GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSÒAY, JULY 4,1935. The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE, Publisher Pubilahed every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ........ *1.5» ...........75c One Year ._ But Months ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising »711 be furnished to both Local and Foreign Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser­ tion. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY. PEA PICKERS The impression in a great many people’s minds is that pea picking represents a great amount o f labor for a small return and it is not hard to find many pickers complaining over the dollar, or two dollars they received for picking peas. By searching closely you can find pickers who actually hit the ball from starting time to closing time, and you get a different story. We would, like to site the story of Willard Jones of Sennca, Kansas. Mr. Jones was in the drouth region last year and in his garden were cracks in the ground big enough to stick a hoe in. The farmers there raised hardly a thing. This year he came West; and he and his four children ranging in age from ten to fifteen years. Three weeks ago he landed work in a pea field, the first time he had ever tried picking peas outside of picking a bushel or so out o f his garden in Kansas when nature was kinder to that state. Since coming to this section three weeks ago he and his four children have not only lived well but he has banked over $100 toward a rainy day. Last week the check for the weeks work for himself and four small children was $62.00. Now Mr. Jones and his family don’t soldier on the job, nor do they work a few hours and then spend the balance of the time “ resting.” After the first week the field boss never bothered his little bunch because he knew they were picking peas; leaving the “ flats” and vines out of the hamper. The case of Mr. Jones is not phenom- inal. There is one case of a family of seven work­ ing for Mr. Harris of Fruitland who have aver­ aged $99 a week for the past two weeks; and they too are out in the field to pick peas. Field bosses will tell you they have some pick­ ers in their crew who regularly make their 20 hampers a day, which at 25 cents a hamper is $5 a day. It isn’t everyone who can pick 20 hampers a day, but its the people who get in and work so hard they don’t have time to do any kicking that are making good in the pea harvest and these people will make good any where. ANOTHER EXPERIMENT TRIED The government's latest social experiment; that of transporting 2000 persons from Mich­ igan, Wisconsin anti Minnesota to Alaska seems doomed to failure, if stores in the daily press are any indication. The new settlers are bombarding their senators and congressmen; tthe latter pass the buck to the administration which has started an investigation. The whole scheme could hardly be a success under conditions of today. In the first place there are very few people left who are willing to forgo the pleasures o f life to carve out a new country. They don’t grow the kind of people any more who made the state of Oregon the great state it is today. You don’t find people willing to leave home, friends, comforts to journey forth into a new and dangerous land and pioneer in the the truest sense of the word. The early pio- ners who settled the western country came on their own free will, asked no help from the gov­ ernment and expected none. It is quite another thing when the government transports settlers to a new country, promises them certain things which are impossible o f fulfillment. The settlers have a right to complain, and from the poor start, it is doubtful if the scheme will ever suc­ ceed. How much better it would have been to bring these families to the west and settle them on good government land here.If the adminisration was determined to try this type of experiment; the government could acquire suitable land in practically any of the western states, where con­ ditions would have been ideal for the establish- mnt of such an exneriment. EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD We are looking for G. 0 . P. cynics to say that the NRA skeleton belongs in the Adminstration closet. One is in doubt as to whether Japan finds the greater satisfaction in crossing the Chinese wall or in double-crossing the Chinese. 1 side boundaries for rroad purposes. 6-20-35. »10. H R. Dunlop et ux to J. E. Bappe. All land lying east and north of John Day hy In NX4NW'-.., Sec. t- 17-44. cant. 2 acres. 6-28-35. II METHODIST CHURCH Marriage Licenses Issued Lilbon Larson Brown and Edna May Crawford. 6-24-35 Glenn Leroy Fuson and Lillian El­ Sunday School 10 o'clock. Morning, Worship 11:15. Sermon len Powell. 6-24-35. James Joseph Williams and Lucile Theme: The Coming of Christ’s Mae Russell 6-27-35. Kingdom. Harry W. Wood and Hulda A. Evening Worship 7:30. Adams. 6-28-35. Epworth League 8:30. Link D. Kelley and Wanda Hun- Prayer and Praise Service Wed­ nlcutt nesday evening 8 o'clock. Church News i TOWNSEND It is evidently the Japanese plan to take the ! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I ’ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE j COUNTY OF MALHEUR. j In the Matter of the Estate of Jer- I emiah Stearns. Deceased. Beaver Lodge Fur Farm to J. A. I McFall S W 4S W 1, less Assessor's I Tax No. 2 Sec. 33-18-47; Assessor's Tax No. 1 Sec. 33; Assessor's Taxi No. 2 and No 3 Sec. 32-18-47, cont.| 17.33 acres. 6-26-35. *240. United States of America to Nath­ an H Sultter, WHSE1, . S E 4S W 4, Sec. 32. N E 4SW 1», Sec. 33-15-41. | cont 160 acres. 9-11-14. 10 . 0 -F Lodge to H H Waggoner, I ; NW 4 of oLt 54. Blk 1. Oddfellow's j Cemetery, Vale 6-20-35. *15. C. W. Glenn. Sheriff to City of I i Vale. Blk 8, Orig. townsite. Vale, j 1 Subject to 5 yr. lease. 6-27-35. *29.80., Ore. and West. Col Co to Walter j M Perry N E 7N W 4. SE’.N W 7 , Sec | I 1-18-44, cont. 80 acres. 6-20-35 *629.| 25. Vale Trading Co. to Mary Glenn. N 4 N W 4, Sec. 8-17-44. 7-20-27. *1040. Mary Glenn to H. R. Dunlop et al N 4 N W 4. Sec. 8-17-44. 6-28-35. *10. | James C. Jones to Anna W. Medlin j N W 4N E4. S 7 N E li , E4 NW4 , j S W 4N W 4 . S W 4S E 1», Sec. 34. NE1*. E 4 N W 4 . SW'-.SE1!, Sec. 35-1 19-39; N 4 N E 4 , Sec. 2. E 4 NW 4 , ■ Sec. 35-19-39; N 4 N E 4 , Sec. 2. E 4 -I NW1», Sec 3-20-39, cont. 1292.19. acres. 627-35. *10. George E Goods 11 et ux to F. T. | Arnold, S E 4 S W 4 . Sec. 19-15-43, ex-1 cept strip 164 feet »7de around out-j 000 0000044 4 C44t< SILVERWARE IS GOING UP! Community advanced June 10th—Holmes & Edwards and 1847 ^ Rogers Bros, will make a raise on July 1st. Hurry aud buy your ^ needs while prices are lower. A small deposit will hold any set \ until w'anted and we have a large selection from which to choose. 1 DIAMONDS are in big demand now See our fine selection of V diamonds and wedding rings. V | 4* + \ Ginzel Jewelry Shop OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL ONTARIO, OREGON | ioooo»o*oooc»»o**>*»<«»»ooo»»»*»»»»**»o»»»»« OM fl MEETING Notice is hereby given that Frank ! Stearns. Administrator of the Es- j A meeting of the Townsend club of -Jeremiah Stearns, deceased will be held at the Community aJld Administrator of the Estate of | Real Estate Trans fen, Recorded church, July 12. The speaker for the the Partnership of Stearns and Son, Charles M. Carter to Charles E. meeting will be L. I. Purcell of New a partnership consisiting of Jere­ Palmer et al. Lots 31 and 32. Bile 2, miah Steams, deceased, and Frank Villa Park Addn, Ontario 7-13-39 Plymouth, Ida. L. Steams, has rendered and pre­ sented for final settlement, and filed I S I. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC j Coast Land Co. Ltd. to Daulton in said court, his final account of his sQulsenberry et ux, SW ^ SW 1., Sec. administration of said estates, to- | 3-33-40, cont. 400 acres. 6-18-35 *154 I am leaving June 30 to attend an gether »7th his report and a petl- C. W. Glenn. Sheri« to E. W Optical Clinic at Omaha. Nebraska u0n for final distributor and that Swink, Lot 10. Blk 274, Orig townsite | and will be out of my office in On- Saturday. July 27, 1935. at 10:00 Ontario 4-13-35. *10. tario until July 15th. j o’clock in the forenoon at the coun- Zina Rambaud to Lewis Frank Dr. J. A. Me Fail, Ontario. ty court room in the courthouse at Rambaud, Lots 1 land 12, Blk 146. Vale. Oregon, has been fixed and LEGAL .ADVERTISEMENT Ward's Addn. Nyssa. 6-24-35. *10. _ 1 appointed as the time and place for j George W. Graff to M. V. Hart, i the settlement of said account and NOTICE , Lots 13 and 19 incl. Blk. 8. Townsite j hearing of said report and petition, j of Annex. 6-22-35. *175. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE at which time and place any per- Jennie H. Townsend to Madge S. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE son interested in said estate may i Cleveland. Los 25, Blk 11, Hope Ad- COUNTY OF MALHEUR. I appear and file his exceptions in j dition. Vale. 6-22-35. *20. In the Matter of the Estate of Etta writing to said account and contest j H. R. Dunlop et ux to John P L. Fogle. Fogle, Deceased. |the same | Strickler, S W '.S E 1», Sec 12. W 1, - Notice is further given that said Notice is hereby given that J. W. NE4. W 4 SE4 Sec. 13-18-43. 6-22 Fogle, administrator of the estate of account is for final settlement, and j -35. *100. said estates are ready for distribu- Frank L. Featherston et ux to ¡Etta L. Fogle, deceased, has render­ tion, and on settlement of said ac- j ed and [»resented for final settle­ | Nellie L. Coston. Lot 4. Sec. 27-18-45 ment. and filed In said court, his count final distribution of said ( j cont. 4074 acres. 6-17-35. *250. estate »’ill be immediately had. ] Clarence Lenter et ux to Fred final account of his administration Dated and first published June 27.' of said estate, together with his re­ Lener, N E 4. Sec 32, S E '.S E 'i, Sec. 1935: date of last publication JUlv j 29. S W 4 S W 4 , Sec. 28; N 4 N W 4. port and a petition for final distri­ 25. 1935. j Sec 28 N 4 N W 4 . Sec. 33-15-41. cont. bution. and that Saturday, the 27th FRANK L. STEARNS 320 acres 8-1-28 *10. daV ot JulV' 1935' at 10 o'clock in the Administrator of the Estate of ! United States of America to Heirs forenoon, at the court room of said Jeremiah Steams, deceased, and \ of Ivan Graham. S 4 S E 4 . Sec. 22-18 court at the courthouse in said the Partnership of Steams and -44 cont 80 acres 6-10-35 county, has been fixed and appoint- Son. Fran W Scott et ux to Pink Beck- ed as the time and place for the er S 4 S E 4 N W 'iS E 1, , s w ^ N E t. settlement of said account and the Sec 25 NE4. Sec. 36-16-41. cont. 320 hearing of said report and petition, acres 1-19-35 *260 at which time and place any person ! Coast Land Co Ltd to Myrtle Z interested in said estate may appear Rinehart. N 4 N W .N W V Sec. 13- and file his exceptions, in writing, to the said account, and contest the 31-41. cont. 20 acres. 6-18-335. *59. Coast I .and Co., Ltd. to Ivor Rob- same. Notice is further given that said jert, ShiSW'.. SE 4 , Sec. 27-31-41, account is for final settlement, and | cont. 20 acres. 6-18-35. *59. Coast Land Co.. Ltd. to Anthony i the said estate Is ready for distribu­ Henry Lam et al, N W 4SE1», Sec. 3- tion. and on confirmation of said final account final distribution of 31-41, cont. 40 acres. 6-18-35. *154. Court Houae Filing» --------- J L. P e A ( 6 »X Sympathetic and understand­ ing direction have marked the Nyssa Funeral Home for three years. Low cost. too. has been an outstanding factor. We have earned our reputation for fair dealing and depend­ ability. You Don’t Want CAR TROUBLES Don’t let car troubles spoil your vacation trip. Let ua put everything in shape BEFORE you start. Free your mind of worry about the mechanical condition of your car by hav­ ing it checked at the NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 76F3 Fill Your Picnic Basket With Good Baked Goods Take along plenty of good baked things and make your picnic a real pleasure. The Swan Bakery OREGON NYSSA WOOD SLAB WOOD $ From Emmett Idaho Delivered on Car at Nyssa 55 Each car contains 16 cord Go in with your neighbor and buy a car It is the cheapest fuel on the market and the mo6t satisfactoiy for a quick, hot fire. Just the thing for the kitchen range and there are also large slabs in every cord for the fire place. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplies NYSSA OREGON PHONE 15 J ' NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T Auto Repairing LOTT D. BROWN FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Nyssa, Oregon ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NYSSA OREGON SAVE With SAFETY DR. C. A. ABBOTT Owners o f City Property can save from 20 to 35 per cent on everything insured thru this office. FARMERS can save from 15 to 48-1-3 per cent on Homes, Furniture, Farming Machinery, Hay and Grain and Automobiles. W HY PAY MORE MONEY FOR THE SAME PROTECTION Our Policies are accepted by Building and Loan Associations, Federal Land Banks, State o f Ore­ gon and all Federal Government Loaning Or­ ganizations and Life Insurance Companies, be­ cause they are safe insurance, and save the Bor­ rower money in the purchase o f Insurance. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office in Residence Three blocks So. M E. Church PHONE 25 NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY Town Patrons___ 2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian County Officers Commissioners ...... Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach County Judge ..... David F. Graham Sheriff .................. ...... C. W. Glenn j Clerk ..................... Assessor _________ .. Murray Morton Treasurer ............... Mrs. Ora Hope County Attorney .......... M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edw7n Johnson County Physician,....... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner -------------------- R. a . Tacke j Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public Schools r A. L. FLETCHER ATTORNBY-AT-LAW NY8SA : OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I S T Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 3SF3 X -R A Y EXAMINATIONS NYSSA ;-; OREGON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome ON THE OLD JOB THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE ASSOCIATION. TRANSFER and BAOOAOE All Kinds of Hauling in City Limits NYSSA. OREGON Phone S Cost of Owyhee D a m ____ »6.000.800 7 4 miles of Tunnel .......... *4.000,000 Siphons, canals, etc.............»1.000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ — ...... ........... 715.000 acre feat Helghth of d a m ..... ........... 520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon Elevation of land 2,250 to 2 500 Acres in Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products __________ hay, corn, dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes clover seed, pees lettuce, onions and carrots. | WARREN Me HARO UE. Pres, j DON M. GRAHAM. Secretary * I *- * • * * - - - - - — — Facts About Owyhee Project H. D. Holmes and let DON explain Mayor ___ _________ Don Oraham Councilmen ________ _ Art Norcott, AI Thompson. Dick Tensen, Dean Smith I City Clerk .......... A. R. Millar City Treasurer ... Arthur Boy dell 1 Marshall .............. A. V. Cook Watermaster . N. H. Pinkerton Health O ffice r __ Dr. J. J. Sarazln Superintendent ___Leo Hollenberg Protect yourself and your family by obtaining your policies from a company with almost $5.000.000 policy holders surplus. If you want to save real money on your insurance coats—and have sound and safe protection for your property—SEE Population, (1930) _________ ..... 8?1 Recent estimates __________ .....1000 Elevation ................................. .... 2186 City Officers and keep your dollars in your community SAVE 35 per cent on your City Dwelling and Household Furniture. SAVE 48 1-8 per cent on your Hay Insurance. SAVE 20 per cent on your Store Merchandise and Fixtures. SAVE 20 per cent on your Automobile Insurance y WE RECOMMEND THEM E. W. PRUYN Graham 's Insurance Agency chunk and let the devil take the chink. said estate will be Immediately had. ! Dated and first published June 27. ' 1935: date of last publication, July 25, 1935. J. W FOGLE, Administrator of the Estate $ & of Etta L. Fogle. Deceased. X \ & NOTICE CITY TRANSFER TRUCKINQ and TRANSFERRING Phone 13 and Phone 2S C. Klinkenberg ..