnic A t Vale Park Aug. 3 0 will be placed In the hands of one Of the executive committee and safe return In good condition guaranteed the owners. Regarding the old-tim e dance In tlie evening, the com m ute has been especially Instructed to announce th a t this Is not a public affair, given expressly for Pioneers and friends of pioneer age. whom they B IG . . . CUT FOB ANNUAL EAGLES' RODEO 13176563 JiS a y g0n league as a result of Boise's win agricultural building or you may see busheL, ^ the a C T e over Payette Sunday, 7 to 5. Boise ( a copy of the list a t the Journal. Ladcy had a yield of secured the services of Dean J o h n - 1 ---------------------------- '• lhe acre off stx ttcres ston of Nyssa as pitcher and Hollen- AUTO LICEN SE EXA M IN ER peck, who really comes from F ru it- W IL L BE H ERE AUGUST 22 land, caught for Boise. Frank I ------------ ' Rambaud, also from Nyssa. did the w . L. Turner. Exam iner of oper- b u t; pitching for Payette with Henry ,,raUlrs and chauffeurs will be in of Beulah doing the catching. Nvssa Thursday, August 22 1935 at ... ..................... . . . .i Nyssa pitchers turned in .. and Johnny 65 bushels to CONTEST AMUSING The wild cow milking contest was won Saturday by Cherokee Alcom j who roped his cow, milked the an- imal and brought the milk to the i Judges In 30 seconds. Red Parker ! was second In this event with his the City ail between the hours of | Baldridge Implement front dolled I time being 33 seconds flat shall elect to Invite. b° y? * ! : 1 p m 5 p m ' respectlvely' ac- “ P wHh new awning . . Eagles try- Dee Hinton won the event Sunday lowed eight hits; Johnston struck cording to a recent announcement lng to figure a cash profit from the ! with time of 29 1-5 seconds with HAS APPEND ICITIS ATTACK out eight and Rimbaud struck out released from the Secretary of show . Nysslans catching up on Ray Quinn winning second with the ----------- j sevwi. Payette had a bad day in the S ta tes office |sleep . . Kids hoping September 3rd watch catching him at 35 seconds Arthur Chapman took 111 suddenly fleld’ commiuln* flve *rror» All thoae wishing permit* or lie- win never come . . Wintry blasts In flat. Wednesday evening with an attack B o ** made one. - Ixmg r ™ and «1 Shoup of i enses to drive cars are asked to get August . . . Bass planted at Owyhee There were several entrants In Mr Turner during Dam Sunday . Hunters dlscuaslng this event but moat of them had of appendicitis and was rushed to Payette hit home runs and Ray In touch with prospect* of open season on s a g e trouble catching and holding their the Holy Rosary hospital by Bert Brubaker hit one for three bases theae hours hen and grouse . . . cow long enough to get any milk, Llenkaemper in the ambulance. Dr The longest hit off Rambaud was a three-bagger by Bates playing for Buddy Edwards «ras down from 1 __________________ ! much to the amusement of the Davis Is caring for him. McCall Saturday night __ i—as. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 crowd. ’ROUND TOWN I i Guy Cash of Whitebird, Idaho W i n s Bucking Contest At A n n u a l Rodeo. Sunday night brought to a close a successful two-day rodeo show sponsored by the Eagles and liber ally patronized oy the people of this section. A crowd that almost filled the grandstand and bleachers; and others in cars completely circling the arena saw Guy Cash ride Gaucho Sunday afternoon for first money In the bucking contest. Lar ry Daniels on Flapper won second money. Buck Wheeler on Brown Jug mode a good ride and was rated third; barely finishing out of the money. Dude Ferrell on Sweet Water also made a beautiful ride Sunday. Don Bentley rode Hill Billy across the arena but was finally pitched off. Orin Hopkins of Weiser also hit the dirt. Steamboat being a little too much for him. Besides the finals In the bucking contest Sunday, several of the boys rode horses In exhibition rides. Joe Dunn rode three exhibition Sunday. He was eliminated from the finals Sunday by drawing Widow Maker for his ride Saturday; and the horse added another victim to its long string. Leo Cox of Jordan Valley rode two horses in exhibitions Sun day. Others who rode exhibitions were Ted Milligan, Johnny Orey and Lloyd Qltman. Saturday Bucking Contest Saturday saw some fine extiibl- tion of riding, with Guy Cash on S»-eet Water winning first money Saturday and Cherokee Alcom » In ning second In his ride on Two-Step. Buck Wheeled made a good ride on Romeo, Dude Ferrell on Midnight and Orin Hopkins on Fandango both rode their horses to a finish for the finals. Johnny Orey was eliminated when Death Valley got tlie best of him. Larry Daniels qualified for the finals by making a nice ride on Freckles and Albert Bloomer rode Steamboat successfully. Joe Dunn hit the dirt when he attempted to ride Widow Maker, one of the hard est bucking horses In the west. Several of the boys showed their willingness to help tlie show along with exhibition rides. Don Bentley rode Elk Creek, but the horse fell and lie was granted a re-rlde In the finals Sunday. Jack Conner, 18 year old buckaroo from Jordan Valley rode Long Tom in an exhibition ride and Leo Cox rode Flapper, a.s well as mounting two steers for ex hibition. Some of the spectators felt that his riding of steers was on a par with the best to be found any where. Near the end of the show, Dude Ferrell attempted to ride Brown Jug but the horse proved to be too good a bucker. Lloyd O lt- man also came out In an exhibition ride 8aturcay but was thrown. Business Men Ride Steers In Rodeo The Business Mens Steer Riding contest proved to be highly success ful, with several business men game enough to mount a steer and per form In front of the grandstand, Saturday the show opened with C B Short coming out on “Gasoline | Ike" with the steer »Inning the vlc- torV Wendell, Pogue came out on "Jelly Bean," and the steer was again victorious Don Graham a t tempted to ride "Safety Plrst" but he also bit the dust. Oca Blaylock came out Saturday on “T -B o n e” and made a good ride. M EET A T BA RR ETT Good rides were also made by John GARDENS AUG. 21 Lawrence on “Flat T ire" and W ar ren McHargue on "Close Shave". Oca Blaylock won first money in Sunday by riding Ills T l * next meeting of the Civic the finals Club will be at the Barrett gardens mount across the Lhe arena and back on Wednesday, August 21. T h e without losing hLs seat. Warren Mc highlight of the program will be a Hargue and John Lawrence both talk by Mrs. Barrett on flowers and rode Sunday but finally were pitched off. a very enjoyable and instructive afternoon is In store for those who TAKEN TO HOSPITAL attend. Mrs. Pieter Tensen will be the hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. Henry Trueleon, who lives near Dick Tensen will have charge of the upper Owyhee bridge was taken transportation and would like for all to the Ontario hospital Wednesday who can to bring cars. Those wish morning by Bert Llenkaemper Mr. ing to go are to meet at the Eagles Trueleon entered the Holy Roaary hall at 3 o'clock. A very cordial In hospital to treat a rase of pneumon vitation Is Issued to all women of ia and Is now under the cars of Dr. this vicinity. Palmer. i