i Profit-Sharing: Distribution Tuesday, June 25 at 3.00 P. M THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VO LUM E XXIX. G A T E W A Y T O THE O W YH EE A N D BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 24. TWO FIRES CAUSE DAMAGE TO ROMES IR NY5SA VICINITY • Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD AY, JUNE 20, 1935. [Bill Before Congress W ould Refund Taxes T o Defunct Banks $1.50 PER YEAR ’r a ils 3101 h t t i s ä S a J M ■ Olici FRIDAY CAUSE OF IE FLOOD Leslie J. Aker, attorney of Boise enough support Is mustered to pass Urban home owners who are in­ poration was created to protect hon­ who recently opened an office In this bill through Congress, tax voluntary default on their m ort­ est home owners who are In tem­ Ontario was In Nyssa Saturday. Mr. money collected from insolvent gages are warned to file their ap­ porary difficulty, and not to offer Aker recently returned from Wash­ banks can be rebate dto pay deposit­ plications for relief from the Home a lower Interest rate to mortgagors, ington D. C where duties connected ors, Including die banks which failed Owners Loan Corporation by June or to save lenders from past mis­ with being the secretary of the Nat- In Nyssa several years ago. He says : 27, less than three weeks away, takes of judgment in making exces­ ional Association of Bank Depositors that should the depositors of the J .,1 i t „ when the thirty day extension for sive loans. Herbert Hoxie F a r m called him. At the present time Nyssa banks decide to hold a meet- Caldwell Scheduled Owyhee Ditch Bank Gives t o new appllcations will expire The home must have a value not H o m e Burns; Lamb there Is a bill before Congress which Ing to pass a resolution regarding W ay and Floods Farm­ P l a y Locals Sunday I Under the law loans can be made exceeding $20,000.00 and must be oc­ would amend a present law to read, this pending legislation, he will be Here to Start Second only 10 home owners ln gmuine cupied by the owner or held by him House Damaged by Fire Whenever and after any bank has glad to appear before the meeting ers Below; Water Back | danger of losing t h e i r homes as his homestead. The maximum ceased to do business by reason of and explain the measure and what Tuesday. Half of Season. in Carnal. through tax sale or foreclosure. The loan is $14,000 or 80 per cent of the insolvency or bankruptcy, no tax It would mean locally. Corporation cannot consider the ap­ value of the property, whichever is sitali be assessed or collected or paid plications from persons who are smaller. Any applicant who has de­ In what was judged one of the able to carry their present mort­ liberately defaulted In his present Farm residents west of Nyssa Flre partially destroyed the roof into the Treasury of the United LEGION HEAD States." The bill further reads, In gages or to obtain refinancing else­ best ball games o f the current sea­ o f the house belonging to Ben Lamb must have though they were living indebtedness will be rejected. part, “ The Commissioner of Inter­ TO VISIT VALE son. Nyssa defeated Payette Sunday where. Such ineligible applications Wednesday morning, and It was only For the redemption of the home in eastern flood districts when the nal Revenue, when the facts shall by a score of 3 to 1. The game was a ( merely obstruct the work of the from forced sale or involutary sur­ Owyhee ditch broke Friday night, by piompt action of the fire depart­ appear to him, from the certificate genuine pitcher's duel, with Dean work of the Corporation field office render, such surrender must have flooding over the land in the vic­ ment that the building was saved. o f the duly qualified receiver of such W. J. Chamberlin, Commander of Johnston of Nyssa pitted against in handling cases of real distress. taken place since January 1, 1930. j inity. Tne fire started when tlie stove The break occurred on the 1 insolvent National or State bank, is Gebo, Payette’s new star cliucker. The same general tests of eligibility Applicants who have no present or Iold » » Brown place, occupied by pipe slipped together and the flames authorizled to abate, remit, or re­ the Oregon Department of the Leg­ Gebo, with several years exper­ apply to newly filed requests for prospective income of any kind a r e ! Mrs- caught on to some loose paper near w Balter and before the fund so much o f the taxes paid by ion will speak in Vale on Thursday, ience on the House of David team, loans as are applied to earlier ap­ ineligible unless their notes are also i wa*^r could be shut off. the current the celling, spreading rapidly Into or assessed against such National or June 20th at a public meeting of the plications now in process of closing was touched for six hits, Including the attic and through the roof. signed by responsible parties, such lkad tore a 11010 leet wide 'n the State Bank from and after January Vale post. Mr. Chamberlin is well The applicant must two doubles by Carter and a double or rejection. bank of the ditch The Lamb fam ily had just vacated 1, 1918, which has since then become as relatives. hava been in involuntary default on questions and by D. Johnston. Dean Johnston, j The water flooded down over the the house and Tuesday two families Insolvent, as shall be found necess­ versed on Legion Blank forms for filing appllcations John Kakebeeke and Earl Ward his present mortgage on June 13, moved in, those of W. L. McConnell ary to pay the depositors there o f In many Leglonaires from Nyssa and fresh from the Oregon State dia­ may be secured by addressing the 1935. unless default oocurlng later Is places and also parts of the George and C. L. Carter. The fire started full." ¡Ontario plan to attend. The public mond. held the Payette sluggers to five safe hits and struck out 12. shown to have resulted from un­ District O ffice of the Home Owners and Earl Ward places, doing consid­ when a meal was being prepared It is Mr. Aker's contention tliat If i is invited to hear him. Gebo struck out seven Nyssa batters. employment or misfortune. The cor- Loan Corporation at La Grande. erable damage to crops and standing Wednesday morning. The water had Payette scored their only run In to a depth of two feet in some not been turned on yet and It was their half of the first inning when places. Chickens and cats took to the necessary for Mr. McConnell to car­ MRS. GREELING Chalfant, Payette third sacker hit PACK RAT GETS tops of buildings and at the Monte ry water from the standpipe nearby, safely; went to second on an over­ Kruse home the family were prac­ but l.e was unable to check the pro­ AT P-T-A SCHOOL A W A Y W IT H TEETH throw at first; stole third and came tically marooned for a few days, gress o f the flames. Neighbors as­ home on a passed ball by the Nyssa water standing almost level with the sisted In carrying the household e f­ IN PORTLAND catcher. porch. fects to safety and the fire boys Having a $50 set of false teeth Payette had two other golden op- | Repair work was started as soon as made short work of the blaze. right from under his very It became dry enough to work and j Mrs. M. M. Greellng Is in Portland portunitles to score but double plays stolen nose Is no fun, according to C. water was turned down the ditch Fire Destroys Hoxie Home ■ { attending a school of instruction for cut their rally short. In the second W. Long. The other night he again Wednesday evening. The rea­ Fire o f unknown origin completely rv i /-i j -ri_ ■ \i/ i • county President's of Parents and inning a double play, McCullough to laid his teeth carefully aside but District No. 26 Election son for the break is not certain but destroyed the Herbert Hoxie home Heal L io ie a 1 nit W eek U1 Teachers associations, held ln that Price to Servoss, retired the side and in the morning they were gone. in the seventh, with a man on first It Is believed that possibly the big Monday evening about six o'clock. Which Roy Pounds and ^}y th* 20111 *nd 21st ot June- and a man at third ready to score, Searching carefully about the Monday Résulta in Elec­ head of water which filled the ditch n , , o n . D i Mrs- »re e lin g is president of Mal- The 1 louse Is located near the Owy­ premises he found a pack rat Hon I Odd Buy Uut Bert heur Council of Oregon’s Congress Price scooped up a hot grounder, tion of Koopman and might have reached a gopher hole hee junction south of Nyssa, across cache Including many articles close to the top and caused the tear­ Barker. b r e n ts and Teachers -and is a tossed It to McCullough at second from Landgon’s service station. The missing for a long time, but the Smith. ing out of the bank. j guest of the state organization while wito fired it on to Servoss to com­ cache did not include the miss­ family were across the road when plete the second double play of the ---------- ln Portland. the fire broke out and when noticed, ing grinders. However he Is still game. a Mr. and Mrs. Andy McGinnis and had gained too much headway to looking and when he finds the Roy Pounds and Don Todd have I . * * * .f“ 6“ " ? 8 bein* Nyssa's first counter came in In the annual school election, Dis­ daughter Viola and Helen Wiseman save the house. The damage Was purchased the bariier and beauty f he national oonven- the second Inning when Price h it , guilty rat It is apt to be too bad trict No. 26, Fred Koopman was re­ left Wednesday for Likely, Calif., covered by insurance. for the furry thief. shop owned by Bert Barker and will t,un, ta “ d ,work tor safely, stole second and came home elected director for a three year where they plan to spend the sum­ take active possession next Mon- ^ ln* year wlU when Carter hit a lusty double to I — -------------------- term. The only other candidate for mer. day. Mr. Pounds has been an assist- | the right field fence. Carter scored 1________________ _____________ director was Wesley Browne, with ant in the slvop for several years and In the fifth when he lilt another BOISE NEWSPAPER the vote being 59 to 40 in the direct­ Mr. Todd, who came here recently double and came home when Servoss or race. Dwight Smith was elected CIVIC CLUB M AN MARRIED BY from Spokane, worked lor Mr. Bar­ hit safely. Hash it ill! scored Nyssa's clerk of the district, replacing Chas. ker about four years ago. They ex­ third run in the final Inning when Paradis, who was not a candidate. HOLDS COOKING REV. FLOYD W HITE pect to continue to operate both the he hit safely, and came home when Don Graham was also a candidate barber and beauty shop. SCHOOL WED. George Johnston bunted safely. Bat­ fo i clerk, the vote being 75 to 23 in Mr. Barker has made no an­ teries: Payette, Gebo and Lynn; Walter Bottcher, manager of the [ the voting for clerk. Nyssa. Johnston and Long. The Dally Vacation Bible School nouncement as to his future plans Associated Press in Boise and Miss Hot weather dishes were the topic but expects to remain in Nyssa for was brought to a close with a pro­ Grace Hicks, daughter of Mr. and Ontario, Nyssa, Caldwell and Pay­ Ontario Wins Championship for the afternoon at the meeting of gram at the Community church some time and possibly to enter Into Mrs. O. L. Hicks of Twin Falls, were ette nines have all accepted tlie In­ the Civic Club Wednesday afternoon Ontario won the championship Sunday morning. The program was some other line of business. quietly married Saturday evening vitation of the Vale Fourth of July when Miss Lois Bailey, Idaho Pow ­ game played Sunday at Emmett 3 given by the students with the by Rev. Floyd White ln the Com­ committee to open Vale's annual er representatives, demonstrated to 4. but the game was played under classes giving their Bible memory munity church. Mr. Bottcher Is a celebration on the afternoon of July many tasty dishes for the summer protest; Emmett declaring that they work; several songs and Mrs. 3rd with a doubloheader on the R iv­ * montlis. Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. were already winners o f the first graduate of the Twin Falls high White's class o f 7th and 8th grade school and worked for several years erside pork diamond. The winners Vest and Mrs. Oarrlt Siam were ; half, girls gave a dramatization o f the on the Twin Falls News before go­ The Legion and Auxiliary and will appear in a play-off game the enough to each win one of the com- | finding o f the baby Moses. Hand- Nyssa Plays Caldwell ing to Salt Lake City for the Asso­ their children enjoyed a picnic at following day. pleted dishes ln a drawing of names. word of the students was exhibited The start o i the second half of ciated Press In 1933. Last February the Ed. Abbl home ln Big Bend Arrangements for the celebration The Idaho Power Company has with one of the outstanding ex-1 lie was transferred to Boise. Thursday evening, This Is their last are rapidly being completed and in­ Discovery- o i a sagebrush ' butcher appointed one woman for each of the league season will be Sunday hlbits being a collection o f dolls, Mrs. Bottcher graduated from meeting for the summer. The Aux- dications are that one of the largest four ____________________________ districts to meet with the when the teams swing Into action shop“ on the desert between C a l d - their ____ _____ dressed to represent all the different well and New Plymouth, prompted women of the communities and help j “ * aln- Nyssa plays Caldwell on the Fller high school and Albion Normal lhary elected their new officers for crowds in years will be In Vale on nations. A generous collection Sun­ Sheriff Piersall of Canyon County to them with their household problems Ilocal fleld: Nampa plays at Emmett, and for the past three years lia.s the coming year, to take office ln the Fourth. Last year, the atten­ day morning more than defrayed - . school ------- in Burley — j Whit- October ------- . and Those elected were, Mrs. dance was over 10,000. picture a well organized, gang of 1 j Miss Bailey will have charge of this Ontario at Middleton and Payette taught the expenses o f the school. ney school at Boise. T lie couple took Douglas McDonald, president; Mrs. cattle rustlers, butchers and sales- ! district, and will plan another day entertains Boise There will be a parade In the Two cakes were given the pupils men who used the desert as a means for all Nyssa women about the 24th1 out their license In Vale Saturday i Dan Graham, 1st vice president; morning with a free barbecue serv­ bringing the most pupils, with Ralph to hide their Illegal operations. and tried to locate a minister but Mrs. Frank Bailey. 2nd vice presi- ed ln Vale's shady Riverside park at of July. j „ Lowe and Marion Harris winning were unsuccessful ln finding a min­ dent; Mrs. Charles Paradis, secre­ noon. Following the playoff baseball Monday afternoon Sheriffs of Ada. Mrs. Ed. Noreott presided at the Margaret Hunt and the cakes. On Friday morning the Gem and Payette Bounties ln Idaho business meeting in the absence of ister at home either ln Vale or On­ tary; Mrs. Sid Burbidge, treasurer, game, will comq the big rodeo, the Friends Attend Sorority tario, remarking that Rev. White Mrs. Howard Larsen, historian; and main attraction of the celebration. last day of school all the students and Malheur county ln Oregon sur- President Mrs. Ray Emmott. It was were treated to Ice cream and cake veyed the discovery after being dir- announced that Sadie Orr-Dunbar, was the only minister in Malheur j the executive committee will be Convention; Stop Here ; county they could find at home S it- j made up ot Mrs. Wesley Brown, re- Already some of the best horses and donated by the people of the com­ acted to tlie spot by Piersall. But the vice president of the National Ped- riders in the northwest have been munity. urday evening. | tiring president; Mrs. C. A. Abbott entered. This year bulldogging will t rails were so cold that the prob- era ted Women's Clubs, is being sent A very worthwhile two weeks has ability of unraveling the mystery of to Ontario by the Anti-Tuberculosis ----------------------- ! and Mrs. Harry Russell. The Aux- be added to thd races and bucking been reported and an enrollment of at least 100 beef carcasses is remote. Association to hold a meeting on j Miss Margaret Hunt and her iliary also chose Mrs. C. A. Abbott contests to give new thrills for rodeo 141 was had with an average atten­ said Piersall. The only tangible evi- i July 10 and tlie Nyssa women are friends Miss Gladys Battleson of NEW PEOPLE AR R IV E as a delegate to the State conven­ fans. Canby, Oregon, and Miss Virginia dance of 91. Rev. White extends his TO M AKE HOME HERE tion which will be held ln The D al­ On both evenings, there will be old MacCorkle of Portland, arrived tlianks to all who helped with the truck license plate. This may liave near future a 30-minute program les August 10, 11, and 12. Mrs. Char­ time and modem music with good Tuesday evening for a short stay at school ln any way. The Variety Store been swept o ff the truck in the les Paradis was named as alternate. orchestras, and El Dorado—a repro­ Andrew Anderson and son Char­ and Caldwells Store are thanked for brush and was taken ln charge by radio station giving a short sgetch \ the C. C. Hunt home. They left early At the Legion meeting Dr. Abbott I Thursday morning en'route to Chlc- lie and friend, E. Mortetisen, arrived and Don Oraham were chosen as duction o f an old time mining camp so kindly donating materials for the Sheriff Colemon fo r Investigation. of all the clubs ln Malheur county, —will be ln full swing. Here gam­ | ago. The three girls are delegates to ln Nyssa from California and ex­ delegates to the convention with school, as did the Baldrdge Imple­ Scene of the wholesale butchering Including their history, aims and the ¡the national convention of the pect to make their home here. The Chas. Paradis and Archie Howell as blers can take a fling with El Dor­ ment company. ado money. operations is ln Payette county Just progress they have made. 1 Alplia Omieron PI aororlty to be men are experienced mechanics and alternates. Mrs. J. J. Sarazln was hostess for beyond the Canyon county line near The climax of the night events on held ln Lake Forest, 111. They plan ! builders and expect to help build up the Sand Hollow highway bridge. the afternoon and Mrs. Frank M or­ to visit the Yellowstone park on the Nyssa country, the Fourth will bo dazzling fire­ AD R IAN BALL TEAM gan had charge of program arrange­ Here, Piersall said Is a faint road works display—one of the most elab­ their way. The girls are all students ONTARIO WINS DEFEATS M ABSING leading Into the brush. I t has no ments. orate ever shown ln this part of the of the University of Oregon. country. destination, and Is Infrequently C O U NTY LIB R A R Y A T SOFTBALL used. Half a mile west of the high- |C A r . | r C D I A sj n A a. r c I CLOSED D URING SUMMER Tlie Adrian ball team nosed out way, on a spot where the New Ply- L A u L L o r L A I ' L / A H L C , i The J. J Sarazln family spent EASTERN OREGON IS r o n C A T I I P n A V Sunday fishing at Summit Prairie. a 3 to 0 victory at Marslng Sunday mouth road Is. which traverses the r G rv J n I U l i D / i I On V f . „ - night i - K t rh a„ Invited u i D, B R IG H T F IN A N C IA L SPOT Ontario proved too much for the Monday they Miss with ''L efty” Young going strong, Black Canyon desert Is visible, As an economy measure the Mai- locals and broke their strung of vic- Eva and Blayney Boydell and Misses striking out 15 Marslng batsmen and heads, legs, hides and offal of about The dance Saturday night at the j Mae and Sue K M * * for dinner to heur County Library will be closed torlea ln no uncertain manner keeping the hits well scattered. This 100 head of cattle were found. They Thursday night. The final score was was the fourth time this season th a t, are ln piles. Piersall said, the num­ According to David Eccles, editor 12 to 1. A return game Is scheduled of Business Survey, Oregon’s brlglrt- Young has won a game with three | ber ranging from 10 to 28 head An attractive collection of Juvenile for tonight on the Ontario dlamod. est spot is eastern Oregon. This sec­ runs scored or less. Benton caught each pile. fair and another dance U planned books has been added to Nyssa lib­ the game for Adrian. Next Sunday1 Time of the wholesale executions for Saturday night. Dan Black and tion Is less affected by the lumber rary to be accessible to the younger Iv Wilder will Journey to Adrian for a Is fixed by officers as having taken his orchestra from CaldweU bare strike and its trade Is extremely place during the winter of 1833-34. been hired to play for the affair and readers during the summer months * *** active; he says. Purchases, It is said, game. This Is Judged by the condition of the dublle Is Invited. C IR C U IT CO URT are ln large measure for cash. How­ evidence still there. New Plymouth ever. Eccles believes that the un­ i Jimmie Cook accompanied John A L T O E X AM IN E R TO BE HERE Sentinel. dercurrent of business Is strongly Pea pickers starting out at four Young to Keating last week where Hugh Glasgow Is building a new D. R. DeOroaa was acquitted In toward reoovery at this time despite In the morning . . New settlers buy- be wUl spend the summer with his circuit court Friday on a charge of labor troubles and uncertainties. porch on his home. JUNIOR LEAOUE BOYS lng additional water for summer Grandmother Cook, fishing without a license. He had Retail trade in the Portland area W L. Turner, examiner of oper­ Mrs. Emeat McClure returned months . . . First crop strawberries c Kllnkenberg r.ade a business previously been convicted ln Justice showed unexpected strength during TO GO TO BURNS SUNDAY ators and chauffeurs, will be ln Nys­ Thursday night from a few days nearly gone . . College students trtp to Salem, leaving Thursday court but the upper court reversed May after a disappointing early sa. Thursday. June 27th. 1935, at the visit ln Walla Walla. Washington home for summer vacation . . . Mar- evening and returning Saturday the decision He was defended by spring, and It la thought, surpassed City Hall between the hours of 1 Five members of tha Junior league Attorney Carl Coed of Nyssa and the corresponding 1934 month by Ted Newell has accepted a job o f- garet Pinkerton smaahing wheel of morning and 5 p m . respectively, according Whippet ln auto mishap . . . Fire­ the case was prosecute! by Joe Lane about 10 to 15 per cent. to a recent announcement released ball team from Nywa will join five (emJ ^ th< Maiw> fighters taking soaking putting out Mrs Dick Young returned Satur- of Ontario. ^ u » k up his duties this week Wholesale trade, however, was re­ frr i the Secretary o f State's office. other boys from Ontario ^ btaze . . . Eagle* making plana to day night from a two weeks visit ported as being slower due to the A ll those wishing permits or licenses from Vale to go to Bums Sunday to j Mrs. Barney Wilson and children attend state convention . . . Longest with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clar- possibility of lower prices as a re­ to drive cars are asked to get ln 1 play the team there. I f the Malheur Mrs Eddie Powell returned the jrnce Johnson at Dayton, Wash. sult of the Supreme Court's NTRA touch with Mr Turner during t h e * j county team wins at Burnt they and Mrs. Gertrude Ward returned | day of year tomorrow, first of the week after a few days will go to La Grande to play for the early Tuesday morning from a trip While there Mrs Young and the derision. Retailers bought cautiously hours. district title. to California Johnsons made a trip to Portland v is » with relatives ln Welser. in anticipation of this development. AT PAYETTE KOOPMAN, SMITH WIN IN ELECTION TO POUNDS - TODD i Bible Classes Finish Work Vale To Hold Celebration Auxiliary Elects For Next Term “Butcher Shop* Found In Brush ROUND TOWN /