m m ÈM Eat At COLEMAN'S LUNCH — JUDGE GRAHAM ADRESSES IRONSIDE GRADUATES --------------------------------------------^ '¡m M i - T -E pfMMJOd diplM&M id ih l graduate* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prescott were called to Canyon City last Tuesday on court business, they returned on Wednesday, TIME TO SPRAY FOR ELM BEETLES M « tH l winter, the recent mild weather ha* shown its effect, reducing the 13- foot fall at Government Camp to SPONSORS STYLE six foot, and a 19-foot fall at Annie SH O W SATU R D AY Spring, junction of the south and I west entrances ,to less than four - ■ feet. Continued mild weather probably Bic Bend—A large crowd gathered at the school house In District 47, will , „ make it possible to camp at An- three 8aturdiy evening to attend the style nie 8 pn n * campground in BIG BEND P.-T. A. , movement* to check soil erosion and to seed gras* on land no longer productive for gram farming. In nearly all the arias west of tli: Mississippi river and north of K an sas, crested wheat grass Is about the only dry land grass worth consider ing for pasture purposes, Jickm an reports. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Beam of Nyssa Damage from the elm leaf beetle visited at the E. J. Beam and W. R. is now making It* appearance In the Ironalde—The community meeting Lofton home last 8unday. Mr. Beam elm trees In this vicinity and the last Friday was well attended. The purchased a horse of W. R. Lofton time Is rapidly drawing near when and hauled it home In a trailer. This will be the first year that control measures must be applied if program was given by the school Now Open Carlos Lofton motored to Paulina Oregon has produced this seed in show and program sponsored by Big weeks or less- children and much enjoyed by all. near Prlneville last Saturday to the elm trees are not to be seriously A ll Night commercial quantities. A start is damaged and In many cases killed Bend, P.-T. A. Graduating exercises were held for take his niece Mildred Clark home by this pest. thus made to swell Oregcn’s seed in Mrs. Harry Russell, local presi OREGON TO PRODUCE TONS W e Put Up Lunches the 8th grade. Judge David Graham who attended school here. dustry which already amounts to According to county agent R. G. dent presided at the meeting. Mr. | OF CRESTED WHEAT SEED about two million dollars per year, of Vale delivering the address and The W. R. Loftons motored to La Larson, the first evidence of the elm E. M. Hauser, county club leader. says Jackman. Grande on Tuesday to consult a beetle is small round holes In the j gave a very Interesting talk on club Eastern Oregon will produce about specialist regarding a growth on one elm leaves, these holes having been i work. Mr. McCart's whistling solo of Mr. Lofton’s eyes. eaten out; by the adult beetle while was heartily encored and the vocal 40,000 pounds o f crested wheat grass seed this year given favorable con Arthur Beam and sister Mrs. W al the egg laying Is taking place. Care-1 solos by Mrs. Wm. Stradley and ditions from now on, says E. R. ful examination will show clusters of | Walter Stradley were greatly enjoy ter Laurance and son Rolland of Prairie City visited last week end at small yellow eggs on the lower sur ed. Mrs. Deiuian, ciub "leader.' had ' Jac*cman, extension agronomist at the home o f their sister Mrs. Her face o f the leaves. In about two or charge of the style show and dem on- j Oregon State college. A recent in- after these eggs are stratlon of work taught during the j spection of eastern Oregon plantings Want to be rid o f rheumatisim or neuritis bert Van Cleave at Harper. Barbara three weeks Parma, Edited by pain? Want to Gel good, years younger and Nyssa, Jean Beam returned home with laid they hatch and the larvae of year. Regena Ocamica and Morris shows the prospective crop divided enjoy life again? Weil, just try this inexpensive Idaho BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. Oregon the beetle emerges and does the G odwin were awarded the trip to among the counties about as fol- and effective lemon juice mixiute. Get a pack them. Corvallls for two weeks summer lows: Baker 700 pounds;, Deschutes age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Distolve it Mrs. Walter Laurance and son of damage to the trees by eating o ff 2000; Gilliam, 2000; Grant, 6000; at home in a quart of water, add the juice CJ 4 Am ong recent purchasers of glad to show you this mower and Prairie City spent the past ten days the green tissues o f the leaves. school. The judges for girls work Lake, 1000; Malheur, 2000; Sherman. lemons. A few cents a day is ell it costs. If Crosley Shelvador Refrigerators explain to you why the John at the parental E. J. Beam home. Where these larvae are numerous, were Mrs. Kathryn Claypool o f Vale. 500; Umatilla, 8000; Union, 10,000 you're not free from pain and feeling better are Mrs. Lillian Glenn, Wendell Deere Is the lightest running They returned to Prairie Saturday, the leaves are entirely skeletonized Mrs. E. M. Hauser of Ontario and within two weeks you can get your money and Wallowa county, 1500. Pogue and L. C. Hlght. Stop In mower on the market today. accompanying Miss Crystal Mulli and the entire tree turns brown by Mrs E. H. Brumbach. A delicious back. For sale, recommended and guaranteed Crested wheat grass is coming Into by all leading druggists. Any dturgist will get and let us show you the many gan over who also visited friends mid-summer. About two years with- lunch was served and as a final out any control will usually resu lt. number on the program Mrs. E. H. great demand through the national the REV PRESCRIPTION for you. outstanding features in the Cros here last Sunday. Practically Void in the death o f the tree. I Brumbach past county P.-T. A. ley. A size and price to suit Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nichols m ov Girls, when they went out to every family and purse. G et In The most satisfactory measure Is President, spoke of the splendid c o ed to the Nichols homestead for swim line and enjoy the advantages of spraying with arsenate of lead at °Pe™tlon that existed between par- several weeks. Once dressed like Mother Hub a Shelvador. Miss Della Downs of California is the rate of three pounds o f arsen- \ents “ d teachers In this district bard; making an extended visit at the ate of lead to the 100 gallons o f Iand the »warding o f a gold star to Now they have a bolder whim, George M cLafferty Is giving home of her sister Mrs. Arthur water. Spraying must be applied just j this Unit by s t ate officers for the And dress more like her cup as soon as larvae make their ap- amount of work accomplished dur- Jake G roots house a new coat of Simpson. board. ing the year. She closed her re paint, using Fuller's Pure Pre Fred Laurance and son David and pearance on the leaves. If thor marks by presenting a beautiful Past pared. For a servioable and econ oughly applied, one spraying should Mrs. Walter Laurance spent last Mr. Poague, our plumber re- omical Job of painting use Ful- result in satisfactory but not com Presidents pin to Mrs. Joe King as Wednesday visiting In Vale. a gift from her unit for two years of ler's. W. W. Foster's house also is j cently Installed an electric hot Work is progressing nicely on the plete control. faithful service and loyal support. receiving a new coat of Fuller’s w a'er heater and tank for the The city of Nyssa sprayed the new saw mill being erected by Fred ------ T4aho Power Co., in one of Dr. Guests from outside included Mrs. W e ’d rather say “ W e’re out of it” than carry Fish. Several carpenters are at work trees around town on Tuesday and Haying will soon be in full Sarariii’s houses, also changing Wednesday of last week, and If nec Hauser of Meacham, Oregon. Mr. on the building. Meats that are not strictly fresh, tender swing again. W hat about those the furnace coils, making a very essary, another spray will be applied and Mrs. E. M. Hauser of Ontario. Miss Edna Flanagan and Mrs. K ath repairs you are going to need to efficient water heating system. later. and flavory! ryn Claypool of Vale. put the old mower In shape? When in need o f plumbing of any BUILDING BRINGING Look it over now and have it nature we will glady give esti Malheur County Pomona Grange PROSPERITY BACK LINCOLN NEWS ready fo r the field when you mates. will hold a picnic Sunday, June 2 at need It. Our stock o f Jolin Deere Riverside Park in Vale to which all Our Regular Stock Is Grain Fed Beef repairs Is quite complete. grangers are cordially Invited Each Our supply o f Fly spray is T h e financial editor of the San fresh. Bring your container for This community was saddened by fam ily will bring their own dinner EAT MORE M EAT Fancisco Examiner says the volume the death of Mrs. George Simmons but ice cream and lemonade will be We delivered new No. 4 John either Household or Cattle spray. of talk about “ prospective prosper last week. Funeral services were furnished free. Deere mowers to Albert Rust on FLY FOIL controls the flies—O f ity has dwindled within the last six held In Ontario with burial at La the Owyhee and Peter Tensen, course you need good screens also Mrs. S. Hatcher and children of weeks, and in its place has come a Grande. last week. These No. 4 mowers Our screen stock is complete, 16 Salt Lake City are guests of her proportionate increase In the num are o f the enclosed gear type, mesh galvanized keeps out the Seniors from this community who parents. Mr. and Mr.s L. Eachus. NYSSA OREGON ber o f those who view the crisis as took part in the graduation exer running In a bath o f oil and on small kn its as well as files.. R e Tom mie and Ellen Powell of Aus definitely past, with the upturn well cises in Ontario last week were, tin are visiting their grandparents Hyatt roller bearings, making place the worn out screens, don’t under way. First quarter rpports of Archie Atagl, Margaret and James Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh. them very light draft. We will be let your house get full of flies. 200 typical companies, it is pointed Redsull, Maxine Davis. Iris Hartley Frank John received word Satur out, show earnings improved sharply and Helen Ingle. day evening of the death of his over the same period In 1934, and A ball team composed of the father which occurred that day in much of the improvement "may be young boys o f the community were Caldwell. The funeral was held traced to the steady progress in defeated Sunday by Ten Davis, the Monday afternoon and a number of building construction and home score being 7 to 5. Bend friends went to Caldwell to at LAND FOR SALE modernization, under the stimulus Walter Marshall has been reelect tend it. of federal aid in financing.” Mrs. Abbl's mother, who has been ed to teach again next year. CHEVROLET DEALER Just before school closed Mr. Mar her guest during the past winter left If you wish to buy or sell land, shal presented letters to the base- | Monday for her home in British ball players. Those receiving them Columbia. anywhere under the project. It FIRESTONE TIRES Mrs. Fred Nightengale of Ontario were Frank DuPre. captain. Bobby _____ / will pay you to see the— and Mary Davis, Bert Hawkins, Roy was the guest of her parents, Mr. Fuller, Geraldine Bierman, La Rose and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach during the CERTIFIED LUBRICATION Rogers. Hoka Atagi, John McCabe week. And let us tell you Owyhee Realty Co. and Eva Stelnhaiis. how you can make Dorothy Nellson and Alice Rogers O ffice near the depot ROBT. D. LYTLE 500 pounds of LAY were on the semester honor roll in CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK TO OPEN SOON NYSSA OREGON ATTORNEY ING, GROWING or the Ontario high schoel. NYSSA Lemons for Rheumatism Bring Joyous Relief F A R M TO PICS Tender Cuts of Choice Meat N Y SSA PACKING CO. SHELL PRODUCTS / ------------------ ^ B U S IN E S S AND PROFESSIONAL D IR E C T O R Y s ^ 1 :! Call In And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale OREGON Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONH 201 VALE - - - OREGON STARTING for $3.50. Auction Sale Every Saturday beginning at 12 o ’clock. The largest and best market for all kinds of livestock, farm machinery and furniture! is the PAYETTE AUCTION EXCHANGE MASH, Get Your BABY LIMA BEAN SEED A T AI Thompson "The Farmer’s Own C o-O p" Phone 26 Nyssa Miss Opal Ivers left for her home in Pollock, Idaho last week. Residents of the La Grande area are taking a more active interest in their homes as a result of the Bet ter Housing activities o f the Fed eral Housing Administration and aggressive county committees. That is the belief expressed by a La Grande lumberman .who informed a field representatives of FHA that his company has found it necessary to add two men to the force this year, and expand the delivery ser vice with an additional truck. USE JOURNAL W AN T ADS “The Place where Buyer and Seller Meet A. O. FENSKE. Prop. PAYETTB. IDA. PHONE 104J W E CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF NORTHRUP KING AND GO’S PORTRAITS OF Q U A LITY HI-SHEEN DRY CLEANING TESTED GARDEN AND FIELD Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail us your films. SEEDS HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon ANDREWS SEED CO. Phone 452 Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work W YCK O FF JEW ELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Union Paclflo Oregon Ontario Vale Hot Springs Sanitarium Makes old clothes look like new. safe, feeds the fabrics, odorless—true quality clean- in*- Drink Try our new Hi-Sheen Dry Oleanlng Plenty of ONTARIO PRESSARY Nyssa Agent: Mrs. hftrgaret Pashley. M ILK DR. J. A. McFALL Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s m i l S H T SPECIALIST fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and D R . I). A. S E X T O N , Prop. old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. theumatlim, Diabetes, Paraly sis, Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water » 1 Deg. FT. Sfeci*lining on the core of S h e lt o n D a ir y ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates ONTARIO > ; OREOON NYSSA OREGON Impatient vacationists have only to wait a little more than two more weeks before Crater Lake national park will be open to travel, accord ing to the Oregon State Moror as sociation, which has been receiving inquiries regarding the lake for the last two months. Snow will be cleared from the road to the rim by June 15, It was announced. At that time Crater Lake lodge, cafeteria and store will be in operation, ready to take care o f the many visitors expected. Housekeeping cabins will be avail able as soon as snow conditions per mit. The south and west entrances leading from Klamath Falls and Medford, will be cleared of snow by about May 28, permitting motor travel as far as park headquarters, three miles from the rim. Stage service to Medford and Klamath Is expected to be resumed road. The postoffice Is scheduled to shortly after opening of the entire open July 1. The rim road, around the lake for a distance of 35 miles, will not be open before July 15, and possibly not until near the end of the month, the motor association pointed out. Boats for fishing trips and excur sions will be ready for use about Juyl 1, the date set for opening of the trail from lake rim to the water. Although the park area was bur led in exceptionally heavy snows last Norcott Service An Independent Station Nyssa, Oregon Everything In LUM BER Paint Up . . . Fix Up Now! A little money spent now will save a lot later. Don’t put it off. Come in and consult us now. Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith, Manager See Us For Building Supplie NYSSA POTATOES Local Idaho grown and high altitude Purple Tag Certified Russets. This is ideal seed for commercial crops and seed plots. See our Mr. Rogers or Mr. OREGON PHONE IS S pray M aterials We handle a complete line of Sprav Material for your orchard and would be pleased to figure on your needs. Closson in Nyssa regarding contracts oa this seed. The Idaho Equity Exchange is a grower controlled co-opera tive for the marketing and E N handling of all farm produce. ■ I THIS W ITH OUR PAST T W E N T Y YEARS EXPERIENCE AND REPUTA TION OF MARKETING AND HANDLING THESE CROPS ASSURES THE GROW ER OF THE BEST POSSIBLE RETURNS AND A SQUARE DEAL AT ALL TIMES. W e solicit your patronage for the coming season on this basis. Get in touch with our local representative who will be pleaded to go over our deal with you. PHONE—-Nyssa 103 PHONE— Nampa 655 IDAHO EQ U ITY EXCH ANG E