~~ ROCKVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION Rockville— The yearly school meeting was held the first of the week. Andrew Greeley and Mrs. El a Ire McKenzie were elected dir­ ectors. Mrs . Lee Strode visited Mrs. Maude Greeley Friday. Many of the Rockville foLrs plan to attend the Fourth of July cele­ bration in Vale. George Greeley and son Larry were visitors at Andrew Greeleys Monday. Several truck loads of iambs have been shipped from this vicinity the GRAIN-FED Fresh Meat We have just bought 70 head of grain-fed beef for the market trade only. The Best Meat Always EAT MORE MEAT N YSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON S --------------------------------^4 ROBT. D. LYTLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY _ .r Eat At L ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON See Us For That COLEMAN’S LUNCH PAINTING JOB 15 years experience in paint­ ing and kalsomlning. Work done by contract or by the day NYSSA Now Open All Night A. V. PRUYN Nyssa, Oregon We Put Up Lunche« ¡ l : -i LESLIE J. AKER DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ATTORNEY —and— ACCOUNTANT past week. Mrs. Nora Wise and children were dinner guests at Mrs. Maud Greeleys on Monday. Mrs. D. H. Haylett who has bee» quite ill with spotted fever is lm- i proving rapidly. | Olin Nichols, who suffered from a spraned arm is much better and has ' returned to his work on Mahogany mountain. Miss Janet McKenzie and her brother Stewart McKenzie attended the dance at Jordan Valley Satur­ day. Mr. Chandler, the construction engineer from McDermitt passed through Rockville en route to the lower country the first of the week. iritofs =■« DEAN JOHNSTON MÀKfcs GOOD AS PK'HTER AT Using Honey OREGON STATE By Mrs. W. W. Foster Oregon State College, Corvallis, By Mrs. W. W Foster —Dean McCauley Johnston, former Most sugar must be broken down Nyssa athlete, has received frosh- man baseball numerals for the past into simple sugars by digestion be­ season as ace hurler on the 1935 fore they can be assimilated. The simple sugars resulting are identical rook nine here. Johnston was neck and shoulders with those occurring naturally in ahead ol every other pitcher on the honey. For this reason honey re­ squad. He completely outclassed any quires practically no digestion. It is chucker seen here on a yearling almost wholly available for imme- team in many years. Every game he date absorption into the body. This pitched approached a one-man show is one reason why it is recognized as with Johnston holding the spot­ a valuable food for babies and grow­ light. The opposition batters were ing children. TIRE BLOWOUT CAUSES Honey makes delicious and whole­ completely bewildered when the DEATH OF BURNS WOMAN Nyssa knuckler began bearing down. some ice cream for the freezer or the It was due to the spectacular electric referigerator. No flavoring is pitching of Johnston that the rooks required. | A blowout of a rear tire was given ended so successful a season with a 1 ¡as the reason for an auto accident three game win over the University ! RECIPES last Wednesday that brought death of Oregon frosh in the annual four- j to Mrs. Julia Traugott. 49, oi>er&tor game series between the two year­ Honey and Strawberry Ice Cream Mash 3-4 cups of strawberries, add of a beauty parlor in Burns. The ac- j ling aggregations. | cldent happened 30 miles west of I Railbirds consider the Nyssa curve ■4 cup of honey and let stand. Stir cup of sugar, add 1 tablespoon | Vale when Mrs. Traugott and Mrs. artist as the outstanding pitching in [ L. A. Upham were driving to Boise, j prospect to turn up here in a of lemon juice, 1 cup of cream and Mrs. Upham escaped injury but | number of years. He promises to de­ freeze. Traugott s skull was fractured when j velop into one of the best twirlers she was pinned beneath the auto ever to play for the Orangemen. and she died almost instantly. Honey Ice Cream '» cup Honey, 4 egg yolks, 3-4 cup BROTHERS MEET AFTER milk. 1*4 cup cream, pinch of salt. IRONSIDE NOTES TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS Heat the milk in a double boiler. Blend the honey and egg yolks; add the hot milk and cook until mixture Ralph Duncan returned Wednes­ G. E Bertsch was surprised to say thickens. Cool, add cream and day from Portland where he had the least when his brother Ed. Ber- freeze. shipped a carload of beef cattle. 1 tsch of Brookings, South Dakota, The Ladies Club met at the home stepped into the shop a week ago Warms 2 quarts of milk. Add 1 cup of Mrs. H. C. Elms Wednesday. A Thursday and he failed to recognize honey and V» cup sugar and 3 well large crowd attended and a pleas­ him. Lest Wednesday he and his beaten eggs. Stir in 3 Junket tablets ant afternoon was enjoyed. The son-in-law stopped over night on dissolved in a little water. Put aside hostess assisted by her daughter their return trip from Redmond, to set then cool. Add 3 cups of cream Onie White served a delicious and had a nice visit with the other and freeze. lunch. members of the family who reside Kenneth Boyer and wife of Here­ in Nyssa. Ed. Bertsch is three years ford were business visitors at the younger than G. E. Bertsch and has A ROMAN EMPEROR'S N. R. A. Coy Wise ranch on last Saturday. been in the garage business in Mesdames Bud Sherman and Gor­ Brookins for many years. On their don Dickson were shopping in On­ Maybe there isn’t anything new way over the Bear Pass they plung­ tario last Saturday. ed down a 180-foot embankment to under the sun, after all. Glenn Walter Duncan just purchased a the brink of the river and lived to Frank, president of the University new Chevrolet pick up to use on the tell the tale and drive their same of Wisconsin, tells us . . . “ that stage line. Ford V-8 sedan back with but one Diocletian, the Roman emperor who The D. G. Warner family visited dent in the front fender to prove the began his rule in 285 A. D., fiddled their daughter at John Day Sunday. around with the national currency d is taster. Eli Rose returned Monday from a The last time the brothers met and used bl-metalism long before trip to Vale. was a^ their fathers funeral in Mr. Bryan ever thought of it. Dio­ Floyd Howard and Mrs. Ernest cletian fixed commodity prices like Mitchell S. D. Locey went to La Grande on Sunday. a real code authority, regulated Mrs. Locey remained to visit with Roman wages, had. one-third of the her daughter Mrs. Howard who is ICE CREAM'SOCIAL SUCCESS Italian vineyards plowed under, attending normal there. started a huge public works pro­ Mrs. Oscar Hardman and daugh­ gram. and soaked the rich with ter Cleta of Unity visited at the Wm. The ice cream social held at the heavy taxes." Woodcocks Sunday. Blackman building Saturday by the ladles of the W. C. T. U. netted PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS *10.90 besides several dollars free Do You Know How will donations. This will help pay their budget to the National, where Easy It Is To Own a it will be used to carry out the 5- pointed educational program thru- out the nation. Mrs. Elizabeth Wade will give a talk on “Conditions in Canada" at | the next meeting at the C. A. Abbott Investigate our plan in which home with Mrs. Higby as hostess. you can buy a furnace with nothing down and nothing to pay until October 1st. Pay­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeGrofft and ments spread over 18 months. son were dinner guests at the J. T. Long home Sunday. FAR M TOPICS Parma, Idaho Edited by BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT Specializing on the care of Children's Eyes. ONTARIO OREGON Just received "Sets of 4" Salac Forks of the latest pattern in Oneeda Community Plate at less than half price. See these new forks. We have only a limited number of sets. Order your Binder repairs NOW. Be prepared to cut when the grain is ripe. If we don't have your repairs in stock We Get Them. Make your reach easy with one of our 5 and 6 foot step ladders. Mighty handy to have around and priced at $1.29 and $1.59. , These are well braced and very durable. We have a used six-hole range for sale that is in very good con­ dition. Large oven and fire box with grates that are nearly new. Better see this stove If you need one. Some Baby! We have a special this week in Old Doctor Brown, the phy­ a 7-piece water set. The pitcher is of ice lipped type and the tum­ sician in a little town, was an en­ blers are 10 oz. Get yours before thusiastic fisherman. He was summoned from one of his ang­ they are all gone. Price 59c. ling expeditions to give his ser­ vices in a maternity case. The proud father wanted to In Some Cases weigh the baby, but had no scales The teacher was explaining to in the house. So lie borrowed the her class what was meant by steelyard with which Doctor Brown weighed his fish. "bigamy." "Great Scott, doctor!" he ex­ "It means," she said, "having two wives at one time. Now, can claimed. "Sixteen pounds." Alway. Consult THE GATE CITY JOURNAL on your Commercial Printing Problem». We Aim to Serve and to Plea»e You! W e Pay COLD CASH For HOT ASHES — SEE— Frank T. Morgan For Your Insurance Needs WE SPECIALIZE IN HAY INSURANCE Protect What You Have Drink Plenty of M ILK Estimates Free Anna B. Pritchett som D. O. A Famous KAHN Fabric OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Fini*h- ing. Mail u» your films. HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon i O n « R o m o f AULEJKIKA q u ic k ly re- M* v m k « i bloat In*, c l e u « ou t B O T H u pp er an d low er bow el«, a llow « you t o •at and «I m p #ood. Q uick, thorou gh a ctio n , yet entirely g e n ii« t a d — f«. AD LE R I K A BANNOCKBURN cu u j H EELS GEO. J. K1NZER Plumber S to m a c h G as H ALF A group of smart "twisty fsb- rics— favoritas for many snasoni In tha out-of-doors but now equally popular for work-«-day wear. Not only are they di«- tlnctive end colorful, but heve • fine record for long wear. ^ Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Lowest Price« Shoe Repairing A DOLLAR'S WORTH THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Boston, Massachusetts, U. 8. T h i C h ristian S cience M onitor Back Bay Station, Boston, Mass Please send me a six week*' trial subscription. I enclose one dollar ($1). (Name, please print) Mr. Merchant NoW is the time to order your gift calendars for 1936. We have taken a line and they are real beauties. GREASE Your Car RHEUMATIC PAIN Union Pacific T F pains from Rheumatism or Neuritis Oregon tario i Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium DR. D. A. SEXTON, Prop. theumatism, Diabetes. Paraly­ sis, Influenza, sueceaafuily treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates Makes old clothes look like new, safe, feeds the fabrics, odorless—true quality clean­ ing. Try oar new Hi-Sheen Dry Cleaning ONTARIO PRESSARY Nyssa Agent: Mrs. Margaret Pashley. 1 are driving you crazy you can get re­ lief with a simple remedy that you mix yourself, at home, with Lemon Juice. Simply go to your druggist and ask fot a package of the REV PRESCRIPTION and mix it as directed, adding the juics of four lemons.You will then have aFUU QUART of the finest medicine money car buy for your pain. It costa only a few centa a day, and will often bring rebel from pain in 48 hour». Hundreds of suf­ ferers right in your own locality acclaim the glorious and amazing way it stops the pain. The REV PRESCRIPTION is pleasant and harmless to take, and you mix it right in your own home. No fuss, no bother, no cooking. Just add boiling water. Money back guarantee. Your druggist carrie# REV in stock or can get it for you from hit jobber on abort no­ tice. Before you suffer a day longer or take a chance with "dope" or drugs, why not give this lemon juice treatment a chance’ See your druggist today! Calendars (Address) To Stop Agony of rrielal Time Inspector for OREGON V * LEMON JUICE EWELRY STORE Shelton Dairy In It you will And the daily good new« of the world from Its 800 special writer«, as well as department« devoted to women’s and children's Interests sporte music, finance, education, radio, etc. You will be glad to welcome Into your home so fear leas an advocate of peace and prohibition. A«d don’t mis* Snub«, Our Dog. and the Sundial and the other features. Mix This At Home With WYCKOFF old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. NYSSA D. E. MORGAN, Prop. HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and A. Shop Guarantee Work Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’» P ublished b y T h i O h i i i x u n S c ik n c i P u » l i * h in c S ociety V- O Nyssa Tailor It, Clip thi* coupon and mail it with $1 for a *Ix weeks’ trial subscription to Cleaning and Pre*«ing Alterations and Repair« All kinds of shoe laces and polish . . . Will mail your shoe FREE to destination. JOHN S. ALDECOA. Prop. Nyssa. Oregon Phone 134-J2 Parma Idaho Nyssa, Oregon CO. Canteens, water bags, thermos' any boy tell me what word means bottles and jugs when you go on having only one wife?" a trip. Be prepared. Everybody “I can, teacher," said one boy: likes a cool drink these hot days. 'monotony." Our prices are right. FURNACE Practice in all Idaho and Oregon Courts By Appointment at Wilson Bldg. : ! : Ontario Address: 522 Idaho Bldg. Boise . . . Idaho GATE CITY JOURNAL, THÜKSÍ)AV, JULY 4,1935. ... and Have the Oil Changed Would You Hold up on your orders until we can show you our samples? W e Can Offer You Highest Quality, Prompt Service anti most reasonable prices. BUY YOUR 1936 ART CALENDARS . . . A T HOME! Then notice how smooth and noiseless it runs. Have it done now. Don’t wait. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 NYSSA The Gate City Journal