Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1935)
CATE cm’ JÓURNAL, THURSftAV, AUGUST 1 , 1935 . Grant Rinehart left Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Green Campbell district in the west. There are APPLE VALLEY SUNDAY Beulah where Mr. Cain is employed in Ontario. LINCOLN FOLK business visitors in Ontario Miss Thelma DuPre is visiting her thousands of people in the middle SCHOOL WILL BE HOSTS TO his home in Enterprise where he were Mr. and Mrs. George Markham Monday. will spend most of the month. west that are waiting anxiously to SERENADE YOUNG and family and Mrs. Jolmson ant ather, Ed. DuPre. NYSSA CHURCH SUNDAY Doly Hawkins of California s receive an invitation to come to this COUPLE LAST WEEK Lee Mitchell attended the L. D 6 Isltlng j promised, land. There will be room at the parental A. Haw- picnic on Blrdlngs Island Sunday. -lns home. for thousands of homes on this large The Apple Valley Sunday School Always Consult THE GATE CITY JOURNAL s Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed ant The water is plentiful in the has Invited the Nyssa Sunday School The young people of this com Mr. and Mrs. West Payton were din Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rogers and larear. on your Commercial Printing Problems. We Aim \ Owyhee now and what will it be munity charivaried Mr. and Mrs. ner guests at the Rogers home or Ar. and Mrs. John Johnson and Ray when It will be backed by the to join them in a basket dinner at pent Sunday at the Trent Jolmson to Serve and to Please You! \ Austin Cain last week. After seren Sunday. the Apple Valley school house Sun ading them at the Cain home, they Mr. and Mis Whit Redsull and adjourned to the Redsull barn to Bessie are in Portland this week. dance. The young couple had just Miss Rita Courtney of Ontarit returned from a honeymoon In the i visited with Miss Alice Rogers or. Yellowstone park. Mrs. Cain was Miss Iris Hartley before her mar Wednesday. Margaret Redsull is working riage. They will make their home at in Miss Ontario this week. Lee Mitchell, Herbert Rogers, Raj and Bus Steinhaus, Ed and Prank DuPre and the Erskine Brooks fam Get Your ily all attended the dance at Hope last Saturday night. BARBER WORK A farewell dance was held at the Oecrge Markham home Saturday Done Where night honoring Mrs Johnson and Quality Counts. son, Lee Mitchell, who leave soon for Cal., where Lee will en Get a hair cut to fit Alhambra, roll as a senior in high school. your personality. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Redsull and Bessie returned this week from Portland. Miss Ethel Vestal and Kenneth Rolls returned with them for a visit. Mrs. George Markham's niece Bethanne spent the past two weeks 1 visiting here from Salt Lake. 1 Miss Margaret Redsull Is working OWYHEE Barber Shop GOOD Lubrication Means SAFE Driving No matter h o w good oil might b e, summer weather causes motors to use more lubrication than they would in cool weather. Check your oil more often during this hot weather, don’t risk ruining your car through thoughtlessness. And be sure to change your oil every 500 miles for best motoring results. Drive in today and let us check up on your car. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 NYSSA WE W O U L D N 'T / ^ GOOD TO IA Y THÉ THINGS ABOUT REFRIGERATION OWNERS SAY! ROLLATOR NORCE THAT B u t o w n e r s do s a y th e m a n d vo u ch fo r th e ir tr u t h ! g e « l a i * < N 019 « '» • *oun' — that U make» 9 C0 ,« fii «'»t,on .mount to •»«" HORAE Grain Nyssa Tailor Shop j Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Andrews Seed Co. ALL OF A SUDDEN SilblPH / ’ jp m 'U ccL. REFRIGERATION It really is important to know what's inside the refrigerator you are about to buy. It’s im portant if you value the health of your family and if you want your family to be protected. Carrcne looks like water, yet it is probably the most efficient refrigerant ever discovered. You can see it, smell it, and hold it in your hand without danger or inconvenience. Come in and let us show you the new Grunows today. Here's One You'll Be Glad To Know About! RO U GH D RY Washing service. All your washing done for only Pound 50c T 7 Bundle and 7c for each additional pound. Flat work ironed. Starched as desired. THE R0LLAT0B„J».«e/A, easy, rolling power pro vides mort cold— m uses less current, N O /v R ^ T v L G E ^ r a X l^ te 20-N-J EDER HARDWARE CO. Nyssa Ginzel Jewelry Shop j Speaking of Bargains l* 1 only one way you T HERE’S can understand the enthusi NORGE CORPORATION N>. of Bor* vr.iiMf Corp . Dtrroii, Mich We Pay COLD CASH For HOT ASHES Frank T. Morgan _____ « ot *n-o° •rnon' asm Norge owners have for Rollator Refrigeration. That is lo ou n a Norge yourself. Most owners will tell you that Norge advantages are far beyond their expectations. And here’s the reason. The best part of the Norge is the part you never see. It’s the famous Rollator cold-making mechanism. With but three slowly moving parts, the Rolla tor has power to make more cold than you’ll ever need, uses very little current, is almost everlasting, actually improves with use. Only Norge has the Rollator. Learn now imponant that state ment is before you buy a refrig erator. See the Norge. day after the church service. A speaker will discuss the merits of the Townsend plan at three o'clock In the afternoon. ATTEND ALL DAY SUNSHINE CLUB P-T-A MEETING Myrtle Fowler of Payette and Kingman Kolony—Ladies from Mrs. Will Years Beam of Nyssa. will en the Kolony attending the all daj Mrs. tertain title Rekebah Sunshine club —SEE— 2S YEARS AGO IN NYSSA meeting and picnic dinner at the Friday afternoon, August 9 at the Brumbach home last week were Mrs Odd Fellows hall. As Taken Prom Journal Files Robert Overstreet, Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mrs. Maurice Judd. Mrs. C For Your Insurance Needs Cotton. Mrs. Crother of Portland, Guaranteed Treatment News taken from The Gate City C. the State Publicity Chairman for WE SPECIALIZE IN HAY INSURANCE Journal. July 28, 1910. the P. T. A. was the main speaker at For Tender Stomach Protect What You Have Being thrown from a hay rake and the school of Instruction. Says C. S. Gross: "After taking Dr. being dragged all over the field was Mrs. W. L. Schaefer and Mrs. T. Emil’s Adla Tablets the pains are the misfortune of Birdie Cox, young Elliott visited at the H. C. John gone and I eat anythiing.” Try Adla er son of F. A. Cox, last Sunday T. home in Nyssa Sunday evening. treatment on our money back guar afternoon. Dr. Sarazln was called son Leonard Nichols was 111 for several antee. The Nyssa Pharmacy.. —Ad and now reports that the the boy is days last week. Improving, although one hip was The T. C. Simmons family moved vertisement. DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY badly smashed and a piece of the their tent house from the Redsull bone broke off. Diamonds — Watches — Gifts near Vale to the T. T. Elliott The Rival hat at Boydells now farm farm Sunday. — Rings — Silverware $ only $2.50, former price $3.50. Shoes Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burr spent Watch repairing our Specialty sold at liberal discount. the week end in Ontario. "Apparatus arrived In Nyssa for in- James McGinnis of Adrian has See us for that special Jewelry Repair job I stallation of the Nyssa-Owyhee In- been quite sick. All Work Guaranteed | dependent telephone last Monday. Mrs. Oscar Schaefer, Mrs. W. L. The poles have not arrived as yet; Schaefer and Mrs. T. T. Elliott visit §X the plan being to use poles in the ed at the Bruce Hare home Sunday. country but in the main part of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newbill are i town the wires will be underground a fishing trip. During their absence and distributed from a pole in the spending the week at Deschutes on ONTARIO, OREGON £ OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL | alley. The room in the rear of the Mrs. Charles Garrison is caring for Bank of Nyssa is to be the central the children. office. Mrs. C. C. Cotton spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Closson spent In Payette visiting relatives and A Famous friends. Tuesday in Boise. Mrs. Howard Connaughy spent Mrs. Will Smith and children of several KAHN .- V - ¿ -3 days last week with her Boise are visiting with Mrs. Fred mother Mrs. Before You Sell Your J. P. McGinnis. Fabric Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. George McLafferty A financial report of the 4th of were dinner guests at the Bill BANNOCKBURN July celebration shows that the total home Sunday. revenues from subscription and con Toombs Mrs. Chet Stallings (Florence A group of »mart "twisty” fab cessions was $473 and total expendi Bach) of Logan, Utah Is spending a tures were $355.72. Mr. Jones and at the James Lane home visit rics— favorites for many seasons J. H. Togue tied in the horse race. week in the out-of-doors but now Carl Rutledge won the pony race ing friends and relatives. and Felton Duncan was second in equally popular for work-a-day GIRL SCOUTS | the pony race. H. Haley won the wear. Not only are they dis bucking contest. W: T. Downes won tinctive and colorful, but have the mens race and Richard Callen About sixteen Girl Scouts with was second. Fay Cox won the potato their leader Miss Betty Tensen and a fin* record for long wear. Let Us Give You A Quotation race and Audrey Ward carried off Mrs. Dick Tensen plan to leave Sun second honors. Mr. Doane won the day for a weeks camping at the Pay MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS sack race and E. L. Hilderbrandt ette Lakes. Kingman Kolony Girl was second. In the boys 12-year old Scouts will accompany the Nyssa Cleaning and Pressing We Are In The Market race, Fred Test was first and Ches troop. Alterations and Repairs ter Peer second. Jack Bennett won the boys 8 year old race and D. L. McDonald and Oscar Cox tied for second. Wayne Birdsell won the pie PATRONIZE eating contest and Chester Peer was second. Miss Blanten carried off OUR BUSINESS honors In the girls race and Sadie D. E. MORGAN, Prop. ' Phone 452 Crockett was second. In the womens Ontario sawing contest, Mrs. Geo. Closson Buy your shoe laces was the winner and Mrs. Meede won and polish from the the nail driving contest. A1 Qlrson on the wrestling contest and Jack Shoe Repair Shop in Broden was second. stead of Grocery, Dry The Gate City Journal was pub Goods, Ding Stores lished by Harold S. Vahl as editor or Service Stations. and O. A. Megorden as associate editor. The directors of the Owyhee and Kingman Kolony Irrigation districts will meet on Tuesday at their head quarters in Nyssa to talk over the business of their districts and and Lowest Prices see what they can do to push mat Shoe Repairing ters ahead as much as possible. The engineers will no doubt be chosen All kinds of shoe laces and at this meeting and it may be that polish . . Will mall your shoes light will be thrown on the all ab FREE to destinaUon. sorbing question, "When will work JOHN S. ALDECOA, Prop. start.” What is It that this country needs more than a good reliable Next Nyssa, Door Oregon to Bakery ditch that will water high land or bench? This is all we lack to make this the largest and richest Irrigated RENE C tA lM T H » ' * ,,n < ! W P '" !” in l ,pu.cW * # "TV* N ot 9« mense reservoir that is to be con lorne in Sand Hollow. Miss Kathryn Nielson spent last structed to store the waters? veek In Boise with Miss Ruth. Mrs. Cox is slightly improved after KOLONY LADIES being ill for a long while. Adrian Jot down every cent you spend for wash day supplies— for soap, water, coal, electric ity. and deterioration on your equipment. Amounts to more than you thought, eh? Now consider this. We will take the tiring work and wor ry of washday out of your home—for less than your sup plies cost you. In the face of this bargain can you afford to keep on doing your own wash ing. Of course not! Then step right now to the phone and call Ontario 98. Our truck will pick up >-our bundle. Well wash y o u r clothes In creamy suds and rinse them In gallons of rain soft water, and return them looking clean and smelling clean. We charge only 50c for a 7 lb bundle and 7c for each ad ditional pound ONTARIO LAUNDRY EVERY - BODY - WASHES - W ITH - RAIN - WATER - JONES L O O K IN S ID E THE P IP E S AND C O IL S OF THE R E F R IG E R A T O R ' 9J lU ltC W SUPER SAFE REFRIGERATOR Nordale Furniture NYSSA, OREGON Peterson Furniture Co- ONTARIO, OREGON