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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon OLUME XXIX. GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 26. IL RITES HELO W EDNESDAY FOR N ÏS S A M ATRON Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1935. STATE RELIEF TO PURCHASE WHEAT! HI [ [ jT WITH IRRIGATION BOARD MEMBERS Building o f Camp Is Progressing SI.50 PER YEAR ONTARIO RESIGNS FROM BALL LEAGUE E WINS GAME IN LAST H A LF OF TRE NINTH INNING Word was received June 27th by j Ontario has withdrawn from the Chas. D. Peters, executive secretary Idaho-Oregon it ague, due to dis- of the Malheur county relief com- I satisfatcion over treatment received mittee, that the state relief commit-1 Hammers and saws have been with a big stove in the center of when league members voted to tee hac been notified to purchase j playing a busy tune at Camp BR 43, each building. change their decision in forfeiting a 600,000 bushels of surplus wheat in I the official title for Nyssa's CCC A well situated on the top of a game with Nampa, due to Nampa carload lots. _______ camp ten miles southwest of town. nearby hill furnishes water under I breaking league rules and playing Twelve buildings are already par- pressure for the camp. Water is ! ineligible players. The league offlc- Purchases will be made on county Funeral Service» H e l d or warehouse receipts, subject to tn- Engineer Sanford, Wash- tlally constructed since work started brought to the various points in the j ials had previously ruled that inas- Locals Lose 2 to 3 Decision camp by a series of pipes; and a I much as Nampa had clearly played • L, n r , , , at the camP Just three weeks ago. Wedne*day for Mr«. W . j spection. Price bid will be equivalent a t Boise — Rambaud ingnton U. U., and John Officials are not certain just when sewer system is being constructed j ineligible players, the game was de- 1 to price basis of No. 1 sacked wheat A. McNall— Burial i n at track tidewater terminal, less Moore of Yakima Meets the boys will arrive, but they are for camp use. One of the buildings i dared forfeited to Ontario; thereby Pitches Air Tight Ball . . . . . . , p .. I expected within the next week or nearing completion is the wash and putting Ontario and Emmett in a freight and accrued charges. Grades Wilder Cemetery. in Sunday Game. W Itn Local LMrectors. 1 ten days There will be 200 boys in shower building. Here the boys will tie for the first half championship. of wheat other than No. 1 are sub wash up and clean the dust and In tire play-off game Ontario de _____ the Nyssa camp. ject to Portland Merchants Ex i Twenty-eight carpenters and 25 grime alter the days work. At the feated Emmett for the second time change schedule of differentials, dis Funeral services for Mrs. W. A. W L Pet. A meeting of representatives of local experience CCC boys assigned | present time they are using a make- this year but nevertheless Emmett counts, dockages a n d smutting McNall, 55, who died Saturday e^. the various irrigation districts of the I as helpers have been making ex- 1 shift shower and it is proving very 1 put up a claim for the title and Boise ............... ............. 2 0 1.000 mcrning at lier home in Oregon Nampa ........... 2 0 1.000 when denied refused to play. county was held Monday night in ceptionally good progress attd have j popular these hot summer days. 'Irttll after a two weeks illness, were Nyssa ............... ............. 1 1 .500 the Irrigation olfice with Oeo. San- transformed a barren sagebrush The recreation hall is partially In a meeting held to straighten held Wednesday afternoon from tire BIDS ASKED FOR .500 1 ford, engineer in chaige of mainton- flat to a miniature town. There is completed and it is here that the out the matter; Nyssa and Payette Caldwell ........ ............. 1 Methodist church with the Rev. CONSTRUCTION JOB ............. 1 1 .500 ante and operation, meeting with still considerable work to be done camp store will be located. Very voted to uphold league rules which Payette .... F.oyd White officiating. Music was 0 2 .000 the board members. Mr. Sanford I but at the present rate it will not be little will be sold with the exception would make Ontario champions of Emmett ........ NEAR DUNAWAY has furnished by a ladies quartette his head office in Waslungton 1 long before the camp will be com- of tobacco and candy, the money the first half. Boise Caldwell and Nyssa dropped what is believed to composed of Mrs. Howard Larsen, going into the camp fund to buy Middleton voted to disregard league D. C. and has recently been ap- pleted. Mis. Laura Fisher, Mrs. Elma Hig- painted to his new position. John The building nearest completed is comforts and convenience for the rules and give the championship to be the crucial game of the season Sunday when they lost to Boise 3 to ginsn and Miss Margaret Pinkerton; Invitations to bid have been sent Moore, of Yagima, superintendent the mess hall, with its spotlessly good of the camp. There will also be Emmett. Charging rank discrimina 2. Boise scored two runs in the last and Miss Higgiuson also sang a solo. out on construction of structures, engineer of the Northwest, was also clean kitchen and accomodiations a library in the building; a place to tion the Ontario delegation quit the half of the ninth to win the ball Mrs. C. C. Hunt wad accompaniest. North Canal laterals. Mitchell Butte present at the meeting. for the boys of the camp. Cooking hold classes where the more ambi meeting and have withdrawn from game; said to have been the best Ethel Lillian Correll was bom division, near Dunaway, by tire Fed A round table discussion in regard is done on two big army ranges, with tion boys may take advantage of I the league. game played in Boise tills year. eral Bureau of Reclamation. Bids September 16, 188u near Greenville, instruction; and at one to maintenance and operation was facilities for serving, dish washing, i teaching Middleton dropped out of the Neither team were able to score Tennesee. She was married to Wil- are to be ojrened July 15th at On held und Mr. Sanford was told that and preparng the food arranged in j end the camp office will be locat- league Sunday due to internal dis- the first five innings. Nyssa scored bud Austin McNall November 2, 1901 tario. the most scientific manner. A cooler ed. sention it is said. This makes the a run in the sixth inning and Boise The work includes 3.560 cubic the settlers here wanted a sufficient is in the process of construction, j other ai Thedford. Nebraska. They lived In buildings soon to be con- j ]eague a s;x team affair and a meet supply of water a a reasonable cast. came back in the 8th and tied the Nebraska until the spring of 1918 yards of excavation for structures, which will provide a storage place structed. as well as those just started i,lg“ was j,eid Monday night to "draw He ^ he iavore<1 the 5<^ payment score up. In the first half of the when they went to Montana and liv- 12,700 yards of back fill "concrete 1 plan in paying for government land, for pershable foodstuffs and extra j are a garage; a building where the up a new sche<, ule for the balance of ninth Servoss drew a walk and came ed south of Bozeman until 1926 1 work, dry rock paving, placing ot buf that act of CongreKS would I supplies. A storage place back of the : boys can do their own washing; a ! lhe year home when Rambaud hit a lusty wlun they moved to a farm near pounds of reinforcement bars, “ j kitchen takes care of extra canned; laterine; a cooler; and officers New Schedule two-base drive. Caldwell, Idaho. In 1928 they moved 1 lay*«« L«00 feet of 15 inch to 48 be necessary in order to put this in good and staple products. quarters. With the game apparently won 2 to tloir present farm in Oregon inch concrete pipe, installing gates to operation. Under tills plan the The boys will be fed on tables No definite information has been \ July 7—Nampa at Boise, Caldwell to 1, the last half of the ninth open and gate hoists and erecting timber the settler pays 5% of the gross crop seating six to eight, with the tables received yet at what type of work ! at Emmett, Payette at Nyssa. Trail south of Nyssa. toward payments on the construc them ! the boys will be assigned to when j uiy 14 _Payette at Emmett, Boise ed with the first Boise batter being Besides her husband she is sur in structures. tion charges against the land. Pay so constructed that keeping retired. The second batter drew a clean is a comparatively simple task, they arrive, although building roads at Caldwell. Nyssa at Nampa. vived by four children, all of whom ments would vary, of course, accord walk off Johnston and he then stole FIGHTS TO BE Good food and plenty of it is the i was the original idea. j July 21—Caldwell at Boise, Nampa were l i j e for the funeral. There are ing to the size of the crop raised and second. Keener hit a single and the ; The camp is in charge of Captain at Payette, Emmett at Nyssa. two daughters. Mis. Hazel Bacliman the market value. The principal ob policy of CCC camps. HELD IN VALE score was tied. Phillipi hit a single; There are eight bunk houses in Daniel Baugh and Lieut. R. C. Hil- July 28—Caldwell at Payette, Boise of Missoula, Mont.; and Mrs. Thel Keener being held at third. Howard jects of Mr. Sanford and Mr. the camp, seven for the enrolees Hard. They have extended an invita- at Emmett. Nyssa at Nampa. ma Parr of Deer Lodge, Mont.; and JULY 3 AND 4 Moore's was put out for the second out of visit here was to get ac and one for camp foremen. Of- j tion to the people of Nyssa to drive two sons, Kenneth of Nyssa; and "*”* August 4—Emmett at Boise, Pay- the inning, the score still tied. Hol quainted with local conditions and fleers quarters are in a separate i out to their camp and inspect the Austin of Los Angeles; four grand ette at Nyssa. Nampa at Caldwell. lenbeck rolled a grounder down the to find the needs of the land here building, yet to be constructed. Each j work going on as they are always children; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Some real ring action is in store third base line; the fielder making so tliat the problem of maintenance glad to show visitors their new bunk house has accomodations for Rankin of Greenevllle, Tenn., who for fans the nights of July 3 and 4th JOHN YOUNG WAS an error and Keener dashed home and oi>eration could be intelligently camp, they say. It is a worthwhile 28 boys, each being furnished with has been visiting here for some at the El Dorado Pavilion in Vale, for the winning run. handled. MARRIED SUN. TO q steel col. mattress, mattress cover trip but the roads are none too time; Mrs. Bethel Mathes of Bailey- with some of the best battlers of Rambaud pitched air-tight ball for i and four blankets. The bunk houses good. Tlve camp is locatad directly ton. Tenn.; two brothers, Harrison this section signed to see action. STELLA FISHBURN six innings, being relieved by John will be heated in the winter time west of the old Terteling camp. Correll of Little River. Kansas; and j Fights are to start at 8:30 in the ADRIAN TEAM I.OSE.S ston at the start of the seventh. TO APPLE VALLEY Gilbert Correll of Knowles, Okla- leveling. Johnston was not at his best;; Hol homa. ••. nilin” Pat Rafferty of Wilder Miss Stella Flshburn, daughter of lenbeck of Boise knocking a home Burial was made in the Wilder has been signed to fight the main go I tCITY COUNCIL Dr and Mrs. W. A. Flshburn, became run in the 8th and he was touched cemetery. Pall bearers were Ray Wednesday night against K. O. Al The Apple Valley team revenged the bride of John Owen Young, son for two more hits tn the ninth. APPOINTS FLETCHER F’ranklin, M. M. Creeling, C. C. len of Seattle, who comes here with themselves for an early season de- ' of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Young of Rambaud got the longest hit for AS CITY TATORNEY Madras, last Sunday afternoon at a Nyssa; smacking out a clean double Hunt, Oeo. McKee, Sumner Jones a reputation as a boxer who can give feat by taking Adrian into camp j Pat some real competition. In the | Sunday by a score of 5 to 2. Adrian and William DeGrofft. simple but lovely ceremony at the but was thrown out trying to - 5 - j The city council met Monday semi-final, Buddy Blackwell, who is failed to score until the ninth inning.1 home of the bride’s parents near stretch it into a triple. a Navy champion in his weigtit Stephens of Apple Valley holding Wendell Pogua still trying to beat j night in regular session and dis- FUNDS AVAILALE FOR R H E Tigard with the Rev. S. Raynor class, is matched to battle Don the Adrian sluggers to a lone hit up Warren Larsen at golf . . . Motorists j cussed various problems relating to Nyssa ..................................2 8 2 DUNAWAY FISH POND Smith reading the service. Bentley of Emmett. until the ninth. With two men down. calling at Journal for drivers lie-1 Nyssa’s welfare. The question of the 3 5 2 The bride, who was given in mar Boise Another six round bout has been Adrian went ahead and scored two ense renewal blanks . . . “ No Park- | sewer came up for discussion but no According to officials of the Ore arranged, this between Bud Wells of runs to keep from being shut out. riage by her father, wore an after Batteries: Rambaud, Johnston ana ing signs making their appearance I formal action was taken pending noon dress of powder blue chiffon R. Long; Powers and Hollenberk. gon game commission, there is some Portland and Payette and Buddy Raymond Young, pitching for . . . Many asking Sam Caldwell rtcommendations from the state de Caldwell Beats Emmett ineney available for construction of Edwards of Nyssa. Fans who have and lace and carried a shower bou partment of public welfare as to the a fish pond at Dunaway. The plan seen both boys in action say this Adriun boosted his strikeout record about item in Tuesday Statesman quet of roses, sweet peas and lilies Caldwell won from Emmett Sunday . . . Ball club leaving for Vale type of system acceptable to the de to an even 100 in six games; which of the valley. Mrs. F. S. Burton, by a 7 to 6 count in a ten inning is to plant it to bass or other suitable should be one of the best on the partment. fish; making it possible to catch a card. Clyde Sullivan of Caldwell and is an average of nearly 17 to a game. today . . . Prospects for bank look ooustn of the bride wearing a dress game at Oaldwell. Emmett led 6 to 3 In the game Sunday he struck out ing better . CCC boy has unusual It was ordered that coats and hats of shell pink crepe and carrying as the ninth started, and Caldwell mess of iish without having to drive Chick Orove of Nampa will settle 16 batters. Stephens of Apple Valley difficulty at dance Saturday night be ordered for use by the Nyssa fire pink sweet peas and rose buds, was scored three runs after two men so far to do it. However the oommis- an argument with gloves in a special not only was exceedingly stingy with . . . Wheat starting to turn a golden department. Another official act of j matron of honor. Mr. F. E. Burton were retired; tying the score. They sion says they will have to have a | bout ^ {our rounds Promoters are his hits, but struckout 15 Adrian yellow . . . the council was the appointment of acted as best man. then went ahead and won the game certain amount of co-operation I ^ ,inlng up a curtaln raiser be batters. A. L. Fletcher as city attorney. with local sportsmen if the plan is tween local boys to round out the Miss Mary Harney played the in the tenth. Adrian is playing Apple Valley on to go through. Several fishing en card wedding music and accompanied the Nampa and Boise are leading the Miss Olive Hunter returned last the Adrian diamond the 4th and soloist, Helen FYomme Schedler. thusiasts in Nyssa have said they league; Nampa by virtue of a forfeit The fights Wednesday night will | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carl. Don Thursday evening from Coqullle After the ceremony, and a small by Emmett last week and a forfeit would help In any way the commis be open to challengers and the win will play at Roswell next Sunday. sion requested, in order to see work ners of each event Wednesday night -------------------------- Oraham and ’Shorty" Penrod left where she has been visiting rela reception, the couple left for a wed by Ontario this week. Ontario and Miss Thelma Cook has accepted a I , , , _ „ ___. . tives. Miss Evelyn Noble, whom she ding trip at the Oregon beaches and started on the project. Payette played an exhibition game will be matched with challengers to secretarial position with the Idaho | Wednesday ,or ° ranU Pass to at' accompanied on the trip, returned fight on the night of the fourth. Power Company at Boise. She went ^h d the Eagle convention being also, after attending summer school will return to Nyssa, Oregon, where at Payette, with the Idaho team they will be at home after August 15. winning 8 to 9. Middleton was Several fighters of this section have up last Thursday. VALE FIGHT ENDS at Ashland normal. held there the 4th. 5th and 6th. Mrs. Young Is a graduate of the scheduled to play at Payette but signified their intenton of challeng IN MURDER CHARGE ing for final bouts the night of the University of Oregon where she was have withdrawn from the league; a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. She the exhibition game being arranged i 4th taught In the Nyssa high school two||n order not to dlssappolnt the fans, years ago. Mr. Young is a Sigma Nu John Morgan, 71-year-old Vale i n . j i n • p f M C l A TIJRF rancher was killed last Thursday IDAH O L t L I ^ L A l U K t from Oregon State College and Is HARVEST OF PEAS coach and teacher in the local high morning and George Dempsey. 79, is TO MEET IN EXTRA school. FINISHED THIS WEEK being held in the Malheur county SPECIAL SESSION Jail, charged with murder. Morgan was found unconscious in his shack MOODY STRING OF four miles west of Vale about 11 The harvesting of peas is being The Idaho legislature will meet in BUCKING HORSES TO completed this week, with the Equity o ’clock Thursday morning by Judge special session, starting July 8. to David F. Graham and Sheriff C. W. BE AT NYSSA RODEO finishing their run Friday evening Glenn. They ordered his removal to straighten out the state highway and the F. H Hogue company expect <U the Ontario hospital where he died j laws. Governor Ross announced to be through with peas today and ACN« k LO M A shortly after 12. i Monday. Besides clarifying the state >* «I Lloyd Marshall and W. F. McLing ready to start on the harvest of Dempsey says he went to Morgan’s highway question, the question of went to Vale Tuesday and arranged spring carrots the day after the shack about eight o'clock Thursday, taxation of motor caravans will for the Moody string of bucking Fourth. About two weeks work is ex and that Morgan had been drinking <ome up for legislation, M t«* j horses to be In Nyssa on August 10th pected to finish up the carrot deal heavily. He Inquired about pasture Th* session will be the . r T and 11th for the Nyssa Rodeo. This here and workers will go to New i- land owned by the county and an I time in five ‘e*‘*la' string is well known as having some Meadows to work at pteking straw argument followed. According to ture has been called together, and rt/CÊH of the best bucking horses in the berries and later on to McCall to Dempsey. Morgan hil him with » t h e second special session since the west and rodeo fans are always as harvest 700 acres of peas being club and Dempsey in turn, hit Mor- present legislature took office last sured of a good show with this string grown there by the F. H Hogue or ganization. gan with a piece of timber. He re- December, of horses performing. turned to his shack and then start- PUT OUT POISON td to Vale, and was met by Judge SELLS LIMBER %ARD AT SHERWOOD. OREGON LEAGUE TO HOLD SOCIAL Oraham, who brought him to Vale j FOR JACK RABBITS for medical attention. Oraham and ------------ mnjA Sheriff Glenn returned to the scene; W. C. Jackson, ewner of the Jack- $ U C C 0 *. M U * T V of the tragedy, and ordered the in- son Lumber Co. in Nyssa has dispoe- The Epworth League will give an Farmers In the Adrian Bench sec Jured man rushed to the hospital. ed of his lumber yard at Sherwood. Ice cream social on the parsonage tion have started putting out rabbit lawn Saturday evening, beginning poison according to D. L. Anderson, Both of the men have been on t h . , « " * ™ N J By disposing of his other properties I/M at 7 o'clock. Home made ice cream who dropped tn at the Journal Fri county relief lists; Morgan being a Mr. Jackson expects to be able to and cake will be served The pro day to renew his subscription. He resident of the Vale country for the [ concentrate his full time on his ceeds will be used to pay the ex states the farmers in that section pest 18 years. V business here, as he feels the oppor penses of the Epworth League dele would like to so« other communities tunities tn Eastern Oregon are the KOB ? gates to Wallowa Lake institute. start a poisoning campalng at this STRAY SHOT HITS MAN best to be found anywhere. time and try to rid the country of as many rabbits as possible. LEGION -ROUND-UT1 T H U R S D A Y B R ID G E CLUB George Bertsch shot at a cat j 0TI _r»u in — i Mi early Wednesday morning, but miss- ! Vftucr AWHWMD SISTER-IN-LAW PASSES ed the cat and hit George Nelson.' Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy and fD llT lO N IN CALDWELL MONDAY pe.. picker from Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Otis Smith of Ontario expect to Mrs. Bert Letnkaemper was host- The shot from the 22 rifle went leave Sunday on a Legion Round- ss to the Thursday bridge club with through Nelson’s leg and fortunate- up" trip. They will pick up the mem- a party for members. Mrs Warren Mr. and Mrs. Prank Burke were Iv the injury is not expected to bership cards of the poets at Vale, Blodgett won first prize and Mrs **T T h r ' - J called to Caldwell Saturday by the pre e serious Ontario. Nyssa. Union and Baker; Sid Burbidge won low. serious Illness of Mrs. Walter Burke, Nelson was by the Nyssa Feed and earryhw them to La Orandc An- a sister-in-law. She passed away at Ornln warehouse when the stray del?*at“>n J ? ,11 U“ ‘m at Mr. and Mrs J. E Martnon of Poc- the family home Monday evening« l » — -hot found Its mark. He was taken g r a n d e who will relay the cards. atello. wers guesta of Rev tnd Mrs and funeral services have been set <<ni i to Dr Sarazln for treatment as “ .thos* <* P“ u * for Friday afternoon. Floyd White last Thursday. that district; on to Portland. — ROUND TOWN /