UAÏtt CITY jö ü m a L, thü K ü S á V, j LL ï 18b, AIO M KD r— < Announcement W e are pleased to announce that we have taken over the management of the Schweizer Cafe, Nyssa’s best known and liked restaurant. W e want to extend a cordial welcome to the patrons to drop in and get acquainted and try our good food. W e will endeavor to serve good wholesome meal;, in a congenial atmosphere and at reasonable prices. GOOD FOOD -COOKED AND SERVED RIGHT Bring the whole family in and keep the wife out of the kitchen these hot summer days. REMEMBER— W e are always glad to see you at SCHWEIZER CAFE Chas. Clements Prop. STURDY WORK SHOES /«lough Jobs / W HEN your daily duties take you into all kinds o f weather, you need good, well made, all-leather shoes to protect your feet and your health, and you get that kind when you select “ Star Brands” . . . the shoes that give you comfort, long wear, and fine value. Style illustrated is priced a t $1.79 to $4.95 LOCAL NEWS George McKnlght o i Vale will be one o f the main speakers on the afternoon program at the picnic celebration of Lower Boise Pioneers, to be held Sunday. July 28 at Big Bend Park. Mrs. Joe Oardner, who spent a few weeks In Boise returned to the Eachus home Sunday. N. S. Phelan, w ho was a patient In the Vale Sanitarium returned home Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. R oy Stark of Hara- itlon Montana who are spending their vacation visiting relatives here have been honor guests at a number of family gatherings during the past week. Mrs. R. L. Haworth, Mrs. C. E. Peck, Mrs J. J. Brumbach o f Ilwaco and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach attended Book Club at the home of Mrs. M. Judd in the Kolony. “ Time Out of M ind" by Rachel Field was review ed by Mrs. Brumbach. Dainty favors and a delicious lunch added much to the pleasure o f the guests. Mesdames C. E. Peck, R. L. Ha worth, F. A. Miller, N. S. Phelan, L. E. Plllsbury and E. H. Brumbach were guests at the garden party held at the home of Mrs C. C. Cotton In Kingman last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott o f Bould er Dam are spending their vacation visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Purdy o f the Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott o f Vale. Mrs. J. J. Brumbach o f Ilwaco, Washington, stopped o ff on her way east for a visit in the E. H. Brum bach home. Mr. add Mrs. Frank Morgan were business vlstiors In Boise Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vlnsonhaler spent the week end visiting Mrs. I Vlnsonhaler's parents at Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Short left early Tuesday morning for a fishing trip | in the Bend country. Miss Georgia Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kendler were Boise visit- | ors Tuesday. James Duncan of Blackfoot. Ida., spent last week visiting with his mother Mrs. Emma Duncan. Sills and Henley finished their excavation contract on Dead Ox Flat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Berwyn Burke and Ronald Burke were dinner guests at the Jack Keizer home Friday even ing. Mrs. W. F. McLing and Mrs. Her- schel Thompson spent Monday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H B. Earp In Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kllnkenberg and son and Mrs. C. Klinkenberg went to Caldwell Sunday morning to see Mr. Kllnkenberg, who Is In the sanitarium there. They found him very much improved, following a re cent operation. Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White and boys returned Tuesday evening after spending two enjoyable weeks at Wallowa Lake Institute. Rev. White was manager and a very busy man. He had charge o i arranging the out Mrs. J. R. Hunter made a business door class rooms under canvas and many other duties. Mrs. White chap trip to Meridian Saturday evening. eroned thd Apple Valley group. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Truelson who have been visiting the past three weeks at the home of his brother A COOL PLACE TO Henry Truelson and family have re VISIT turned to their home in Stettler, Alberta, Canada. They were very When in Town. W e much Impressed with this country invite you to come in and may return and locate here. Mrs. W. A. Russell o f Hollywood and cool off. visited last week with her husband and son at their, home on the new At land in the Kolony. Miss Grace Dean and her brother James Dean came Saturday to visit at the Rus sell home. Mr. Dean left for his home in Twin Falls Sunday. Mrs. Russell and Miss Dean left for Seat tle Monday. Miss Crete Marie Foster returned last week from Quaker Hill Confer ence at Payette Lakes. There were 185 registered. They roomed In dor mitories and ate together at the big dining hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and family of Owyhee also attended and all report a splen did week. On her return Miss Foster visited Miss Charlotte Cheeley of W e have just received Boise. a, shipment of n e w Mr. and Mrs. David DeGross and Mrs. Arvllla Fauchier went to W al Watches, including lowa Lake oil last Tuesday. They took with them Mildred, Lawrence the latest styles in and James Cornell, for a weeks out ing. Bob DeGross and a friend Les wrist watches. lie Klample, came up from Salem Salem with Mr. Foster. All returned Monday except Mrs. DeGross, Mrs. Faurhier and Eleanor Foster who Come in and make will remain until the first o f August. Johnson Variety Just Received Star Brand Shoes are B etter Wilson Drygoods N y ssa O re go n i m - • - . „ •■«*— » - ---------- ---- - — F IN A L Profit - Sharing Distribution SATURDAY, AUG. 17 AT 3 p . m . The Nyssa Merchants Summer Time Profit Sharing Days will come to a close with the distribution of $100 in Cas K43U D H 50 SILVER DOLLARS SHARE NO. 1 ...................................................... $ 1 SHARE NO. 2 .......................................................$ 1 SHARE NO. 3 .......................................................$ 1 SHARE NO. 4 ...................................................... $ 1 SHARE NO. 5 ;.................................................... $ 1 SHARE NO. 6 .......................................................$ 1 SHARE NO. 7 .......................................................$ 2 SH AR E NO. 8 .................................................... $ 3 SH AR E NO. 9 .................................................... $ 4 SHARE NO. 1 0 .................................................... $ 5 SHARE NO. 11 .................................................... $10 SHARE NO. 1 2 .................................................... $20 your selection. GROCERY Plus DON’T FORGET S P E C IA L S “ HONEY” FOSTERS ...FOR... HONEY Friday and Saturday For Sale By WILSON BROS. GROCERY On that Camping Trip Paulus Jewelry Store Next to Cozy Cafe Nyssa $50 G R A N D P R IZ E For Friday and Saturday July 26 and 27 Payments on Old Accounts BAKING POWDER, KC, 25 oz. size ................ 19c 50 oz. s iz e ........................................................ 33c 5 lb. s iz e ........................................................... 49c Talk About a Bargain ARE GOOD FOR TICKETS THE SAM E AS CASH PURCHAS ES. W ITH EVERY 50c CASH PURCHASE OR PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT, YO U ARE ENTITLED TO A TICKET ON THIS PROFIT-SHARING EVENT COCOA, Our Mothers, 2 lb. c a n ...................... 19c Here’s One the Whole County’s Talking About PEARS, Parkdale, 2 1-2 size can, 2 f o r ...... 35c CRACKERS, 3 lb. b o x e s.................................... 37c Every ticket given out since May 31 will have a chance on the SHORTENING, Carsten Snowcap, 4 lb. pkg. 55c OCR WORK SAVING, TIME GRAPE JUICE, Pint Bottles, each .................. 18c SAVING, MONEY SAVING JAM JELL, 8 oz. bottle, better than Certo, 2 bottles f o r .................................................. 35c THRIFT - T Wash Service MAYONNAISE, Best Food, quart ja r s ....... Pint jars ' 45c 29c TU N A FISH, White Star, 1-2 lb. cans, 2 for 29c SHRIMP, 2 c a n s ................................................. 25c OXYDOL, large packages, e a c h ...................... 23c COSTS ONLY 60c for 10 lbs. AND 6c FOR EACH ADDI TIONAL POUND FIG BARS, 2 lb.......................................................25c W ilson G rocery Absolutely Independent PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE. $50 GRAND PRIZE H OU8EWTVES all over northern Malheur County are boosting our new T H R IF -T Wash Service that saves so much time and costs less than your washday supplies, that takes the heavy strain oi the washday completely o ff your hands and gives you hours of extra freedom every week. And we do a thorough Job. We coax out dirt and grime with thick, pure suds. We rinse all washing in gallons of rain soft water. W e send It back clean looking and clean smelling—all for only 60c per average size bundle o f 10 lbs. and 6c for each additional pound. W e know you recognize a bargain. That's why we Ye sure you will tell us when to call for YOUR BUNDLE ONTARIO LAUNDRY EVERY - BODY - WASHES - W ITH - RAIN - W ATER - JONES Grand Prize of $50 in Silver Dollars. If you haven’t won before, be sure to plan on attending this final Profit-Sharing Event. Get Your Tickets From These Nyssa Merchants Boise Payette Lumber Co. Frank Morgan Nyssa Seed and Crain Western Hotel Fisher Apparel Shop Green Lantern The Vogue Beauty Shoppe Dr. J. J. Sarazin Nyssa Funeral Home Gate City Journal Nyssa Auto Park Larsen and Towns Oregon Super Service Paulus Jewelry Store Powell Service Station Pmyn Garage Norcott Service Dr. E. D. Norcott Jackson Lumber Co. Wilson Brothers Schlitz Tavern Rose Bud Swan Bakery Nyssa Packing Co. Baldridge Implement Co. Rubye Lou Beauty Shoppe Lawrence Service Cozy Cafe Owyhee Barber Shop Nyssa Tailor Shop Nyssa Realty Co. McHargue Barber Shop Schweizer Cafe Nyssa Pharmacy Eder Hardware and Grocery Johnson Variety Caldwell Store Nordale Furniture Store