t gate city JutlhKAi. ïhübhpàv , M ay au. um , — _ .(A N Y B U IL D IN G ¡outside. The disease has becom< to visit Mrs. Dolly McCreary. On WATCH POE Tltü»' widespread ortly in the past fei Tuesday Mrs. Susie Johnson. K en HOUSES IN PORTLAND W ARN ING SOUNDED yiftrS neth and Donald Elliott, Mrs. T. C. _______ | Precautions against spotted feve saw their ad in the Journal Simmons and children and Mrs. I were listed as follows: W. H. Patterson visited Mrs. Dolly Building permits for the costruc- Before going on a field party int A warning against spotted fever McCreary and Mrs. C. E. Elliott In lon of twenty residences were ts- ticks, which already this year have eastern Oregon, involving severa Ontario. ued in Portland during the first I days’ exposure, obtain an inocula Kingman Kolony—There waa a N YSSA C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs Thresher and Lucille, taken the lives of three persons, ifteen days of May. Estimated cohts | large break In the ditch above the and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin has been sounded by the Oregon tion bf a physician. Sunday School 10 o’clock. anged from $1250 to $15,800. Otherwise, after each exposure State Motor association for the Beautiful New | Charley Jones place Monday. Sev- took in the auction sale near On Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon traveling j remove your clothing and searc) benefit of all motorists i eral men and teams have been em tario Tuesday afternoon. subject: Paul cn Mars' Hill. carefully for the ticks, even though L A M P SH ADES through eastern Oregon. ployed In fixin g it. The Kolony AID M EETING JUNE 13 Mrs. Lillie Bach and Mrs. Susie Fpworth League 7 o’clock. Donald Although two persons died In Har you have merely stepped out o! farmers will be deprived of water for Johnson visited Mrs. T. T. Elliott Wilson, leader. 15c to 50c your car. ney county and one In Baker coun several days or a week until the Friday afternoon. Evening Worship 8 o’clock. Wear high leather boots or tig! ty, the motor association has learn work has been completed. Mis. J. T. Long, president, an- Daily Vacation Bible School will Mrs. Mary Nichols left Sunday for ed through H. H Stage, associate leggings, and S belt that fits tightl; The Lawrence Burr family moved Logan. Utah to see her daughter lounces that the ladies aid will hold | start Monday morning June 3rd. around the waist. At their tent house from the W. L. Sch Agnes Nichols graduate from Utah entomologist for the United States *. business and social meeting at the j Hours from niue until twelve. There I f a tick Is found, do not attempt government, that dangers of the ountry home of Mrs. Mattie Thom- will be classes fer all ages with aefer place to the T. T. Elliott farm Agricultural College, June 1. Nadine disease exists almost any place east to pull It o ff or remove it with ison on Thursday, June 13. All handicraft, sewing, art classes and by the Kolony school house. Is staying at the Jim Lane home tweezers. Put a drop of gasoline oi of the Cascade mountains. nembers and friends are urged to , memory work. Mrs. Goshert will Clarence Elliott and children, T. during her mother's absence. The ticks, which attach them turpentine on it, which will forci ittend. I give chalk talks at the morning as- T. Elliott and Mrs. Susie Johnson The P.-T. A. will meet at the the tick to withdraw its head fror selves to both humans and wild and j sembly every day. We will welcome went to Ontario Saturday afternoon school house on June 7th for the domestic animals, are most often the skin. The tick can then be re j your children for a morning of last meeting o fthe summer. They without danger oi APPLE VALLE Y NEWS picked up while walking through I moved easily j study and profitable entertainent. will make arrangements for the sagebrush. It was pointed out. When leaving the head imbedded. graduation exercises for the eighth the brush Is agitated the parasites graders at this time. R O CK VILLE NEWS Madyln, the oldest daughter of are flicked Into the air, landing BALLOTS ON W H EAT The Kolony grange met Wednes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Correll and Cleo either on the person or on the day night at the Parma grange hall. VOTE BEING COUNTED Whicton of Parma were married Roy Strode purchased a new Ford Five new members were Initiated. ground. Saturday. While it U considered difficult to V-8 last Thursday. They were Robert Overstreet, Bill Lois Ella and Mary Meldveldt of Identify the tick carrying spotted Miss Alice Ketham and parents W JBl* Wood. Maurice Judd, Mr. Krutz and Results of the national wheat con Boise are visiting at the Levi Steph were visitors at the Otis Nichols fever, the motor association explain Gene Pratt. The Idaho-Oregon drill referendum which ens home. ed that the dangerous kind had a trol program homo Saturday. They were on their team put on the inflatory work. John Matzen was a Boise visitor way to Arock on business. Miss mottled appearance of white and closes May 25 will not be known brown, their back being light until about the last day In May. ac Friday. Ketcham plans to teach there this Mrs. M. Clendening and daughter coining year. P A T R O N IZE OUR ADVERTISERS towards the center and dark on the cording to the schedule for counting and reporting ballots. County com Myra and son Tom were visitors Several from Rockville attended W hether you ere a cattle, theep, or dairy termer, mittees will meet Monday. May 27 Sunday at the Ralph Evans home in the dance at Cow Creek Saturday every Spring brio*» the need for new watering tenki to count the votes and will report Parma. night and report a good time. or troughs and frequently for wagon tenlu. totals to the state extension dlr- Mr. and Mrs. Wade Robinson were Henry Masonholder Is visiting etors by noon Tuesday. State dir- visitors at the J. J. Hicks home with his uncle Frank Mullinix. E N D U R A N C E TEST A N D D E M O N S T R A T IO N etors are to report to Washington Monday evening. Jesse Strode made a trip to On not later than May 29, giving state V a r i o u s type* of wagon and itock tank» at well Mr. ana Mrs. Fred Fisher of New tario Tuesday to visit his wife Mrs. Now being carried on by P R U Y N G A R A G E totals. Anouncement of national re Plymouth were New Plymouth visit at theep troughs arc alwayi on hand at Bealla. Thete arc rud* Silvia Strode who is in the hospital sults will be made at Washington. ors Sunday proofed or galvaniied; have the top edge rolled to prevent there. with a Continental-C.B.E. Battery. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pettit, Mrs. A. P. Cunningham made a trip to injury to the cnimclt; are easily cleaned/ and allow neither W e cordially Invite you to witness this remarkable demonstra Jones and Mrs. R. Rucker and Olive Jordan Valley Thursday. Miss Ella leakage or seepage. tion of this battery. It Is not necessary to take a Contlnenai-C. B. Bailey were Ontario visitors Satur McConnell rame back with him and E. Battery out of your car for recharging as long as your gener day. will spend the summer ut the Cun See Us For That ator is functioning. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Halfway of ningham home. litA de F O R I N F O R M A T I O N Wilder were visitors at the J A. Pet Car owners, everywhere, especially those with radios or extra P A IN T IN G JOB tit home Sunday. equipment are welcoming this type of battery. You too can enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher of New 15 years experience in paint the same satisfaction of knowing you will always have starting M A R K E T FINDER Plymouth were over for the grad service. They are liberally guaranteed. ing and kalsomining. uation at Parma Wednesday even Try our Market Finder to dis Work done by contract or by During this test we will give away free several Contlnental-C.B. ing. pose of surplus goods, rent a j E. Battel les to someone who witnesses this demonstration and sub the day Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and house, find lost articles, to buy or mits a slogan. family were visitors Sunday evening and c o r p o r a t io n sell produce and many other uses, j at the Glenn Johnston home. A. V. P R U Y N W R IT E A SLOGAN SEE THE TEST Rates one cent a word per inser- { 1945 N. COLUMBIA BLVD. Nyssa, Oregon tlon. Minimum 15c. I COME IN TO D AY W IN A B A T T E R Y K E N T O N STATIO N, Better Housing canvassing has PORTLAND, O REG O N . been resumed in Multnomah Coun ty. following a suspension of two FO R SALE—Two burner Electric Range with low oven. In excel- weeks due to exhaustion of SERA funds for canvassers. The work will ent condition $10. Also camp stove continue for several months and cheap. Mrs. Douglas McDonald. 5- will include a complete check on ! 3°-2tp work previously done. FO R SALE OR TRAD E—Big 6 Mc Tell our Advertisers you Ditcb Breaks In Kolony Monday Church News Johnson Variaty DO y o u WtkTMkmW ww Jm JKL NEED A TROUGH? 'Pifve 'Jlmtk GO-OPERATIVE MARKETING SPEAKS... ^ The co-operative marketing of daily pro ducts, through the Farmers’ own organi zation, establishes an enviable place in business, especially when pictured against the back FO R SALE—Netted Gem seed potatoes grown from certified seed, July plant. $1.25 per hundred. See J. D. Lackey, Nyssa 2tp May 30 I A Famous KAHN F a b ric $ 1,500,000 Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. M O R G A N , Prop W A N TE D —Turkeys, ducks, chick ens, gese at highest market prices. Twenty-six years in the same place. C. H. BOW M AN, Payette, Idaho. Phone 163. tf. FO R SALE—Baby chicks, all popu lar breeds. Baby turkeys and baby ducks, •ustom hatching and hatch ing eggs. Cain's Hatchery, Ontario, Oregon. 2-14-tf SH ARPE N IN G — L a w n mowers sharpened 50c. Good, efficient ser vice. Kalsomining and painting, by the hour or job. Andrew McGinnu April 25 tf. good wages. figures tell the whole stoiy. the careful investigation and consideration of year 4,687,428 pounds o f butter, at a unit cost eveiy fanner, particularly per pound o f 1.9 cents, the lowest in the terri now members of this organization. Ice Cream, Cheese, Buttermilk, and Daily equip- T R U C K IN G —Coal, wood, grain. produce, gravel, and, livestock, anything moving. W e’ll haul it anywhere. HUGH GLASGOW , Phone 36F3. tf 65 persons at W e believe these figures, and this record, merit tory. A »roup of «mart "tw lity " fab ric»— favorites for many seasons in the o u t-o f-d o o rs but now equally popular for work-a-day progressive fanners during 1934. W e have given mers’ Co-operative Creamery during 1934. The W e marketed last BANNOCKBURN DO A L L kinds of hemstitching and small pleating. M y prices are reasonable. Mrs. W. G. Campbell, Nyssa, Oregon. April 25 tfc. Cleaning and Pressing Alterations and Repairs Our membership totals 5900, an increase of 227 FO R SALE—One hundred thirty good lots in Nyssa, Oregon. Terms. C. C Hunt, owner. 3-21-tfc. I M ADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS DEBTEDNESS. Look at the picture of business done by the Far V waar. N o t o n ly are th ty dis tinctive and colorful, but have a fine record for long wear. business total sales to- employment during the year to Cables FO R SALE—Peony blossoms for Memorial Day 75 cents per dozen. Mrs. H. H. Weideman. 2 times pd. Our total assets are $339,343.50, W IT H NO IN Mr. Farmer and Business Man: FO R SALE— Bundles of old papers at the Journal office. FO R SALE—Used cars at Chevrolet Co., Ontario. ground of depression years and business stag nation. Cormick mower with clover at tachment and Deering rake. Both in good running order. See William Hipp. 4 miles north and 1 mile west of Nyssa. 2tc May 30. Read our ads and save money. those who are not I This unique record is seldon paralleled. It is not GREASE Your Car the result o f chance, but is the result of co-oper- Have the Oil Changed Then notice how smooth and noiseless it runs. Have it done now. Don’t wait. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Open Day and Night Phone 1 NYSSA