6 A Î £ C1TŸ JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUKE 20,1935, lng eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario. W. F. McLing was a visitor in Vale PAUL FISHER INJURED EN WRECK Oregon. 2-14-tf Tuesday. LOCAL NEWS Prepare For HOT WEATHER With an Attractive P e rm an e n t Priced $1.75 and Up All Work Guaranteed RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 16 Mrs. Ethel Crawford and daugh ters were Boise visitors Wednesday. Paul Fisher, herder for Ward Brothers, received bad bruise« about Mr. Reason purchased 40 acres the head and chest Friday when west of Nyssa the past week from his car failed to make the turn at Dunaway. He received medical aid J. R. Ashby Is putting a new roof Harry Brown. from Dr. J. J. Sarazin. on his house on the project. Mrs. W. H. Oreen is putting in a refreshment stand near the Hogue Leona Ray accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray on a fishing trip ! plant. LADIES AID TO MEET to Riverside over the week end. Albert Pfeller is improving his Norman Niles is staying at the ! home on the new project by putting home of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Lane | in an oak floor. and working in the peas. Mrs. Mark Robertson and her Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mr. and brother B. H. Hoover accompanied Mrs. Oeo. Sevey and family of Hunt by Marr Lou Burbdige made a busi ness trip to Huntington Wednesday. ington were shopping in Nyssa Sat urday. Mrs. Eulah Kelley returned Fri day from Portland and coast points where she visited friends and at- j tended the Rose Festival. j LESLIE J. AKER Attorney and Accountant Practice in all Idaho and Ore gon Courts. By appointment at Wilson Bldg., Ontario. Ad dress 522 Idaho Bldg. Boise. Nyssa I ¡bO C O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ff SAVE With SAFETY tn d keep your dollars in your community Owners of City Property car* save from 20 to 35 per cent on everything insured thru this office. FARMERS can save from 15 to 48-1-3 per cent on Homes, Furniture, Farming Machinery, Hay and Grain and Automobiles. W HY PAY MORE MONEY FOR THE SAME PROTECTION Our Policies are accepted by Building and Loan Associations, Federal Land Banks, State of Ore gon and all Federal Government Loaning Or ganizations and Life Insurance Companies, be cause they are safe insurance, and save the Bor rower money in the purchase o f Insurance. SAVE 35 per cent on your City Dwelling and Household Furniture. SAVE 48 1-3 per cent on your Hay Insurance. SAVE 20 per cent on your Store Merchandise and Fixtures. SAVE 20 per cent on your Automobile Insurance Protect yourself and your family by obtaining your policies from a company with almost $5,000.000 policy holders surplus. THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE ASSOCIATION. J. R. Ashby is nursing a sore hand and three broken ribs, the result of an accident In which a wagon ran ovel him. J SUN.-MON.-TUES. C p //; i c c L 'S ia l ! FOR SALE—Milch cows, some fresh and others to freshen soon. Jim Boor. 6-13-2tp. ROOMS—With or without board In modem home. Also apartments. Mi's. Ruth Allen, First St. FOR SALK -Bundles of old papers at the Journal office. TRUCKING—Coal, wood, grain, produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. We’ll haul It anywhere. HUGH GLASGOW, Phone 36F3. tf WANTED—Turkeys, ducks, chick ens. gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years in the same place. C. H. BOWMAN, Payette, Idaho Phone 163. tf. Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and POTATOES FOR SALE—Good Hay. Alfalfa with volunteer barley. About 10 tons. $6. Bruce Hare, Kingman Kolony. 13- 2 tpd. F O R SALE—McCormick mowing machine and hay derrick, com plete with cable, fork and pulleys, C. C. Cotton, phone 54F5, Nyssa. 6-6- 3tc. Plenty of MILK With Fr«d Keating 'Betty G ra b le E v e ly n B re n t Irik Rhodes 1 "Music in My Heart by Dorothy Fields and Jimmy Mc Hugh. D i r t t t t d j f y .Gtorat Stevens.. ...... — S pray M aterials We handle a complete line Local Idaho grown and high altitude of Spray Material for your Purple Tag Certified Russets. This is orchard and would be ideal seed for commercial crops and pleased to figure on your seed plots. See our Mr. Rogers or Mr. needs. CIoMon in Nyssa regarding contracts on this seed. The Idaho Equity Exchange is a grower controlled co-opera tive for the marketing and H ■ handling of all farm produce. ■ H THIS WITH OUR PAST TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE AND REPUTA TION OF MARKETING AND HANDLING THESE CROPS ASSURES THE GROWER OF THE BEST POSSIBLE RETURNS AND A SQUARE DEAL AT ALL TIMES. W e solicit your patronage for the coming season on this basis. Get in touch with our local representative who will be pleased to go over our deal with you. PHONE— Nyssa 103 PHONE— Nampa 655 IDAHO EQUITY EXCHANGE With The Crowd at the W A TC H for Friday Vale Natatorium and Recently remodeled to make the best pool in Eastern Oregon. Open every day and evening. Children— 15c Adults— 25c Suits 10c extra Saturday BUY YOUR SILVERWARE NOW! Mi MARKET FINDER day and expects to visit a week be foro returning to her nursing duties FOR SALE—Special for 10 days— 100 acres, all under project to be in Portland. Irrigated this fall or next spring. Mr. and Mis. Bernard Frost and About 15 acres now irrigated and in family expect to leave Saturday for crop. 3 miles west of Nyssa. Price, Los Angeles where they will spend $1500, terms. OYWHEE REALTY two weeks visiting relatives. During CO. Mr. Frost's vacation Aaron Walker will be here to serve the Idaho Pow FOR SALE—Special for 10 days— er customers. 20 acres, all under project, 5 acres now Irrigated, 5-room house, deep well, barn, fruit, berries, etc. 3 miles west of Nyssa. Price $1500 cash. OWYHEF. REALTY CO. -ONTARIO Drink OREGON j Engineer and Mrs. Parker Savage WILL TRADE—Edison double cab of Boulder City, who are visiting inet De Luxe machine with 30 relatives in Nampa, spent Wednes needles and extra reproducer for day evening with their son Ray at victor records for ice box, radio or the Will Beam home here. what have you. See Harry Shelton. S. D. Goshert is having some new 20-2tp. trellis work built at his home to be used for his climbing roses. He also WANTED — Representative t o 1 has a white lily in bloom which he handle Watkins products in On says is the only one of its kind in tario and Nyssa. Excellent opportun Nyssa. ity for full time independent busi Betty Johnson of Portland is visit ness. No capital necessary. Write ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Louis D'Amour, Box 783, Ontario. Blair Johnson. She arrived Wednes 6-20-TPC. and let DON explain NYSSA Subscribe to the Journal. $1.50 a year. Try our Market Finder to dis pose of surplus goods, rent a j house, find lost articles, to buy or J sell produce and many other uses.! Rates one cent a word per inser- J Mrs. Ray Emmott attended a ^tlon. Minimum 15c. luncheon in Ontario Wednesday given for Mrs. Caster by Mrs. E. H. FOR SALE—Pasture for 20 head of Davidson at the Taylor Coffee cattle or horses. Clyde Benton. Shop. 20-2tp. Graham's Insurance Agency Shelton Dairy Mrs. Mary Felton and Mrs. Emma Duncan will be hostesess at the next meeting of the Ladies Aid to be held Thursday, June 27th, either in the basement or on the church lawn. Business matters will be taken up at the meeting, along with a social time. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Davis of Port land arrived Wednesday afternoon to spend a few days visiting at the H. Blair Johnson home. Mrs. Davis is a neice of Mrs. Johnson. If you want to save real money on your Insurance costs—and have sound and safe protection for your property—SEE old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. SHARPENING — L a w n mowers sharpened 50c. Good, efficient ser vice. Kalsominlng and painting, by the hour or job. Andrew McGinnis. April 25 tf. FOR SALE—Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and babf ducks. Custom hatching and hatch- HELP KIDNEYS W /H E N kidneys function badly and W you iuff«r backache, d itiin cn , burning, icanty or too frequent urina tion, getting up et night, iwollen feet and ankles; feel uptet end miserable . . . use Doen’s Pills. Doen's are especially for poorly working kidneys. KAillions of b o ic s are used every year. They are recom mended by users the country over. Ask your neighborl D oans P il l s You can Buy A Furnace Now With nothing down and nothing to pay u n t i l October 1st; with payments spread over 36 months. In vestigate t h i s out standing mg offer. Estimate Specials Community Advances June 10th—Holmes & Edwards and 1847 Rogers Bros, on July 1st. A small deposit will hold any set until wanted. We have a big selection of popular patterns. June Time is Diamond Time! See our fine selection of diamonds and wedding rings. FISHER APPAREL SHOP Nyssa, Oregon Ginzel Jewelry Shop X OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL >009«9C 90 e 9 9 'C»>0 0 9 0 9 9 9 9 0 9 0 9 99 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 OOOflCCOOOOOCOI This Young Man Needs Plenty of Hot W ater So Does Every Member of His Family In this young gentleman’s home there is always a constant need for hot water. There must be hot water for his daily bath and the hundred and one other uses to which hot water is put. NEW LOW RATES For W ater Heating Now that rates for normal domestic electric water heating have been R E D U C E D ONE- THIRD, every family can enjoy electric water heating service a n d have plenty of hot water for the use of baby and every other member of the family. N ow Is the T ime T o Phone 134-J2 Parma Idaho Install An Electric Water Heater Take Advantage of This Amazing Special Offer . . . Electric water heating is so adequate, so dependable and constant that once you install an electric water heater you never need pay further atten tion to It. And now It is the most economical means of heating water for the home. Here is your opportunity to provide your family with this modem service. Never have we offered a Westlnghouse or Hot point electric water heater at such a low price — only $74.50 r a t h , completely in stalled. including normal wir ing and plumbing. And remember, while this offer is in effect you need only pay $1.00 DOWN and $7.40 a a month. ■ $ 7 i 4 .5 0 "KT c a s h COMPLETELY INSTALLED Including Normal Wiring and Plumbing $ jl D O W N $2.40 A MONTH COME IN or phone for a representativa to call at your home to explain the New Ix»w Rates f o r Electric Water Heating Service. Free GEO. J. KINZER Plumber ONTARIO, OREGON •sooooooooooooooooooooooo»; »00009«OOOOOOOOOOOOO« I daho A T .rw R