Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1935)
GATE C lfY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 20,1Ô35. The Gate BURKE, City Publisher Journal LEGAL AD VE R TISIN G FATH ER DIES LE G AL AD V E R TISIN G SHELL PRODUCTS TO THE LAND OWNERS OF K IN G M A N K O L O N Y D RAINAGE Funeral service» were held Satur day at Baker for Charles L. Low, We. the undersigned Supervisors of the Kingman Colony Drainage Dis o Baker, who died Friday at the St. trict. acting as an Auditing Committee, have made an audit of the Treas Elizabeth hospital there. He was the urer’s books covering the past fiscal year, as provided by law, report as father of Fred C. Low of Nyssa. follows: D IS T R IC T : BERWYN Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa. Oregon (or transmission though the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o( March 3, 1879. T R I A L B A L A N CE CHEVROLET DEALER FIRESTONE TIRES CERTIFIED LUBRICATION IRO NSID E NOTES JUNE 8. 1935 SUBSCRIPTION RATES .»IS. .... 75c One Year ._ Six Months ADVERTISING RATES Rates for Advertising will be furnished to both Local and Foreign Advertisers upon application. Classified Ads lc per word per inser tion. INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R E LIO IO N, O P T IM IS T IC IN D IS P O S IT IO N —W IT H NO INTE R ESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE O F M ALHEUR COUNTY. 8-3-31. *10. STARS HOLD LAST United States o f America to Rob M EETING M ONDAY N IG H T ert J. McConnell, 8 E 4 N W 4 , E 4 - S W ‘4, Sec. 31-27-45; 8 E 4 N W 4 & The Eastern Stars met Monday Lots 3, 5 and 6, Sec. 6-28-45. cont. night at the Eagles hall for their 5- 6-35. *100. last meeting o f the summer. Meet J, Y Watanabe et ux to Thomas ings will be resumed the first Mon Watanabo et ux N E ‘ ,N E :,. Sec. 19- day In September. Mrs. Leo Hollen- 18-47. excepting certain tract In the berg gave a report of the grand NE*4 used for school purposes, and chapter meeting she attended In alos lrr. ditch r-w and public roads, Portland. also conveys all water rights and all farm crops. 6-14-35. *5000. Marriage Licenses Issued M E TH O D IST CHURCH Ernest Henry Nordell and Bertha Hazel Jefferson. 6-8-35. Loren M. Peterson and Gladys Sunday School 10 o’clock. Momling Worship 11:15. Subject: McPherson. 6-8-35. Jesse Thomas Hansen and Lena The Power of Sin. Wolde Brown. 6-13-35. Epworth League 7:30. Willis O. Shambaugh and Alice E. Evening Worship 8:30. Dr. H. O. McCalllster will bring the evening Purvis. 6-14-35. Chester F. Langer and Isabel A. message. Fourth Quarterly Confer Bremmer. 61-15-35. ence following the service. Petitions Filed In County Court Prayer and Praise Service Wed Estate of Daniel W. Merritt, De nesday evening 8 o'clock. ceased. 6-13-35. Estate of Marla Arrltola, deceased. 6- 15-35. Estate of Pedro Arrltola. 6-15-35. Cr. Dr. Mrs. Floyd Howard left Monday Bonds Outstanding ........................................ . * 31,000.00 » Bond Coupons Paid ....................... ................... 38.795.00 for La Grande where she will at Bond and Interest Fund .................................. . 44.16 tend summer school. County of Malheur ........................................... ..... 20.992.55 20.99255 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Llngl'e and son Drainage Tax Record ........................................ »5,354.15 Drainage System .............................................. 55.554 33 of Fruitland and Cecil H ill of On Delinquent Tax Certificates ........................... 530.25 tario visited their mother Mrs. A r Interest & Discount ......................................... 536.01 thur Van Buren last Sunday. Interest paid on Warrants ........................................... 1,932.76 Malheur County Bank (claim) ........................ 13725 Mrs. Elmer Molthan Is spending Operation and Maintenance ............................. 11,227.65 the week with relatives at. Prairie Operation and Maintenance Fund .................. 342.02 City. Profit and Loss ......................... .................. ... 160.49 Warrants Outstanding ...................................... 1.810.00 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lofton and sons »12820821 *128.208.31 and Miss Sheila and the S. A. Lofton tons spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Earl Lotons sister at Unity, Mrs. Earl RECEIPTS FOR YEA R ENDING JUNE 4, 1935 M orfltt. In the afternoon they at June 5, 1934 Cash in bank .............................................................. * 604.80 tended the ball game there. County Treasurer for taxes paid ...................................................... 1,580.89 The Ironside baseball team played County Treasurer, bond received for taxes ..................................... 500.00 County Treasurer, coupons and interest received for taxes 3,445.16 with Unity Sunday at Unity and the County for Delinquent Tax Certificates ......................................... 518.53 former team were winners with a Discount on bond coupons .............................................................. 33.75 Discount on bonds paid ....................................................... ....... 955.00 substantial score. The Earl Lofton family were busi- Total receipts ....................................................... *7,638.13 ness visitors In Baker last Tuesday. Expenditures for Year Ending June 4, 1935 Raymond Frey, Frank Cegnor, W il- bur Leonard and Norma Bonds paid ..................................................................... * 2,000.00 Bond coupons paid ........................................................... 3,375.00 all of Boise were week end guests of Interest on coupons received for taxes .......................... 295.16 Miss Norma White. On Sunday they Interest paid on warrants ................................................ 103.44 all motored to Baker. Delinquent Tax Certificates .......................................... 530 25 Warrants paid .................................................................. 236.00 Norcott Service An Independent Station Nyssa, Oregon ' i ?! LI Total expenditures ............................... *7,34027 Cash In Operation and Maintenance Fund ..... *342.02 Bond and Interest Fund overdrawn ................ 44.16 Net Cash In Bank June 4. 1935 ........................................ 297.86 Total Expenditures and Cash In Bank ....................................... * * The 7,638.13 1 U B , candy l a x a t iv e Respectfully submitted, CORRECT A TTE ST: F R A N K D. HALL, Secretary-Treasurer. that Iceefwtlie whole family well F R A N K T. M ORGAN, ROBT. R. OVERSTREET, Supervisors. Court House Filings Real Estate Transfers Recorded Edwin R. Hanford to Katherine B. Hanford. S 4 S W 4 N W 4 , Sec. 8- 18-47; also 10 shares of capital stock o f Owyhee Ditch Co., and 20 shares capital stock of Long Lateral Dltoh Co. 6-6-35. Love and affection. C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co. Ltd 8 4 S W 4 N W 4 , Sec 7-32-41. 6-11-35. $10. C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co., Ltd. 8 4 N E I4 8 W 4 Sec. 27-32-40. 6-11-35. *10. O. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co. Ltd. 8 W 4 S W 4 . Sec. 3-33- 4q 6-11-35. *20. C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co. Ltd. N 4 N W 4 N W 4 , Sec. 13-41-41. 6-11-35 *10. C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co. Ltd N W 4 S E 4 , Sec. 3-31- 41. 6-11-35. »10 O. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co Ltd. 8 4 N E V .N E 4 , Sec. 7- 33-41. 6-11-35. *10. O. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Coast Land Co. Ltd. SWV4SE4, Sec 27-31- 41. 6-11-35. *20. J. L Napton et ux to W B. Napton Lot 1, and 8 E 4 N E 4 . Sec. 11-22-46. lésa R.R. r-w and containing 77 acres 6-6-35. *10. C. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Dean Friz zell. N W V .SW 4, Sec. 24-17-44. 11-3- 34. »104.75 O. W. Olenn, Sheriff to Dean Frizzell, S W 4 N W 4 . Sec 24-17-44. E. B. Oould et ux to Isaac Floyd Bonner, Lot 3 and Lot 4 In the 8 W 1» Sec. 30-18-44, less metes and bounds In the W 4 8 W 4 , Sec. 30-18-44, cont 30 9 acres. 6-12-35. *1050. Isaac Floyd Sonner et ux to E. B Gould, Metes and bounds In the W 4 8 W 4 , Sec 30-18-44, cont. 30 9 acres. 6-12-35. *10. C. H. Keele et al to United States of America, Metes and bounds In the E 4 8 E 4 . Sec. 15-18-46 cont. 7.48 acres. 5-28-35. *100. L. R. Kinney et ux to United States of America Metes and bounds In the E 4 S E 4 , Sec. 15-18-46. cont. 748 acres. 4-22-35 *3000 Fredua N. Peters et ux to Fredus N. Peters, Jr. et al. 8WW.8E4, Sec 12. Lots 1, 3, 3, & N E 4 N W 4 , 8ec. 13 8 E 4 N E 4 and Lot 1, Sec 14-21-46 You Don't Want CAR TROUBLES Don't let car troubles spoil your vacation trip. Let us put everything in shape BEFORE you »tart. Free your mind of worry about the mechanical condition of your car by hav ing It checked at the Nyasa. Oregon T E W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Nyasa, Oregon Regs are the new, gentle way to relieve constipation. N o harshness. N o griping. N o ill-tasting, stomach up setting potions. Just a little chocolate flavored tablet everyone likes. And they’re safe for everyone at any time. Try Regs. GREASE Your Car NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 76F3 A CROSLEY and IN ML MORI AM The simplicity and dignity of the Nyssa Funeral Home's low cost funerals have made many people realize what e f ficient funeral direction can be. Let us explain all of the details to you today. Call us. There is, of course, no obli gation on your part. 50 percent more usable space in Enjoy this extra space along with other outstand ing features that are found in the Shelvador. You’ll be proud to own A Crouley. Have the Oil Changed Then notice how smooth and noiseless it runs. Have it done now. Don’t wait. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Phone 1 Open Day and Night NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Oregon SAVE with SAFETY at 3fe*o J£. oRUG STORE The\ NYSSA Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA OREGON J - NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WE RECOMMEND THEM LOTT D. BROWN FACTS ABOUT NYSSA A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Population, (1930) ___________ 8(11 Recent estimates ....................... 1000 Elevation .................... N YS SA OREGON City O fficer» DR. C. A. ABBOTT for C O O L C L E A N C H IR O P R A C T IC P H Y S IC IA N S u m m e r T r ip s Fresh air— filtered— cooled— scientif ically conditioned . . . surrounds you With refreshing comfort in Union Pacific coaches, sleeping cars, din ing and observation cars. There are no drafts. That s one reason why modern Union Pacific travel service is "the happiest distance between two points!" On your summer trips, enjoy the comfort, safety, time-saving speed, and economy of rail travel. Union Pacific serves all the west’s glorious and popular vacation spots. And offers new convenient service to all eastern points. Visit San Diego Fair America’s great 1935 international exposition. Open to November 11, See Gigantic Boulder Dam A short side-trip from L as V e g a s e n ro u te to Southern California, Office In Residence Three blocks So. M. E. Church PHONE 25 N Y S S A L I B R A R Y OPEN SA TU RD A Y Town P a tron s......2:30 to 5:30 Out-of-town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 LO W ROUND TRIP FARES Attractively low rail fere* Invite vow to en joy your summer trip with economy. Round trip rates of 2 cents or less per mile enable you to travel by train at less cost than driving your own car. It's the modern way to travel. Ask Ticket Agent about low one-way or round- trip coach (area. Union Pacific's new S T R E A M -U N K K —City of Portland, Is now In regular service between Portland and Chicago. This train is running at high rate of speed Stop. Look and listen before crossing Union Pacific tracks. For Further Information Consult Local Agent A L L PATR O N S WELCOME Mrs. Fred Marshall. Librarian M a y o r ------------------- Don Graham Councllmen __________ A rt Norcott, A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. City Clerk ---------------.A. R. Millar City Treasu rer-------Arthur Boydell Marshall ................. ....... A. V. Cook W aterm aster....... N. H. Pinkerton Health O ffic e r .... Dr. J. J. Sarazln County O fficer» Commissioners ..... .......... Ora Clark, E. H. Brumbach. County J u d g e ...... David F. Oraham S h e r iff................... o. W. Olenn Clerk ......... ..................... Roy Daley Assessor ........ ......... Murray Morton Treasurer .............. Mrs. Ora Hope County A tto rn e y ........... M. A. Biggs County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson County Physician....... Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. Coroner ....... R. a . Tacke Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool Nyssa Public School» A. L. FLETCHER A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W 2186 N YSSA : OREGON DR. E. D. NORCOTT D E N T I 3 T Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 36F3 X -R A Y E X A M IN A T IO N S NYSSA OREOON Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 MEETS W EDNESDAY N IO H T A T EAGLES H ALL Visiting Eagles Welcome W ARREN Me H ARO UE, Pres. DON M. ORAH AM , Secretary Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Fact» About Owyhee Project ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holme« TR AN SFE R and B A O O A O I All Ktnds of Hauling in City Limits N Y «S A , OREGON Phono t Cost of Owyhee Dam _____86.000.600 7 4 miles of Tunnel ______*4.000.000 Siphon», canals, etc............*3.000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity____ ........... 715,000 acre feet Heighth of dam ............... .520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon Elevation o f land .... 2250 to 2 500 Aero» In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products ....................hay, corn, dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas., lettuce, onions and carrots. CITY TRANSFER T R U C K IN G and TR AN S FE R R IN G Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. Klinkenberg