G ate city journal , thuksda V, J u l y 4, 193s. ptcnicked With the Lowes at the ttM Springs. O W Y H E E FARM ER SELLS 80 -ACRES TO NEW COM ER Bakef to Celebrate Gold Mining Activity Mrs. Ole Trovaton visited Sunday at the T. M. Lowes. Epworth League has been discon tinued for the summer. Oscar Pinkston Is somewhat Im Owyhee— R. A. Cox has sold his Improved eighty-acre tract which he proved from a recent serious Illness. improved last fall to a Mr. Strick Mrs. Jim L&ngdon returned home . land from Missouri. The 8tricklands this week from St. Alphonsus hos- • have (our sons and they have al pllal in Boise where she has been ready moved onto the place. Mr. Cox confined for several weeks following . and fam ily have moved to another an operation. new eighty and have built a house. Mrs Lowe wishes to thank the Jerero Plaza has a new Chevrolet. many friends who called at the hos- ' Mrs. Henry Truelson’s 4-H sewing pital during her illness; for the c'.ub picnicked at Snively Springs flowers, and for the letters from j last Thursday. Swimming in the Sunday School. P.-T. A. and club op.n air pool and a picnic dinner sisters. were enjoyed by eight girls. Mrs. Gray accompanied them. MRS. B R IN K PASSES A 4-H canning club was organized IN BOISE H O SPITAL last week at the Klingback home with Miss Doris Klingback as lead er. Mrs. C. C. Brink, known, locally Kenneth McDonald was an over night visitor in the home of his as the manager of the Idaho Turkey mother last Monday night. He is Growers* association passed away at a Boise hospital early last Thursday. employed with M -K at Homedale. Mrs. Brink had been In Nyssa many Morgan Rust came from Beulah times In connection with turkey where he is employed with Hinman marketing. Brothers Tuesday to spend the Mrs. Brink had been manager of Fourth at home. the turkey producers company for Clint Allen of Roswell and Frank the past ten yean* and had made Phillips of Nycsa were buying stock her home in Boise since 1904. Fun In Owyhee Thursday and Friday. eral services were conducted Satur Mr. and Mis. Frank Schrum and day morning in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ollberg and daughter of Ontario were callers In PACK ARD - DIET RICK the Rust home Sunday. Mrs. Floyd Derrick has a new Maytag. Mrs. Charles Schweizer and Puul R. Deitrick of Caldwell and Mrs. Fills Walters have new electric Louise R. Packard o f Arock, Ore., refrigerators. Scout Master Burdick accompan- were married early Tuesday morn- big at the Presbyterian manse in Caldwell w ith th e Reverend E. P. Lawrence officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by the brdegroom s brother, B. Deitrick of -O N T A R IO Caldwell. The couple will make their home SUN.-M O N.-TUES. In Jordan Valley. lO T H W A R T A K I N G ’S PASSION! lit gambled the fate of a n ation FA N S A T T E N D G A M E Many baseball fans from here took advantage of the ball game in Boise Sunday an enjoyed picnics in the parks there before attending the game. Others attended the show. Among those going to Boise Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Boydell, Mr. and Mi's. Ed Norcott. M.r and Mrs. A rt Norcott, the women attended a show while the men were at the game. Mrs Rena Schweizer and daughter Nellie Jean and Bill Claunch drove up to attend the game as did John Kakebeeke. Mr. Boor. Barney Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Les Ernest and son John, Blayney Boydell, Miss Rose Worley. Mis. Frank Rambaud. Mrs. Art Servoss, John Koopman. Cornucopia Gold M in e B u s y If It’s News, W e W ant It— Do you know any news? About yourself, your friends, your neighbors? Do you know anybody who has been born, married, died, gone away, come back, had a party or an anniversary? Don’t take It for gran tad that we know all about It. A friendly telephone call or a post card telling us about it will be appreciated—and it will help make your home paper newsier, than ever. Our truck will pick them up every Tues day and Wednesday. See Us For Grain Prices W e Can Also Furnish You With Sacks. w i t h M o u r n n O' Sullivan A 2 0 t h CCNTUItr PlCTUftf Released thru U N I T E D A R T I S T S son, and M c and Going back to the horse and bug gy days, huh? It isn't very far back to the “ buggy" ones. r FRYERS or CH ICK ENS For Sale See Us GEORGE /JRL1SS IIM L 1 II ASSOCIATION TO hE |pofc>u;D j , , y 1# The Malheur county health asso ciation will be formed Wedtsday, July 10 at the high school In On tario with Mrs. Sadia Orr Dunbar of Portland as the principal speak back up to the lakes Sunday to er. The general public is invited to bring the rest of the party home. attend tills meeting. Tone Up Your Home A few well chosen changes or additions will make it more convenient and livable. W e are ready to help you by furnishing you high grade materials at low prices. Get together with us now. JACKSON LUMBER CO. PHONE 47 NYSSA, ORE. WE Have Ample The Dwight Smith family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown of Boise and afterwards attended the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Sceet Wudruff, who formerly lived at the Cook residence have moved to a small house near the Malcolmn Crawfords. If you have any starring Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson of Nampa spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. Jesse Thompson here and at tended the game with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and daughter \ Evaiyn spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Long's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carter at Boise and then attended the game. Other from here were Misses Claudena and I Charlene Crawford, the Kelzers, the Wesley Browne family. Dean Smith and Artie Robertson took up a load of ball players. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hoover, Mr. Mrs. Sid Burbidge and Robert Coy picnicked at Boise Sunday attended the ball game. We Buy POULTRY R ic h e l ie u ; A T BOISE S U N D A Y B a lm Creek Mills IQOTons o f O re D a ily n Cardinal en nut » 1 crop production TO VACATION The President said he passed AT PAYETTE LAKES along this report to Secretary W al lace to assure him there is no dan ger in carrying through. Dr. Mead's The lambics of Art Boydell, Jess reclamation program, for in the I Thomson. Iirn h a m Sills, Dr. Nor- main, that will slightly increase the eott and Miss Tiena Terisen expect farm area, but will vastly increase ; to spend the 4th of July week end crop production by assuring a full I camping on Payette Lakes. The men water supply to lands to be benefit j iolks will probably return (or busi- ed. j mss Friday and Saturday and go Resources and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers —+ + — BANK OF MALHEUR VALE, OREGON D. E. M ASTER SO N , Cashier Gate City Journal A1 Thompson Tile Phone Number Is 19 “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” Phone 26 Nyssa D redge B o a t N e a r S u m p te r SHELL PRODUCTS C H E V R O LE T DE A LE R FIRESTONE TIRES CERTIFIED L U B R IC A T IO N Norcott Service An Independent Station Nyssa, Oregon ! GUERNSEY M IL K W e are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we add you to our list of satisfied customers? W e also sell high standard Holstein milk, con sidered by many medical authorities as best for babies and growing children. Sunshine Dairy It ’s Gold! N o m atter how. by dredge, pick or mill, it remalna ¿astern Oregon's most important industry to be celebrated with the Baker Mining Jubilee July 3-4. Nosing its way with 73 nine cubic-foot buckets through 7000 yards or more of dirt a day this dredge w ill operate continuously fo r at least eight years. Mrs. W . H Cullers o f Portland, w ife o f the presi dent o f the Sumpter V alley Dredging Company, christened the boat with champagne. A t Cornucopia the Raker mill tailings are being converted into gold from ore treated years ago under the cyanide process. The three- m ile aerial span lending to the Last Chance claim was one of the longest in the world. Concentrates are coming to Raker at the rate o f 10 tons a day from Ralm Creek mine where a 100-ton flotation plant was recently completed. Ore for a five-year operation is already blocked out. These are Baker county's best-known properties. CHIEF EXECUTIVE FAVORS IRRIGATION be used this year. Idaho Projects The largest Idaho projects to be | carried through if the President ! authorizes work to proceed, will be commencement of the Payette or Black canyon project work with an Initial allotment of million and half Washington—President Roosevelt, dollars. The ultimate cost will ap who last week told members of the proximate four million. Tw o million recalled from an original four mil house irrigation committee he would lion allotted for upper Snake river not approve Reclamation Commis storage also is to be refunded and sion Mead's 113 million dollar irri made available, along with six hund gation construction program, and red thousand for Arrowrock dam. The President admitted to sen- would sanction only such projects | ators that Secretary Wallace still Individually as can be built within \ continues to oppose use of relief the »1140 per man per year labor | funds for bringing new lands under cost, including materials. Tuesday | cultivation while he is trying to re assured a group of western senators duce farm acreage, and to meet this he would approve Dr. Mead's pro objection, the new program will be gram. and Intimated they might ex I largely confined to projects that are supplemental water to pect action not later than next Mon I to furnish lands already irrigated. That will day. not apply to Roza project, however, Furthermore, the President, after which is entirely new construction hearing plain talk about the folly of More Land Needed attempting to build big irrigation projects with »1140 labor limitations \ The President related with some said that plan would not work, and 1 delight that reports had been made intimation was given that reclam to him by groups dieticians, who ation projects be built under the have found, after vast calculation, old PW A program which means by that if all citizens in the United contract, and at the prevailing States are placed on a well-rounded wages.. Dr. Mead’s program includes diet, it would be necessary to bring five million dollars to start con into cultivation fifty million acres struction of the Roza unit of Y ak more than was cultivated. In years ima project, estimated to coat ulti of peak farm production, since which mately 11 million. Five million can time 30 million acres have been tak- ANNOUNCEMENT TO GROWERS . . . F. H. H O G U E is pleased to announce the appointment of MR. TOM E LD R ID G E as fieldman for their Nyssa operations. We have a great deal o f confidence in Mr. Eldridge, who has been with us on our Texas operations, and who has had a wide experience in. the grow ing of peas, lettuce, onions, potatoes and carrots for market purposes. Mr. Eldridge is making the rounds of the territory now and if he has not already seen you, he will see you within a few days to help you line out your fall acreage. In case you have something in mind before Tom reaches you, call 17 and Denny Hogue will give you information you want. Now is the Time to Make Arrangements For Your •> Fall Lettuce and Fall Carrots W e have an attractive growing deal on both of these and Growers interest ed in growing fall carrots or lettuce should get in touch with us at once, as seed requirements will have to be estimated soon in order to obtain the right quality and varietv in time for planting. Fall carrots must be planted not later than July 25th, and fall lettuce between August 1st and 5th. Our shed is equipped to handle all vegetables in the most approved Calif ornia style and we ask you to investigate our deal on these crops. W e are in the vegetable market at all times during the packing season and also we solicit custom packing. W e are Cash Buyers and solicit no Vegetable Consignments. F. H. HOGUE NYSSA « OREGON