GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 4,1935, W I N S R A D IO r-->- [ NYSSA N EA RLY LOSES LOCAL NEWS TO APPLE VALLEY NINE * Roger S. Norland was given a radio Saturday night my Wilson Brothers Drygoods as the result of holding the lucky ticket. At the same time Brice Reeu was given $5.00 In Mrs. W. C. Jackson and son made merchandise and Mrs. C. Kllnkcn- berg was given $2 50 In merchandise a trip to Boise Friday. Ttie affair attracted considerable In A baby boy was bom to M r and terest and quite a crowd was on Mrs. H. Greenup Monday, July 1. hand to learn the results. PAR M A M IN ISTE R W II.L T A L K A T K O LO N Y SCHOOL SUNDAY Rev. Benthin of Parma will speak at the Kingman Kolony school house house next Sunday evening, July 7. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend this service. See Us For The Fourth with a Bang! Make this a joyous Fourth of July. Cele brate with fireworks. W e have all sorts of noise makers and decorations. Nyssa Pharmacy Phone 14 Try our Market Finder to dis- pose of surplus goods, rent a house, find lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses. Rates one cent a word per Inser tion. Minimum 15c. 1 I The Nyssa league team played a twilight game at Apple Valley school house Friday night and almost lost the game, the scoru being 4 to 5, In favor of Nyssa. Ralph Stevens, __ — _________________ ___________ a pitcher for Apple Valley Is going good this year, having hed a no FOR SALE—Three High Grade Hol stein cows, to freshen within three hit, no run game agalns-^iomedale week ago; striking out 19 out of weeks. See Nick Smit. Four miles west of Nyssa. 2tp. July 4. The Harley Diven family spent the 28 batters to face him. FOR SALE—25-20 Remington ham Sunday with Mrs. John Ray, Sr. merless repeater rifle In good G l'IL D POSTPONED shape. W ill sell for cash or trade Allan White Is visiting his grand part for oil stove, tables, or what parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fee at have you. See the gun at the Journal Payette. The meeting of the St. Paul’s Ep office. The Roy Sterling family of Pay iscopal Giuld scheduled for July 1U ette were guests at the Thos. B, Nor- has been postponed until a later NOTICE—I will only be responsible j dale home Sunday. for expense of Improvements or ! date. repairs on my Nyssa property, block Mr. and Mrs. Lockett are living at 60. if such expense is authorized by the Cook residence. Mr. Lockett Is Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson were me. A. S. Carnegie. bookkeeper for Hogue. business visitors In Nampa Monday. TO T R A D E —Four-wheel trailer for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mllllken of pump shotgun. See Don Todd at The John Lewellan family of Bon Nyssa and Mrs. MUllken's mother ita were visitors at the C. Klinken- Barber shop. Ite. Mrs. Jack Watkins of Caldwell were berg home Saturday afternoon. FOR SALE— 1928 Chevrolet truck Saturday evening guests at the S. just rebored, with semi-trailer. D. Bigelow home In Owyhee. Mrs. J. T. Long has purchased a new Westlnghouse electric refriger Inquire Pruyn’s Garage. ltpJuly4 ator. W ANTED — To trade work horse for cow or what have you. Also set of Milford Karrer and Dan Apple- work harness. J. T. Long, Phone gate spent the week end fishing, re 78F11. 6-27-2tp. EXPERT turning with a nice string of fish. WATCH REPAIRING CELEBRATE M A R K E T ^ F IN D E R _ j L e t us repair your watch, clock or piece of jewelry. W e take pride in doing good work and ask you to give us a trial. A ll W o rk Guaranteed Paulus Jewelry Store Next to Cozy Cafe Nyssa A marriage license was issued In SEE ME FOR BICYCLE and Auto Repair work. Basil Newton, 3 Caldwell Tuesday to Rusesll Lnyde miles north of Nyssa. June 27. ltp. and Ruby Uruiaga, both of Arock. Howard and Curtis Foster are spending the Fourth at Gooding. Miss Eva Roberts will return with them after spending the last two weeks at the Foster home. W ANTED —Several men to qualify to Install and service electrical refrigerators and air conditioning units. Positions available for those who qualify. Write box 85, Nyssa. G IR L SCOUTS ENJOY Mrs. Mary Felton has rented her house on main street and plans to return to her other house now oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wlshert Mr. Wlshert as formerly employed at the Nyssa Pharmacy. FOR SALE EOR TRAD E—Good OUTDOOR SUPPER M ONDAY boom poles, F ir or Tamarack, One 25-35 Savage Rifle, One 22 Special Winchester Rifle, One 7 tube 1933 The Girl Scout troop under the model Atwater Kent Radio, One 7 Miss Betty Tensen tube Echophond Radio. All in good leadership of condltin. Call 75F5 or Adress Virgil enjoyed u picnic at the Barrett B M. Alspaugh and family return Johnson, Nyssa. 2tp June 27. gardens Monday night. There were ed last week from Kansas where twelve girls who bicycle to the gar they have been visiting with rela dens and one bunch went In a car. SALE — Nlchols-Sheppard j tives. Mr. Alspaugh is a brother of F O R thresher. 32 Inch cylinder; 56 Inch Mrs. C. B. Short and formerly lived In Apple Vulley, but will make their shoe. Only threshed 4.000 bushels. Has weigher, stacker; cost $1500 home In Payette now. W ill sell for $600. terms See Frank Morgan. 6-27-c. IIow many people spend a dollar’s worth of gas to go to a city and buy fifty cents worth of goods that could be bought right htre in this town from our own merchants for the same price? WE ASK YOU K IN D L Y FO R SALE— Four cylinder high wheel Minneapolis tractor, 40 H. P. on belt. Cost $2700, sell for $300, tea-ms. See Frank Morgan. 8-27-c. FO R SALE—One used six hole range, A1 condition. Bargain price. Also DeLaval electric driven cream separator In good condition. Bald ridge Implement Co. ltc. We ask that you patronize the I merchants who make your home (town paper possible. They sell( I *ood merchandise and will stand j W ANTED: I will select four men for [ oehlnd it to the limit. high salary positions as Delsel en gine experts. Write box 85 Nyssa. Give Your /,----- ------- - FO R SALE—Pasture for 20 head of cattle or horses. Clyde Benton. 20-2tp. W IL L T R AD E —Edison double cab inet De Luxe machine with 30 needles and extra reproducer for victor records for Ice box, radio or what have you. See Harry Shelton. 20-2tp. H O M E PR IN T ER a Chance GOOD You expect your home newspaper to give you all the news— GAS . . costs the same and makes your motor run better. That’s w h y wise drivers always get— CONOCO You expect your newspaper to take the lead in advocating community betterment— You expect your newspaper to boost for good roads, good schools, and to support commun ity celebrations— You expect your newspaper to support Red Cross drives, Christmas Seal drives, Poppy sales— You expect your newspaper to help bring people to Nyssa- to interest them in this town and country— Your newspaper does these things and helps you. The next time a printing salesman calls on you, tell him you’re going to give the home printer a chance. T H E G A T E C IT Y JO U RN AL Better and Quicker Printing Service THS EMILY EGVPTIM4S K N E & 0 L0 THEIR BREM5 WITH THEIR. Ü Ü - - GUT THE\ V40RHE0 THE\R C LM WITH THEIR HftNOS GAS A clean, high-test gas for smoother, more economical operation. Oregon Super Service H. H. Dick, Prop. W ANTE D — Representative t o handle Watkins products In On tario and Nyssa. Excellent opportun ity for full time independent busi ness. No capital necessary. Write Louis D'Amour, Box 783, Ontario. 6-20-TPC. ROOMS— With or without board In modem home. Also apartments. Mrs. Ruth Allen, First St. T R U C K IN O — Coal, wood, grain, produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. W e’ll haul It anywhere. HU OH OLASOOW, Phone 36F3. tf W ANTE D —Turkeys, ducks, chick ens. gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years In the same place. C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho Phone 163. tf. FO R SALE —Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby ducks. Custom hatching and hatch ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, Oregon. 2-14-tf Enjoy the . . SUNSHINE GET A FOLDING COT NOW « And be prepared for your summer camping trip. You will find many uses for it all through the year. A camp stool too, is a mighty handy article and the prices are not high. Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA OREGON AT 15 The girls took their supper and cooked It over an outdoor fireplace. A LAS K A PROJECT IS FARCE SAYS C ALD W E LL V IS IT O R Tuere is no hope for success of the Matanuska valley colonization pro ject in Alaska, is the opinion of Her bert Johnston. Alaska resident for 20 years, who Is visiting In Caldwell Every charge and criticism is true Johnston says. Two thousand peopl definitely settled but will probably moved to the valley have no hop be the latter part of July or the first for the future because there Is no market for the crops they raise. of August. The Girls Scouts have received word that they will be permitted to use the Klwanis camp at the Pay ette Lake this summer for their an nual camping trip. The date Is not Electricit y Makes the “ H o t On the lancet Reality 9* A W henever You W a n t H o t W a te r You Sim ply Turn The Faucet Every home has an almost endless need for hot water— but so little thought is given to the method of obtaining it. Some families try to struggle along with tea kettle or an old-fashioned heater that re quires as much care as an ancient cook stove. In the home served by an Electric W ater Heater there is no time wasted in waiting for water to heat. No time spent in heating “emergency” supplies on the kitchen range. No time spent running down stairs to turn the heater “ on” or “o ff.” The Electric W ater Heater is positive in its automatic operation. It supplies your every need when the need is there— and without waiting. It makes the “ H O T ” on the faucet a reality. This Special Introductory Offer Ends Saturday July, 13 An Electric Water Heater Completely Installed Induing Wiring and Plumbing CASH for only Now, while this special offer is in effect, is the time to install an Electric Water Heater in your home. Put an end to your hot water worries once and for all. give your fam ily the comfort and convenience that only electric hot water can provide. Rem ember this special offer ends Saturday. July 13. Don't delay. Take timely advantage. SOLD ON EASY TERMS In a New Canvas Beach Chair In varied colors; Striped patterns. Guests will favor them and your family will find them most restful all through the summer. IN MONTREAL THE LAW WILL NOT PERMIT ANY UNOtR 16 TO GO TO TH 6- TUtATER-6UT TREY CAN MARRY THERE Investigate the Low Rates for W a te r Heating Rates for normal domestic water heating have been REDUC ED O NE-TH IRD . This brings the cost of electric water heat ing down to a point where it is the most economical and con venient method of heating water. Come in or telephone for a representative to call at your home and explain the new low rate for water heating in detail, and the superior advantage of this modern, efficient service. m I D A M P iT-ITTTk ^- RT^T-T AL