. GATE CITY JOURNAL, THUKSDAV, Buy from our advert.se.’s and get real satisfaction! MRS. CRAWFORD, it! Sunshine Dairy See The VOGUE For Your Beauty W ork For - I - SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing enter tained the Supper Club Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Mc Clure were the only guests. Dewey Ray won first prize and Mrs. Mo- Ling won second. — 8 — THURSDAY CLUB Mrs. Sid Burbidge entertained the Thursday bridge club last week. Guests were Mrs. Leslie McClure, Mrs. B. H. Hoover and Miss Rubye Lou Hemenway. Miss Hem en way won first prize and Mrs. George Stacey won second. - Fingerwaves...................................25c and 35c Marcel .................................................... ......50c Hot Oil Shampoo and Fingerwave........... $1.00 Permanents..................................$1.75 to $5.00 C h e e rfu l, D e p e n d a b le S E R V IC E a t The V o g u e Beauty Sh o p Claudena Crawford Mae Keizer W e have a late model 5-tube battery Radio for Sale A t— PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS We Pay COLD CASH For HOT ASHES Frank T. Morgan $ 2 0 ° ° . . . IF SOLD THIS WEEK COST $44.00 NEW -S E E - Nordale Furniture Store For Your Insurance Needs WE SPECIALIZE IN HAY INSURANCE Protect W hat You Have NYSSA 8 - 5 — HOSTESS TO SUNSHINE CLUB Mrs. Emma Duncan and Mrs. Lon Root were hostesses to the meeting of the Sunshine club Friday at the I.O.O.F. hall. Special guests were Mrs. Leslie McClure, Mrs. B. H. Hoover, Mrs. Andy McGinnis and Mrs. Mark Robertson. Mrs.* Minnie Leuck was awarded the quilt given each month by the club. At the drawing for the Hope Chest, the Warren ton lodge, No. 243 I.O.O.F, were winners. lust Arrived Thousands O f D ollars W o r th O f M erch an d ise PRICES ARE AT ROCK BOTTOM Timely Specials For Friday and Saturday J. P. COATES BRAND Thread lapr090ei each 7c Thread each 3c F R ID A Y AFTERNOON I I Paulus Store Jewelry I I NYSSA j illllllllllllllll!lllll!l||||lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll|||l||||||||||||||I 1 0 : 0 0 to 1 1 :0 0 2 :0 0 to 6c W it h 2 Spools T h re ad to m atch • 3 :0 0 PRICES SLASHED NEARLY HALF Our Stock Is Absolutely New And I UP-TO-DATE 1 Once A Customer Always A Customer M O R N IN G Bias tape S pecial Prices For LIMIT OF 4 TO A CUSTOMER WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION F R ID A Y J. P. COATES BRAND Turkish Towels We ask you to give us a trial on your watch and jewelry repair work. Special P r ic e ,F o r A SAVING OF NEARLY HALF OUR NEW STOCK OF JEWELRY | Arrived This Week- Including Many 1 Beautiful Articles Of Jewelry You 1 will want to see. 1 N EXT T O C O Z Y CAFE OREGON June Expansion Drive G o in g S tro n g lË i j Radio - SCAVENGER PARTY Mrs. Herschel Thompson and Mrs Max Schweizer entertained the Jolly Janes with a scavenger party and weinet) roast Monday evening. Miss es Donna and Thelma Cook won awards for being the first to return ; with the hunted articles. Miss M aria McElroy won a prize for bringing ! back the oldest penny. — Battery The W.C. T. U. met with Mrs. H D Gildea on Tuesday with Mrs Cora Newton assistant hostesses. Nine members and two visitors were pres- ] ent. One new pledge was signed. It was decided to hold an ice cream social Saturday. June 29. The place j to be announced later. The hostesses ' served a lunch. 8 CONTRACT CLUB The Contract bridge club m a t! with Mrs. Dewey Ray Monday after noon for their regular party. Mrs. Dick Adams won first prize. Guests were Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Farnham Sills and Miss Eva Boydell. - W.C.T.U. MEETING 16 X 30 inch size j Special P rice For S a tu rd a y M o rn in g 1 0 :0 0 t o 1 1 :0 0 TURKISH Special Prices fo r S a tu rd a y A fte rn o o n 2 to 3 o'clo ck FREE Wash Clothes 2c Fancy Patterns LIMIT OF 4 TO A CUSTOMER N ew A - T u b e P H IL C O RADIO $5.00 IN MERCHANDISE $2.50 IN MERCHANDISE WITH EACH $1 PURCHASE OR PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT YOU GET AN OPPOR TUNITY FOR THE FREE GIFTS TO BE GIVEN SATURDAY, JUNE 29th AT 9 :0 0 O’CLOCK <•' * WE ALSO GIVE TICKETS ON PROFIT-SHARING DISTRIBUTION JUNE 25th. WILSON BROS. DRYGOODS NYSSA OREGON **. W e still maintain our high-standard Hol stein milk, which is considered by medical auth orities everywhere as the best milk for babies and growing children. W e produce milk for everybody’s needs. Try Mr. and Mis. Geo. McKee went to Wilder today to attend funeral ser vices for W illiam English. 54. cousin of Mrs. McKee’s who died Tuesday morning at Hot Lake after a linger ing illness. Services were held at the Wilder Methodist church at 2:30. Interment was in the Roswell ceme tery. Mr. English, who has born in On tario, Canada 54 years ago has been a residentof Parma and the vicinity for the past 18 years. He Is survived by five brothers. John and Alex- *r. For the benefit of the people of Nyssa who de sire a richer milk than the Holstein milk which we have delivered for the past several years, we have recently purchased some Guernsey cows, and are now delivering high test Guernsey milk, produced in one of the most modern and sani tary plants in this section of the country, accord ing to dairy authorities. Mrs. Ethel Crawford and Mrs. Artie Robertson entertained with two lovely parties last week at the Robertson home. On Thursday afternoon five tables of bridge were In play and on Friday four tables were in play. Dessert was served at tables centered with bouquets of sweet peas. Prize winners on Thurs day were Mrs. Malcolm Crawford, | first; Mrs. A. V. Cook, second; and Mrs. O. G. Boden, low. Friday win ners were, Mrs, Arthur Boydell, first; Mrs. Russell Vlnsonhaler, sec ond; and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper, low. ander of Ontario; Dave, who lives in Johnnie Burke of Boulder City is I Ted Holt and C’.-o Klngsland Minnesota; J. B of Cascade and . . . , , George of Wilder; and two sisters a new member of the local reclama- 'Jerom e were dinner gur s at the Mrs. Mary Fiske of Ontario and Mrs. lion office. |T. Lane home Saturday night. W. T. Clark of Wilder. •!* Guernsey Milk | FUNERAL SERVICES MRS. ROBERSTON FOR W. ENGLISH HELD IN WILDER ARE HOSTESSES JUNE 20. 1985.