Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1935)
.GATE CITY r JOURNAL, T H U K Â U V , MAY . * _ - - ■ » • - - - • ' - - - Mr and Mi.,. Brutoy wer« BuncUi guests at the Emory Coble home Little News of Nyssa has Mrs. Max Schweizer quite sick this week. Are OUT So Is the attitude taken by the Mother who says—"There nothin« to be done Jane's hair.’’ ■ ' i n r i ~ ~ i < n a a r i ho , tua&, ^ f ffi" r - fn á r i* i— M a r t « — Miss Maria McEhoy fished ft bov* Ironside with friends Sunday. i Mr and Mrs. Wesley Roberts have Mrs. Bernard Frost and Mrs. Bert moved to the Pipe Line ranch from Letnkaemper were business in Cald ' the Marshall place. well Friday. j Frank Popma of the Poprna Music Mrs. W i l l B ern entertained Oswald Forbes spent the week end company of Boise was a business Misses Margaret a n d Katherine with his mother Mrs. Betty Forbes. |Vilstor in Nyssa Tuesday. Young at dinner Friday night. J. M. Ashby suffered a fractured Dr. J. J. Sarazln was a business rib when a wagon ran over him. Mrs. Allen has rented the Carver visitor In Boise Tuesday. He was ac house in the north part of town and Annie Holmes has been visiting companied by his son Norbert. moved Tuesday. friends In Boise the past week. The Harry Durston family of Pay The John Lewellan family of Bon ette spent Sunday with the Jim Mrs. Wm McLees was sick the ita were visitors at the parental C. Huffman here. past week. Klinkenberg home Friday. Friends of Jack Short are sorry to , j Mrs Agnes Wilson of Boise was in hear that he is quite sick in the O n Miss Jeanette Martin returned to ! Nyssa one day this week on busi- tario hospital. her home in Kingman Kolony after Í ness. El wood Anderson and Jeanne completing the school term at Vale. A baby daughter was born to Mr. j Coble were married at Weiser Sun- Oscar Pinkston, brother of Mrs. and Mrs. Jacob Relk o f Dunaway day, May 20. Andrew McGinnis was taken to the Thursday, May 3. She has been Mrs. R. F. Belnke and children Ontario hospital Tuesday. named Marianne. left Sunday for Yuba City. Calif., to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Farmer and A son, Stanley Eugene, was born attend her sister's graduation and to Miss Hellen Gardiner were business to Mr. and Mrs. Tracey L. M lfford visit relatives. visitors in Boise Monday. Friday, May 24. The Festas Adams family moved Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis, Mr. A daughter was born to Mr. and this week to their farm near Nyssa. They have sold their property here and Mrs. C. Klinkenberg and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Roberts Thursday, May Mary Felton picnicked at Owyhee in town to Mrs. Swctt. 23. dam Sunday. Dinner guests at the W. T. Posey Robert Fields was treated by Dr. home Sunday were Mr and Mis. Miss Eva and Blaney Boydell are J. J Sarazin the past week for a cut Mort Prevo and Mrs Jesse Ander remodeling their home to have a hand, received when he fell on a son; all of Caldwell. three-room apartment fixed for piece of broken glass Mrs. Lilliam Green, left this Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vlnsonhkler. been Pigtails Is — — - - »— - about There Is no “ awkward age" If she has a R IN G LE TTE PE RM AN E NT WAVE Let Us Tell You About our Permanents for Children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Morgan M -K camp at morning for her home in Pendleton WTHùUt «StomtiG VT, MAtîttCAH* Saturday re after visiting the past week with her [ and sons spent Sunday at the Black t w HEMM YS5,ÛÛQ,000 QOMflS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Canyon dam visiting Engineer Earl smashed foot OV HftV-K YEMtW ” IH CHûCbUflE WiW Walters and family. in the tunnel fcHO CHOCÛLME CONWEO CKUüY Miss Clara Johnson came Sunday j to make a two weeks visit with her I Ed. Flanagan of Watato, Wash., C liff Geer has purchased the Leon parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Blair John- j and Riley Williams of Grandview, Leavitt property In Nyssa. The son. She is on vacation from duties Wash., were caller at the J. E. Hear- © O omu «T ftttwwH Co«k* ron home Sunday. Leavitts have moved to their small as a stenographer in Portland. PHONE 16 Nyssa; farm purchased from Mrs. Newby Mr. and Mrs. Clark Price of On The Earl Banta family of Ster last fall. Miss Donna Cook returned home ling, Colo., newcomers who are look tario were visiting with Owen Price ! V AST M EETING FOR ing for a location here have moved at) the W ill Beam home Tuesday OLD OFFICERS WED. Tuesday evening from Enterprise where she completed a years work j to Mrs. Sarah Whipple’s house near evening. as teaclier in the grade school. ” town. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vhisonhaler Present officers of the Eagles Mr. and Mrs. George Toombs and Sunday night in Caldwell with lod will have charge of the meet Bert Barker left Monday for Port Mr. Vlnsonhaler s parents. On Mon- Community Advances June 10th—Holmes & Edwards and 1847 ing next Wednesday for the last land where he will join Mrs. Barker sons, Charlie and Don, and Mrs. . . . , . , _ time and the new officers will be who is taking a beauty oourse in Dave Hawkins left Thursday morn- day they made 3 trip to Bolse' Rogers Bros, on July 1st. A small deposit will hold any set until ing for Cascade Locks where they Mrs. Harry Gcshert and two sworn in Thursday, June 6 at a that city. wanted. We have a big selection of popular patterns. will visit for a month with friends children came Sunday to spend a joint meeting to be held with the and relatives. Mrs. Dwight Smith is carrying the few days with her mother Mrs. John Ontario aerie. A special treat is be lane Time is Diamond Time! See our fine selection of diamonds Ray. Sr., Mr. Goshert will be over ing planned for members at the mail on the Nyssa route while Artie and wedding rings. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard left last meeting Wednesday night. Robertson Is vacationing at Twin today to take the family home. week for California where they will Falls. take In the exposition at San Diego The Roy Sterling family of Pay HORSEMEN’S TROUBLES and visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira ette were visiting at the Tnos. B Mrs. Josephino Lewis of Caldwell Dali, parents of Mrs Bullard will re Nordale home Tuesday evening. is spending Memorial day with her turn to Nyssa after spending a year Miss Marjorie remained for a longer Bill Hipp took Ray Emmott's, sister Mrs. Douglas McDonald and OPPOSITE MOORE HOTEL O N TA RIO , OREGON at Riverside, California, with an- visit with her grandparents. Jeff Billingsley's and his own horses family. other daughter. to Ironside Tuesday. Bill ran into Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Fester of Day difficulty on the other side of Vale, Miss Harriet Aheam of Ontario Mrs. Elta M. Bensen left the first ton. Wash., former residents of Nys his horses became mixed with range was here Thursday night to attend of the week for Payette. She plans sa were visiting friends here Satur- stock, and before he could get them commencement. She will leave soon to visit In Payette and Welser and day and Monday. Mr. Foster was the i sorted out he had to camp under a for her home at Milton. later on make a trip to the coast and ; former proprietor of the Nyssa j sagebrush all night with only a may attend summer school. Her ■ Pharmacy. I blanket of stars for covering. Bill [ daughter who has spent the winter says It will be a long time before he j in the east visiting relatives will join I Miss Mary Moore and Mary Lou, who have been conducting services starts out like that again unless he her soon. at the Nyssa Pentacostal mission, ha3 plenty of liniment along. j The Bernard Frost family had left Friday for Ventura, California, I Sunday dinner with Mr. Frost's where they will start a series of The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs j sister Mrs. Jonas Brown and family meetings. have moved from the Blackman at Payette and with his father E. D. TASTE ONLY Mr. and Mrs Silas Season, Mr. building to quarters above the W il Frost a visitor from Fairbury, Neb. MILK CHOCOLATI j The elder Mr. Frost is also spending and Mrs. Rudolph Sodja of Payette son Drygoods. C. L. McCoy went to Boise W ed | some time here with his son and and their guests Mrs. Jim Archer and Mrs. Jennie Tate of Crookston, nesday evening and took the early i family. Neb., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. morning plane for Pendleton. He ex The W. W. Foster family were W. A. McNall Sunday. pects to return with Mrs. McCoy visiting in Payette and Fruttland Dick Adams, Dick Young, Tec. and children Saturday. ^ [ Sunday. They took Mr. Foster's Micky H ays,' new owner of the Newell and Ed. Norcott made up a brother Wesley Foster, a visitor here Glenns Ferry party of fishers who spent Saturday Rosebud, went to | to see the Albert Lawrence family of afternoon and Sunday at Fish Lake Thursday evening and will return [ Frultland, former friends of his in near Burns. They returned with very sometime Friday. j Boulder. good catches. Don Graham and family expect to [ Mrs. Chas. Garrison gave a dinner make their home temporarily in the Mrs. Arthur B. Cockrum is visiting I Sunday honoring Jo Anne Garri- quarters formerly occupied by the parents, Mr. and i son’s first birthday. Guest were Jo at the home of her Mrs. Cockrum is ¡Odd FeUows and Rebekahs ha the Anne and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R J. Davis j Dale Garrison, Mis. Chas. Newbill from Grants Pass, where her hus- ! Blackman buildln* <n,ey moved to | and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed band is manager of the Hotel Del house occupied by Mrs. Rena Sch- DuPre and daughter Thelma of On- Rogue weizer. Denny Hogue has rented the I tario and Mr and. Mrs. Chas. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson left risnn and daughter Vera. Wednesday morning for Twin Falls j The Carl Seabum family enjoyed where Mrs. Robertson will visit with \Sunday dinner at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper and Mr. Grant Seabum in Fayette. Lucien Robertson will fish In Silver creek. | McLoughlin was also there, having They plan to return Sunday. While | recently returned from Los Angeles they are gone. Carol will stay at the where he had been receiving treat Ed. Norcott home. ment for his leg. He is reported to R. Allen Rinehart, salesman f o r 1 | be very much improved and able to the Beaver Engraving company of walk. He is visiting his children who F*ortland came to Nyssa Tuesday toj Hollywood, lb. glass jar .......... are staying with their grandmother visit his brother Grant. On W ed Mrs. Grant Seabum. nesday. accompanied by Miss Betty Wilson Bros. Special, lb. bag Tensen they left for Enterprise where they will spend a few days broken slices, e a c h ....... with their mot tier. RUBYE LOU BEAUTY SHOP John Heckert of the Homedala was here ceiving treatment for received when a rock fell. IP BUY YOUR SILVERWARE NOW! «iv a i m o ay 0ACYÄÖH OH 900UC DÛCOtWtHTa* Ms tUENU» C\.K\HEQ TH NT S (\\0 VT WEM« OU. K O W fc C V i Owen Price started work for the reclamation department Monday. Mrs. Ernest Wade, evangelist for Alaska, and who conducted a series of meetings here three years ago, is holding meetings every night except Monday at the Pentacostal mission. G inzel J ew elry Shop CONOCO Gasoline and GERM PROCESSED TAKE YEAST M otor Oil DICK and LEIBY GROCERY SPECIALS New Shipment of DRESSES W e have a new shipment of lovely sport and formal dresses in cotton and summer silks. Priced at $2.95 and $4.95 These dresses are the last word in style and chic! FISHER APPAREL SHOP Nyssa, Oregon ...FOR... Friday and Saturday For Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1 COFFEE, 1 28c COFFEE, 1 ....19c PINEAPPLE, 2 1-2 19c PUREX, quart ............................................. 13c OXYDOL, Washing Powders, large s iz e ..... 23c M AYO N N AISE , quart, Best F ood s.............. 45c MAYONNAISE, pints, Best F o o d s .............. 29c SALT, Iodized, 2 pkgs.................................... 15c SOUP, Campbells all flavors, 3 cans for 25c COCOA, Our Mothers, 2 lb. c a n ................... 19c CATSUP, Rouge river giant size b o ttle ....... 19c T O IL E T TISSUE, 1000 sheets, 4 rolls for ...19c B A K IN G POW DER, Clabber Girl, 2 lb, cans 25c W ilson G rocery Absolutely Independent PHONE 21 NYSSA, ORE. W. H. Bailey spent a few days j here with his daughter Mrs. Bert Letnkaemper on return from a three weeks trip to Spokane anc! Portland. Mr. Bailey went on to Brogan, but plans to return to Nyssa again before resuming work the first of the month. WHEN YOU NEED.. Announcements Greet Summer With A . , . NEW WAVE The fresh new charm of the newest summer clothes de mand an equally fresh and lovely coiffure. Charming hatrdressea for this season must be waved . . . and we are featuring the waves you'll want! Our Reasonable Prices Make* It Eaiy to be Smart. The Vogue BEAUTY SHOP Mae Keizer, Operator Calling Cards Letterheads Chart enables you to compare Norge with any other refrigerator, using only protest pacts. Come in and get one of these charts before you buy a new refrigerator. Envelopes Statements Handbills Programs Tickets Booklets Invitations Circular Letters — See— THE GATE CITY JOURNAL (No obligation for estimates DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS NORGE ROLLATOR $ 6.50 REFRIGERATION Eder Hardware Company Nyssa, Oregon Adrian, Oregon